Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

66: The Search for Aiden

Hayley’s POV

Aiden had been in Australia for several days, then weeks, and now months. Time seemed to drag on forever as his absence left a void in my heart that only grew with each passing day. Despite the turmoil surrounding us, my love for him remained steadfast and unwavering-an overwhelming force pushing me towards utter desperation.

Numerous attempts were made to contact Aiden. My phone was my saving grace, a means of maintaining connection with him in my daily routine. Regrettably, each call went unheeded, and all messages remained unread. It seemed as though he vanished without a trace, leaving me unsure about what to do next. The anguish over his location or wellbeing incessantly plagued me from within.

As dusk settled in, having made yet another unsuccessful effort to reach him, I slumped on the edge of my bed. Holding onto my phone with quivering fingers, tears threatened to fall and clouded up the screen. The ongoing vagueness was unbearable; a sense of desperation pulsating within me demanded answers from Aiden himself; his visage before me or even just his voice over the telephone line could soothe this agony clawing at me fiercely inside, compelling me resolutely towards finding him.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I resolved to seize control. Embarking on an unforgettable journey to Australia was my solution. Although the endeavor appeared intimidating at first glance, the immense affection I held for Aiden propelled me onward and imbued me with bravery. My hands trembled as I gathered only essential possessions into one compact suitcase, while excitement mingled with fear in my chest like hot lava bubbling up from below.

While I was fastening my suitcase shut, Rachel, my mom, stepped into the room and inquired with a touch of anxiety, “What’s going on, Hayley?”

“I am determined to find Aiden in Australia,” I responded firmly.

With a tense expression, Rachel said to Hayley, “You have already gone through a lot. It’s best if you take some rest. Travelling across the globe won’t be effortless.”

“I cannot relax, Mom. I am unsure about Aiden’s wellbeing,” I uttered with a trembling voice. “I must locate him and confirm his safety.”

Sitting on the edge of my bed, she let out a sigh. “I empathize with your situation, but you seem drained beyond measure. You haven’t slept much since he departed. Restoring yourself ought to be your top priority.”

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I shook my head vigorously. “Mom, it’s just not possible for me to sit here and do nothing! My love for him demands that I find him.”

With a gentle squeeze of my hand, Rachel said, “I understand how much you want to help. However, exhausting yourself won’t benefit anyone. Please promise me that you’ll take at least one day off before leaving.”

Despite acknowledging her correctness, I couldn’t disregard the importance of the task that burdened me. After a brief pause, I surrendered and said, “Fine, I will take one day off. However, afterwards, regardless of any impediments or obstacles that present themselves on the way, I’m going ahead.”

With a softening of her eyes, she nodded and said, “Alright. But please be cautious. Australia is vast.”

After a restless night, I shared my choice with my stepfather: the Alpha of the Moonlight Howl Pack. He gave me an empathetic yet cautious expression and asked softly, “Hayley, have you thought it through? Is this what you truly want?”

I affirmed my determination to be steadfast. “Father, I must locate him. My current state is untenable.”

With a sigh, he raked his hand through hair streaked with gray. “Okay then. Just give me your word that you’ll be cautious out there in Australia; it’s quite vast.”

“My voice is steady despite the whirlwind of emotions within me,” I assured him. “I will.”

My voyage to Australia felt grueling and wearisome. For the entirety of my flight, I was tangled up in a mess of emotions as I recounted every instance spent with Aiden, both positive and negative. The memories, ranging from agony to blissful moments, that we shared together were proof of our unbreakable connection despite the adversity encountered along the way.

Arriving in Sydney, a peculiar sense of hope overwhelmed me. Amongst the crowds and expanse of the bustling city lay Aiden. I could feel it deep within my being. Swiftly checking into a modest hotel, I wasted no time delving into my search, armed with leads provided via connections from former associates in the supernatural community who held ties to Australia.

Weeks elapsed while I combed the city, exploring locations where Aiden could potentially be. I regularly patronized werewolf-friendly spots with the anticipation of spotting him or overhearing his name in conversation. Nevertheless, each exploration concluded unproductively and left me disheartened and increasingly irked.

As I sat sipping on my coffee in a quaint cafe one evening, my attention was caught by the conversation of a group of young werewolves. They were discussing their recent pack recruit, who seemed to bear an uncanny resemblance to Aiden. The sound of it made me skip a beat!

Hesitantly, my voice trembled with hope as I approached them. “Pardon me for intruding, but was the person you mentioned earlier named Aiden?”

With curiosity in their eyes, they gazed at me and gave me a nod. “Aiden Jayden, you mean? Our pack has had him for several months already. What’s the reason behind your inquiry?”

My eyes welled up with tears of relief. “He’s my mate,” I exclaimed while searching for him everywhere. ”

The tall young man with sandy hair, who was the leader of the group, gave me a sympathetic smile and proposed to take me to the house where he is staying that’s not too far from here.

With gratitude, I nodded as my heart raced with excitement. “Lead the way to him.”

As I made my way towards the house, it seemed like an endless journey. My thoughts were in a frenzy, with numerous speculations and uncertainties racing through my mind. What if he had no desire to meet me? Or what if he had already found someone else? Despite these doubts nagging at me relentlessly, I managed to brush them aside by concentrating on the reason that urged me here: hope.

As soon as we reached the house, the young man gestured towards a simple yet elegant two-story dwelling and uttered, “This is his abode. Best of luck.”

Thanking him, I advanced towards the house with determined but cautious steps. Knocking on the door made my heart race as it sat in my throat. Soon after, Aiden appeared at the creaky entrance. My dear, beloved Aiden!

As soon as he laid eyes on me, his pupils dilated in astonishment. “Hayley? What brings you to this place?” His tone was a blend of bewilderment and shock.

Trembling, I uttered, “My purpose was to search for you. Staying at Moonlight Howl Pack and being oblivious to your well-being wasn’t an option.”

I was allowed into the house by Aiden, who moved to one side. “It wasn’t necessary for you to make such a long journey,” he remarked while shutting the door after me. “This place is not secure enough for your presence.”

“I am not worried about the danger,” I stated, gazing intently at him. “My concern lies with you. It’s imperative that I understand why you haven’t been responding to my phone calls and evading me.”

Running his hand through his hair, Aiden sighed and explained to Hayley that the situation was complicated. He didn’t want her involved in the messy circumstances.

With a firm voice, I reminded Aiden that we were already in this together as mates and therefore obligated to face everything jointly.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

With a clenched jaw, he averted his gaze. “My intention wasn’t for you to be hurt. There are events unfolding here that may elude your comprehension.”

“I plead with you to help me understand. Please don’t shut me out.”

Aiden paused before giving a nod of agreement and adding, “However, there is something you should be aware of beforehand.”

I could feel my heart racing inside me, anxiously waiting for him to speak. “What’s the matter?” I barely managed to utter it in a low tone of voice.

“Several weeks ago, circumstances coerced me,” Aiden began somberly, his gaze clouded with anguish. “I was presented with a decision, and I opted to shield you even if it necessitated withholding information from you.”

Feeling the impact of his words, I asked with intensity, “What scenario are we dealing with here?”

Aiden was about to reply when a thunderous knock reverberated across the house, causing his eyes to widen with alarm. Urgently whispering for them to stay put, Aiden vowed to handle whatever it was that lay beyond their door.

Fear and anticipation pounded in my heart as I watched him approach the door. Upon opening it, a pack of unfamiliar werewolves confronted us with their stern and unyielding countenances.

“Come with us, Aiden Jayden,” the group leader commanded in a cold and authoritative tone.

With a steely gaze, Aiden held his position and inquired with suspicion, “What are you after?”

The leader glanced at me and declared that they were not departing until I fulfilled their precise desires.

With an expression full of determination, Aiden glanced back at me and said firmly, “Hayley, stay indoors. Regardless of the circumstances, do not go outside.”

My heart was filled with fear as I witnessed the unfolding scene. “Aiden, be careful,” I whispered in a trembling voice.

Before he stepped outside and closed the door behind him, he cast me a final glance, brimming with unexpressed sentiment and words. I leaned against the door to catch any sounds from their discussion beyond it; however, though heated murmurs breached my ears, none of what they said was intelligible enough for discernment.

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