Call me Alpha

Chapter 11: Incredible Speed

Chapter 11: Incredible Speed

His lips crushed into mine as he put his weight on me. We lay flat on the bed with his body on top of

mine. I moaned in between our lips as Aiden deepened the kiss, hungry for more.

I can feel my body trembled with his every touch, feeling the ecstatic sensation that's flowing from the

contact of our skin.

"Aiden..." His name came out of my lips in a whisper when he let go of the kiss. His arms support his

weight to watch me beneath him. Those golden brown eyes scream possession, desire, and intensity.

His gaze moved down to my neck, to where he put his claim.

"It looks good on you." He whispered, then he trailed his fingers on the fresh wound that made me

close my eyes.

"You shocked me though." I gave him a weak smile, it's true. He just barged inside my room and

decided to claim me in an instant. I did not prepare myself for the pain but I'm glad it's not too painful.

"I'm sorry." He then put his weight on top of me and nuzzled my neck. Giving wet little kisses on his

claim. "Does it hurt?"

I nodded, barely can speak because my breath is hitching from his kisses.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, not stopping on planting kisses on my wound. It seems he's trying to take the

pain away. "I just had to do it now."

"Because... I'm starting to be a burden to you... Right?"

I was careful with my words. I'm not sure if I heard him clear because everything before he claims me,

was a blur now. But that's what I understand from his words.

He pulled himself away from me to look at my face. His expression is mixed with disbelief from what I


"Why'd you say that?"

"Its what you said. You are having a hard time because you're torn with leaving me and doing your job

as the Alpha."

The lines in his forehead deepened more. "That's not what I meant. Yes, it's getting hard to leave you

but that's on me. You're not at fault here. And definitely not a burden to me."

He slides himself to lay beside me and hugged his arms on my waist. His eyes never left mine.

He may mean what he said but a part of me wanted to keep the words in my mind. This will help me to

have limitations of my feelings because right now, I want to cling myself more to him.

"Hey, " he called with a soft voice. "I don't want you feeling that way."

I nodded slowly. I can stop thinking about it but I'll never take it off my system. "Okay..."

He then pulled me to his chest and hugged me tightly.

"I feel different now, are you?" He asked after inhaling on my hair.

I just nodded. After he claimed me, a part of me closed a hole that I never knew was there. I feel like

I'm reaching something and that I was almost there.

"How do you feel?" I asked when I got curious if he felt the same as I do.

He inhaled my scent again. It's beginning to be his new hobby when we're this close.

"Secure, a bit. But satisfaction is what is dominant within me. I knew you are mine and since I claimed

you, no one can take you away from me."

I froze at his last words. I'm a stealer. And I can be stolen. What can happen with his claim if another

wolf claims me?

I wanted to tell him my abnormality but a huge part of me is against the idea of admitting it.

"I can feel you're anxious. What is it?"

My breath halt with what he said. Damn. I forgot that there is no boundary between us now. I can feel

him and he can feel me.

I don't know how to answer him. The flow of our conversation and my nervousness are irrelevant.

In the end, I shook my head hard and did the decision which was the best thing to do at the moment.

I leaned to him and pressed my lips on his, trying to divert his attention. The distraction I used is what I

least expected to work. But when he groaned and kissed me back, I realized I succeeded.

He squeezed my waist with his hand and tugged me closer to his body. I moaned when he bit my lower

lip, asking for entrance. Feeling obedient to him, I parted my lips and he took no time to slip his tongue


His tongue explored skillfully, giving rise to my desire of having more of him.

The thought that we will complete the process and mate right now crossed my mind, giving me a chill of


He groaned to my lip, probably feeling what I am.

I can sense his feeling and it's evident. He craves to have me now and his desire to do it is much

greater than mine.

"Aiden..." I moaned when his kisses went down on my neck and savor me hungrily. His hands trailed

up from my waist and cupped my breast fully. Oh, God! His hands feel warm and good!

A soft whimper escaped my lips when he grabbed the fabric of my shirt and ripped it, leaving my bra

prominent in his eyes.

His golden-brown eyes turned a shade darker as he stares at me, more on my body.

I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan. I can't keep up with his gaze. It's too intense and stern that

I'm immersing in it. A slight feeling of shame registered to me. This is the first time that I'm this exposed

in the eyes of a man and I'm not used to it.

I was about to cover my chest with my arms but Aiden growled and grabbed my wrist, stopping me

from concealing my almost bare chest.

"Mine!" he growled lowly before yanking my hands and ripping my bra, tearing it off my body.

A suppressed yelp escaped my mouth as the cool breeze glazed on my naked breasts.

"Aiden!" My voice raised not from fear of what is about to happen but because of my clothes that he

started tearing.

Aiden just growled at me before lowering his head on my chest. He started cupping one mount as he

put the other peak to his mouth. Sucking on it.

"Ahh!" I can't recognize my own voice as I moan. The ecstasy I'm going through is beyond the skies!

The warmth from his mouth provided heat all over my body. His hand cupping my breast starts

squeezing a little hard, making me whimper.

"I want you." he whispered and put my other mound in his mouth. I did not get the chance to speak. All

that I can utter are moans and whimper from the pleasure he brought to me.

I can feel my panties soaked from excitement and rapture! I'm so wet!

The bulge on his pants kept poking on my stomach. Proving me how aroused he is as well. He is hard.

Stone hard. And even from his jeans, it's evident how excited his member is.

His hand trailed down from my breast to my stomach, gently playing circles on my skin with his fingers.

Every hair in my body rose from his touch.

He explored his fingers to my body and his mouth not leaving my breasts, giving it his divided attention.

When his hand reached my shorts, he was about to take it off my body, too but he stopped suddenly.

I felt him tensed as he froze on top of me.

I looked at him with questioning eyes and I noticed how his golden-brown eyes turned pitch black.

He received a message. That's how I guessed. Someone might be reaching him through a mind link.

He closed his eyes and looked at me after a long pause.

"I got an emergency." He moved away in front of me. I did not realize his chest was bare. Did I take off

his shirt? Or did he?

He walked to the closet and grab a new shirt then he wears it over his head.

"In the pack? What happened?" I asked, I sat and curled my body. Hiding my naked breast on my

folded knees.

"The trackers recognized the scent Rogue that attacked the pack today, he came back. I needed to

deal with him." he headed to the door, ready to step out when I stood up as well.

I didn't know an attack had happened today. I grabbed the blanket and started walking out of the room.

"I'll see you off."

He stopped walking and faced me. His pitch-black eyes softened when he looked at me. My feet

stopped on their own just a few steps away from him.

"Please stay here. Nick's downstairs and I can smell your arousal everywhere. I don't want him to see

you in that state."

He closed the gap between us and planted a small kiss on my forehead.

"I'll be back."

Then he was gone. I was left there zoning out, trying to replay his words in my head.

Anyone can smell the scent of my arousal? That made me blush! I wonder if the same scent can be

sniffed downstairs or outside the house?

We almost did it and my soaking wetness is the proof that I'm ready for him. Replays of what had

happened made my blood rush up my face. Damn, we're so close to complete the mating process!

I can't forget the waves of pleasure that I experienced with Aiden. I seemed to be addicted to it!

It's already dark and I decided to take a bath before grabbing something to eat.

Aiden's POV

With inhuman speed, I ran downstairs and outside my home where Nick's wolf form was waiting for me.

I immediately jumped in the air and shifted in my black wolf.

We started running west where the trackers trace the scent of the same Rogue who killed six of my


He got the nerve to step on my land again! I can feel my anger rise. No Rogue can make fun of my

pack! I will kill him tonight!


Nick talked to me in our minds. I knew what he was talking about. I can smell the Rogue. The

unfamiliar scent of someone without a pack.

I stopped and howled in the air, ordering the fighters to gather around where the Rogue's scent is but

don't get too close.

I will deal with him myself.

'They trapped him. The fighters said he's not even moving. They said the Rogue is waiting for us.'

I growl angrily. The Rogue is playing with me!

'I'll kill him!'

I growled and run even quicker.

We reached the clearing where my wolves are gathered in a circle, some are hidden.

I stopped just with a limited distance in front of the rogue.

The rogue's wolf is colored dark brown, almost black. I'm suspicious of his color because he's almost

the same as an Alpha wolf.

My wolf growled at him, feeling the wrath from my wolf's deaths and his disturbance to my pack.

I'm not intimidated by his wolf. My size is way bigger than his.

The Rogue shifted back into his human form. I'm almost amazed at how fast he shifted back. Though

not as fast as me, his speed in shifting didn't even surpass my Beta. He stood naked for everyone to


I examined his face. He somehow looked familiar but I don't know if I'd seen him before. His hair is

unruly and dark just like the color of his wolf's fur. I made sure to remember his face.

'He wants to talk, Aiden.' NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

I growled to Nick. I already know that but I can't control my wolf for long.

"I know you're stronger than me, Aiden." The Rogue says. I growled at how he called my name with


"I did not come here to fight. I wanted to talk." Rogues' voice is rude. No sign of respect in his every


When I felt my wolf desires to jump and bite his head off, I decided to calm myself.

ThenI shifted in my human form as well.

'What are you doing?!' it was Nick. He didn't change his form and stayed in his wolf in a defensive

stance. They probably think it's not best to lower my ground and shift in my human but they should

remember I'm an Alpha. And a lone wolf doesn't stand a chance to me.

I did not answer Nick and focused my stare on the Rogue.

"You attacked my pack. Do you admit it?" My deep voice echoed the quiet forest. A few huffs from my

wolf was heard, they are furious.

The Rogue shrugged, looking cocky. "They attacked first. I just wanted to have a talk with you when

their leader and the big girl killed my friends."

'He's talking about Titus and Sharma.'

'I damned know, Nick. Stop saying what I already knew. I'm not dumb.' I growled inwardly as I mind

linked that to the ever irritating Nick.

'Sorry. I thought your mind is with Ashi-Luna Ashira.'

I did not bother contending with Nick's idiocy again. I hope he can stop distracting me though. My wolf

just gave him a growl that will somehow help him get the message.

"So you admit with killing members of my pack."

It won't be long before I kill this bastard in the presence of my wolfs.

He shrugged again.

"With your admission, I have every right to kill you here. Now. You can say your last words."

I started gritting my teeth, ready to shift in my wolf, and bring the Rogue to its death any time soon.

"Hmm. If I can't have a talk with you, I might try to have a talk with your mate. Wait, do you have one?"

He sniffed into the air and I realized that putting my claim to Ashira today is not all good. He will find

out. "Oh! Wow. Congratulations. Since when though? I can tell it's recently."

My jaw felt like breaking from how tight it is clenching. Now that he gave an imminent threat, I won't let

him live.

I shifted on my wolf and the Rogue did, too. A smirk on his wolf is too obvious that it makes me angrier

than I already am.

The rogue started running away and I gave everyone a message.

'Never let the Rogue escape!' I let out a long howl as we all ran after the rogue.

I haven't seen anything different from this rogue. He knew I'm stronger, he's not that fast either. He is

not like what I heard him be.

When I noticed no one from my pack can catch up to the rogue, I used my power as the Alpha to

increase my speed.

In an instant, I'm behind the rogue and he turned his head and looked at me.

Our pace is just the same and I can stop him from running with just one thug.

I was about to smash my wolf into his when suddenly, his pace became faster.

I was distracted by how he did that despite not being an Alpha or even a Beta.

I can catch him but when he stepped out of the land's border, I decided to halt my paws.


Everyone did as they told. I watched the Rogue until he was gone from my sight.

'What was that?!' Nick said to me. I did not speak.

'He has the speed of an Alpha, Aiden!'

'I know.'

'Is he from a pack of other District? Maybe East or South? '

I growled. Irritated with the questions in my mind.

'He is packless.'

And that fact made me irritated more. How can a lone wolf have the speed of an Alpha?


Thank you for reading! Tell me ur thoughts❤

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