Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 52 A baby for Drake Robert



Bay could hear hushed voices as she laid on a bed. Where am I? She thought. Bay pry open her eyes before closing them again quickly due to the lights above in the ceilings.

“She is awake.”

Bay heard someone say and the words sounded very close to her. Finally she opened her eyes again and blinked rapidly to clear her vision. A woman dressed in a white coat was standing by the side of the bed.

“Bay, you are awake.”

She heard a familiar voice say gratefully. “Yes. What am I doing at the hospital ?” She tried to get up but the doctor stopped her.

“You shouldn’t move yet.” The female doctor pushed her back down lightly.

Bay frowned in confusion. “What happened?” Her voice came out as a rasp. She looked at her mother who passed her a glass of water. Bay noticed the concerned look her mother shot at her even as she accepted the glass and drank from it.

“Why am I here?” Bay asked again.

“You don’t know why you are the hospital?” Mrs Sander arched her eyebrows.

“Know what? What should I know? I woke up not too long and found myself in the hospital so how am I supposed to know?” Bay demanded with clear annoyance clear in her tone.

The female doctor and Mrs Sanders exchanged glances. Bay watched her mother shut her eyes as the doctor cleared her throat hesitating a little before speaking.

“Listen miss Bay, you are expecting.”

“I am.. I am what?” Bay’s mind was blank. She couldn’t comprehend what the female doctor just said.

“You are pregnant.” The female doctor announced after some seconds of silence.

You are pregnant. Those words echoed in Bay’s head and she tried to process it.

“I’ll leave her with you, Mrs Sanders. She needs to get more rest. Ensure she drinks more water and she should always take the prenatal vitamins.”

Bay could hear the doctor explaining things to her mother whose eye were on her with her lips pressed together. “I am pregnant.” Bay said within as she caress a hand over her belly.

There is a life in her stomach and she didn’t know. She never thought of it. It has never occurred to me that she could possibly be pregnant.

Almost ten weeks and she haven’t heard from Drake Robert. He never called and Bay has been finding it hard to accept what her heart has been telling her. She didn’t want to agree that the night well spent didn’t mean anything Drake Robert. Bay refused to accept that Drake could have really chalk things up, everything they shared that night to a mere fling. That night means a lot to Bay and she had expected a call which never came!

Now she is pregnant! She is carrying Drake Robert’s child! This wasn’t how Bay expected things to turn out for her.

“Who is the father?”

Bay stunned out of thought when she heard her mother’s voice. How would she explain things to her mom? Tears gathered in her eyes but Bay knew she has to be strong for her baby! At that point, Bay concluded that she would tell her mother the whole truth. And if perhaps her mother decides to disown her for this reason then she would leave town and raise her child alone because it was obvious that Drake won’t accept the child. He thinks Bay is a whore and she doubt it if he knew that he took away her virginity that night.

“How did you manage to get yourself into a mess like this?” Mrs Sanders demanded.

Bay’s jaw dropped slightly. “A mess? You are calling my child a mess?” She furrowed her eyebrows. She decided again that she won’t have this discussion with her mom.

Bay wanted to get out of bed but her mom held her down. “You need to rest.”

“No, I don’t need to rest. A mess? This is my child and it doesn’t matter how I became pregnant!” Bay yelled at her mother as tears dropped down her cheeks.

Mrs Sander sat at the edge of the bed and held her daughter’s hands. “I am sorry. Listen Bay..” Her voice trailed off. She reached out to wipe her daughter’s cheeks and Bay relaxed a bit. “You are my sweet child and I am not going to leave you because you are pregnant. Please just tell me the father of your child.” Her voice was so calm.

Bay swallowed hard. “No mom. It is really hard to explain how I got my baby.” She sobbed.

Finding it hard to explain things to her mother made Bay realize so many things at that point.

What was she thinking? Going to an extent of acting like a whore just to spend some time with the man she fell in love with on a business show.

“You can tell me about it.” Mrs Sanders persuaded.

“I am sorry mom.” Bay apologized.

“Yes I know. I know, you are sorry.” Bay nodded in agreement. “So just tell me the truth so we can know what to next.”

“What to do? What to do next? In what way?” Bay raised a brow.

“Yes what to do about this situation.” Mrs Sander said.

Bay let go of her mom’s hand immediately. “I am not having an abortion!” Bay screamed at her mother.

Mrs Sanders eyes widened in shock. “No.. no.. I am not suggesting an abortion! How can I even think of such for my own daughter? This is my grandchild! And I just want know who impregnated you!” She gritted still trying to control her angry towards her child.

“Mom….” Bay cried.

Mrs Sanders let out a shaky breath “Bay, tell me the truth because I haven’t seen any man around you. So I-”

“And whose fault is that mom?! Whose fault is it that I don’t have a man in my life?” Bay snapped at her mom.


“I am twenty four years but you still treat me like a kid! I was never free! Ever since dad passed on, I have been feeling like a caged bird. I leave home and head to school then back home, no social life, no meeting up with friends and I never even had a boyfriend! I couldn’t fall in love even in college because you had eyes everywhere to look out for me. And each time I want to mingle or love someone, somehow they slapped it right to my face that I was a momma girl. Even after graduating from college, I thought things was going to change but it didn’t. I gave you everything you wanted mom. I was a good girl, I had good grades, graduated with a first class degree in architecture. I studied hard thinking If I did maybe things would change instead you only made sure that I always go to work everyday and draw out more structures for our clients. All I do is work my ass out at the firm, build bridges and constructing buildings. You didn’t give me the freedom I craved for.” Bay rushed out her words as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

Mrs Sanders was shocked by her daughter’s sudden outburst. “I fell in love again and made a decision that I would find that love. And I did find him and I met the one my heart beats for but I did the most stupid thing anyone who was naive could have done. And if only I had experience on how to start a proper relationship then maybe all this won’t have happened! But trust me, I won’t give in to the thought of regret because of what I did. I gave myself to the one I love but its just so sad that he doesn’t care. They say he is a bad guy but I am not buying that because for the first time in my lifetime I had a real conversation with man and I flowed with him freely that night. I was happy to be with him in just one night!” Bay stopped talking with her chest rising and falling.

“Who.. who is he?” Mrs Sander asked shakily.

“Drake Robert.” Bay confessed.

Mrs Sanders eyes widened in shock. “What?! Drake Robert?!” She gasped out.

Bay shook her head in agreement. “Drake Robert is the father of my child.” She swallowed the lump which formed at the back of her throat.

“Listen Bay… are you sure.. that Drake is the man that fathered.. your child?!” Mrs Sanders stuttered.

“Yes, I have never been with any man. The night I spent with Drake was my first.” Bay answered.

A tear slipped down Mrs Sanders cheeks. “But why didn’t you tell me you were in love with Drake Robert?”

“What would you have done? Call him up and tell him about it? No! If I had told you about my feelings then you would have grounded me for life!” Bay shot back at her mom.

Mrs Sanders moved closer to her daughter. “No.. no.. no Bay… please don’t talk like this -” Her voice broke off and Bag could see the tears dropping freely down her mother’s cheeks.

“I am sorry. I didn’t know you felt like a caged bird because of my rules. Believe me, I waited for you to bring home someone you love but you didn’t. Then I concluded that you aren’t ready to settle down with anyone. I am sorry my love… I am so sorry for treating you like that. But I only set those rules because-” She paused.

“Because of what mom?” Bay asked.

“I made a promise to your father that I would raise you well to be the best. I didn’t want you to be like other kids who goes sleeping around all in the name of having fun. I wanted you to be a strong willed woman with a great sense of dignity and integrity.” Mrs Sanders replied.

“So did you get that now? Mom, look at me. I am pregnant and I am sure the father doesn’t want his child. Drake isn’t ready for commitment.” Bay cried.

“No Bay, you can’t be sure of anything yet.”

“This is the truth. About ten weeks ago I dropped a note for Drake before leaving the hotel but he never called. If he wants something with me then he should have at least sent a text. He won’t accept my baby.” Bay failed at controlling her tears.

Mrs Sander shook her head in disagreement. “Bay please calm down and listen to me. I will blame myself for everything that has happened. But I want to believe that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am proud of you. I am still proud of you even now that you are carrying a baby in your womb. My grand child.” She placed her hands on Bay’s belly with a s smile displaying on her lips.

“The reason why I said you should have told me you loved Drake is because I know his father, Frederick Robert. He used to be close to your dad.” Mrs Sanders added.

“Really?” Bay sniffled.

“Yes. And you have met him once when you were almost sixteen.”

“I don’t remember. But what do I do now?” Bay mumbled.

“You are not too young to become a mother. So I want you to know that we are in this together. And I must admit that this is fate.” Mrs Sanders smile grew broader.

“Fate?” Bay’s forehead creased.

“Yes I met Frederick Robert few days ago and he said his son is yet to find a good woman. He asked me if you were married and told him no and then he suggested that we have dinner at their home so he can introduce you to his son. You have been so busy at work that why I didn’t tell you about it. I had planned to tell you after breakfast today but you passed out in the bathroom.” Mrs Sanders recounted.

Bay could hardly believe what her mother was saying. “I wasn’t going to force you to meet Drake if you had turned the dinner down but now that you are carrying his child you have to meet him. We have to let them know that you are pregnant.” Mrs Sanders said in a rush.

“It is pointless to meet him. Drake won’t believe me.” Bay countered.

“So do you want to raise your child without a father?” Mrs Sanders demanded.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Bay didn’t respond. “I’ll take that as a no. So we are meeting the Roberts. We will explain things to them and if Drake denies his child then we will run a paternity to prove to him that he is responsible for the pregnancy.”

Bay felt her hands itching to caress her stomach. “This is going to be a huge change.” She pointed to her belly.

“You are right. But don’t worry, I will take care of you.” Mrs Sanders replied.

Bay nodded. She tried to smile but it turned out to be a fake one. She got lost in thought. Will Drake accept his child even after the paternity test proves positive? The baby is the joy Mrs Sanders thinks would bring her daughter closer to the man she loves deeply.

Well being with Drake is what Bay wanted but something is quite not right. Why? Just why does Bay thinks something is not right? And it turned out that Bay is bothered about her child not growing up with a father because even losing her father at a tender age was a huge blow for her.

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