Betrayed Heiress: My Second Chance Mate is A Lycan King

Chapter 75: When secrets get out

Aira’s POV

My eyes remained glued to Alex’s sleeping form. My only consolation was the heaving of his chest. I watched its movements closely, fearing that my world may come to a stop if he stopped breathing. I do not think I was capable of bringing him back a second time.

After he lost consciousness in my arms, the remaining guards quickly snapped out of their wonder and helped me get Alex into the car. They drove back to the palace at full speed and helped me rush him into the infirmary.

The doctors wasted no time tending to his wounds. When they were done, I asked, “When is he going to wake up?”

The doctor gave me a pitiful look and pursed her lips. “Sincerely, I do not know. That all depends on him. You have to pray and hope that he has a strong will to live,” and then he left.

Once it was just Alex and me in the room, I began to cry. Tears spilled out of my eyes like two damn waterfalls. I cried my eyes out. Occasionally, I would beg Alex to wake up and not die on me again because I would never forgive myself if I was unable to bring him back.

Once again, he ended up hurt while trying to protect me. Why am I so damn weak all the time? If I were strong enough, I could have defended myself easily without his help. Now look at him. He is in this position because of me. I have to get stronger, no matter what.

But right now, I need him to wake up.

I stayed with Alex for the next two days; not once did I leave his side unless I needed to use the bathroom. A maid would occasionally bring me some food, but I couldn’t bring myself to eat knowing Alex was still lying beside me unconscious.

A knock comes from the door, and a sigh leaves my lips before I go to answer it. When I open the door, I find Carla standing on the other side. “Hey, how is he holding up?” she asks, stepping into the room and forcing me to give her some space to enter.

Um, okay.

“He still hasn’t woken up,” I say as I shut the door, and she hums before turning towards me, her eyes showing so much excitement that it actually terrified me, if I am to be honest.

“Is it true that you can bring back the dead?”

My countenance falls, and it is at that moment that I want to scream at the top of my lungs. I inhale sharply and pinch the bridge of my nose, doing my best to hold back my annoyance. I should have known better than to trust the words of those men. I knew deep down that they would never keep their mouths shut.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, trying to act oblivious, and she looks at me in a way that expresses disappointment.

“I just can’t believe that you would keep something like this from me. Everyone is talking about what happened. You saved the alpha and the other five guards; you supposedly made the dead do your bidding! That is so crazy!” she says, her eyes brimming with excitement, and I purse my lips. The excitement slowly dims, and she watches me slowly. “I am guessing you didn’t want this to get out.”

“I never wanted it to get out. There are people that are willing to do anything to get this power, and it would put me in danger; it was best kept as a secret.” I try to explain to her, but judging by the look she was giving me, I do not think she seemed to understand.

“You wanted to keep it a secret, even from me? You didn’t trust me enough to confide in me over something like this? I thought we trusted each other enough considering all that we have been through,” she says, and my heart shatters when I detect the hurt in her voice.

“I am so sorry, Carla. It was never my intention to hurt you,” I whisper to her, and she sighs.

“It’s fine. I understand why you hid it from everyone.” She pauses, then looks over my shoulder, probably at Alex’s unconscious body. “We will talk about this some other time, I suppose. I can see now isn’t a good time.”

Well, it was about time you did.

“Thanks, Carla,” I tell her, and she offers me a little smile before taking her leave. Once she shuts the door behind her, my heart plummets to the pit of my stomach when a voice I knew all too well fills my ears.

“Well, that doesn’t sound quite good.”

I spin on my heel to find Alex staring right at me. Tears of joy glaze my eyes, and I practically sprint towards him. Without thinking, I collapse on top of him and engulf him in a tight hug.

“You are awake!” I screech, and he groans in response.

“You are killing me,” he says with a strained voice, and I get off him so fast, like he was a fire that had just burned me.

“Oh! I am so sorry.” I apologize quickly, still unable to hide my excitement and relief.

“It’s fine,” he says, then sighs. “I am going to kill those damn guards,” he mutters beneath his breath, and I shake my head in disbelief. To think that he has just woken up from a near-death experience and all he could think about was killing others.

This man will never cease to amaze me.

“Don’t bother. What’s done is done.” I tell him, running my hand through my hair. This means that now the entire kingdom will know of my abilities. I wonder what is going to happen now. Will they fear me? love me? or respect me more now.

“Whatever the outcome of this will be, I am ready for it, knowing that I have you by my side,” I tell him sincerely, and I see something flash in his eyes.

A surprised screech leaves my lips when he grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. I did not even know he possessed that much strength.

But then again, this was Alpha Alexander we were talking about.

He kisses me sweetly, yet with so much passion.

When we pull away, he caresses my cheek and says something that I least expected. “Now feed me because I am starving.”

I threw my head back and let out a hearty laugh. It takes a great deal of strength when I try to help him sit up. I was almost out of breath when I helped him lay back down on the mountain of pillows I had stacked up for him.

I sit beside him, place the tray of food on my thighs, and feed. With a groan, he reaches out for the other fork and feeds me.

“Oh, stop; you do not have to do that. You are stressing yourself out,” I tell him. I try to get the fork from him, but he doesn’t let me.

“I know you, Aira, and I know for a fact that you haven’t had anything to eat since I have been out. Or do you expect me to believe that this food was just sitting here waiting for me to wake up?” He asks with a raised brow, and I avert his gaze.

He was smart.

“Fine,” I give in and let him out the fork in my mouth. We sit together in silence and eat together. Once we were done with the food, I called the doctor to come and check up on him.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Well, your wounds are still pretty much fresh, and you have lost quite a lot of blood. Just make sure to eat a lot of vegetables and be consistent with the medicine I prescribed. And most importantly, get enough rest. That was nearly fatal; if you strain it, you might start bleeding out again and might actually die this time.”

I gulp.

Alex appears completely unbothered by what the doctor was saying; how was I the one more terrified here?

The doctor turns to me and says, “Please do help him. Make sure he doesn’t move around too much unless it is completely and utterly necessary.”

I nod in understanding and say, “I will. Thank you, doctor.”

She smiles sweetly at me, then takes her leave.

“I guess it is just going to be you and me for the next few weeks,” I state, placing my hands on my hips, and he grins at me.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

I spent the next two weeks by Alex’s side. I would help him go to the bathroom, shower, and even eat. Only once did Arnold come to visit Alex, much to my dismay.

“He has a whole pack to run in my place. Plus, he is doing his best to find out who is responsible for all these attacks; you cannot possibly expect him to be visiting all the time,” Alex explained after I complained to him about it.

I still wasn’t comfortable with it. There was something incredibly off about Arnold; I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

Or maybe it’s because, after everything that has happened, I am just paranoid about everyone. So I let it go.

There are times I would head down to the kitchen to get something for myself or Alex. I never failed to notice the stares and whispers from the workers.

“I still can’t believe that she is capable of raising the dead.”

“I told you from the beginning that she was a witch.”

“Do you think if I ask nicely, she would be able to bring my mother back to life?”

I flinched at that last statement and picked up my speed after that. I grab what it is I need and return to Alex and I’s room. When I do, the first thing I see is him standing in the middle of the room with a letter in his hands. The look on his face showed that its contents were not good.

“What is it?” I ask him, and he meets my eyes.

“The alphas of the states have called for a meeting tonight. They want to discuss what to do with you and your power.”

Wow, just when I thought things couldn’t possibly get worse.

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