Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 100 It’s all my fault



“Vivian! Vivian! Vivian!” Mrs Serena called out to her after receiving a call from a close friend. She rushed into the sitting room. Bay and Vivian looked at her with confused looks.

“Mom… what’s wrong?” Bay asked as she rubbed her baby bump.

“You haven’t watched the news?” Mrs Serena picked the remote and tuned in to a news channel. “Vivian you should watch the news.” She looked troubled.

Then they gasped few seconds after watching the news. The Headline was; FREDERICK ROBERT DECLARED WANTED. His picture was at the top right side of the big screen with WANTED in red letters.

“Mom, that’s the man that came around here to ask for-” Bay arched her brows as she pointed to a man on the big screen talking to some reporters. It was Derrick.

“Yes… he is the one.” Mrs Serena replied.

Mrs Vivian was silent. Her mind was spinning dizzyingly and her world upside down. She could hardly believe what Derrick was saying to the press.

“Mr Frederick Robert is the suspect of a case from eight years ago. And we have enough evidences to charge Mr Robert to court for the murder of his step brother, Nathan and his wife, Madison Robert.”

“Oh no…” Mrs Vivian muttered and placed her hand on her forehead.

“What’s all this mom?” Bay arched her brows.

“I don’t know. Vivian, we should call Drake. Yes, I will just call-” Mrs Serena stopped when she noticed that Vivian wasn’t moving on the couch. “Vivian -” She called at her but she didn’t respond. She went closer to Vivian and tried shaking her up but she was already unconscious.

“What’s wrong mom?” Bay managed to get up from the couch.

“Bay… Bay… Call 911!” She screamed out startling Bay in the process but she rushed to the home line to call the emergency line.




Darkness. Complete darkness that’s all he could see. He tried opening his eyes but they wouldn’t budge to his will. His arms were doing the same, remaining limp by his sides. Finally, he managed to open his eyes, slowly, observing the surrounding through his blurred vision and his irises adjusted to the light in the room.

“Where am I?” He wondered sighing.

Soon realization hit him when he heard the beeping sound of machine next to him and the walls were all covered in white colors.

“I am in the hospital?” He groaned at the slight pain in his head. How did I get to the hospital? He mused.

“Ian.” A soft voice called out to him.

He turned slightly and saw his mom. “Ian.” She called again.

“Mom.” Mrs Perla sat down at the edge of the bed and held on to his hand gently.

“What happened… mom?” He asked.

“You collapsed in the fire.” Mrs Perla answered.

“Fire? What fire?” He muttered.

“At the textile factory.”

Ian closed his eyes and slowly memories flooded his mind’s eye. “Ian, how did you get caught in the fire? And why didn’t you take your inhaler with you?” Mrs Perla questioned with a concerned look on her face.

“What about Ria? Where is she?” Ian said in a tight whisper ignoring her questions.

Mrs Perla stared at her son. “Is… she… okay?” Ian asked shakily.

Mrs Perla was surprised that he was still concerned about a woman instead of questioning her about his health. “Relax. Ria is fine. She just stepped out a while ago to get coffee for me.” She replied.

Ian heaved a sigh of relief. “For how long have I been at the hospital?”

“You have been out for more than twenty four hours.” Mrs Perla responded.

“A whole day? Now what have I missed?! Ria must be really worried.” Ian bantered internally.

The door opened and he looked away from his mom to the door. Ria was there with a coffee pack in her hands. “Ian.” She whispered.

A small smile formed on his lips immediately at the sight of the woman he loves so much. Ria rushed to the bed and gave Mrs Perla the coffee.

“Thank you very much, Ria.” Mrs Perla said to her. Then Ria moved to the other side of the bed so she could have access to touch him.

“How are you feeling?” She asked.

“I am fine.” Ian reached out to her first and she held his left hand.

Ria sighed in relief as she nodded her head but didn’t smile at him. At least she was glad that he made it back alive.

“Mom, can you please excuse us? I want to talk to Ria alone.” Ian requested.

“Sure. I was about leaving too.” Mrs Perla stood up. “I will inform Doctor Hawn that you are awake.” She smiled at him.

“Thanks mom.”

Mrs Perla exited the room. “Ria-” Ian tried to sit up on the bed.

“Hey. Relax. Let me adjust the bed so you can sit up.” Ria adjusted the bed rails and it came higher. And Ian sat comfortably on the bed while Ria settled at the edge facing him directly.

“Ian, I was worried when you didn’t show up at the store and I called you but you weren’t picking up… until I watched the news. I was…” Ria’s voice trailed off.

Ian noticed the tears at the corners of her eyes. “I was so scared… and I thought I was going to lose you.” She admitted.

Oh! Ria really thought something bad was going to happen to Ian and she was terrified at the thought of losing him.

“Ria… I made a promise that I am not going to leave you and I am so bent on fulfilling it.” Ian reassured her.

Then she moved closer and hugged him. “I can’t live without you… so please stay with me.” She sobbed.

Ian pat her back slightly. “Yes Ria. I am going to stay with you.” He chuckled lightly.

“And why didn’t you tell me about your health condition?” Ria came out of the embrace and stared intently at him.


“I never knew that you have asthma and you didn’t tell me about it. I felt bad when I found out about it from Doctor Hawn.”

Ian reached out to wipe the tears on her cheeks with his fingertips. “I am sorry.” He apologized.

“I didn’t tell you about my health condition because I didn’t want you to worry about me. And to be honest with you, I haven’t had an attack since I met you. I have been doing just fine.” He added.

“Still… why didn’t you take it with you? I mean the inhaler?”

Ian smiled. “I always leave the inhaler in the car. And I didn’t expect the fire outbreak.” He held her hands in his large ones.

Ria sniffed. “I am glad you are fine.” She embraced him again.

“Any news on the case?” He asked.

“You shouldn’t worry about the case yet. Please get better.” Ria withdrew from the embrace and looked straight at him.

“I am doing just fine. And I can’t be at peace knowing that Frederick hasn’t paid for what he did to you.” Ian gritted.


“Come on, Ria, just tell me about it.” He kissed their locked hands.

“Well about the fire… Detective Chad and Derrick came around last night.” Ria said.

“Okay. So what did they say?”

Ria sighed. “Frederick is in Chicago.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Ian screwed up his face. “Really?”

“Yes he is in Chicago. And we all suspect that he might be involved in the fire outbreak at the textile factory.”

Ian forehead creased. “Wait… you mean Frederick Robert possibly set my factory on fire?”

Ria shook her head in agreement and explained her assumptions which might possibly be the truth. The reason for suspecting Frederick and Drake too. She told him everything he needed to know!

“Chad came around because he wanted to hear your side of the story too.” She completed.

Ian nodded. “Do I have to wait for them to come around before saying anything? Or we should meet them at the station?”

“I am sure they will come around soon. For now you need to rest.” Ria replied.

“Well did they mentioned it to my mom that Frederick and his son are the suspect of the fire outbreak?” Ian demanded.

“Yes. I am sorry, Ian I had to do it. I told her about it when she saw the news about Frederick being wanted. Actually Ian I had to admit to her that I was related to him.”

“Ria, you shouldn’t have -”

“You don’t have to worry. I didn’t tell her about Lucas yet.” She interrupted him.

“Is that possible? Ria, there is no way you will share your story without involving him.”

Tears clouded her vision again. “Yes. But she was only interested in knowing about Frederick. So I only told her that Frederick ordered the killings of my parents just to take over my dad’s inheritance.” She wiped a tear that strayed down her cheek.

“And she didn’t ask you how you survived alone?”

Ria sniffled. “Funnily enough, she didn’t ask me. Your mom was so troubled after I told what Frederick did to me and she is even more concerned now about how to get him to pay for his crimes.”

“She wouldn’t have found out if not for the news.”

Ria nodded in agreement. “The news. Frederick is all over the news now.”

Ian gave her hand a small squeeze. He didn’t like to see her get hurt or shed a tear. It always tears him apart. “Where are your bodyguards?” He asked.

“They are at the store.” She replied.

“Why the store? They should be here guiding you. I paid them to protect you and not sitting at the store!” Ian seethe his teeth in anger.

“Calm down Ian. Please relax, I told them not to follow me around.”

Ian jaw dropped slightly. “Why?”

Ria was silent.

“Ria, tell me what’s wrong? Are they giving any problems?” His voice was soft and it sent a cold chill down her spine.

“Or is any of your lecturer against bring your bodyguards to classes?”

Ava already sent an official note to the institution authority and explained that Ria would be coming around with more bodyguards. She isn’t safe with Frederick finding out that she is alive!

“No.” Ria nodded negatively.

“Then what? Tell me Ria. I don’t want you moving around without the bodyguards. It is even more dangerous now that Frederick is in Chicago.”

Ria avoided his gaze. “Ian, it is just that I don’t want anyone risking their lives to protect me. Look if Frederick comes around he would take down my bodyguards first before taking me. They would get hurt for my sake… and I don’t want that to happen. So the only way to stop it and avoid losing them is to just… stop them from following me around.” She closed her eyes. “Look at you now, Ian, you are also in this state because of me.” More tears streamed down her cheeks.

And she goes again putting all the blame on herself! Ria thinks everything that happened was her fault!

“Ria, don’t think things this way. I don’t want you to blame yourself. Plus we are not even sure if Frederick or Drake set the factory on fire and even if it is one of them please don’t ever blame yourself for it.” Ian believed she would take comfort from being assured that it wasn’t her fault even if Frederick or Drake was involved in the fire outbreak.


“No more buts from you. Is that clear?”

Ria nodded. “What about the factory now?”

“What’s the condition? Did everything get burnt?”

“No just the storage room and part of the main factory. The firemen were quick to quench the fire.” Ria replied.

Ian swallowed hard. “Don’t be concerned about it. Last month mom and I discussed it that we would renovate the textile factory. So I am sure this is the right time to get things done.”

“Well Ian… I am just happy that no worker died in the fire. Though some sustained minor injuries and they were all quick to get out of the building.” Ria looked at him.

“We will compensate those that sustained injuries. Please don’t worry yourself too much.”

Ria nodded in agreement. “Your mom said the same thing too.” She stopped.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh Ian, I don’t know if I should be the one telling you this…” Her voice broke off.

“Tell me what happened.”

“Actually, yesterday your mom agreed to the shareholders request.” Ria said.

“What request?”

“They want Piper to step down as the chairlady. It wasn’t her fault but your mom also thinks Piper is incompetent of running the factory.” Ria answered.

“Yeah. She is right. I mean, they are all right about Piper. The truth is that she is the reason why I went to the factory. You see, Piper doesn’t like the idea of sitting at the desk all day. She had always wanted to be model but our parents didn’t agree to her choice. And so she was only trying to run the factory somehow… with my help.” Ian explained.

“Okay. I just feel bad and guilty for her.” Ria murmured.

“We will sort things out. Is that all?” Ian asked.

And Ria nodded but Ian feels she still has something to say.


“Okay. Please can I get a smile now?”

Ria flashed him a half smile. “Ian, this is not the appropriate-”

“Time to smile right?” Ian completed her statement. “Ria, I am alive and we are back together. So isn’t that enough reason to smile?”

Ria stared at him. “Yeah. You are right. I am sorry. I didn’t think about it.” She muttered.

“It is okay.” Ian rubbed her upper arm gently.

“Ian, how about you move in with us for the main time.” Ria said after a minute of silence that flowed by with both of them just staring into each other’s eyes.

“Move in with you?” And Ian thought he didn’t hear her words correctly.

“Yes move in with us after your discharge. You can stay with us till you get better. I want to take care of you.” Ria replied.

“No Ria. Mr Griffin is at home and I can take care of myself.” Ian declined.

The truth is Ian loves the idea of staying with Ria but he doesn’t want to be a burden to her.

“You don’t want me to take care of you properly? Do you think I can’t do a better job than Mr Griffin?” Ria demanded.

“I don’t think it is a good idea.” Ian answered.


“Ria, you have too many work at hand. You have to take care of your kids, prepare them for school before their nanny arrives and as well as preparing yourself for the work at the store and for classes too. And offering to take care of me would only add to the work on ground. And I don’t want to be a burden to-”

“Ian, you are not going to be a burden to me.” Ria cuts in sharply. “And stop making it sound like I do thousands of work a day.” She added quickly.

“Listen you don’t have to inconvenient yourself just to take care of me. I can take good care of myself.” Ian said.

Ria stared at him for a second and nodded slowly. She didn’t expect that he would turn her down so easily. “I understand. It is fine if you don’t want to move in with…” Her voice trailed off and she stood up from the end.

“You should rest now.” Ria said sharply as she adjusted the bed.

Ian studied her expression. Ria wasn’t happy that he turned her down. Ian would like to move in with her! He wants her to take care of him! He wants to wake up to see her first thing in the morning! But Ian was feeling like wanting all these makes him selfish. He has to think of the fact that she has many things to do.

But at the same time Ria won’t be happy if he doesn’t say yes to her offer. She was already looking so sad for his rejection when all he wanted was to make her happy.

Ian caught her hand before she stepped away from the bed to sit on the couch. “Ria, are you sure? I mean about me moving in with you for sometime?” He asked.

“Yes Ian. I am sure but it seems you don’t want me to take care you just like how you did to me.” Ria stopped and continued after few seconds.

“When I found out about your health condition, I felt really bad. It is as if I don’t know you the way I should and that I don’t care about you the way you care about me. And I am sorry I didn’t take such steps. I had no idea of how to start a relationship or how to maintain one. I know nothing about it-” She paused.

“I am sorry.” She apologized.

Ian gestured for her to sit back on the bed and she did. “So we can use this chance of staying together to get to know each other better. Huh? And remember I said I was going to court you properly.”

Ria nodded. And Ian would have proposed to Ria the moment he confessed to her but he couldn’t do it because he didn’t have a ring and it was too early to propose without going to a relationship first. But Ian has a plan, they can make that decision after the end of Frederick Robert.

“We will have all the time.” Ian added.

Then Ria leaned close and pressed her lips on his lips. “Thank you, Ian.”

Ria wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks amidst kisses when she pulled away. “I love you.” She muttered.

“I love you too.” Ian smoothened strands of hair from her face.

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