Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 648: Take George To See Her Mother

Chapter 648: Take George To See Her Mother 

George’s POV:

I followed the GPS in the car and drove all the way to a private psychiatric hospital in the suburb .Was Helen’s mother hospitalized here? I got out of the car and followed Helen into the hospital.She seemed familiar with the layout here.She quickly located the doctor’s office and talked to him at length about her mother’s condition.

I leaned against the door and felt a severe heartache.

At that moment, I realized that I didn’t know much about the real Helen.

In fact, I felt as if I didn’t know her at all.

After I graduated from high school, I went abroad and lost touch with her.I would find an occasional update about her on her social media account.I had asked Kendal about her on a few occasions, but he hardly had anything to share.

When we met again after I returned home, we just engaged in a casual sexual relationship with no strings attached.So I did not get a chance to know her.I felt like a complete jerk.I was familiar with every inch of Helen’s body yet I knew nothing else about her life.I still remembered her and her family as the way they were when we were in high school.I had no idea what happened later.

Now everything finally started to make sense.

Helen didn’t believe in my love for her for a good reason.I had always been too arrogant, and never took the trouble to get to know her.

Helen talked with the doctor for a long time before she walked out of the office.Then she called the nurse to take her to her mother.

I patiently followed her to the in-patient department.

Her mother, accompanied by a nurse, was basking in the sun in the hospital garden.

When she saw Helen, a bright smile instantly appeared on her face.

"Where were you lost for so many days? Why didn’t you come to see me?"

Her tone, although soft, was a little bit reproachful, but her eyes were particularly gentle and calm when she looked at Helen.

Helen held her arm and replied in a cute manner, "I’m busy with a new case at work.I’m sorry."

I stood aside and watched them silently.It was the first time that I had seen Helen acting like a spoiled child.It seemed that in her mother’s company, she removed her hard shell and the softest part of her heart was revealed.

When she was with her mother, she was relaxed and happy.I had the impression that although Helen looked meek, she was actually stubborn.

No matter what happened, she would endure all the pressure alone rather than ask for help.

So sometimes I would subconsciously forget that she, like everyone else, also needed love and care.

Helen’s mother suddenly looked at me and asked timidly, "Helen, who is this?"

I walked forward and said in a humble and respectful manner, "Hello, Mrs.Dewar.I am George, Helen’s friend."

Although I spoke as softly as I could manage, her mother still took a step back nervously and held Helen’s hand tightly, her eyes full of vigilance.

"It’s okay, mom.He is my friend.He drove me here."

Helen stroked her mother’s back and comforted her softly.Helen’s mother finally relaxed and looked at me curiously for a while.

Then she looked at Helen and said slowly, "I want to leave the hospital now.Please talk to the doctors and ask them to let me go."

She spoke very slowly, but she was resolute in her attitude.

Helen hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I’ll talk to your doctor later and see what he says."

The two chatted animatedly for a while.

Helen promised to pick her up on the weekend, so she didn’t insist on being discharged today.

Helen’s POV:

On the way back from the hospital, my mind was working overtime .The furniture in the apartment had been sold.

When I brought my mother back home from the hospital, I would need new furniture.

Like a psychic, George guessed what I was thinking and said, "I’ll buy you some new furniture."

I looked at him in surprise.

After a long bout of silence, I asked, "Don’t you want to know why my mother is hospitalized here?"

My question was deliberate.I wanted to gauge George’s attitude towards my mother.

"You can tell me when you feel ready to," George replied calmly.

When he mentioned my mother, there was no rejection or disgust in his eyes.I didn’t want to give up so easily.I purposefully changed the topic and asked, "Do you think my current situation is caused by genetic inheritance? I heard that mental disease can be hereditary."

George was still very calm. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

"If you have anything to say, just come right out with it.You don’t have to beat around the bush with me."

His tone was light but his words were serious.

This man never acted according to the dictates of common sense.

After seeing my mother.

shouldn’t he be questioning my sanity? But he was calm throughout, as if he was just looking at a perfectly normal person who was hospitalized for a common disease like a flu.

There was no trace of passing judgment in his eyes.I shut my mouth and my spirits were low.I leaned against the window to watch the scenery pass by There was a moment of awkward silence in the car before George said, "I don’t mind.

No matter what happens to you, I won’t mind.

As for your mother’s illness, has it ever occurred to you that the environment of the hospital may not be conducive for her recuperation? Why don’t you take her home and hire a full time nurse to take care of her in your apartment?"

The thought had indeed occurred to me previously but the high cost of hiring a full-time nurse to take care of a patient with mental disease was not within my grasp.

Besides, I was worried that my mother would be abused by the nurse if left alone at home.I saw the news reports and such abuse was on the increase.

"Helen, if it’s about money, don’t worry."

I listened quietly without saying anything, but scowled in my heart.I didn’t need to worry about the money? Really? It was easy for him to say.

But for me it was not a small sum of money.

"I’ll pay for it.Although we’re not lovers now, we’re still good friends.If you feel guilty, you can take it as a loan and return it to me when you are in a position to do so," George continued He seemed to be able to see through my concerns at a glance, but I didn’t agree.

I vowed not to take any help from George even if I was desperate.

But his suggestion was a wise one.

The hospital was not the best place for my mother to recover.

Perhaps her recovery would be faster in the comfort of her home environment.I could find a daycare nurse for my mother, and I would go home to take care of her in the evening.

In this way, I would save a lot of money and I would also have peace of mind with my mother by my side.

As for the money, I could ask Anya to advance my salary to me.

After thinking it over, I felt the pressure that had been weighing my heart down for so long, slowly lift.

As for George, I was so sure that my love for him had not changed.

In fact, it might have increased, though I chose to deny it.

But, I wasn’t sure whether he would feature in my future or not.I didn’t have the time to contemplate on that either.

George didn’t drive me home.

Instead, he took me to the hotel where he lived.

The doctor had told me that a change of environment would help soothe my nerves and maybe improve my condition, so I went along with him.I thought he lived in an ordinary suite.

But when I entered the suite, I was amazed.It was nothing like what I had imagined.

The furniture was luxurious and the decor was modern.It was like stepping into a palace.

Living in such a deluxe suite for even just one night would cost a fortune! George closed the door behind him and walked in.

He explained in a soft tone, "When I first came back, I was not sure if I would stay permanently or go back abroad again.

So I didn’t buy a house or an apartment.

Later, I got so used to living here that I didn’t bother to move out."

What did he just say? So, the apartment he took me to visit on New Year’s Eve was actually newly bought by him? At that time, I had misunderstood him and thought he didn’t take me back to his own apartment because he was on guard against me.

I felt guilty when I thought about that.

But it didn’t matter anymore .It was his money and he could do with it as he pleased, and it had nothing to do with me.

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