Bonded By Destiny

Chapter 47


‘Is she re.. really my si… ster? ‘ My thoughts were a in a muddle, my emotions in a quandary as well.  multitudinous questions popped up, all demanding answers hastily. I wanted to open my mouth but my tongue felt leaden and tied with words.

‘Yes Ryker… This feeling that I’ve always had… wanting to be close to her all the time. ‘ My dad whispered, wiping a lone tear with his left hand. My dad wasn’t one to show his emotions openly, but this, this was entirely different. My long lost sister was very much alive, and in the pack as well, mated to my best friend. Oh how I couldn’t wait to hug her when she would awaken. She was being tended to by Bashir, her mate, mine and my mother by her side.

This was totally unanticipated and I understood my parents reaction. Finding out that the child you once lost, was not only alive but close to them must have been so surreal.

. Janette, the girl that my mate had blindly chosen to defend that day in the woods. The same action that made me chastise Tamara, when all she had done was defend my younger sister.

‘We need to talk. ‘ Tamara walked to me, exiting the guest room where Janette was.

‘Any change? ‘ Talking could wait until I knew how my sister was doing.

‘The doctor says she is fine and should wake up any minute from now. He listened to the foetus heartbeat and it is steady. So both of them are not in any danger whatsoever. ‘ She explained, tugging me towards the backyard through the kitchen back door.

‘Oh by the way you should be there when she wakes up. ‘ She waved at my dad, snapping him out of his thoughts. The man grunted a response, nodding at Tamara. We continued walking until we sat on the corner built-in seating area at the backyard.

‘Ryker I know you need to stay here for when she wakes up but the entire pack is relying on you to keep them safe. Right now, Jayson’s attention and focus is on his mate, she will need him more now that the truth is finally out. ‘ She paused, linking her right hand to my left one.

‘Tamara I just found out that the sister I thought was dead is alive and so close to me. I deserve to at least tell her that I went searching for her. I need Janette to know that once I found out she was kidnapped I set out to look for her.’ I looked straight into her understanding eyes before whispering.

‘I need her to know that she can count on me to be there for her. ‘

‘You will have all the time to tell her Ryker, just not now. I understand but trust me we have more pressing matters to uncover. Plus she saw how miserable I was when you left without a word. She saw your efforts Ryker, she will be glad she has a brother like you.’ She swallowed audibly, rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

‘What could be possibly more important than the current matter at hand? ‘ My wolf shushed me, asking me to trust our mate.

‘Remember the day Mimi came to us to talk about the prophecy? The same day the first attack on her was carried out? ‘ She asked, closing her eyes briefly.

‘Uuum yes. ‘ I didn’t understand why she was suddenly bringing it up.

‘ That day Janette told me that my mother didn’t want the two of us meeting. It did sound odd to me when she insisted my mother had begged her to stay away from me. You know that woman never did anything without a reason. If she hid Janette from me it means that..

‘She knew all along that Janette was my lost sister…’ I finished the statement in a whisper.

‘The question is, why did she hide it from your parents? ‘ That was something to ponder on. Could it have been about this same prophecy my mother had to die for?

‘If she knew then does that also mean Pete knew? ‘

‘No, Ryker. I don’t think so. In fact, I think the attack on the pack where Janette grew up was orchestrated by Pete himself. So if that is the case my guess is he thinks she died. ‘ The bastard of an uncle would have me to content with. Why rob a child of her family at such an early age?

‘Tamara, your mother’s power runs in you right now, maybe you could try reaching out to her spirit and ask her. ‘ I stupidly suggested.

‘I can’t Ryker, I’m only channelling her magic, not her spirit. No matter I can summon my grandmother. ‘ She abruptly stood up, pulling me up in the process.

‘Will it really work? Considering the last she inhabited your body she was rather murderous. ‘ I still remembered the invisible grip on my throat and the pain it had caused for those few seconds. I didn’t trust her grandmother near me after angering her.

‘Don’t make me remind you the exact reason she had your throat gripped tight. ‘ I was still making up for my mistakes that day.

‘What do you need to do that? I mean to call your grandmother. ‘ With witchery there was always a catch. That I had learnt from my little witch.

‘The ashes, and I need them now. I feel like my mother’s actions have everything to do with the prophecy. Any information right now could help us defeat Addanc. ‘

‘Then let’s go. ‘

***Tamara’s POV***

We arrived at my parents house in a matter of minutes. I didn’t waste anytime, I went straight to where my nana had said the ashes would be. In my bedroom, the same place I had slept since my childhood and yet I had never seeing anything out of place. The wooden box with a golden key hole was placed under the door mat, below the wooden floor.

We opened the box with the key as instructed. I had never felt such joy holding the ashes in my hands. ‘ What now? ‘ Ryker pointed at the urn.

‘I will spread the ashes and step on them, then summon her. ‘ I poured the contents as instructed and stepped on them.

‘Wait! You can’t use too much energy Tamara. I don’t like the idea of this anymore. ‘

‘This doesn’t require any energy Ryker. Relax, I will be fine and if not then you are here to stop me in case things get out of hand.’ It was of great importance to know exactly what reasons my mother had.

‘Kwa dunia, kwa hewa, kwa maji.’ I started, my eyes as usual tightly closed.

‘Kwa dunia, kwa hewa, kwa maji

Kwa hivyo ujitokeje nyanya

Kwa dunia kwa hewa kwa maji

Ninakuhitaji ewe nyanya. ‘ Just like that, I felt it, the cold breeze caressing my cheeks.

‘Keep your eyes closed. ‘ A gentle yet commanding voice instructed, my grandmother’s voice to be exact.

‘But I wanna see you nana. ‘NôvelDrama.Org © content.

‘Another time my child, now is not the time for bonding. I believe you had a question for me? ‘

‘Why did my mother hide the truth from Ryker’s parents? ‘

‘Simple, the ending of the prophecy would have been altered. ‘ The answer didn’t make any sense at all.

‘What do you mean? ‘

‘My child, fate must be allowed to play out on it’s own. ‘

‘This is pointless nana! you are not making any sense. I summoned you to answer my question, now you are just confusing me. ‘ I didn’t know whether Ryker at that point was inside the room or not. Despite the fact that I wanted to open my eyes as opposed to Nana’s instructions, I couldn’t.

‘All in time my child, what you need to do is focus on your part in the prophecy. Your parents played their parts, it is your turn to make them proud. ‘

‘Nana, the cold breeze, were you the one who took me to all those bloodied papers? ‘

‘You needed guidance my child, of course I was happy to help. The prophecy is about the living not the dead and I couldn’t allow any danger to befall you while I watched from the other world. This fight is mine too, after all I was the one Addanc sought to finish decades ago. I will stand by you and so will the moon goddess. ‘

Then the breeze was gone and when I opened my eyes, every thing was still in place. Well, except for Ryker who was sprawled on my bed, deep in slumber.

‘Hey wake up! ‘ I shook him, all while cursing at him for not keeping his eyes open.

‘What happened? ‘ He sat up stunned, looking around in confusion.

‘Nana must have put you to sleep. She didn’t even say anything of importance concerning my mother. ‘ I sighed.

‘But she talked about the goddess helping me. I can’t help but wonder, is it the reason why I have a wolf now? I mean I was a full blooded witch before I phased. ‘

‘Come sit. Look, if what you say is the truth then your phasing that day was to distract Addanc. By the way do you remember that day we knew we were mates? ‘ It was vividly fresh in my mind.

‘What about it? ‘

‘The wolves on your back, one was mine. The other one…’

‘Is mine! ‘ I exclaimed, smiling so wide my jaw was beginning to hurt.

‘It has been my wolf all along Ryker. That tattoo proves it then, my beast is a gift and it was given to me because of this prophecy. ‘

‘Actually Tamara I have quite an explanation for that however far fetched it might seem. ‘ Ryker beckoned me to have a sit.

‘Which is? ‘

‘An alliance between the goddess and your witch ancestors, to work together to help us defeat Addanc. ‘ That made a lot of sense but still brought up many questions.

‘But why would the goddess wish to destroy a wizard? Anyway this whole thing doesn’t matter right now. ‘ I sat beside him, leaning on the side of his shoulder.

‘You are right what matters now is that my sister is back home. Speaking of which, let me mind link Jayson and ask how she is doing. ‘ He did so, spacing out for a few seconds.

‘She is not awake yet. I want to pass by the dungeons and see whether Monica is ready to talk. ‘

‘I’m coming with you. ‘ But before I could even attempt to stand, Tyron ran in panting. I didn’t even bother to ask how he knew where to find us seeing how distraught he was.

‘What is it now? ‘ My mate looked at the heaving teenager, waiting impatiently for him to speak.

‘Mimi’s grave… Someone dug her coffin out. ‘

‘What? ‘ We asked simultaneously, mouth agape and eyes wide trying to comprehend what he had just said.

‘Why would someone dig a corpse out? ‘ I thought aloud, trying to come up with a possible explanation for this creepy happenings.

‘Not just that, the remains of Mimi specifically. ‘ My mate whispered, thoughts running wild like mine.

‘The rest of her skeleton is there, but her skull is missing. ‘ My heart beat skyrocketed and my hands became sweaty. That was not good at all, that skull obviously represented something. For someone to go through such an extend to retrieve bones? it must have been one hell of an important object to them. I remembered coming across a drawing in my mothers journal.

‘Ryker there is a drawing of a skull in my mother’s journal, marked x with a red painting. Mother always talked about red paint instead of referring to black magic. ‘ Then it hit me, Addanc. I couldn’t stop the words from flowing out of my mouth as I spoke.

‘Dark magic, whatever Addanc has planned to do with that skull will destroy us all. ‘ I whispered, my eyes fixed on a certain spot on the opposite wall.

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