Caught Between Them

Thirty Eight

Tossing and turning like a rotisserie chicken, sleep wouldn’t touch me with a ten-foot pole. Every time I squeezed my eyelids shut, Sage’s smug smirk and the whole rogue alpha thing popped back up like unwanted houseguests. Ugh. Finally, after what felt like a year of staring at the ceiling, I threw the covers off.

Operation: Catch Sage Red-Handed was a go. Grabbing my baggiest clothes and a baseball cap that looked like it belonged to my grandpa, I snuck outta my room like a ninja on a sugar rush.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

Sage’s cabin, on the outskirts of our territory, was my first stop. The journey there was like a horror movie every rustle of leaves and owl hoot had me jumping like a scaredy-cat. When I finally reached the place, it was dark and silent, not a single light on. Double ugh.

Maybe she wasn’t even there? Peeking through the window, I saw furniture gathering dust and a bed that looked like it hadn’t been slept in for weeks. Super disappointing. Was this whole mission a bust?

Then, a faint earthy smell tickled my nose. Sage’s scent, unmistakable. Relief flooded me she might not be at the cabin, but she’d definitely been here.

Following the scent like a bloodhound on the case, I plunged deeper into the woods. It led me on a weird path I didn’t recognize, making me wonder if I was about to become a permanent resident of these creepy woods.

But then, the scent got stronger, leading me to a clearing. And bam! There it was, in all its glory Logan’s mansion, looking like a spooky castle bathed in moonlight.

Okay, what in the world was Sage doing at Logan’s place, especially this late? My first thought was betrayal, a bitter pill to swallow. Feeling like a spy, I crept closer, staying hidden in the shadows. My heart hammered like a drum solo as I peeked through a window, trying to see what was going down.

And what I saw… well, let’s just say it wasn’t exactly baking cookies. Logan and Sage were, ahem, entangled in a way that would make my grandma blush. Disappointment hit me like a ton of bricks, leaving me breathless.

But then, something weird happened. Disappointment morphed into… understanding? Maybe even a little… relief?

Here was Sage, not whispering secrets or messing with my head, but all tangled up with the alpha himself. It felt almost… liberating. Maybe she wasn’t such a threat after all, at least not to me anymore.

A mischievous grin stretched across my face. Sage might have been playing her games, but the joke seemed to be on her now. Lone wolf caught getting busy with the alpha? Talk about a scandal!

Seizing the moment, I whipped out my phone and snapped a pic. The flash probably lit up the room like a disco ball, but hey, a clear picture was worth a thousand confused stares.

With a newfound pep in my step (and a secret photo as ammo), I disappeared back into the shadows. My heart was still racing, but for a different reason now a mix of excitement and a hint of something else… maybe even a tiny bit of victory.

The walk back was filled with a lightness I hadn’t felt in days. The weight of suspicion had lifted a bit, replaced by the feeling of having taken back some control. Sage’s web of manipulation might still be there, but I had a weapon now proof of her little rendezvous with Logan and now she couldn’t threaten me with reporting to Logan. We all were guilty as Judas. As I slipped back into my room, one thought echoed in my mind game on, Sage. And this time, I held the winning card.

Crashing through Brock’s window wasn’t exactly how I envisioned starting this conversation. But hey, grand entrances were kind of my thing, even if they involved acrobatics and a near heart attack on his end.

“Seriously, Amelia?” His voice, a low rumble in the darkness, sent a jolt through me. I yelped, scrambling back as a light flicked on. Blinking in the sudden brightness, I found myself face-to-face with Brock, sleep rumpled his hair and a playful smirk tugging at his lips. He looked unfairly attractive in just a sleep shirt, all broad shoulders and messy charm.

My carefully rehearsed speech evaporated faster than fog in the morning sun. “Uh, hey,” I stammered, cheeks burning like someone had shoved my head in a fireplace.

“Midnight rendezvous, huh?” he teased, a glint in his green eyes. I could practically hear the air quotes around “rendezvous.”

Heat flooded my face further. “Nooo,” I mumbled, trying (and failing) to sound convincing. My escape attempt was thwarted by his hand still firmly clamped over my mouth.

“Then spill, Amelia,” he chuckled, the sound warm and rich. “What brings you to my humble bachelor pad at this ungodly hour?”

The weight of my actual reason for being there the photo of Sage and Logan, the tangled web of secrets pressed down on me. But for some reason, all I could focus on was the playful glint in his eyes, the way his gaze lingered on my lips for a beat too long. Maybe it was the late hour, the adrenaline crash, or just the undeniable pull I felt towards him whatever it was, my carefully constructed plan went out the window.

“Actually,” I blurted, surprising myself with the boldness, “can I kiss you?”

His smirk widened, a slow, genuine one that sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. “Is that all you snuck in for, Amelia?”

“Maybe,” I admitted, a shy smile gracing my lips. “Or maybe I just… kinda wanted to see you.”

He leaned in then, slow and casual, the amusement in his eyes replaced by something warmer, something… hopeful? My breath hitched in my throat. Maybe this whole sneaking-in-the-window thing wasn’t such a bad idea after all. When his lips crashed onto mine I even forgot my own name. I reached for his pants and unbuckled it. He let me unbuckle the belt before he smiled.

“I want you” I whispered and he nodded before gently laying me on the bed

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