Call me Alpha

Chapter 58.5: Agreed

Chapter 58.5: Agreed

Chapter 58.5

Aiden’s POV

“I expected you to, Aiden.” said the Alpha King Zeron. “I will give you time to discuss this matter with

your mate. I’ll be back in an hour and meet you and your Luna at this serene place.”

Discuss this with Ashira? Should I…?

“One last question, Your Highness, if I may.” I bowed my head to him as my jaw tightens. I didn’t gave it

a thought to discuss this matter with Ashira, I know she will not like it because of the current state of

her mind right now.

She don’t believe me or anyone. She might think I’m the one who’s stealing her.

“Of course, my brave wolf.”

I looked up and saw him and his eyes smiling again. I’m beginning to think that when he tries to control

his annoyance, he does that smile.

“If I disagreed, what it is you might do?”

I watched his face with that overly faked smile and it took a while before he moved or utter a word.

“I will still take your pup’s strength, might kill you in the process and you and your Luna will not be

graced of the gift I offer.”

Zeron didn’t take the smile off his face as he said the words. I knew it. Everything he does is formality,

not a genuine type of helping out. His aura haven’t change, its still dark and heavy. If anything, its just

getting heavier.

“Now, I believe I’ve made myself clear.” he continued. The smile he plastered on his face had faded in

such a fast transition and I’ve never seen a deadly pair of eyes looking at me the way he does. “You

will give me what I want and be grateful I’m giving you something in return.”

My hands formed a fist but before I could say anything he was gone together with a strong wind.

Teleportation, the power solely blessed to the Alpha King.

An hour.

I sighed, tugging my hair tight as I could. What should I do?

I want this, right? I will have Ashira back, her smile, her feelings, her memories of me. Everything. But

is it worth in exchange for my pup’s strength? Curing Ashira, is there anything much important than


An hour and the Alpha King will be back.

An hour…


“Why’d you suddenly call for me? I’m still working at the Hall--Oh.” Nick stopped and looked around the

room, realizing I’m not having a meeting with him alone. I also called for Zynia to come and Zeke

dragged himself along. “What happened?”

I asked for them to come in my office and discuss the matter at hand with them. This is not necessary

but I’ve made up my mind.

I will keep this a secret to Ashira and I want them to know about it for future reference.

“The Alpha King visited me today.” I started. I narrowed my eyes at Nick because he looked like he was

about to burst and scream, luckily he got my message. “He will lift the curse and bring back Ashira to

her usual self, away from Elon, away from all those pain-”

“And you believed him?” Zeke snorted. “I heard that man is a freak. With all that power, the wires in his

mind might have snapped.”

“Don’t believe in rogue rumors, son.” Zynia looked at me. “Alpha Aiden, I believe if the Alpha King said

he can lift the curse, then he might have the ability to do so. There is nothing impossible to the King.

His power is next to the Moon Goddess, as the myth says.”

The Alpha King himself announces that no enchantress is alive in this time that can help us. Zeron

knew his people, he will know if someone as skilled to cure a stolen wolf exists. He govern the

continent, all four regions and every wolf pack in the district.

“I didn’t doubt the King and his power. What troubled me is what he asked in return for lending a hand.”

I sighed. “He desires to acquire the power of my unborn child.”

Zynia ang Nick gasped while Zeke hissed.

“And you agreed to this offer?” Zeke looked at me with accusing eyes. The other two waited for my

answer and I closed my eyes as I lean to my chair.

“I did.”

Zynia gasped as her hand closed his mouth.

“Oh, man.” Nick bowed and touched his head, avoiding to look at me.

I expected this reaction from them. I knew, just like them, Ashira won’t like the decision I just made.


I fell from my seat as a fist landed on my jaw. I didn’t saw Zeke’s action because of being drowned in

my own thoughts and now he hovered above me.

Another punch was coming and I closed my eyes, letting him hit me. I deserve this, maybe more.

“You fucker!” Another punch. “I expected better from you than be a pawn to that manipulative person-”

Another one.

Damn, it stings.

“Hey, hey, stop now, buddy.” Nick pulled Zeke away from me while Zynia helped me sat up.

I could taste blood inside my mouth, Zeke did a great job punching my face. It’s been a while since I

got beaten up and I didn’t expect that my cousin will be the one to do it.

“Let me go!” Zeke shouted but Nick hold on to him tighter.

“There’s no point in fighting, Zeke!” Zynia shouted. “Keep your hands to yourself, we can talk about this

without unnecessary force.”

“You!” Zeke pointed at me. “I don’t know Ash well but you should given it a thought of what she wants!

You know her better!”

I spat some blood and stood up. I deserve this…

“Alpha Aiden…” Zynia went to me. “I apologize for my son’s behaviour but I also share the same

thought. Ashira is the mother of the child, she has a say in this.”

I leaned on my seat and cracked my neck. “I made up my mind. Ashira is not in her usual self, she will

think I’m the bad guy and refuse right away.”

“But she has the right to know!” Zeke burst out. Nick no longer stops him and he calmed down a bit.

“What do you think she’ll say when she lose the child, huh?”

“Zeron will not take the child’s life. Its still impossible to kill a stealer child and he is not an exception for


Silence surrounds the room and I decided to continue.

“I don’t care about the power my child has in him. As long as both of them are fine, I will exchange

anything for them.”

“But Ash is fine, Aiden! Can’t you see that? She’s breathing, she’s here, she’s-”

“But I’m not fine!” I stood up. “It kills me everyday! The sight of my mate crying over some fantasy

planted inside her head! The thought of her thinking about another guy is enough to kill me! I can’t

sleep hearing the sounds of her cries every night, and I can’t even sense her! She is fine, she is with

me, I can see her everyday but I can’t even touch her! No one of you knows how I can feel our mate

bond fading each day that has passed!”

“So you’ll do this for your own selfish reason? What if Ashira wants her son to remain with the power

blessed by the moon?” Zeke just wouldn’t stop.

“The child will still be powerful when he turn over the pack. He is still my son, a true Alpha blood will run

on his veins and I won’t greed for more.”

Zynia walked to his son and placed her palm on his chest, whispering words to calm Zeke. There is

silence again. Everybody in the room is careful to say words or maybe all of them is against me that

they choose to pick their words right.

“Aiden has made up his mind. And we don’t stand a chance in fighting the Alpha King. As I see that he

wanted the pup’s power, he will still take it without anyone’s permission.” Nick said and looked at me.

“Did he mentioned why he is after the child?”

I shook my head. “He won’t tell me.”

“Maybe the King is afraid.” Zynia took everyone’s attention and our eyes are questioning what she

meant. “Don’t you remember what I said before? The bloodline of the Alpha King came from the son of

the stealer.”

“I never heard of it.” Nick said.

“The first and greatest Alpha King who helped stopped the war and managed to unify the pack in every

region was a child of a stealer. He acquired a huge deal of power that even those who were not under

his reign submitted to him. As time passed by, the link to the powerful blood is weakened when the

third Alpha King gave birth to a girl. We know the blood of a male is stronger than of the female and

now that six generation had passed and Zeron as the sixth Alpha King, the power is not as great as it

should be.”

“You mean, we can win a fight against him?” I asked.

“No, Alpha Aiden. He is still the Alpha King and much powerful than anyone. What I’m saying is maybe

its time to change the regime and your unborn child might be the next Alpha King.”

Is that possible? I can see the desperation behind the King’s friendly face earlier but I thought he was

just thirsty for more power.

“The Moon Goddess might seen the need to change the ruler and so she blessed you a powerful pup.

If I am right, the Alpha King Zeron is afraid that his son won’t acquire its position in the throne or their

bloodline come to an end.”

“Whoa. It will be great if Aiden’s child is fated to be the next King!” Nick exclaimed.

“But we won’t know for sure. Plus, if I was right and they don’t want their title to be taken from them

then once the child is born, he might be assassinated or hunted. The child is untouchable inside the

womb but once it breathed the earth’s air, he can be killed, too.” Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

As I see it, I think I made the right decision. I heard the King, he is willing to kill me if I disagreed with

his deal and I know he can in a snap of his finger. And as I said, as long as my family is safe, I’m willing

to exchange anything.

“Well,” Zeke scratched the back of his head. “I’m one who don’t care about the power so unless the

child is alive, I won’t say anymore. And oh, sorry for the punches.”

Nick chuckled. “I will never question your decision, Aiden but for a moment there, I thought you are

willing to give up the life of your unborn so, yeah. Now that no one is dying, I support your judgment.”

I sighed and smiled at them. “I know one day that Ashira will know about this and so I called you three


“Help you explain? Aw! Are you chickening out?” Zeke laughed as he interrupted me.


Oh well, I guess that is the reason. I chuckled and all of them burst out laughing.

“Well, one thing I can say, Alpha Aiden. If my hunches are wrong and the pup is a normal child of a

stealer then you are right. The child will still have the power of an Alpha and that is enough. But if I’m

right and the unborn is destined to be the next King, then I don’t think the King can break what the

Moon Goddess fated to happen.” Zynia smiled at me as she said the words.

I’ve think about it. I care for Ashira and the child more than anything and having them both is already a

gift enough.


I looked at her with awe as I walked closer to her. She still sit in the same spot on that part of our spot.

She loved the river so much. She used to be here before when she hasn’t been stolen from me. Maybe

there are things that Elon cannot take away from her.

I asked for her to come with me here again. In just a few minutes, Zeron will be here, too. There is no

turning back now.

“Hey,” I called when I saw her eyes are closed as she enjoy the soft gushing of the wind. “How are you

feeling?” I know she felt me coming closer and that she let her guard down around me.

I sat down on the grass beside her with enough distance to be careful as to not make her feel

uncomfortable. Though, even this little distance is killing me.

I wanted to wrap my arms around her, snake my hands on her waist. I missed doing that to her.

She looked at me and I felt everything slowed down around me just by her gaze. When will I ever stop

being stunned every time I see those eyes?

“I’m okay. D-Did the Alpha King left for real?” her voice stammered and I already hated the way I see

her trembled in fear.

I sighed.

“Yeah but he will be back.”

“What is it that you two talked about? He said its about me.”

I fell silent for a second. I know that a right time will come that I will tell her about the child but for now, I

want her back first.

She cleared her throat that drove me out of my senses. “I-Its okay, don’t tell me.”

Aw. Now, she’s sad.

I sighed.

I reached my hand up and touched her cheek. She didn’t flinched and that made me smile.

“Soon, I’ll tell you. But for now, thank you for coming with me.”

Her mesmerizing emerald eyes looked at me with hesitation but she nodded in the end. I slowly took

my hand off her cheek against my own will.

Damn. More, I want more.

Soon, I’ll have more.

I wonder how she feels right now. I know she is still under the curse but she’s been obedient with me

these last few days. She still utter words about Elon which makes me loses my control but only on

seldom occasions.

I looked at her belly for a moment. Next month, she will give birth. I can feel myself hyping up from the

thought of seeing my pup in flesh. I can hear its heart beating, my child’s sole living is enough to make

me happy.

If only I can share the same happiness with her without Elon’s interference.

“W-Why?” she asked and I frowned. What is it that she was asking?

“What is it?” I looked at her and she looked hesitant again.

“You look sad.” she whispered and her eyes didn’t left mine. My lips parted with the words I heard from

her. Did she just… is it care I heard?

Ashira sighed and sat straight, facing me.

I watched as her hand went to grab my hand and my eyes widened when she placed it on her belly.

“You can touch it. I-It’s what you want, right?” she looked away. “D-Don’t be sad now. I-I will let you

touch my belly s-sometimes.” I can see her face blushing, she feels embarrassed but I can’t help but


I want more, Ashira. More of than this. More of this.

I caress her belly and enjoy the warmth of her and our child. I chuckled as I moved closer to her

stomach, imagining myself face-to-face with my pup.

“Hi, there, buddy.” I whispered on her bump. I can feel my chest tightening but not because of any pain

or struggle. I’m overwhelmed.

“I-It does n-not mean I see you as the f-fathe-”

“Shhh. Don’t ruin my moment…” I chuckled. I felt the baby inside her moved and my eyes grew wide. I

feel like our child is talking to me, too.

‘Sorry for being a selfish dad, pup.’

I said to my mind. I don’t know if the baby inside her will hear me since my bond with Ashira has been

cut but I just want to apologize for I know I’m making a decision without the consent of both of them.

‘I ghot chis…’

I stopped caressing her belly and looked at Ashira. She was still blushing and looking away.

“Did you hear that?” I asked, confused and shocked.

She looked at me with questioning eyes. “What?” she looked around, looking for anything that had

made any sound.

She didn’t heard that…

I looked down to her belly and recall the voice that answered me in my head.

It’s a little voice of a boy. I got this. He said unclear but I know that’s what I heard.

Did my unborn pup just talked to me?

“Well, both of you are early.”

I stand on guard and on my feet the second I heard him speak. The Alpha King has arrived. I didn’t

even sensed his presence and I’m sure I’m on game. His power is really beyond my reach.

Looking down to Ashira, I offered her my hand since its getting harder for her to move. I can feel her

trembling from fear and I know she is not comfortable with the King’s presence. She stood beside me

now, squeezing my palm with her as if she needed it.

“Alpha King.” we both bowed our head to him. On the side of my eyes, I watch my mate and she’s

screwing her eyes shut tight.

This will be over in a minute, baby.

“At ease.” Ash and I both look forward to where the King stands in a safe distance.

I observed that he has changed his clothes and now in more like an armor. Earlier, he wore a normal

house clothes. Also , this time he brought the royal sword with him. Embedded with the royal’s Paraiba

Tourmaline gem, the same color the Alpha King’s eyes.

“Shall we start?” Zeron does not seem to waste any more time.

“What-” Ashira’s words were cut and I was put into a daze when suddenly the King stands in front of

us. I didn’t saw his move in advance, its too quick and silent that I was not ready for it.


Upon clearing my thought, I watched as he poked Ashira with one finger in the head. That action made

her unconscious so I quickly grabbed her before she could fall down the ground.

“What did you do?!” I said in anger.

“Easy. I just put her to sleep since I can’t waste time on any struggling she might do. Also, I know she

won’t like to see you bleed.”

I don’t know how Zeron will take the child’s strength but I can understand that my blood will be needed

for it. Is this why he said he might kill me in the process before?

I watched Ashira’s face and she seems asleep in peace.

“Lie her down straight, Aiden.”


I felt that same suffocating feeling of when my system is overwhelmed by the power he has. It’s too

strong and his words acted like a command I needed to obey but with my mind still at the clear.

I decided to not prolong this and lay Ashira flat on the ground. I took my coat and formed a pillow her

head could rest in.

I stood up and faced the King as I finished. “Now, what?”

“It’s good you’re as eager as I am.” he smiled. That same fake friendly smile.

“I just want this to end soon.”

“Hmm.” he looked at me, his smile faded in an instant. “So am I.”

Watching his every action, I saw him held the handle of his sword and pulled it out of its sheath. The

sound of the metal clinking through the sheath made my ears ring. The sword itself holds a tremendous

amount of power.

“Listen, my wolf, I will need to thrust my blade to your chest. I will not damage your heart, that I


I knew it.

“Is this part of the-”

“Yes. I need you pooling with your own blood and so that blood will cover your mate. Pretty huge

amount is needed but not too much to kill you.”

I gritted my teeth.

“For what? Bringing back my mate or taking my child’s strength?”

He watched my face, studying me. “Both.”

I made this decision and I know I’m ready to face the consequences of it. I don’t know if I could trust the

King but I have no option but to. Either way, he can get what he wants. Instead of more bloodshed and

life as payment, I swore myself I’ll take the burden on myself.

“Anytime you’re ready.” he smiled again.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

For bringing back Ashira. For the safety of my child. For my family.

“I’m ready, Your Hi-”


I coughed and blood came out of my mouth as my chest felt burning from the blade that struck my

flesh. I can feel every bits of it and it fucking hurts like hell!

True to his words, the blade didn’t reach any of my organ but it didn’t change the fact that it feel as if


“When I pull my sword, you’ll start to bled hard. Make sure to soak your mate’s chest down to her lower

abdomen with your blood before you heal or else I need to stab you once more. Do you understand?”


My vision is blurry and I know the its making me lose my head but I fought the pain as hard as I could. I

will heal and the healing will start when he pulled out his blade but from the damage I received, I won’t

heal as fast as I could.

I nodded slowly.

“Ahhhh!” I shouted the moment the blade was out of my flesh. With with my mind intact, I went on my

knees and hover over Ashira’s immobile body. My blood kept gushing out of the open wound and I

continued coughing blood.

I can feel my body healing, repairing every broken tissue slowly, making the blood lessen a bit.

Just a little more…

“Very well. That would be sufficient.” Zeron kneeled down beside Ashira and I moved away from above

her. I’m in all fours as I cough blood, my wound is almost closed but the pain can be felt inside.

I watched as Zeron placed his hands above Ashira’s heart, not touching her skin in the process. His

eyes are closed and his mouth was moving, uttering some words that I believe is part of the ritual but I

can’t hear or understand any of it.

After a while, I felt my heart throbbing as if my heart beat is crawling to every corners of my body. I feel

something inside me that awakens, its calling. Its…

Its the mate bond!

“You have your mate back now. Well, unconscious, but when she woke up she’s good as new.”

I looked at Ashira and I don’t know how to explain the feeling I’m having right now. I’m overjoyed.

Slowly, my hand found its way to held her hand. I hold on to it as if my life was just placed in those tiny

hands. I’m never taking my eyes off you again…

“Now, for the pup…”

I watched Zeron placed his hand on Ashira’s bump that is soaked in my blood. He started chanting

words that I don’t understand again, hissing from time to time.

I watched as ocean blue mist left Ashira’s belly and the smoke-like thing was absorbed by Zeron’s


From that moment, I told myself that I did the right thing. This is better. The royal blood won’t run after

my son or family just to ensure the throne is for them. I don’t need that much power, we won’t need it.

This is for everyone’s safety.

“And it’s done.” The King stood up. The sun was gone and the dark already took over the place but his

eyes still shine, I can see it piercing my soul by his gaze.

“How would I know that my mate is back?”

“You will. Once she woke up in an hour or more. I never eat my own words, Aiden, trust at least that.”

I looked at Ashira again. I can’t wait…

“I’ll be taking my leave.” he turned his back on me and I stood up before he disappear in the air again.

“Wait.” he halted but didn’t bother looking back to me but I know he’s willing to listen. “I believe I need

not to thank you, Your Highness.”

“Heh.” he looked up to the sky but didn’t face me. “I hope we won’t need to meet again.”

With those words that he left, he disappeared in thin air again.

I hope so, too.

I walked back to Ashira and held her face. “Are you with me now for real?” I whispered. Leaning down,

I placed my lips on her. I miss you, baby.

I went down to her bump and kissed my unborn inside her despite the bloody clothes she wear.

‘Forgive me, little one…’

I waited. Will I hear it again? But no response like I had earlier. Am I just hallucinating?

Sighing, I decided to mind-link Seth and Nick. I need to take Ash back home and my strength seems

weaken because of the wound inflicted by the royal blade, and so I needed help. I can’t let her wake up

covered with my blood, that would be suspicious.

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