Broken Bond

Chapter 20

Chapter 20



My throat tightens as I step over the threshold into the house. I can’t stand this place, the people that live here, or the memories it harbors. I hate that I’m dragging Nessa into this mess, but I wasn’t about to fuck up everything I’ve built with her by shutting her out. She’d assume that I didn’t find her important enough to introduce to my family, while the truth is the complete opposite; she’s too important. I’d rather shield her from these people because she’s sweet and pure and good, and they’re fucking poison.

“Perfect timing, Abby’s just getting dinner on the table,” Troy drawls as we shrug out of our jackets. I take Nessa’s from her and hang them both on the coat tree beside the door, keeping close to her because my protective instincts are on overdrive in my stepdad’s presence.

“Thanks for having us,” Nessa says politely, slipping her hand into mine again.

Fuckface’s eyes dart down to our intertwined hands, then snap back up to meet mine. “So glad you both could make it.” He hits us with another grin and turns on a heel, waving for us to follow.

My feet are rooted to the spot I’m in.

Nessa steps in front of me, setting her hand on my chest and pressing her palm tightly over my racing heart. “You ready?”

Something about her touch instantly calms me. I swallow past the lump in my throat, nodding and forcing a weak smile. “Yeah, babe,” I reply, reaching up to sweep her hair behind her ear. “Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?”

Her responding smile lights up her whole face. “Not yet,” she winks, a soft pink blush staining her cheeks. “But thanks.”

I take her hand this time, leading her into the dining room where Troy’s taking his seat at the head of the table and my mom’s setting the last of the plates down.

“Cal!” she exclaims, putting on a show of being thrilled to see me. She rushes over, pulling me in for a hug. “It’s been too long,” she breathes, ruffling my hair in mock-affection. Then she steps back, beaming at Nessa. “And who’s this?”

“Vanessa Diaz,” she provides, smiling sweetly and extending a hand. “My friends call me Nessa.”

Mom pulls her in for a hug instead, really playing up this whole happy family vibe. So nice to meet you, Nessa,” she coos, withdrawing from the embrace and taking a step back to examine her. ” You’re so pretty, what on earth are you doing with my son?”

Her inflection is sarcastic, but I can discern the bite of sincerity behind her words. I know the woman too well. We haven’t even sat down at the table yet, and she’s already fired the first shot. 1

I expected nothing less. 1

The silver lining of bringing Nessa along tonight is that my family is forced to be on their best behavior. Their thinly veiled insults toward me are played off as good- natured teasing, and we shockingly make it through the entire meal without any major blowups. Troy still hasn’t gotten to the point of what this dinner’s all about, though, so I’m not holding my breath that we’ll make it out of here unscathed.

I’m sure the worst is yet to come.

I’ve been on edge all night, but having Nessa here has helped. She’s the calm to my storm, and just having her beside me has made a world of difference. She has also completely charmed my family.

Spence can’t take his eyes off her because she’s hot as fuck and he’s a teenage boy, and my parents have been hanging on her every word, infinitely more interested in her life than they’ve ever been in mine and undoubtedly trying to figure out what a girl like her sees in a guy like me.

That’s still a mystery to me, too.

“I spoke with Ray Swenson the other day,” Troy comments, wiping his mouth on his napkin and setting it on the table beside his empty plate. “He mentioned that he’s planning on retiring next year.”

“Really?” Mom asks, poorly feigning her surprise. “Did he say who’d he’d be recommending as his replacement?”

I toss my own napkin down, my gaze sliding between Mom and Troy warily. This is definitely rehearsed. Ray Swenson is the pack’s lead enforcer, and they know as well as I do that if he’s stepping down, his replacement will ultimately be chosen by our pack’s new alpha- who just happens to be my closest friend.

“Actually, yes,” Fuckface drawls, beaming at his son with pride. “He’ll be recommending Spencer.”

I snort, shaking my head and chuckling lowly.

“Something funny?” Troy deadpans. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, the fact that you think a high school kid with zero experience is going to be installed as the pack’s lead enforcer,” I reply dryly, rolling my eyes.

The muscle in Troy’s jaw tightens, the only outward sign that I’m getting under his skin. “Maybe not right away, but after a few years of service as an enforcer…”

“Another position that the alpha would have to appoint him to,” I cut in. I shove back in my chair, narrowing my eyes on my stepdad. “Is this why you called me here? To ask me to put a bug in Chase’s

ear about golden boy here being appointed to a position that he doesn’t deserve?”

Nessa’s hand lands on my thigh, squeezing gently. Her touch calms me marginally.

Troy remains the picture of composure, calmly folding his hands in front of him. ”

It would be an honor to our whole family to have Spencer pull rank in the pack. What’s good for him is good for all of us.”

I narrow my eyes on him. “Good for you, you mean.”

“Callum!” Mom scolds. “I won’t have you speak to your stepfather that way.”

I turn my glare on her. “So I’m supposed to just let him ambush me with this shit and go along with whatever he says?” I scoff.

Mom pushes her chair out from the table, throwing her napkin down on her plate. She levels me with a scathing look, then turns to my girl, plastering on a fake smile. “Nessa, dear, why don’t you join me in the kitchen? We’ll leave the boys to hash this out while we get dessert ready.”

“Sure,” Nessa replies before I can protest, ever so polite and agreeable, though there’s a hint of unease in her tone.

I don’t want her to leave. I don’t trust my mother alone with her, nor do I trust myself to keep it together in her absence. I draw a deep breath, fighting to retain my composure as she stands, collecting our dinner plates and shooting me an apologetic glance over her shoulder before following my mother out of the room. It’s like she takes all the light with her when she goes.

“Spence, why don’t you head upstairs and work on your homework,” Troy murmurs, his icy tone conveying that it isn’t a suggestion.

Like the good little golden boy he is,

Spencer acquiesces to his father’s demand, pushing up from his chair and exiting the room without a word.

Then it’s just me and Troy.

The monster and his creator. 1

“You will ask Chase to appoint Spencer as an enforcer,” Fuckface says, his voice eerily calm.

I shake my head in disbelief. “Why the fuck would I do that?” 1

His lips quirk up into a smug grin and he steeples in his fingers in front of him.

Because you don’t want Chase finding out what you did.”

His threat pierces through my armor, my mouth running dry and my calm composure slipping. “For all I know, his dad already told him,” I mutter, clenching my fists beneath the table. This is his go-to threat, and I hate that he has something he can hang over my head. If he didn’t, I’d cut ties completely.

Troy stares back at me with a mocking smirk. “I think you and I both know that isn’t true, or he wouldn’t be keeping you so close.” 2

I clench my fists tighter, my fingernails cutting crescents into my palm. He’s got me backed into a corner here and he knows it. I might fight him on this more if Nessa wasn’t in the next room, but I don’t want her walking into this conversation. My jaw twitches as I force single word past my lips. “Fine.”

Fuckface’s grin widens in satisfaction and he leans back in his chair. “Glad we could come to an understanding.”

“Whatever,” I mutter, pushing out my chair and shooting to my feet. I have to get out of here before I snap. “We’re gonna get going.”

“Nessa’s a cute girl,” Troy comments, and I freeze in my tracks. I don’t like the sound of her name on his lips. I knew it was a mistake bringing her here; that he’d try to use her against me somehow.” Sounds like she comes from a nice family.”

“She does,” I reply through clenched teeth, unsure of what his angle is.

Troy rises to his feet, taking a step closer and dropping his voice low. “You should do her a favor and let her go before it’s too late. Before she winds up like that poor woman from Boulder…” 3

My heart slams against my ribs, my blood turning to ice in my veins. “I’d never hurt her.”

“Not on purpose,” Troy tuts. “But you and I both know that you struggle to control that temper of yours. It would be a shame for a nice girl like that to get caught in your crosshairs if you slip up.

For her to meet the same fate.”

I shake my head adamantly, my internal panic seeping to the surface. “I won’t,” I choke out.

He heaves a sigh, closing the distance between us and setting a hand firmly on my shoulder. He stares down into my eyes, his own shining with cruelty. “She deserves better. You know she does.”

His touch makes my skin crawl. I shrug his hand off my shoulder, flinching back. Even so, his words have their desired effect, slicing open old wounds within me and sending my mind into a tailspin. Deep down, I know he’s trying to goad me, but… fuck, what if he’s right?

The scent of sweet cherries hits my nose, and I jerk my head up to see Nessa and my mom appear in the doorway, back from the kitchen.

“We’ve got dessert!” Nessa chirps, holding a small plate in each hand.

My eyes dart to her, that dark, ugly thing inside of me unfurling. “We’re going,” I say coldly, shouldering past Troy. “Come on.”

Nessa’s jaw goes slack, a bewildered look on her face. She steps forward and slides. the plates onto the edge of the table, eyeing me with concern. “Oh… okay.”

I hear her thanking my parents for dinner as I trudge into the entryway, ripping my jacket off of the coat tree and shoving my arms into the sleeves. Mom’s apologizing to Nessa for my behavior, but my pulse is thumping in my ears so loudly that I can barely make out her words. I grab Nessa’s coat, shoving it toward her as soon as she approaches.

“Let’s go.”

She still looks bewildered, but she quickly puts her coat on, not questioning our abrupt departure. I yank the door open, striding outside before she even has her jacket on all the way and dragging a deep breath of fresh air into my lungs.

“Thanks again!” Nessa calls over her shoulder as she follows me out, pulling the door closed behind us. She looks to me questioningly, but I just shake my head and turn away, starting for my Corvette parked in the driveway. I have to get away from this place. If I’m forced to spend one more minute here, I may lose it completely.

I hear Nessa’s boots crunching in the snow behind me as I make my way to my car, throwing open the door and falling down into the drivers’ seat with a grunt. Nessa climbs in on the passenger side, buckling up as I fire up the engine and gun it out of the driveway.

She doesn’t speak until we turn at the end of the block, and when she does, her voice. is laced with concern. “What happened when I left? Does your stepdad really think he can just order you around like

that? Or that Chase will listen?” She chuckles dryly, shaking her head. “As if he’d choose your brother over you for pack rank…”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I interject, my voice gravelly.

I know I’m shutting her out, but it’s better this way. I’m seconds from exploding, and I don’t want her to be on the receiving end. She doesn’t deserve that.

She deserves better.

Nessa draws a deep breath, leaning back in her seat and fiddling with the seatbelt across her chest. “Are we going back to your place?” she asks carefully, shooting me a sideways glance.

“Not tonight,” I grumble. “I’ve got shit to do in the morning.”

“Oh.” She chews her lower lip and I focus my stare out the windshield, avoiding looking at her for fear of the emotions a single glance will unleash. “Alright,” she adds quietly. “No problem.”

I tighten my knuckles on the steering wheel, the deafening silence hanging in the car making every one of my muscles tense up. “I have the day off tomorrow,’

Nessa says after a beat. “Maybe we can do something?”

“Maybe.” My own voice is so cold that I hardly recognize it and my head’s a goddamn mess right now. Being in

Nessa’s presence usually calms me, but at this moment, Troy’s words are on a constant loop in my brain. 1

The quiet doesn’t help.

I hit the power button to turn on the radio, cranking the volume up to drown out my own racing thoughts and any further conversation.

I need the noise.

I need the distraction.

I need to get the fuck out of here and never look back.

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