Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 58 Acceptance



Out of frustration, fury and anger, Mrs Serena barged into the luxury living room and she threw her purse on the couch aggressively. She was more disappointed because Mr Frederick Robert had portrayed his son to be a young and responsible man but Drake Robert turned out to be the opposite of everything his parents said about him.

“Drake Robert is rude, mean, a spoilt brat and he has no regards for anyone! He is a foolish young man who is also irresponsible and I have never seen a man like him! He doesn’t deserve my child! Bay deserves a better man!” Serena thought within herself.

And if only Drake wasn’t Fredrick’s son she would have slapped him in the face when he denied his child! How dare he deny it when everything proves that the baby is for him!

“Mom.” Bay called in a low tone but her mother didn’t respond. Then she tried to touch her mother but Mrs Serena turned and stopped her with a hand up in the air.

“I want to be alone.” Mrs Serena mumbled.

“I am sorry.” Bay whispered as she blinked back tears that threatens to spill anytime soon.

Mrs Serena relaxed and looked up at her daughter. “Bay, please go to your room and rest.”

Bay nodded slowly and made her way to her room. She blamed herself for everything. At that very moment, Bay began to regret the decision she had made. The last thing she wanted was to see her mother unhappy but sleeping with Drake had brought her mother pains and now she was also caught in between her irrational steps. Bay knew her mother felt humiliated when Drake said he picked her at a club.

Mrs Serena was heartbroken because all she ever wanted was to raise Bay as a good woman but she was considered a town’s whore by a man who had picked her up at a club. That’s the last thing a parents would every want to hear about his or her child.

But Mrs Serena blamed herself for everything! She blamed it on the fact that her rules had deprived Bay of some certain things all in the name of wanting to raise her well and for her to be the best among the list of successful women in Idaho. Mrs Serene felt like she had failed in her responsibility as a good mother. Did these things also happen because she wasn’t all that close to Bay? Wasn’t she close enough to her daughter that they could talk about things a child ought to know? She pondered deeply.

“It is all my fault. I should be blamed for everything.” She whispered.

Mrs Serena concluded that the mother to child bond wasn’t strong. No cordial relationship because she was too busy with work at the firm before Bay took over.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“I am sorry Rex.. I failed you.” Mrs Serena sobbed silently.

She sank onto the couch and cried in silence but minutes passed and she calmed. Mrs Serena Sanders decided that she won’t turn against her daughter. If Drake doesn’t want his child then it is fine. He wasn’t needed in Bay’s life anyways. He was just a sperm donor.

“I’ll take care of my daughter and my grandchild.” Mrs Serena gritted in determination.

To hell with Drake if he doesn’t want to accept his responsibility as a father! They would both raise that child and in the best way! Mrs Serena Sanders promised.




Bay Sanders sat at the desk lost in thought. She couldn’t concentrate on work because she was thinking about what happened at Drake’s family home. Drake doesn’t want his child! It was obvious that Drake wasn’t ready to take on the responsibility for his own flesh and blood!

Bay’s hand wondered to her belly. There is a life growing in her belly, her baby and her joy. She won’t take it out even if Drake fails to accept it.

“What if people wonder how I got a baby? What if people close mock me about having a child without a father?” Bay shut her eyes as she envisioned the images of people at the office talking behind her back and saying bad things about her and the baby.

Bay reopened her eyes as fierce overprotectiveness welled up within her. “It is none of their business! My child will grow well in my arms. And to hell with Drake if he doesn’t want his baby!” She concluded.

Bay heard a soft knock on the door. “Please come in.” She said.

The secretary named Lucy popped her head in. “Miss Bay, someone is here to see you.”

“Who?” Bay asked.

Lucy stepped into the office. “He said that his name is Mr Drake Robert.” She replied.

“Drake?” Bay repeated as she arched her eyebrows at the same time. Why is he here? Is she ready to face him? Her heartbeat accelerated even as she gave Lucy a short nod, a sign to let Drake into the office.

Seconds clicked by and the door opened wide revealing Drake Robert and he walked into the office.

“Thank you.. Lucy.” Bay dismissed her.

“Good morning, Bay.” Drake greeted.

Bay told herself that she shouldn’t act like a little girl who doesn’t know what she wants. She has to woman up and talk things straight with him.

“Good morning, Drake Robert.” Bay replied boldly after taking in a handful of breathe to fill her lungs.

Drake stared at her. “Don’t I deserve a seat?” He asked.

You definitely don’t deserve one! Bay wanted to slap it to his face but she held back her harsh words.. “Please take a seat.” She pointed to the couch.

Bay stood up from behind the desk to settle on the couch facing Drake whose eyes was watching every of her movement. She sat with his legs crossed.

“So how are you?” He asked sounding like he care about her well being.

“I am fine. Thanks for your concern.” Bay responded.

“And the baby?” Drake asked again.

“Now the baby?! The baby is fine! And we will be fine without you on our side! Definitely!” Bay said within herself.

Drake waited for her response while he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs.

“Fine.” Bay replied sharply.

Drake cleared his throat. “We need to talk.” He said.

Talk about what? That she is not carrying his child! Hell No! Bay is not ready to listen to his heartbreaking words! He doesn’t want his child so be it! She accept it!

“We have nothing to talk about anymore.” Bay blurted with a deep frown on her expression.

Drake raised his brows. “I know, you are doubting my baby and that you don’t want it. And it is fine by me. So we don’t have anything to talk about here. And forget about convincing me to take it out even if you know it is yours because I won’t have an abortion.” Bay said sternly. Her heart was beating rapidly and she could feel her hands almost trembling.

Drake stared at her in shock. The thought of abortion never even occurred to him. His Adams apple bobbled up and down as he calmed. “Are you done?” He asked.

“What?” Bay furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Oh well she was not done talking! She has a lot to say to him! She would like to remind how foolish he has been to have denied his baby!

“I want to -” Drake paused as he watched her trying to control her heartbeat.

Somehow Bay found herself relaxing at his intense stare. “I apologize for what happened last night.” He completed his intended statement.

Apologizing for humiliating her mother? For denying his child? And for calling her a whore? Everything.

“I was shocked to see you at our place and my parents didn’t tell me about the baby before I met you again. I chalked things up between us as a fling so I was surprised you turned up pregnant.”

Thinking about it now that’s true. Drake didn’t deny knowing Bay but he only claimed that she can’t be carrying his child.

“And about the baby I denied it because I didn’t know it was your first and also considering the fact of how we met at club. I just thought that the baby could be for the other men you were seeing but I was wrong and slow in realizing that the baby could be mine.” Drake stopped expecting a response from her but she didn’t say anything.

What made him change his mind? Bay thought.

Drake continued. “I saw the bloodstain on the bed when I was about to leave the hotel.” He confessed.

Drake saw the stain? Well she never thought about any stain on the sheet. Bay tried to block the images of that night. She had realized that the sex in shower without protection must have made her pregnant because Drake had released into her. Actually Jessica helped her realized it. So what about the note? Bay mused.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Bay heard herself say in low tone.

Damn it! Bay knew she has the weakest will on earth! Some minutes ago, she was determined to get rid of Drake Robert but now she was concerned about the note she had left him.

“Note?” Drake muttered.

“Yeah… I actually… I dropped a note that morning.” Bay whispered. She studied his expression and it kind of struck her that Drake didn’t see the note. So it is better not to talk about it.

“Never mind.” Bay said as she fiddled with her fingers.

“I saw the note.” Drake answered.

He did?! He saw the note but he didn’t even bother to call! Oh! He chalked things up to a fling.

“I saw the note but I left it at the hotel.” Drake said with sincerity in his tone.

“Okay.” Bay nodded slowly.

So Drake saw the note and he left it back at the hotel. Jessica was right! That night meant nothing to him! Bay should have accepted it right since when her best friend was telling her that one night didn’t mean forever in Drake Robert’s world.

And Bay was quick to conclude that she has been a fool to think that Drake felt something for her!

She should be hating him but right now seeing Drake made every fiber of her being stand up and take notice of him. He looked handsome in his neatly tailored black suit.

Bay really want to end this whole drama of loving Drake Robert and she just want to dedicate her life to raising her baby.

Drake sighed. “I apologize for that too. And I am here because I want to take on the responsibility of the child. It is my baby too so I don’t have any choice but to be the father.” He completed the sentence with another sigh.

Bay’s head snapped up and she locked gaze with Drake. What does that mean?! Drake wants his child! He want to be a father! Happiness and hope washed through Bay Sanders.

“I will make out time from my busy schedules to always check up on you and the baby.” Drake added.

“Does that mean I will be seeing Drake more often?” Bay bantered internally.

“Just give me a call if you need anything.” Drake stood up and dropped his complimentary card on glass table. He was almost leaving when he said, “Apologize to your mom on my behalf.”

Bay managed to nod her head since her voice failed her. “Take care.” Drake said finally and he walked out.

Bay let out a shaky breathe when the door clicked closed and her fingers drew circles on her stomach. A smile formed on Bay Sanders lips against her will or maybe she just want to smile and feel the happiness.

Drake Robert accepted his child.

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