Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

Chapter 77: The Mission Revealed

Aiden’s PoV

What are you doing back here, Hayley? The second she slinked out of the shadow; I hissed and yanked her to my side.

“Don’t be stupid – I said wouldn’t let you go alone, Aiden.” “We’re in this together.”

Looking up, I checked to see if anyone was spying on us. Hayley, you don’t understand. This mission… it is far too high risk.”

“Then speak,” she forced herself to make her voice shake along with fear and determination. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“Deep breath… this is going to be incredibly hard for me to share.” “Alright. I will listen, but you must stay safe.

She never broke eye contact when she looked up and said, “I swear.

“Fine,” I whispered under my breath. The rogue pack leader, he’s more than power driven. He’s looking for something bigger, far more important-something that could change the game.

“What do you mean?” her eyes creasing with confusion.

A prophecy “””I had to explain in a rush and the prophecy of a mighty force from among us. The rogue leader thinks to himself that he can only grab this power and take over all the packs.

Hayley’s eyes went wide with shock. “But why you, Aiden? What business is this of yours?

“Because” I whispered, “I am the prophecy. My bloodline. It’s linked to the power. That’s why they captured me. They want me for their goals.

She gasped and her eyes widened as she placed a hand over her mouth. “Oh my God, Aiden. This is… this is insane.”

“Yeah,” I said, gripping her hand firmly. “BUT THATS EXACTLY WHY YOU NEED TO BE CAREFUL He will get you; he is using us an Ein.

“Except that I can’t…” She whispered back, and her tears overflowed. I can’t let you do this by yourself.

My voice cracking, I said: “You have to believe me. “I need to keep you safe. I am so totally not going to be able to focus on anything if something happens. I won’t be able to fight.”

No, she cried shaking her head. “I can’t, Aiden. I can’t just walk away.”

“Hayley, don’t do this,” I pleaded, my heart carrying the heavy weight of choice. “I need you to be strong. For both of us.”

Her eyes were teary, filled with pain and love. “Alright,” she whispered. “Just do one thing, promise me you will come back. Vow to me that we’ll never be parted again.

I said, hugging her tightly to me. “Now go. Get to safety.”

The voice of the rogue leader echoed through the corridor as I released her. “Aiden! You can’t hide forever.”

“Go!” I whispered shoving her into the darkness.

Aiden… she whispered, her voice trembling. “Be careful.”

“Promise you will,” she demanded, with her gaze still locked into mine. “Now go.”

Then she stepped back, slipping into the shadows as the rogue leader emerged.

He chuckled and his eyes darkened with danger. “There you are, and in case you thought you could shake me, “You went running”

“Let’s finish it,” I replied, in a steady voice while my fear was nibbling into me from inside.

A cruel, chilling laughter echoed from the rogue leader. “Oh, we will. But not the way you think.”

He exploded towards me, and I dodged; thoughts of what all this just meant with Hayley racing in my mind. I had to survive. For her. For us.

It was fierce, it was vicious, and every punch had an impact. Though I kept turning back to Hayley and hoping she’d escaped unharmed.

The head of the Rogue was barely able to wipe a trickle of blood from his lip, ‘You have been stronger still Aiden. “But not strong enough.”

“Let’s find out,” I responded, going on the offensive once again.

I was getting weaker as the battle waged on. But I couldn’t give up. Just not when Hayley needed me for protection.

A moment later I saw Hayley coming out of the darkness with a look in her eye indicating that she means business.

“No!” My heart was also racing as I shouted out. “I told you to stay away!”

“NO,” she sobbed, crashing towards me. You SHALL NOT FIGHT ALONE!

The eyes of the rogue leader twinkled with victory. “How touching. But it’s too late.”

He lunged at Hayley, his claws extended, and before I could do anything. “No!” So I screamed, positioning myself between them.

He remembers the minutes after that as chaos and pain. But I clung on tightly, because deep down in my heart – i knew that ultimately it was up to me to keep her safe.

“Hayley,” Aiden whispered as if his voice would create a sound and break her, “I love you.” “Please don’t leave me.”

I’ll be fine,” I promised, strained.

“Hayley,” I breathed while grabbing a rib as pain shot through my cheek. “This. That was a big moment because I am an Aussie, and man this is why I came to Australia.

She digged her eyes in confusion and looked very frightful. “What do you mean, Aiden?”

The secret mission, I whispered as darkness pulled me back into the Void. It seeks to awaken the latent powers of… power that can only be unleashed by my blood…”

She crouched beside me, her shaking hands combing with a napkin to clot the blood. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Could not take any chances,” I added, my voice quivering. You mean that if the rogue leader knew, he would stop at nothing to get you back against me?

Tears streamed down her face. But we could have battled that. We could have just found another way.

“I had to keep you safe,” she responded, locking my eyes with hers. “You mean too much to me, Hayley. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.”

“But Aiden,” she wept, “we can protect each other better together. If we’re together, we can handle anything.”

I put my hand to her face. “I know, and I know we can. But you have to promise me you’ll be safe. You’ll have to have enough faith in me to let me handle this.”

She nodded, her eyes streaming tears onto my hand. “I promise. You have to promise me you’ll come back. That we’ll be together again. That we’ll come out of this stronger than we already are.”

“I promise. We’ll overcome this. We’ll master our abilities. We’ll defeat them. Together,” I said determinedly.

“Together,” she repeated. I looked into her eyes and saw the love and strength echoing in them.

I could hear the echoing of the leader’s laughter down the tunnel, and I knew that our battle was nowhere near over. But with Hayley there, I felt strong again. I felt like we could take on whatever would come next.


My voice was heavy with the burden of what I planned to reveal, and so as we sat down spread some beef soft tacos in front me my ice water trembling within its glass: “Hayley.”

She looked up at me, her eyes still full of tears. “What is it, Aiden? What else have you not told me?

I gulped; I knew that the truth (old fashion it maybe) would set me free. You need to learn stuff. Like secrets of the kind that’s been kept from you, from all of us.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

She frowned in confusion. “What do you mean? What things?”

I nodded and began explaining in a low voice. it’s about my blood creek. For we are not werewolves. We belong to something old, and the old is bound by Destiny.

“A prophecy?” She echoed, her eyes wide with surprise. “What kind of prophecy?”

One that tells of a power such as no other, I clarified. A power only attainable through my lineage. A fact that the rogue leader, Lamachus is well aware of. That’s why he’s after me.”

She covered her mouth, and for the first time in my life I saw terror register across her eyes. “Oh my god, Aiden. This is… this is too much.”

I DO.” I reached for her hand and held it deeply within mine. “But you need to understand. And if this power is abused, it can break everything. But the rogue leader is planning to use it for extreme control over all alphas and packs.

She shook her head, trying to sort out the mess. “Then why the hell didn’t you say anything before this?

“Have you any idea what the pain would be for me if this ends badly?” I could only regretfully tell everything and explain. He will take you from me if he knew. I had to protect you.”

Her eyes shone with determination, as she squeezed my hand It’s a bond you know Aiden. No more secrets.”

My nods were heavy promises on my heart. “There’s more. What brought me here, to Australia.. it wasn’t EXACTLY from a place of just running away. The aim was to discover the key of this power.

“The key?” “she had a trembling in her voice. “What kind of key?”

“It’s a ritual,” I explained. A ritual of my blood. It’s high-risk, but it’s the secret move that you need to do in order to tap into your power and stop this rogue leader.

Her eyes filled with fear. Aiden, this is too risky. ” What if some things go wrong?

I Must Do This, I said emphatically. “Then it’s the only way to keep us all safe, child.

Her face flushed as she took a deep breath and a look of resolve filled her eyes. “Then we’ll do it together. I will not let you deal with them by yourself.

I hugged her close, my heart full of love and resolute. “Thank you, Hayley. I could not imagine what I would do without you.

The darkness thickened around us while we stood there, a faint aura of threat growing in the forest. We walked with trepidation; Every rustle of the leaves, every distant howl of a wolf made our bodies tremble.

“Do you feel that?” all but a whisper in her own ears.

“Agreed,” I said, all my alarms going off at once. “We’re not alone.”

No sooner had I spoken, a deep silence seemed to fill the forest deafening me with nothing but bone-chilling footsteps nearing. I turned my heart racing in my chest.

Rogue pack leader stepped out from the shadows, eyes aflame with rage and resolve. “Well, well,” he sneered. This a beautiful reunion, no?

“Stay away,” I warned in front of Hayley. “This is between you and me.”

“You think you can unlock the power and stop me? Fool.” “I will not allow you to use this power to destroy us all,” I said even though fear was tearing apart inside of me.

That laugh came out from him coldly as if he wanted us dead by any means possible. “Can you really stop me? You have no clue really.”

“You’ll see about it,” I answered while making sure my eyes are fixed on him. Coming forward with good determination in her eyes, Hayley said.

“We won’t just win.” The rogue leader narrowed his eyes while looking deadly. “Get ready for consequences then.” As he lunged towards us, I pushed Hayley aside, my heart racing with adrenaline.

“Run, Hayley!” “No!” she cried, refusing to leave my side. “I won’t leave you!” “Go!” I shouted despondently.

“Just go and save yourself!” She hesitated with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Aiden, I love you.” “I too love you”, my voice shaking almost gave away what I wanted to say but still told her to go away finally.”

That was when she turned away from the rogue leader’s claws slashing through air just missing her in time as well. “You can’t escape,” he hissed angrily, noting it wasn’t over yet at least a message sent by him; there would be consequences now. ‘After Hayley!” My desperation turned into urgency as I shouted.

“Leave me behind?” Aiden asked shocked at first but quickly moved on realizing how serious their situation actually was.

“What a wonderful show of loyalty,” Rogue Leader jeered back then collapsed into forced laughter which only earned him disadvantages once again…

The rogue leader’s eyes gleamed with malice. “Face it, Aiden. You can’t protect her and fight me.”

“I will protect her, even if it costs me my life,” I declared, my heart pounding.

“No, Aiden!” Hayley’s voice broke. “We need you. We need each other.”

“Enough talk,” the rogue leader snarled. “Let’s see if you can back up your bravado.”

“Hayley, run! Now!” I urged; my voice filled with desperation.

“I’m not leaving you, Aiden,” she insisted, her voice unwavering. “We’re in this together.”

The rogue leader chuckled darkly. “Fools, both of you. Prepare to meet your end.”

“Over my dead body,” I growled, stepping forward.

“We can do this, Aiden,” Hayley said, her eyes locking onto mine. “Together.”

“You’re delusional if you think you can defeat me,” the rogue leader spat.

“Delusional or not, I won’t stop fighting,” I replied, determination surging through me.

“And neither will I,” Hayley echoed, standing by my side.

“Then let this be your final mistake,” he hissed, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

“Hayley, stay close,” I whispered, my heart heavy with the weight of the moment. “We fight together.”

“Always, Aiden. Always,” she affirmed, her voice steady and strong.

“Very well,” the rogue leader growled. “Prepare to be destroyed.”

“Not today,” I said, my resolve hardening. “Not ever.”

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