Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

68: Shadows of Doubt

Hayley’s POV

“I won’t leave you; are you kidding me?” I exclaimed. The panic in my throat made it impossible to comprehend how he could even consider separating us during such a crucial moment.

A sense of urgency and fear were palpable in Aiden’s expression as he turned to me.

“I’m not joking,” he declared, his tone stern.

His eyes darted towards the cloaked figure that had shifted slightly, and its glowing gaze suggested imminent danger.

“If my hunch is right,” he trailed off, unable to guarantee our safety if we remained close to each other.”

“I won’t leave you to face this alone!” I exclaimed, my voice rising.

However, deep down, I was quivering with fear as the shadows grew longer and encroached upon every corner of my mind.

The darkness seemed to be feeding on my apprehensions.

As Alpha Jayden swung open the door, his imposing figure dominated the space.

“Hayley,” he said with a composed voice that exuded unyielding determination, “there’s no room for discussion here.

You must trust Aiden without question because if we don’t secure your safety immediately, everything will be jeopardized.” His words were not suggestions but rather an authoritative order.

My heart was racing as I looked between them. “I am able to assist! Let me-”

“Stop!” Aiden interjected, his hold on my hand growing firmer.

“It’s crucial for your wellbeing that you depart. Please.”

His gaze pierced mine with a combination of supplication and unwavering determination.

At that instant, the gravity of his words became apparent to me as I felt myself succumbing to their persuasion despite my obstinacy.

I let out a deep breath and gave in. “Alright, but only because you guys seem like you’re on the edge,” I whispered while attempting to conceal my own weakness. “Just make sure everything’s alright.”

Aiden nodded with a fleeting sense of relief etched on his face before telling Hayley, “I assure you, Hayley. Please leave this place and hail a taxi to go back to your hotel. Rest assured that I will locate you as promptly as possible.”

With reluctance, I unfastened my seatbelt and emerged from the car.

The atmosphere outside was cooler, causing a sense of solitude to weigh heavily on me.

Glancing back at Aiden, who continued observing me with undivided attention, I whispered, “Take care.”

The response of “You too” burdened my chest with a heavy weight.

Glancing once more at the two men, I set off on my way. My heart was drumming in my chest like a wild animal.

Every stride seemed to bid farewell, as though something irrevocable had been resigned. Hastening towards the roadside, I prayed for any available cab before matters got out of hand.

While waiting, a multitude of thoughts flooded my mind. What conflict was Aiden alluding to? And why did he not disclose it earlier? A sudden blare from a nearby car halted the incessant musings, and I gestured for an available taxi.

The driver looked at me through the rearview mirror and asked, “Where to?”

I directed, “Please pursue Aiden’s car. It is the one painted in a deep shade of blue.”

Nodding in agreement, he steered the car away from the curb and seamlessly merged with the stream of vehicles.

Observing Aiden and Alpha Jayden clawing at me, I couldn’t ignore the insanity of my predicament. My heart belonged to them, yet here they were attacking me when I was supposed to be secure in their presence.

Despite feeling a sense of unease deep within me, I couldn’t rid myself of this nagging sensation that everything wasn’t as it should be.

As we cruised, I became more cognizant of the reality that my life was playing out before me like an unsettling film. The sights on each road meshed together as a blur until, finally, our vehicle came to a halt.

Leaning forward, my heart sank as I squinted out the window. They had arrived at a building that was unfamiliar to me-an old and formidable structure shrouded in darkness by nightfall.

The driver directed his attention towards me and questioned, “Are you certain that this is your intended destination?”

Shakily, I replied, “No. Please wait a moment.”

With keen interest, I observed Aiden emerge from the car in all his warrior-like glory. My heart skipped a beat upon seeing him, but then sank as another girl emerged out of nowhere.

Panic surged through me as she approached Aiden, her silhouette outlined by the faint light seeping from the building.

My breath was caught in my throat when, to my dismay, she clasped him tightly while gazing up at him with a twinkling expression on her face.

As I witnessed the girl embracing Aiden and her giggles echoing like a grim omen, an overwhelming rush of sentiment engulfed me.

It was as if everything beneath my feet had crumbled apart, leaving behind only an immense emptiness that consumed every ounce of optimism within me.

My heart pounded fiercely while waves of treachery shrouded me in frigidity. How could he do this to me?This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I instinctively pulled at the taxi door and clumsily made my way back to the vehicle. “Get me to the hotel!” I exclaimed with a shaky tone of both fury and anguish.

The driver arched his eyebrow but didn’t contend; he promptly changed gears and drove off from the pavement.

Racing down the roads, my eyes welled up with tears that distorted every illuminated structure and traffic signal.

With each pulsation of my heart, panic set in as I realized Aiden was not only a pillar for me but an excruciating source of agony.

The memories we once cherished-the jokes shared between us and commitments made to one another-had now transformed into despair-inducing ambiguity.

Upon arriving at the hostel, a sense of emptiness consumed me.

It felt as though my identity had been completely dismantled.

Silently settling our fare with the driver, I entered through the low-lit reception area, burdened by feelings of betrayal in my heart and mind.

Aiden’s once welcoming gaze is now mingling with apprehension within me. Was his reassurance nothing more than deceit?

I desired to let out a piercing scream and pour my heart out for the affection gradually slipping away from me.

Nevertheless, I remained standing there in shattered pieces as life moved on around me, silently witnessing my broken heart disintegrate.

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