Bright Lights and Summer Nights: A Fake Dating Billionaire Sports Romance (Black Tie Billionaires)

Chapter 24


Remember to keep us updated about tennis!


Don’t forget sunscreen 🙂


If I embarrass myself in front of an athlete, make sure to bury me in a cute Chanel two-piece set. I won’t be able to live after this.


I still can’t believe you’re spending the week with Preston Rhodes. Are you sure I can’t tell Beck?


I’m pulling the best friend card. No telling husbands until next week when he’s no longer here for his sister’s wedding.


Making an extremely pregnant woman keep a secret from her baby daddy when said baby daddy is barely letting her out of the house is cruel. I need to gossip and both of you are busy.


I love that Beck listens to your gossip.


We’ve all met Archer, Win. We know that man loves when you bring home the tea to spill.


Kick some ass at tennis today, Em! Even if you suck, you’ll look hot as fuck doing it.

I smile, my fingers hovering over the keyboard as I think about a witty response. I want to tell her I’m terrified of making a fool out of myself in front of everyone today, but I want to opt out of coming clean on that and pretend to be confident instead.

Preston tries to look over my shoulder at my phone as I step out of the car in front of the tennis courts at Pembroke Hills Country Club. “Who are you talking to?” he asks, trying to peer down at my phone.

I gasp, pulling it to my chest. “That’s none of your business.”

His body cages me in, pinning me between his sports car and his body. His cologne surrounds me, and I try not to think about the way my sheets smelled like him last night as I drifted asleep to thoughts of him. “I beg to differ,” Preston responds, running a finger along my chest. He traces the bare skin right next to where I hold my phone, sending shivers through my entire body.

“No, it isn’t.”

“You’re right. But I still want to know.”

I sigh, hating that his answer is perfect. Everything he says is perfect and surprisingly charming—despite him having a sour attitude more often than not. “I’m texting Winnie and Margo.”

This might be my head playing tricks on me, but I swear his shoulders loosen a little with my answer. “About what?”

“Admittedly, I did tell them about you. But don’t worry, I just said you invited me to be your date for the weekend and that things are very casual. I’ve sworn them to secrecy from sharing anything with their husbands.”

“Fine by me.” His answer takes me by surprise. I was ready for him to be upset that I told my friends about us without running through a story with him first. I know he probably works hard at keeping his private life private and that our little charade for the week is probably messing that up, but I can’t help but focus on his surprising reaction.

“Really?” I ask, not hiding the shock in my tone.

“It was possible they could be at the wedding this weekend anyway, right?”

I nod. I’m sure they were invited because my friends get invited to everything. But even before getting confirmation that neither of them will be here this weekend, I didn’t expect them to be in the Hamptons this weekend for Peyton’s wedding.

“Then, of course, I don’t care that you told them. I’m the one who called you my girlfriend without ever getting your permission, remember?”

I place my hands against his chest. His muscles are hard underneath my palms, even with the thin fabric between us. I wish he’d play tennis shirtless so I could get a good look at everything he hides underneath his fancy clothes. He saw all of me last night, so it’s only fair I see more of him.

“I thought I was going to be put away for murdering you after that.”

He leans in close and brushes his thumb along my cheek. “I’m glad you didn’t. It hasn’t worked out terribly for you, right?”

I lean into his touch, loving the way the calluses on his fingertips feel against my sensitive skin. “That depends on if I make a fool of myself playing tennis this morning.”

He presses his lips against mine without any warning, as if he’s trying to ease my nerves by kissing them away.

It might work. The man is an excellent kisser. His tongue meets mine eagerly, tracing the seam of my mouth and moving at a speed that has my toes curling in my tennis shoes. I fist the fabric of his shirt and bring him closer to me, needing more from him. I want all of him, but that might be a little R-rated for the country club parking lot.

I know it’s possible that anyone could be watching us right now, but I don’t care. I place my hands on his shoulders and stand on my tiptoes. Preston understands what I want immediately. His hands run up the backs of my thighs and against my ass until he’s lifting me off my feet. My thighs wrap around his middle instantly.

We make out like a bunch of horny teenagers, and it’s the best kiss of my life. I swear each time we kiss, it gets better, and I’m slowly beginning to get addicted to the way Preston kisses me. It’s possessive and confident. I moan when he squeezes my ass and lets out his own groan of arousal.

“Maybe we skip the tennis,” I offer, only pulling my lips away from his long enough to get the words out before I’m going in for more.

He chuckles, the sound vibrating against my core because of the position we’re in. “Nice try, rebel. You’re not getting out of it. But this does make me even more excited about later.”

Much to my dismay, he stops kissing me, but he doesn’t put me down. He keeps me in his arms, holding me tight against his middle as his eyes roam my face.

“What’s happening later?”

“I’m going to fuck you and show you that my tongue and cock are much better than the fantasy you were having of me last night.”

“How do you know I was thinking of you?”

“Because I’ll kill someone if you were thinking of anyone but me.”

My mouth falls open at his words.

“Murder is taking it a little too far,” I tease, keeping my arms wrapped around his neck even when he places me on my feet again.

“Then you better admit it was me you were thinking about, rebel.”

I roll my eyes and playfully swat at his stomach. “Of course, I was thinking about you. After the way you kissed me, I wouldn’t have been able to think of someone else, even if I wanted to.”

This makes him smile. He playfully nips at my neck. “Good,” he says, his lips pressed to the hollow of my throat.

“Get a room, lovebirds!” I’d recognize Peyton’s cheerful voice anywhere. I duck underneath Preston’s arm, finding Peyton and Jackson standing at the hood of Preston’s rental with smiles on both of their faces.

“Why get a room when we have a perfectly good parking lot?” I respond, leaving Preston to grab my bag from the car so I can walk in with Peyton.

She makes a dramatic gagging sound as she grabs my hand. “That’s my brother. Spare me the details.”

Blood fills my cheeks as I think about the details I am keeping from her. Like what her brother did to me last night, and what I hope he does to me tonight. “You’re the one who told us to get a room.”

“Because I walked up to Pres sucking your neck like he was a damn vampire.”

I look at her and wink. “Maybe he is.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Peyton rolls her eyes at me and pulls me closer to her. “I love you. We’re going to be best friends…basically sisters.”

A pit forms in my stomach at her words. I feel terrible for lying to her. I feel even worse because I like the idea of her staying in my life. If this wasn’t fake between me and Preston, if there was a future between us, I know Peyton and I would be the best of friends.

But we won’t have the chance.

“Did I make things weird?” Peyton asks, her forehead creasing with worry. She leads me toward the tennis courts, where a large group of people from the wedding party have already gathered. “Jackson keeps telling me that I need to not be such a clinger when it comes to you. I just can’t help myself. Preston hasn’t ever introduced me to a girlfriend, and the moment we met, it felt like things just clicked. But I don’t want to come off weird.”

“Not weird at all. Now, can we talk about how incredibly hot you look in this? Hot damn, Peyton. You’re the sexiest bride I’ve ever seen.” I yell the last part before putting my fingers in my mouth and whistling the way Aunt V taught me to.

Jackson cheers in agreement from a few feet behind us as he and Preston follow us in. “Hell yes, she is!” He attempts the same whistle, but nothing comes out, which makes Peyton and I double over in laughter.

“I can’t believe I’m about to get married.”

“I can’t believe you convinced me to play tennis.” We’re getting closer to the group of people, and my nerves are starting to get the best of me. What if I accidentally serve the ball and hit someone in the face? What if I try to get the ball and fall in front of everyone? Jesus. This really isn’t a good idea.

Peyton ignores the people greeting her for the morning and instead turns and places her body directly in front of me. “We’re just going to have fun today. Don’t worry about how you do. I just wanted to get all of the wedding party together for a lighthearted game of tennis. Sound good?”

“Totally,” I lie.

She smiles and pulls me in for a hug. “Let’s get this started!”

Peyton runs to greet some of her guests, and I’m left standing there wondering if this is a terrible idea. I close my eyes for a moment, praying to the tennis gods that I don’t make an absolute fool of myself.

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