Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 66 Ex-Girlfriend



Benjamin drove Ria and Ziggy to the location of the association parry. It was a big fancy hotel. There was a long line of Limousines, Benz, BMW, Bentleys, Lamborghini trucks and other expensive sports cars. As Benjamin drove close to the entrance, she could see all the people walking in and she felt like she did not look like them. The fancy clothes and suits and flashing lights from the paparazzi.

“Ziggy.. I.. don’t think I can do this..” Ria said shakily.

“Ria just relax, I’ll walk you to Ian Bryant. The party is not a big deal and all you have to do is smile, shake a few hands and look pretty for Ian Bryant because he is the main man.” Ziggy said in a calm tone.

Look pretty for Ian? That sounded more like ma’am Elise. Ria thought. “I can do this…” She breathed out.

Ria made the bold steps out of the car looking as graceful as possible. “Wow! Who is she?!”

“She is so gorgeous!”

“Oh! Look it is Ziggy Gray!”

“She must be his date!”

These were the handful of comments from the reporters around as they rushed to take pictures. Ria was blinded by Paparazzi camera flashes. The bouncers tried to caution them as they were packed behind red ropes yelling and taking pictures.

“A minute please.. Ziggy Gray!”

Ziggy waved at them in an elegant style with a smile plastered on his face. He wrapped his arm around Ria as he led her through the blind lights. And she suddenly wished that it was Ian holding her. How do celebrities put up with the lights on daily basis? Ria mused.

It took them more time to get to the door because the paparazzi kept asking Ziggy questions about the woman beside him.

“This is so annoying.” Ria mumbled.

“Be glad it is me. You would have seen more drama if it was the most wanted bachelor in Chicago.” Ziggy whispered to her.

Ria knew he was talking about Ian Bryant. The inside was over packed and crowded. People were hoarded all around and this was just the lobby.

“You did well Ria at least you didn’t fall or trip.” Ziggy commented.

“I couldn’t do that not with a twenty million dollar diamond hanging on my neck, ear and wrist.” Ria muttered but enough for him to hear her.

Ziggy chuckled. “The diamonds are enough to get rid of your nervousness. Huh?”

And she is only doing this because of Ian Bryant. Ziggy led Ria to the nearest elevator and she started feeling nervous again because people stopped to stare at her. She found a few people whispering in each other’s ears while staring in her direction.

“Are you okay?” Ziggy asked.

“Yes… I.. am.. fine.” Ria stuttered.

“Remember the diamonds.” Ziggy whispered in her ears after they walked into the elevator.

“I need to collect myself. I only need to act cool and calm if I am going to make it through tonight.” Ria bantered internally.

The ride to the top floor was long. Ria did feel a little exposed in the dress and she worry that the back of the dress would slip down and her ass would be out in the open plus she wasn’t wearing a bra under the dress. And the no bra dress added more to the nervousness.

When the elevator dinged and the door opened Ria inhaled and exhaled a quick breath before they stepped out into the hallway. Ria grabbed Ziggy’s arm again and they walked down the hallway. Few people were standing around and they stared and whispered at the sight of Ria Robert walking with the famous and top most model in the country.

“Her dress is too revealing.”

“Does she have a plan to seduce all the men at the party?”

“She must be crazy.”

Ria heard people say behind her. “I knew it.” She mumbled.

“If you let that get to you then you will never survive the night.” Ziggy said.

All Ria could do was nod her head as she reminded herself that she was doing it for the man who has helped her life and is still helping her life.

“In addition, I am glad Ian Bryant seems to have an understanding with a woman now. This is the first time he is coming to this party with a date.” Ziggy added.

“Really?” Ria sounded surprised.

“Yes, you are the first woman. And I must say that Ian Bryant is lucky to have you by his side.” Ziggy let out a soft laugh.

“No! It is the other way round. I am lucky to have Ian Bryant by my side!” Ria countered within herself.

Ziggy and Ria walked up to a set of door and two men opened the door when they got close. The room was filled with rich people of fancy million dollars outfits, accessories and services. White tables were set up at the side of the room and waiters roamed around the area and there was hardly any way to walk.

“Look, Ian Bryant is on the other side of the room.” Ziggy blurted out when he caught a glimpse of Ian.

“Where?” Ria asked while following Ziggy. She tried to look for Ian but she couldn’t see him.

Eyes were plastered on Ria as Ziggy walked her through the room. All Ria did to avoid their stares was look down at the ground and followed Ziggy as if she was blind.

“You have to get used to it. You will be a star soon.” Ziggy said.

“What star?” Ria head snapped up at him.

“A fashion star or should I say Icon. Ian told me about your business.” Ziggy replied.

“He did?” Ria pouted her lips.

“Yes, he didn’t stop talking about it while I gave him a sketch of how you would turn out tonight. So you have to learn to get through with events like this party.” Ziggy responded.

Ria sighed. This was going to be a long night! Ria had a conclusion in her mind that she would still have to give this diamond back to Ian even though he bought it for her.

Talking of Ian, Ria spotted him as they got closer. His brown hair sleeked back that it fitted his sculpted face perfectly. Ian was dressed in a black suit which matched with a black tie, shoe and light brown handkerchief folded with just a triangle point sticking out of his breast pocket. He was different! He looked more handsome with the champagne glass in his hand. His smile almost blinded Ria while he was talking to another man.

As Ziggy and Ria walked closer, Ian gave a quick glance but had to quickly turn back for a second stare. His eyes opened wide just staring and moving them to look over every inch of Ria Robert.

“Ian! I brought your date as promised.” Ziggy said with a smug smile on his face. “I present her to you.” He slipped his arm out from Ria’s arm.

Ian was still lost in trance. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Ziggy went to him, balled his fist and gave him a smack at his back. Ian jumped all the way back to reality.

“Your date.” Ziggy pointed.

“Oh! Thank.. you.. Ziggy.” Ian stuttered.


Ian leaned close and planted kisses on Ria’s cheeks. She saw the look on the other man’s face. He was amused as he stared at her!

“Your date is very beautiful Ian! It would be rude not to introduce us.” The man said.

“Of course! Harvey, this is Ria Robert. Ria meet Harvey Wesley the deputy president of the BMW association. He also owns the largest construction company in Chicago.” Ian introduced.

Ria hesitated before sticking out her hand for him to shake it. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Harvey grabbed the wrap of her fingers and slowly pulled them up to his lips and planted a kiss just above her knuckle. “Meeting a beauty like yourself, the pleasure is all mine. You are beautiful.” Harvey complimented.

Ria’s immediate impression of this guy is that, he is a sweet talker and he better not get any silly ideas in his head.

“You flatter me.” Ria forced a small smile on her face.

“A woman like yourself deserves much more than mere flattery. I mean my words.” Harvey grinned.

Ria wasn’t comfortable with this guy. Ian sensed it too even as he was losing his mind over a simple dress and her new look.

“Harvey would you please excuse us, I would like to talk to my date alone.” Ian requested.

“Of course! It is almost time for my speech. Good to see you again, Ziggy Gray.” Harvey gave Ziggy a stern handshake before disappearing into the crowd.

“I’ll also take my leave.” Ziggy said.

“Thank you once again.” Ian shook hands with Ziggy before he exited the room.

Ria raised an eye brow at Ian when he covered the inch left between them. “You look beautiful.” He complimented and her cheeks flushed pink.

“Of course! I am wearing a twenty thousand dollars dress, a ten thousand dollars heels, a five thousand dollars make up and a twenty million dollars diamond all on my body.” She pointed out.

Ian rolled his eyes. “Stop being concerned about the money. And trust me, you will still look beautiful even without the accessories.”

And Ria realized she was blushing too much from his compliments so she shied away from it. “I must admit that you are the prettiest woman here tonight. So be careful of the other women.” This man sure has a way of getting to her.

Ria and Ian grabbed a few glasses of champagne before the dinner party started. She was amazed at all the people Ian introduced to her. Ria got to meet a couple of people, famous business owners, oil tycoons and fashion designers some who admired the dress she made for Amber Foundation children. Some of the people Ian introduced Ria to had attended the event and they had received her cards while some watched the event on national television channels.

Ria admitted that walking and talking around all these people was actually kind of interesting. And for the champagne, she has never had one before and it was pretty good but she didn’t drink too much.

“Everyone…” A man on the stage said into the microphone. The spotlight came on him. It was the same guy, Harvey Wesley!

“I would like to start out by telling you thank you for attending the party. And on behalf of Amber Foundation, Madam Charity is saying a big thank you to everyone that attended the last party. And she is also using this medium to appreciate Ian Bryant for donating a sum of five million dollar to the foundation.” A spotlight found Ian in the room. “And BMW is saying thank you too for giving the sum of three million for today’s dinner party.” Harvey completed.

People turned to them and began to clap. He donated such huge amount of money to the foundation and for the party too?!

“That’s quiet generous of you.” Ria said to him.

“Well I do like helping others when I can.” Ian replied.

The spotlight disappeared and reappeared back on the stage. “Now ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you Charles Willard, the president of the association!” Harvey started the clap and everyone joined in.

An elderly man with white hair and wearing a grey suit stepped on the stage. “Hello everyone.” He said.

“That man you are seeing up there is the richest man in Connecticut.” Ian said.

“Really?” Ria looked back at the aged man on the stage and she couldn’t help but wonder what it feels to be the richest.

“I would like to start by thanking you all for coming to this year’s party. This association is still bent on making the country a better place!” Everyone began to clap again. “And I hope you all enjoy the evening. Thank you.”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

They clapped as the man stepped off the stage. Charles and Harvey disappeared below the crowd level.

“Let us grab something to eat at the table.” Ian said

“Thank GOODNESS! I am hungry!” Ria said to herself.

They both turned towards the direction of where the table was but Ian stopped on track. Ria saw a woman standing in front to them. She was dressed in a skimpy red cocktail dress and if it was lifted higher she would be showing the world her ass. She was well toned like a model walking on a runway, her skin was tanned gold and her hair was blond and her chest was large too.

“Please tell me, this is your new woman right?” The woman said.

Ian met her eyes and tensed up. “Valeria.” He said. Immediately his arms came around Ria’s waist ad he squeezed her closer.

Her eyes turned away from him and stared directly at Ria. And Ria could see the woman sizing her up.

“Ian, don’t be rude. You should introduce me to your new woman here.” She cracked a fake smile on her face.

“Darling, this is Valeria.”

What?! Did he just call her darling?!

“And Valeria, this is-”

Valeria interrupted Ian as she held out her hand for Ria to shake it. “We used to date and you are?”

Ria cringed at the word date and the fact that this woman standing in front of her is Ian Bryant’s ex girlfriend! Well Ian hasn’t told her anything about his past girlfriends or relationships.

Did she live with him when they were together? Did they go on these rich dates outside the country? How much did he loved her before the break up? Did he envision a future with this woman? Different questions flooded Ria mind at that moment as she tried to imagine Ian’s relationship with Valeria.

“Ria Robert. It is a pleasure to meet you.” She replied with a half smile.

All of a sudden, Ria started to feel like Ian invited her to this party on purpose just to warn off his ex girlfriend! He called her darling and even squeezed her to his side when he saw Valeria.

Harvey Wesley came up behind Valeria. “Valeria, can I talk to you for a second?” He said to her.

Valeria looked at Ria before giving Harvey a hard nod. “Alright.” She mumbled reluctantly.

Harvey winked at Ian before pulling Valeria along with him. Ian heaved a sigh of relief. “I am -”

“It is ok.” Ria cuts him off quickly.

Ian stared at her in shock as she bit on her lower lip and clenched her fist. “Listen Ria, Valeria and I -”

“Ian, I said it is okay.” Ria interrupted him again.

Pang of anger shot through her as she recalled the look on Valeria face while she was sizing her up. Perhaps was Valeria thinking Ria wasn’t up to Ian’s standard of women?

“Okay, let us grab something to eat.” Ian pointed to the table.

“I am not hungry.” Ria said.

Ian closed his eyes. “Ria.” He reopened his eyes but Ria looked around to avoid his gaze.

She saw this man out of the corner of her eyes. He was searching the room as if looking for someone desperately. He was dressed in a brown suit, his black hair wasn’t gelled back, instead it fell naturally on his face.

And Ria didn’t know why he seems to hold on to her attention but he did.

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