Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 72 The perfect plan




Ria Robert must be the type of woman who doesn’t like men staring at her and taking in her beauty. But that’s impossible! She was irresistible! And her beauty was enough to cause traffic on highway! Ian didn’t tell Drake too much about Ria when he asked who she was.

“She is my date.” Ian clarified but he also sounded like he was warning Drake to back off and not get silly ideas in his head.

“Oh! Wow! You have a beautiful date, Ian Bryant.” Drake complimented after Ria walked away at a close run.

“Thank you, Drake Robert.” Ian replied with a deep frown grazing his face.

“Come on, don’t give me a frown. I am not going to steal your date away.” Drake chuckled. But well he could steal Ria Robert from Ian if he wanted to anyways. He thought.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Ian didn’t give any response. Sincerely, Drake didn’t attend the business men and women association party to steal anyone’s date. He came to Chicago strictly for business!

“Well I am yet to get a response on the shipping deal.” Drake said after a moment of stern stare contest.

“Forty five percent or no deal.” Ian replied as he ended the staring contest.

Drake followed his gaze. It was on a lady. She was dressed in a skimpy red cocktail dress. Her chest was large enough to drive any man insane except Drake Robert because he doesn’t like ladies with big boobs!

Drake arched his eyebrows. Ian came with his date but was still staring at another lady. So he wondered how Ria would feel if she saw him staring at another lady.

“Too bad… for Ria.” Drake mumbled. If he were Ian he would be faithful like an old dog to Ria Robert. He wouldn’t need another woman if she was with him.

Drake cleared his throat. “Ian Bryant, why are you insisting on forty five percent?” He asked.

“Why are you insisting on giving thirty percent?” Ian looked back at him. “Would you have accepted thirty percent if you were in my shoes?” He asked.

“No.” Drake replied sincerely.

Ian screw up his face.

“But Ian Bryant, you can accept thirty percent and your corporation won’t go bankrupt because of that fifteen percent difference.” He added.

“I don’t run deals that way.” Ian replied.

“Woah! If Ian Bryant can give out three million dollars for just one night party and millions to a Charity home then you can spare me that fifteen percent of the deal too.” Drake smirked.

“I don’t run the corporation alone. Plus the millions I gave doesn’t belong to the corporation. Look Drake-”


A soft voice interrupted Ian.

Drake turned towards the voice and saw that lady Ian was staring at earlier. He is sure the lady must have noticed him staring at her that’s why she came to them. Now Drake thinks that someone is going to steal Ian from Ria Robert tonight. And if that happens Drake doesn’t mind going home with Ria just for tonight. He would be willing to take Ian’s place. He thought.

“Valeria Diaz.” She introduced.

“Drake Robert.” He shook hands with her.

“It’s a pleasure.” Valeria flashed Drake a seductive smile before turning to face Ian who now wore a concerned look on his face. He was distant with his gaze at the entrance.

“Where is your date Ian?” Valeria asked.

“Excuse me, I’ll just go ahead and look for my date.” Ian said facing Drake directly. And he was almost leaving when Drake grabbed his upper arm.

“We aren’t done talking about the deal.” Drake gritted.

“Forty five percent or no deal. If you agree with the percentage then let’s talk later and if you don’t agree then have another shipping company run the deal for you.” Ian jerked free and walked away.

“Still an asshole.” Valeria muttered. She was angry because Ian ignored her.

Hearing Valeria calling Ian an asshole made Drake sense some connection between them.

“Perhaps do you know -”

“Yes we used to date.” Valeria blurted out before he completed his statement.

“Really?” Drake huffed.

“Yes. We dated for quite some time.” Valeria replied with a bright smile.

He could see it in her expression that she was proud to be Ian Bryant’s ex girlfriend. Drake realized that Ian wasn’t staring at her because he liked what he saw but because Valeria was once his woman.

“I met his date tonight and I told her about us. Poor lady, he is just going to have her in his bed and give excuses of not wanting commitment.” Valeria laughed.

Oh that’s bad! It must have been a huge blow on Ria and Ian wasn’t happy Valeria introduced herself to Ria Robert.

“So what about you? Did you come with anyone?” She asked.

“No. I am here to meet, Ian Bryant.” Drake answered.

But now she has ruined everything! They were discussing business before she interrupted them. Drake was sure her presence made Ian leave too soon. Now Ian didn’t agree as planned even though it seemed like he was about to give in to the demands.

“Same here.” Valeria opened her purse and brought out her card. “You know, we can hook up some other time.” She said with an alluring smile.

“Sure.” Drake just doesn’t want to be rude by rejecting her card so he accepted it. His eyes did a slow crawl on her. Valeria wasn’t bad too but not as pretty as Ria Robert.

Valeria leaned in closely. “I’ll be expecting.” She whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek.

Drake managed to stiff in a laugh. What is she thinking?

“Bye.” She walked away.

“That I will hook up with her? Never. She is not my type. Definitely far from from my ideal type of women.” Drake mumbled.

He also hates women making the first move. But he can always call her up to warm his bed anytime he is in Chicago. “No… she isn’t worth it.” He said.

Drake waited to see if Ian would return back to the party but he didn’t come back. He tossed Valeria’s card into the waste bin on his way out of the room. He concluded that he doesn’t need her.

Drake Robert has too many problems to deal with and he doesn’t want anyone showing up at his parents home with a baby bump again. She is not his type so there is no need to hook up with her.

Drake was angry that this night didn’t turn out the way he planned it. He should have stick to the plans to enticing Ian Bryant or doing some background check on him instead of doing a peaceful persuasion.


A continuous beeping sound on the desk snapped Drake out of thought. It was his phone! He looked down at it and saw that his mom was the caller ID.

‘Hello mom.’ He picked the call.

‘Hey Drake, how are you?’

‘I am fine. What’s wrong?’ Drake asked after he noticed that she didn’t sound the usual way.

‘It is your dad.’ Mrs Vivian sniffed.

Drake leaned back in the swivel chair. ‘Tell me about it.’

‘He won’t let me travel to Chicago.’ She replied.


‘Yes. I want to get some dresses in Chicago.’

Drake rubbed his temples. ‘Mom, you can get them here in Idaho.’

‘You think I don’t know where to buy a dress in Idaho? No! I want the dresses from Ria Robert Couture because her designs are beautiful and elegant. And some of my friends already visited the place while some went to the launch party.’

Oh! Drake never knew his mom was aware of Ria Robert Couture. He had also watched the launching on YouTube after he heard his staffs talking about this new fashion house in Chicago and how they would like to visit and get a dress there.

Drake had typed RRC Launching and it turned out to be for Ria Robert, the woman he had met at the BMW party. And Drake wished he was there at the launching of RRC but he wasn’t even aware Ria was a clothe designer until he watched some clips about her and even the interview on National TV.

‘Have you heard about her too?’ Mrs Vivian asked.

‘Yes and I have met her once.’ Drake responded.

‘Really?!’ She gasped out.

‘Yes. We met at the business men and women party in Chicago.’

‘Wow! She was at the party too!’

‘Yes mom. She came with Ian Bryant as his date.’ Drake added.

And he didn’t even get to see Ian till he left Chicago after a few days. Drake had tried all his best to see Ian but it was either he was in conference meeting or emergency meeting with board of directors or that he didn’t show up at work. It was as if Ian purposely avoided Drake. And he was making a big issue out of this deal.

Drake should have considered partnering with another shipping company but partnering Lint corporation will fetch him more money at the local markets. A whole lot of money with an increase to the company’s funds if Ian agrees to at least thirty percent. The deal would be profitable to Drake if he can have seventy percent.

‘Yes son. She is partnering with Ian Bryant. Lint Corporation is supplying her textiles and it seems like Ian is her backbone because she confessed that he has really helped her a lot.’ Mrs Vivian sounded different now. No doubt, she was happy talking about Ria Robert.

‘Yes I know mom. No wonder she turned up as his date. They must be really close.” Drake sighed.

Mrs Vivian hummed a positive response. ‘So mom, why did dad refused to allow you go to Chicago?’

‘He didn’t give me any reason.’ She answered.

‘Mom give him time. Maybe dad is thinking that he would be alone at home if you leave for Chicago. Don’t worry, I am sure he will let you go.’

‘You think so?’

‘I will talk to him.’ Drake replied.

‘Alright son. And have you talked to Bay today?’ Mrs Vivian asked.

‘Yes we spoke earlier this morning. She is fine.’ Drake responded.

Mrs Vivian heaved a sigh of relief. ‘I want to get a dress for her too. Isn’t that a good idea?’

‘It is a good idea.’

‘Oh! I have to go now! Mrs Belinda is calling. Bye son!’ She disconnected the call.

Drake dropped the phone and tapped on the desk softly. After some minutes of thinking about the deal with Ian Bryant, an idea popped up in his head and it was best way to get Ian to sign the deal.

Limos produces the best fabrics in United State Of America. He can offer to supply Ria Robert Couture at a lower price. He can bear the cost for the time being.

“Yes, this is it! I will make a deal with Ria.” Drake loosen his tie as he stood up from the chair. “If Ian Bryant sees me with her…. I am sure he won’t like it. If I am not wrong Ian Bryant seems to like Ria Robert. So he will feel insecure and concerned with me around Ria and he will have to sign the deal to make me stay away from his woman. Yes. Yes. This is the perfect plan.” Drake chuckled.

He just need to have a perfect plan on how to reach Ria and talk to her. He will act on this perfect plan.

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