Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0404


| drive on after two dead ends at both gas stations, my frustration growing with each passing mile. The tire tracks have all but disappeared, and the relentless snowfall has erased any hope of following them.

Try as | might, | also can’t pick up Abby’s scent anywhere. | know it’s a useless effort because her wolf is dormant, but | still can’t help but try. If only her wolf were active, she'd be able to release her scent at the very least to help me find her.

But there’s nothing. Just snow, snow, and more snow. “Come on, Abby,” | mutter to myself, clenching the steering wheel. “I can’t lose you in this damn blizzard.”

| continue to drive, scanning the surroundings in vain. The snowstorm shows no mercy, obscuring my vision and making it nearly impossible to track her. My thoughts race, trying to figure out what could have happened to her.

Did someone force her into their vehicle? Is she out there, lost and alone in this freezing wilderness? No, it can’t be, | think to myself. She brought her phone and her wallet with her; surely she left the car willingly.

Still, | can’t bear the thought of Abby being in danger, and my frustration turns into a burning determination to find her. As | navigate through the winding forest roads, my senses are on high alert, straining to pick up any sign of her.

But then | sense it: a scent. It’s faint, but it’s there.

| can’t rely on my human senses alone; it’s time to shift. With practiced ease, | pull the car over to the side of the road, ensuring it's hidden from view. | close my eyes and focus on the transformation, allowing the wolf inside of me to take over.

In an instant, | become a sleek wolf with red fur, my senses sharpening as | pick up Abby’s scent more distinctly.

It's a relief to have my heightened wolf senses at my disposal, and | waste no time following the fragile trail that leads deeper into the forest.

The scent is faint but unmistakably Abby’s, and | can sense a growing urgency. She’s out here, in the middle of fucking nowhere, and she’s in trouble. | never should have let her go off on her own. | should have paid more attention.

My heart pounds in my chest as | dart through the trees, the snow crunching beneath my paws. | have to find her, no matter what.

Then, as | sprint through the winding forest road, | catch a glimpse of a cabin up ahead.

The scent of Abby is stronger now, and | can feel that she must be inside that cabin. But there’s something else, a sense of danger that | can’t deny.

| don’t think she’s in that cabin willingly. This isn’t a case of some kind strangers taking her home for a cup of tea and a few hours to wait out the storm. No, this is far worse.

| slow down as | approach the cabin, crouching low and moving with stealth. | can see the lights of the cabin flickering through the trees, and the smell of unfamiliar people reaches my nostrils.Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

My instincts scream at me that something is terribly wrong.

I stay hidden in the shadows, my fur bristling as | watch the cabin. My senses tell me that Abby is inside, and the urgency to reach her intensifies. But | can’t rush in blindly; | need a plan.

| observe the cabin closely, noting any possible entrances or exits. | can hear voices coming from inside, but the words are too muffled to make out. The scent of men permeates the air, and | can tell there’s more than one person inside.

With each passing moment, my frustration and fear for Abby grow. | know | can’t wait any longer. | have to get to her, and | have to do it now.

And then | hear it. “Let me go!” It's Abby. All doubt has been removed from my mind.

| take a deep breath, summoning all my courage and determination. With a powerful leap, | burst out of the shadows and sprint toward the cabin.

My wolf form is a blur of motion as | approach the door, and with a swift, forceful push, | send it crashing open.

Abby Panic courses through me as | struggle against the two men who have dragged me into this remote cabin.

My mind races, searching for a way out, but my efforts are futile without my wolf form. My heart aches for her presence, but she remains dormant, unresponsive to my desperate pleas.

| keep evading the men, trying to slip past them and make a run for it. But they're relentless, blocking every escape route | attempt. Frustration wells up inside of me as | curse the absence of my wolf.

She would have given me the strength and speed to fight them off.

“You shouldn't have trusted us,” one of the men sneers, his grip on m arm tightenin Toul ex\SollKGalways think lash is on strangers. That us country bumpkins could never do you any harm. Well now look at you.” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

| struggle against his hold, my voice trembling with fear and anger. “Let me go! You have no right to do this!”

But my pleas fall on deaf ears, and the two men exchange cold glances, their intentions clear. My heart pounds in my chest as I realize the dire situation I’m currently in.

These men won't let me go easily, and | need to find a way out before it’s too late. “Just look at her,” Jake says with a sneer. “Dressed to the nines. Fuckin’ city slicker.” “She thinks she’s so much better than us,” Mike hisses in response. “You should’ve stayed in the city, little girl.”

Suddenly, Mike manages to pin me down, his Wels crushing me orn beneath him. | teygate to brea free, bay hiaghipas like iron. Desperation courses through me as | gasp for breath, my vision blurring. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

“Let me go!” | shriek, struggling as hard as | can. | can feel Mike’s hands wandering down my body, ripping at my clothes, but I don’t care. | only care about escaping, about surviving.

And then, in that critical moment, | pick up a familiar scent, a scent that fills me with hope and strength. Karl...

At the same time, | feel a surge of power from inside, my wolf's presence awakening inside of me. It’s as if she’s responding to Karl’s scent, giving me the strength | need to fight back.

With newfound determination, | summon all my strength and shove the man off me. He stuablee O''! bagkwarth surprise written across his face. It’s my chance to escape, to shift into my wolf form and use my enhanced abilities to outrun them. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

| begin to concentrate, trying to initiate the shift, but before | can fully transform, the other man strikes me hard in the head, and darkness engulfs me.

The last thing | see is a flash of red fur bursting through the cabin door, a fierce and determined look in the eyes of the wolf who has come to save me.

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