Ryan’s POV

Valerie’s sleeping face is the first thing that meets my eyes the moment I open them.

She looks peaceful and beautiful. Her full lips are attractive and it reminds me of the brief kiss we shared the other night.

She doesn’t look close to that iron-fist stone-hearted, the argumentative woman I know her to be. She is like a sleeping beauty goddess.

My gaze shifts slowly to her exposed cleavage and I gulp and quickly look away. Suddenly, I step down from the bed so I can go take a bath before going to work.

It’s morning already. Even without an alarm, I usually wake up at exactly 6 am or a few minutes past 6 am so I can get ready for work.

I don’t bother to check the time before going into the bathroom to have a bath. After brushing my teeth, I get into the shower.

As the hot water grazes down my whole body from my hair, my mind keeps going back to last night and also Valerie.

I can’t take my head off that exposed skin of hers and also last night when she held my hands, claiming that I had a nightmare.

I don’t dream at all.

I know I was really uncomfortable on that couch but I am so sure she thought wrong of me.

I didn’t have a nightmare but I guess it was all for good because she allowed me to sleep beside her because of that.

Unconsciously, I smile.

There is a huge difference between sleeping on a couch and on a massive bed where I can roll all I want. There is also a huge difference between sleeping alone and with a beauty right beside me.

The sight of her being the first thing to see is stunning.

The shower goes off and I jerk back to reality.

Staring up at it, it begins to pour again and I let out a sigh of relief.

Just then, it dawns on me that I have been thinking about her since I got here.

Do I still need to remind myself again and again that we are not meant to admire or be attracted to each other?

This marriage is meant to end in 20 months so I shouldn’t get over myself. There are a lot of ladies out there that I can get for myself after this is over.

I shouldn’t let the mere sight of her cleavage get to me. I guess it did get to me because I haven’t had sex in a while.

If Valerie is fine with me having an affair with someone else, then I can find a random girl to spend the weekend with.

I spread my arms out, feeling giddy about my newest intention of finally having sex with a girl. The water washes through my entire body and I turn the shower off before taking a hold of the towel to wrap around my waist.

Raking my hand into my hair to dry out the liquid, I step out of the bathroom to see Valerie still sleeping on the bed in the same position I left her.

My hands leave my hair unconsciously as I stare at her. From nowhere, the memories of how she came into my room unnoticed to see me naked come to my head and I smirk before shaking my head.

This is the first time I would see a part of her. Valerie isn’t all righteous but she doesn’t expose most of her skin.

Most times, it is always her legs that are out. I have never seen her cleavage and now I imagine how full her boobs will be.

She looks pretty busty.

I love girls like that.

What the hell! I almost scream inwardly at the ridiculous thought in my head.

I love girls that are busty but definitely not Valerie. I specifically told her she is not my spec and she truly isn’t.

Feisty girls are a huge turn-off for me. I like the submissive ones and Valerie isn’t that girl.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Hissing silently to myself for harboring such absurd thoughts, I stroll toward the dresser to get my lotion.

I do that quickly so I don’t have to face her if she wakes up before I leave for work. After drying my hair too, I amble close to the closet to get a dress for the day.

I have an appointment by 8 am and another out-of-office appointment by 10 am. When I am back at the office, I intend to visit dad at his company. It isn’t too far from mine so I guess I will go there from the out-of-office meeting.

If I go straight to the office, I might have a lot to handle, and going back to see him will be a little impossible.

I want to know why he hasn’t done what he ought to. I might have to visit Mr. Adams to hear his side of the story.

I pull out a new blue blazer I just got from the last shopping my secretary did for me and a white long sleeve t-shirt. I searched for matching shoes before taking out black pants.

Within minutes, I am done dressing and as I stand in front of the mirror to check myself out, I wish Valerie will actually see me before I go to work.

Good-looking is an understatement.

Smiling to myself, I grab my briefcase and move out. I make sure to close the door quietly behind me so I won’t interrupt her sleep.

Glancing briefly at my Rolex wristwatch, I see it is almost 7 am so I increase my pace down the staircase nodding to the greetings of the maids I meet on my way out of the front door.

John is already waiting for me by the car.

“Good morning, boss”, he bows slightly before opening the back door for me.

I get in and smile. “A lovely morning to you too.”

The weather is really nice today and I think it is the reason for my good mood. Apart from the fact that I might soon get laid, the weather is cool.

John climbs into the driver’s seat, buckles the seat belt, and ignites the car engine into action.

He reverses back and suddenly stops. I am looking out of the window when I notice he isn’t moving backward again.

Instead of asking him what the matter is, I stare back to see an oncoming car.

Valerie doesn’t get any visitors so I am sure this person is here to see me. When the car edges closer, I see it is one of the cars in my parent’s garage.

A white Range Rover.

The same one Mother takes out.

When the car gets fully into the courtyard, John resumes reversing the car and I stop him. “Stop the car!”

He obeys my command and I open the door to go out myself.

If this is indeed my Mother, then it is either because of her health since we didn’t have time to talk well last night or because she is here to know about Valerie’s health since we left early last night because of that.

I take long strides towards the car even before the driver can come out to open the door for her.

My thoughts are right. It is indeed my Mother and she looks pretty good today.

“I had to come early so I can meet you at home. I see you are ready to go to work.” She steps down slowly from the car with my help.

“How are you, mom?”

“I’m fine.”

“Is everything ok?” I demand out of curiosity.

“You are surprised I came early?” She raises a brow alongside a half smile.

I nod.

This must be about Valerie’s health since she isn’t looking as weak as she was last night.

“Is Valerie in?” She points to the house.

“Yes”, I say, feeling glad that my assumptions are right. “She is still asleep, though.”

A huge smile descends on her face as she nods her head intermittently. She is wearing a pretty long white gown with her hair down.

She might be sick but she is still as beautiful as I can remember. I loved twirling my fingers around her hair when I was little.

“Is she the reason you came here?” I shift uncomfortably when she isn’t saying anything.

Glancing up, she laughs and hits my shoulder playfully. “Don’t be jealous. I came here to see you too. I was really worried about her, though.”

I wasn’t jealous but it’s all for good. I love all her assumptions. It will work to my benefit.

Our benefit.

“She is good, it was just a slight…” I am thinking of what to say to make her believe that Valerie was indeed sick last night but then now she is better.

Should I call it cramps? Menstrual cramps?

That should be it. Most women have menstrual cramps and Mother will believe this as soon as it leaves my mouth since it is natural and doesn’t take too long to get over.

“It is…”

“That is why I am here”, she cuts me short, her expression becoming serious. “You don’t need to be ashamed about it.”

Confusion crosses my expression because I have no idea what she is talking about now.

Does she know? What does she know?

I gasp. Did she see me and Valerie arguing in the car and she jumps to the right conclusion that Valerie only faked being sick?

“The symptoms are clear. I am also a woman and I know how it feels…”

“Symptoms?” I interrupt her from going further, my head spinning in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

Her mouth drops open as she asks me. “You don’t know either?”

“Know what?!” Now my curiosity is at its peak as much as my confusion.

“Am I wrong?” She asks more to herself. “Isn’t she preggy?”

Preggy? I think I have heard this word somewhere before but I can’t seem to fathom what it means.

Is it what some women have? Is it related to menstrual cramps too?

The touch on my folded arms pulls me back to life. The serious look is no longer on her face. It has been replaced with a mischievous smirk. “Is Valerie pregnant?”

I imagine I heard wrong but then the smirk turns into a wide smile and I can’t help but exclaim in shock with a loud gasp. “What?!”

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