Betrayed Heiress: My Second Chance Mate is A Lycan King

Chapter 82: Worrying apologies

Aira’s POV

A gasp escapes my lips as I shoot up into a sitting position. Quickly, I wipe away the beads of sweat trickling down my face as my chest heaves up and down rapidly. My eyes search my surroundings frantically, and a breath of relief leaves my lips when I see that I am back in my room.

I knew it was just a spirit jump and that none of it was real, but something about that woman’s warning was incredibly alarming. She never even told me who she was. Somehow, I got this feeling that we were connected yet unrelated.


She said something about an upcoming danger. I wish she was a bit more specific. Where or who was the danger coming from? As far as I know, danger always equates to my family. Could it be Richard? Or someone else?

God, this is all so confusing.

Shooting to my feet, I catch my reflection in the mirror. I did not look good at all. There were bags beneath my eyes, and my skin was a lot paler. I resembled a ghost. Despite looking like this, all I wanted to do was tell Alex about my dream and have him engulf me in one of his big bear hugs.


My mind replays our last moment together, and guilt pangs at my heart. I really shouldn’t have said all of that to him. He was only trying to help-in his own violent and brute way. I need to apologize.

I make my way to the door, and as soon as I throw it open, a body falls to my feet.


My eyes widen as she twists and turns on the floor; her tired eyes lock with mine, and guilt plagues my heart. “Finally,” she mutters, jumping off the floor and dusting her body.

She stretches her limbs in front of me as I search for the right words to say. I just can’t help but stare at her in disbelief. “You were out here all night?” is what I finally managed to say.

“Well, duh? You weren’t saying anything all night, and I heard you crying. You were sad; I couldn’t just leave you alone,” she says, and my eyes well up with tears. There is this warm sensation I get in my heart from her words.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“I am so sorry for worrying you,” I say, and she takes my hand in hers gently.

She gives them a light squeeze and offers me a reassuring smile. “It’s fine. I just want to make sure you are okay.”

“I am,” I whisper to her just before I feel this burning sensation at the top of my forehead. I lift my gaze to find Alex sitting on the floor right down the hall. He too has huge bags beneath his eyes, and my heart shatters into a million pieces as I realize that he was waiting out here as well.

His eyes pin me to the spot. It was clear that he was upset with me, but he couldn’t get any sleep.

Carla’s gaze shifts from me to Alex, sitting a few feet behind her. She clears her throat. “Well then, I suppose it is about time that I take my leave.”

She tries to pull away, but my grip on her hand tightens to stop her. “Thank you, Carla. Really. You are a true blessing to me.”

An unfamiliar emotion flashes in her eyes, and I could have sworn tears threatened to break free. She clears her throat and blinks away whatever traces of tears threaten to spill. “It’s nothing; just take care of yourself, my super magical friend,” she teases, and I chuckle lightly.

I watched her walk away until she was completely out of sight. My attention returns to Alex, and I join him on the floor. For a moment, neither of us said anything. He just sits there, staring at the wall in front of us.

“I am sorry” are the words I use to break the silence. My heart shatters into a million pieces when he doesn’t say anything. I swallow. “I am sorry for snapping at you yesterday. I was just so tired and overwhelmed. And you kept going, killing all those poor animals like I wasn’t doing my best.”

Alex bows his head and releases a sigh. “I knew you were trying. I was just being a dick,” he mutters before taking a deep breath. “I am sorry too.”

When he meets my eyes, I offer him a gentle smile. “I promise I am going to find a way to control my powers, and then you won’t have to worry about any of this. I promise.”

His hand meets mine on my lap, and he squeezes them lightly. “We are going to find a way.”

I really did hit the jackpot with my friend, didn’t I?

The next hour went by pretty quickly. Alex and I spent a couple of minutes on the floor talking about better ways I could learn to master my powers. After that, we prepared for the day, and he rushed off somewhere. I heard that it was another rogue attack.

It saddened my heart to know that our people were getting slaughtered and we still haven’t found the culprit.

“I want to come with you,” I said after grabbing his wrist and stopping him from rushing off with the rest of the guards.

Alex caressed my face and placed a kiss at the top of my forehead. “I know, but it isn’t safe for you out there.”

“Neither is it for you,” I counter, and a tired, frustrated sigh leaves his lips.

“The attack has already been done, okay? I just want to go check out the damage and search for possible leads on who could be responsible for all of this,” he said, but then I noticed he didn’t meet my eyes when mentioning the last part.

“There is something you are not telling me,” I say, voicing out my thoughts.

“I think I know who is responsible for all of this,” he says, and my eyebrows shoot to the top of my forehead. “But I am not sure; I need evidence before pointing fingers, especially at someone like my suspect.”

“Who do you suspect?” I ask him, and just before he can respond, one of the guards comes in.

“Your highness, we have found more leads,” he says hurriedly, and Alex curses beneath his breath.

“I will talk to you later, okay? Be good for me. And no matter what, do not leave this house,” he says to me while walking further and further away until he is completely out of sight.

I decided to join Carla in the kitchen. She was making some macaroni and simultaneously ranting about how she thinks the person responsible is the spirit of my dead family. If she was right, then I would just be depressed. I thought I had gotten rid of them for good.

But there was absolutely no way it was them. It just couldn’t be.

My mind travels back to my last time in the spirit realm. Some strange woman warned me of some upcoming danger. Did it have anything to do with the rogue attacks? It had to…

“Damn it, we are out of curry and chili!” Carla exclaims, pouting her lips. She looked like she was on the verge of tears. “I can’t make macaroni without them; they are essential ingredients. I really thought we had some left.”

A thought comes to my head, and I shoot to my feet. “I will go down to the local market and get some.”

Her eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. “There is no way I am letting you go. It’s too dangerous out there.”

“Oh, come on, it’s the local market three streets away. I will be in and out in seconds,” I tell her, but she doesn’t seem too convinced.

“I will come with you.”

“No” is my instant response. She frowns. “Just keep preparing the sauce, and I will be back with the chili and curry. The sooner this is done, the better. I am starving.”

Carla sighs with defeat and then says, “Fine. But be quick.”

“I will,” I say while heading out of the kitchen.

I could have sworn I heard her mutter something in between the lines, “Alpha is going to kill me.”

My head shakes with disbelief as I step out of the palace. I was one of the strongest in this pack, yet they treat me like an egg. Unbelievable.

As I make my way down to the gates, the guards look between themselves.

“I am going down to the local market. I will be back in a few minutes,” I tell them, but neither of them move an inch. Placing my hands on my hips, I glare up at them. “Well? What are you waiting for?” They still do not move.

My anger peaks, and a surge of power shoots through my veins. I take a step forward, and they take two back. My voice had changed and instantly evoked fear in the two men.

“You aren’t going to stop me now, are you?”

The men shake their heads negatively and rush to open the gates for me. A smirk lifts the corners of my lips.

I love these powers.

I really do not know what everyone was so worried about. It was just the market down the street. I will be in and out before they can even blink. Nothing bad is going to happen.


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