Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0402

Abby The truck plows on through the relentless blizzard, and my anxiety continues to mount with each passing second.

The world outside the window is nothing but a white abyss, and | have no idea where we're headed. Fear grips me the further we go, and | can’t shake the nagging feeling that I’m in serious trouble.

Slowly so as not to alert the two men sitting in front of me, | turn on my phone to check and see if | have service. But my phone screen illuminates the cabin of the truck, and before | can quickly shut the screen back off, Mike’s eyes snap to me in the rearview mirror.

“No service here,” he says, his eyes meeting mine. “No service for a while,” Jake chimes in with a slight chuckle. “You're out in the boonies now, city girl.”

In a desperate attempt to act calm, | let out a slight chuckle of my own. “I just figured | should check,” | say, swallowing. “Hey, um... | really would like to know where you're taking me, though.”

“Don't worry,” Mike says, averting his gaze back to the road once more. “We'll get there soon.” “Yeah, but where exactly is ‘there’?” | press. “I have a right to know, don’t |?”

The two men exchange brief glances, and it’s then that | see it; the devilish look that flickers through Mike’s gaze. God, how could | have been so stupid?

“Listen, lady,” Jake finally says, turning around to shoot me a glare. “We're taking you to another gas station just a few miles up the road. Would you calm down and quit complaining?”

“pm not—” “Just... chill,” Jake says, his frown deepening. In the dim light of the car, the shadows of his face look even more demonlike.

| swallow and nod, not wanting to aggravate the men any further. But all the while, even as Jake lets out a huff and turns back around, my mind whirls. | need to have a plan just in case | have to escape.

The child lock on the door keeps me trapped inside, and | curse myself for not being more cautious. | have no choice but to rely on my wits and hope for an opportunity to escape. Maybe, once they stop, | can slip out and make a run for it.

But without my wolf form, | won't be as fast as | could be. It would take all of thirty seconds for two big men like this to catch up to someone like me, especially if they shift.

“Come on,” | call out to my wolf mentally. “I really need you right now. You can’t just abandon me like this! You're going to get us killed!”

But of course, as always, there’s no response. My wolf remains silent, dormant. | don’t even know if she can hear me, or if she’s sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of my terror.

As the minutes drag on, the truck suddenly veers off the main road and onto a narrow, winding path that disappears into the woods. Panic surges through me, and | instinctively try to open the door, but it remains locked.

“Stop that,” Mike hisses, shooting me another warning look through the rearview mirror. “What, do you think you'll just jump out of here and into the blizzard?”

My heart pounds in my chest as | realize the gravity of the situation. I’m alone in the middle of nowhere with two strangers, and I don’t have my wolf form to defend myself. My only option is to fight with everything | have if it comes to that.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

As he continues to drive, my eyes scan the truck for some sort of weapon. But there’s nothing; no hatchet, no knife, no flashlight, not even an ice scraper.

I'm screwed.

The truck eventually comes to a stop in front of a remote cabin nestled deep in the woods. My fear intensifies, and | can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

| can’t let them take me inside that cabin. | need to get out of here, but the odds are stacked against me. All around, there’s nothing but trees and snow. | won’t be able to outrun them, I’m sure of it.

“Here we are,” Mike says, putting the truck in park. “Get out.” “No,” | say, shaking my head. “I’m waiting here. Take me back to the gas station. Please.”

Although my voice is firm, the two men just laugh. | watch in horror as Mike pulls the keys out of the ignition and pockets them, and then both men hop out of the truck. | unbuckle my seatbelt, prepared to jump out once they inevitably open the door.

And then, Jake swings the door open. “Come he—”

Before he can finish, | whip my seatbelt straight into his face, the metal hitting him in the eye. He curses out loud and reels backwards, and | take the opportunity to leap out of the truck and into the snow, scrambling to my feet and running into the woods.

But it's not long before Mike catches up to me in three long strides. | feel hands around my wrists, and no matter how hard | fight, his grip is too strong.

“No! Let go of me!” | shout, my voice trembling with fear and anger. | kick and flail, doing everythi ginmyp iv" neve orrsisn to s to pull me tothe cabin. Over my frenzy, | can hear the sounds of voices, and then | can feel another set of hands grab me by the ankles now. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

No matter how hard | flail, their combined strength is overwhelming, and | soon find myself overpowered. With a final, desperate struggle, they yank me out up off of the snowy ground and drag me toward the cabin.

| continue to fight, tears of frustration and terror streaming down my face. “You can’t do this!” | scream. “Let me go! Please!”

The men remain silent, their faces cold and unfeeling. They’re unmoved by my pleas, and | can see the cruel glint of satisfaction in their eyes.

As they throw me inside the cabin, my heart sinks. The door slams shut behind me, leaving me trapped in this remote and sinister place.

| scramble to my feet, pressing my back against the wall and keeping a

wary eye on Mike and Jake. Myomhind fone ching foNS- way out, but

thé cabin is dark and unfamiliar. | can't see any means of escape, and there’s nothing here except for a rusty old bed and an empty kitchen. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

“Help!” | scream, hoping beyond hope that someone, anyone, might hear my calls and come to check. “Help, please!”

Mike steps forward, his voice dripping with malevolence. “You can scream all you want, sweetheart,” he sneers. “But no one will hear you out here.”

| shiver, my breaths coming fast and shallow as my eyes dart around

dark cabin. | s coh fer kythingy a boytleca kite, something. But all | can see is a tall standing lamp by the door, and it's being blocked by Jake. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

| try to summon my wolf again, begging for her help—but she remains dormant, leaving me feeling helpless and vulnerable.

Tears blur my vision as | back away from the two men. And they just advance on me, closing the space between us.

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