Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 1033

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 1033

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 1033-The lanky man tried to take Alicia hostage, but she picked up the shovel, looking ready to fight him.

Jamie aimed the gun at the lanky man. “Don’t move.”

“I yield! I yield!” The lanky man raised both his hands as a sign of surrender as he got down. In a shaky voice, he stated, “Please be careful with the gun, dude. I don’t want to die!”

Jamie simply rolled his eyes at the lanky man. Then, he turned to Alicia and exchanged a knowing look with her.

After that, the two worked together on tying up the lanky man and the tall guy before leaving to meet up with Ariel.

Outside the warehouse, once Matthew’s lackey received the order to kill Danny, he grabbed the rake, one which farmers used to smooth loose soil, and rushed inside. Then, he put the rake under Danny.

Watching the sharp tool, Danny swallowed hard. Judging from the height, the rake could simply impale his body and end his life in a split second if he fell.

The man cast him a glance before walking toward the pillar with a blank expression to untie the rope.

“Wait!” Danny shouted to grab his attention. “Can you let me go? I can pay you!”

The man paid no mind to his trick. He’s so full of himself. I won’t turn against my boss for a little money.

“I can give you five hundred thousand! What do you think? Or one million! Is it enough?”

The man stopped untying the ropes. Well, I’ll hear him out.

It’s working! Danny turned it up a notch. “Let’s see… Two million in exchange for my life. What do you say? I’m the person in charge of the SK Group, and the younger brother of Smith Co.’s boss. I guarantee that I have enough money to pay you.”

The man frowned as he pondered. That’s a lot he’s offering. I’ll never earn that much working for Area X.

“Don’t worry about Matthew’s revenge. I can introduce you to joining Smith Co.. They provide social insurance and housing funds. Besides, you can brag about working for Smith Co.. You should give it a thought, eh?” Danny didn’t want to die, especially not in such a way.

Not only do I have to die today but I’ll also die getting pierced by a sharp stake! The other ghosts will surely laugh at how I died. That’s too humiliating!

The man thought for a moment before looking at Danny and answered, “I don’t need the money. I’m more interested in joining Smith Co.. I hope you aren’t messing with me.”

Wait, what? I can’t believe the chance to work at Smith Co. is more appealing than two million!

Danny was slightly taken aback but he regained his composure the next second. He promised the man with an earnest look, “Of course. The offer stands. I’m in charge of the SK Group and am Alexander’s brother. It’s just a small deal we are talking about.”

“If so, I can spare you.” The man then added, “But you have to call Alexander first. I’ll release you if he promises me a job.”

“No problem.”

Money really makes the world go around, huh? That’s how the world works.

Danny was overjoyed. If I had known these people are that easy to convince, I should have talked to them earlier.

Then again, Heather gagged him from the beginning. It was only when Matthew returned to force him to turn against Alexander that Danny had the chance to talk. Matthew deserves it!

Danny chuckled to himself and enjoyed the triumph for a while before he gave in to his curiosity, “Dude, mind telling me why you chose Smith Co. instead of money?”

Money can work miracles, can’t it? So why the work opportunity?

“You have zero ideas about it. Area X has been suffering from persistent deficits. Our enemies keep attacking us and stirring up trouble for us over the last few years. I haven’t been paid for six months. My companions can’t endure it anymore and are planning to find a way out of the organization. We didn’t go rogue only because we wanted to avoid punishment.”

“After what I have been through, I now understand that everyone needs a secure job to survive in this world. If I take your money, I’ll have to worry about you holding a grudge against me and coming after me.”

“You’re right.” Danny chuckled, agreeing with the man. Now I think about it, two million is indeed too much. A moment later, he sighed. “You’re just trying your best to survive.”

“I’m glad you understand.”

The man sighed and a melancholic mood surrounded them.

At that moment, somebody broke down the door from outside.

Ariel barged in and was met by the sight of Danny being tied to the ceiling beam. Her hands tightened around the stick.

“Honey! You’re finally here!”

Danny’s eyes lit up when he saw her. Due to his excitement, his body spun around although he was still bound to the beam.

The guard turned to look at the invader with a confused look and asked, “You know him?”

However, Ariel ignored that as she rushed forward and knocked the guard out with a quick and decisive move.

When Danny turned around to face her again, he found the man passed out next to her feet.

He wasn’t sure what to make of this situation. “Honey, I just convinced this guy to side with us. He was just about to let me go before you barged in.”

“You should’ve told me earlier.” Ariel couldn’t care less about the passed-out man. She walked over and adjusted the ropes to put Danny back on the ground.

Danny struggled out of his bindings and cast a glance at the man. “Forget about him. If he could change his side that easily, he could also turn against us in the future. Let’s leave him here.”

Then, he turned to Ariel. A smile stretched across his face as he put his arms around her to pull her in for a bear hug. After letting her go, he murmured, “Honey, I’m fascinated. How did you know I’m here?”

“It’s all thanks to Jamie’s friend.” A thought occurred to Ariel when she explained it to him, and she looked worried as she added, “Crap! I don’t know if he’s all right. Let’s go and help him.”

“Sure. Come on!”

The two rushed out of the warehouse and immediately bumped into Jamie and Alicia, who was about to meet up with them at the entrance.

After making sure there were no casualties in this operation, Jamie didn’t hesitate to dial Alexander’s number.

“Alexander, we found Danny. He’s all right. We are now heading back. See you at Times Square in one hour.” From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Let me talk to him.” Danny snatched the phone from Jamie and yelled, “Alexander, promise me you will catch Matthew. I can’t believe the prick asked one of his men to kill me. We should have had plenty of time.”

Danny then made a promise to himself. Matthew was the one who started it. He betrayed my trust. From today onward, he’s no longer a brother to me.

Alexander’s voice came from the other end of the line. “After what he did to you, you should catch him on your own. Don’t come back yet. Stay there and wait for my update.”

Wegas Downtown.

Matthew eventually lost his patience at 11.00PM. Putting the binoculars down, he turned around and left the rooftop.

I was right about Alexander. He’s nothing but a selfish hypocrite! He’d rather defend his honor instead of saving his brother’s life.

As Matthew walked over to the top of the staircase, he received an unexpected call from Alexander.

He slowed down his steps and answered the phone.

“I’m doing what you asked me to. Log in to Twitter and search for 04250 for the live stream.”

After informing Matthew to check on the live stream with a simple command, Alexander ended the call.

Matthew wasted no time logging into his Twitter account and inserted the numbers in the search column. He clicked ‘search’ and found an account named ‘SmithCoPresAlexander’ streaming.

He opened the stream. He could see that Alexander, who was wearing body armor, carried a machine gun in his arms and walked toward the center of Times Square.

Even though the sky was dark around this time and it slightly affected the image quality, the giant billboard in the center provided the lighting to let the audience see Alexander’s highly recognizable face with ease.

More audience members joined the live stream. Within two minutes, it had surpassed one hundred thousand users.

The night owls began to post comments.

‘Is Mr. Griffith leaving for the army?’

‘He’s as handsome as ever! The man doesn’t age, does he?’

‘Look at this guy. He’s the walking definition of masculinity.’

Matthew was stunned.

This is not what I had in mind.

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