Betrayed Heiress: My Second Chance Mate is A Lycan King

Chapter 107: The storm within me

Aira’s POV

Sweat, booze, and sin.

It filled the air like a toxin, filling my lungs. I sat with Alex by the bar as the loud music blasted our eardrums. I took another shot of vodka down, and Alex gave me a worried look.

“That is your seventh shot, Aira; you need to take it easy,” he says, and I look at him with hooded eyes.

I don’t know what had gotten into me when I pushed his shoulder and let out a laugh. “You are such a parent. Relax and have fun; when was the last time you actually had some fun?” I ask him, and instead of replying to me, he shakes his head with disapproval and takes down his second shot of whiskey.

Carla and Arnold were sitting by our sides, watching the people on the dance floor grind and dance against themselves. I catch the longing look on Carla’s face, so I hop off my stool and take her by the hand.

“Let’s dance!” I tell her as I pull her to the dance floor, but she tries to resist me.

“Oh, but I can’t dance, Aira,” she tells me, and an unnecessarily wide smile lifts my lips.

“It doesn’t matter! I can’t either! Just go with the flow!” I yell loud enough so she can hear me over the loud music. Once we are at the center of the dance floor, I let go of her and begin to move my body to the beat.

It was at that moment that I started to feel the effects of the alcohol. The world blurred before me, and the feeling I got was so soothing; I loved it. My body moved to the beat, and my hands moved against my body almost seductively.

It was strange, but I felt as though there was something coursing through my veins; it brought this sensation-one that I had never felt before. I continue to dance, and my eyes lock with Alex’s. His eyes had darkened with lust; they traveled up and down my body hungrily, and I loved how he lusted over me.

A man steps in between us, blocking my view of Alex. He was a tall man, probably six feet and two inches. He might be the same height as Alex; I don’t know. I am not entirely sure; everything and everyone was just blurry right now. He had black hair and deep blue eyes; the corners were red, and it was clear that he was intoxicated.

He smiled at me wryly, and his drunken eyes trailed up and down my body. The hunger in his eyes made my skin crawl. His tongue slid over his bottom lip as he took in my body. When his eyes met mine, he slurred. “hey beautiful. Care to dance?” he asks.

I give him another once over; this man could barely stand on his two feet. I managed to get a glimpse of Alex over his shoulder, and the rage on his face was comical. I do not know why, but I loved it too; I wanted to see how mad I could make him.

So I say, “Sure, why not?”

The second those words leave my lips, he is on me. His hands snake around my waist and grab my ass before I could even comprehend what was happening. A gasp leaves my lips as he squeezes my ass and nuzzles his nose into my neck.

He starts to move to the beat and presses his hard member to my inner thigh. That is when I decided I had had enough. I tried to push him off me, but he wouldn’t budge. Before I could even part my lips to tell him to get off me, he yanked off me, and the crashing of wood was heard.

Alex is standing with his back to me, his shoulders heaving up and down with rage. My gaze shifts to the man who had been all touchy with me; he was now on his back above a broken table.

“What the hell, man? What did you do that for?” he asks, shooting back on his feet. He tried to shove Alex, but he grabbed his wrist before it could even touch him. The cracking of bones followed by his screams went over the music and caught everyone’s attention.

Alex still doesn’t let go of the guy, and that is when guilt starts to get the better of me. I place my hand on Alex’s shoulder and say with a stern voice, “Alex, that is not enough!”

He doesn’t listen to me. Instead, he throws a sharp blow to the man’s nose and knocks him back down on his back with a possibly fractured nose. Alex tries to get on top of him but I stand between him and the man.

“I said that is enough!”

His eyelids narrowed to slits, and his growl was louder than the music. “Why are you protecting him?”

Before I can even reply to him. The guy shoots to his feet and looks at the both of us with horror, “You all are crazy!”

I spin on my heel and try to ask, “Are you okay?”

I take a step towards him, and he stumbles backwards. “Stay away from me!” he screams and bolts out of the club, cutting through the audience. My fists ball at my sides, and I spin around to face Alex.

“What the hell is your problem? Why do you have to ruin everything?”

He counters me with an equally infuriated glare and steps up to me. At this point our chests were touching and the music had stopped; everyone was watching us, but that was the least of our concerns at this point.

“Am I the one who ruins everything? Are you trying to tell me that you were enjoying the way he was touching you?”

“Of course I wasn’t, but you didn’t have to cause such a scene!”

He shakes his head with disbelief and grabs my wristy. “That’s it; we are leaving.”

I don’t know what had gotten over me, but the strength I had used to yank my wrist free shocked both Alex and me. “Don’t touch me! I am not going anywhere with you!”

Spinning on my heel, I stormed out of the club, and the audience made a path for me. Alex’s infuriated growl bounces off the walls and follows me out of the club.

I make my way out into the outside world, and the dark midnight sky comes into view. The moon is hoisted high and above me as the cold wind slaps my skin.

I lose my footing and stumble a bit. The world was spinning at this point. My heart and head were both pounding, and that strange sensation I got started all over again. I make my way into the parking lot, and someone bumps into me.

“Watch where you are going, bitch!”

Something in me snaps as the harsh voice of a woman fills my ears.

A growl escapes my lips, and I turn to her. It feels as though all the blood in my veins has been set ablaze and a wild animal has been released. The woman stumbles back and lands on her ass, her eyes wider than saucers as terror swirled within them.

She looked up at me like I was a monster.

“What did you just say?”

The voice wasn’t mine; it was so unfamiliar, but I knew it had come from me.

She lets out a petrified scream and runs as fast as she can away from me.

“Well, don’t you look quite familiar?”

My blood runs cold at the sound of that familiar voice. I spin around to come face to face with a spirit I thought I would never see again. Ana.

She has an evil smirk on her lips. “You are starting to look just like me. I thought you were the good sister.”

I shake my head in disbelief, taking a step back as I repeatedly chant to myself that she is not real. None of this was real.

“I am nothing like you,” I whisper, taking another step back, only this time something makes contact with my back.

“You can hide all you want,” I scream at the sound of that voice and stumble away from the person I had bumped into. My heart pounds wildly against my chest as my eyes lock with Vincent’s. He had a devious grin on his lips as he asked, “Shocked to see me, dear niece?”

I try to put as much distance between myself and the both of them, but another voice comes from behind me.

“You can’t hide who you truly are.”


“You are evil.”


“You only want power and others to bow before you.”


“You are just like the rest of us. Accept it!”


I shook my head in denial as they all surrounded me; their chants went straight through my ears and pierced my brain.

No. I am nothing like them; what they were saying were all lies.

“Stuy away from me!”

A burst of power leaves my body, pushing everything around me at least ten feet away from me. Cars and lampposts went flying all directions, and a blue light surrounds me.


Suddenly the spirits disappear, and that is when my eyes lock with a worried Alex. He was with Carla and Arnold, who watched me with amazement.

The power bursting through my pores was so great, I felt it all the way down to my bones. It hurts; it was so overwhelming. I couldn’t breathe.

Tears well up in my eyes, and I just wanted it all to stop. “Alex, please, it hurts!”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Something visibly snaps in Alex, and he runs towards me. He hisses when he comes within the ten-foot circle and takes a step back. He retracts his hand, and my eyes widen when blood starts to trickle down it.

He can’t get close to me.

The sight of Alex’s blood does something to me, and tears stream down my cheeks. The voices of my deceased family start to fill my ears, only strengthening the power bursting out of me. Alex stumbles back as the circle grows.

Thunder and lightning strike the earth, and a monstrous wind begins to blow.

“Aira, please try to get a hold of yourself; try to calm down!” Carla yells, but I shake my head negatively. Alex suddenly runs off somewhere, and everything worsens. My hands fly up to cover my ears. It was too loud; the world was just too loud. “I can’t. I can’t!”

It was faint, but I heard it.

Alex’s voice. It had come from right behind me.

“I am sorry,” he whispers, and I spin around. My eyes lock with his, but for only a second before the world grows dark.

Finally, there was peace.

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