Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

12 New Clues

Evelyn POV

“Luna, I don’t know what you expect me to say. I was with you when the pups were taken to the nursery. I was given the report just as you were that neither pup had survived.” “So who examined the pups if it wasn’t you?” “Dr. Martin was in the nursery when the pups were brought in.” My heart sinks knowing that I can’t speak to Dr. Martin as she was killed during an attack on the pack not long after I gave birth.” I see sympathy on his face but I don’t want his sympathy. “I want the records of my pups’ birth.” “Luna” he starts to say again and my eyes flash black as Sadie pushes to the surface. “I do not need your sympathy or to be patronized. All I want to know is what happened to my pups and don’t tell me they died because you weren’t there to confirm that’s true.” He sighs and reaches for a pen off his desk. I watch as he writes something on a piece of paper. He comes around and hands it to me. I look at him with confusion once I read the address he has written down.

“Patricia’s mate left the pack after she was killed. This is his address in the human city.” “Why would he choose to become a rogue? He would need the pack even more after losing his mate.” “Those are questions you will have to ask him, Luna. Honestly, I don’t know the truth about what happened that day, but I do hope you find it, Luna.” He stops talking and I watch his eyes shift as he gets a link. A few seconds later he looks back at me with a mix of fear and sadness. “He’s coming isn’t he”, I ask and he nods. “Did you tell him why I came to see you?” “No Luna, I simply said you were feeling fatigued and wanted to be checked out.” All the contempt I had for this man when I arrived is washed away and replaced with appreciation. “Thank you, I’m truly grateful for your help.” “Of course, Luna. Now we need to get you to an exam room before he arrives.” He leads me down the hall to an exam room and gives me a gown to put on. The doctor rushes from the room and I wait to come face to face with a man that I

can no longer trust. I scent him before the door flies open. He growls before he comes to stand in front of me.

He takes some deep breaths, calming himself before he speaks. I stay quiet knowing I need him to believe that I am only here because I don’t feel well. I don’t trust myself not to say anything “Evelyn, what the hell were you thinking? Do you want me to go feral? I have been trying to reach you for an hour and then I find out that you are here at the hospital.” Though the thought of touching him right now makes me sick, I reach my hand up and place it on his cheek. “Grant, I was feeling fatigued. I just wanted to get checked out and not have my mate worry for no reason.” He steps closer, pulling me to his chest and wrapping his arms around me. Even Sadie growls low, but I stay quiet. After a few minutes, he pulls back and looks into my eyes. I give him my best smile. “I’m fine, I promise.” “Please just tell me next time so I don’t lose my mind. You are my world Evelyn, you know that. I would do anything for you.” “I promise, I will tell you next time.” “I think he would do anything for himself, not us”, Sadie says and I know in my heart that she is right.

Carter POV

I shift and that ba**ard Franklin is standing with five rogues and that f**king pathetic witch. “Why are you here Franklin?” “Is that anyway to talk to a fellow rogue leader. I have done business with this collective many times. I don’t understand your hostility, Carter.” “No, you did business with the snake that used to run this collective. Now I’ll ask again why are you here?” “I believe that a prisoner of mine has escaped and maybe hiding in your territory. As an act of goodwill, I would like him returned to me.” A growl escapes me and I cross my arms over my chest. “Franklin, you and I both know that will not be happening. I would suggest you and yours return to your territory before I take this visit as a threat to my people. I would hate to have to leave your collective without a leader.” I see black energy passing between the witches’ fingertips. Aurora comes to stand next to me. He raises his hand and for the first time he stares at the red wolf standing next to me. I don’t like the way he is looking at Aurora.

“No need for all that, Lydia, I’m sure that we will find what we came for without having to teach Carter and his men a lesson about who they shouldn’t cross in our world,” Franklin says to the witch. She steps next to him and wraps her arms around him. Despite what he says, she throws a black energy ball and I brace myself for the impact, but it never comes. I realize that Aurora is standing in front of me. She took the hit and didn’t move an inch. I step off behind her and if I wasn’t so pissed that b**ch just attacked us I would have enjoyed the look of horror on both of their faces. I shift heading toward them but they disappear before we reach them. The other men are already breaching the trees. I turn and head right for Aurora. “Thank you for protecting me.” She nods her head and before I can say more I get a link from Abigale. I waste no time shifting and running as fast as Aaron’s legs can run.

Cayden POV

“Cayden, I have a bad feeling about this”, Riggs says as we sit at the table. I feel uneasy and I know Riggs is right. I pray that my presence has not brought suffering to these people that have welcomed me into their home. “My mate and the others are strong. They will handle them, Cayden” Abigale says, I’m sure she is reading my expression. I smile and nod but I can’t help the nagging feeling of dread in my gut. “What color is your wolf” Sarah asks, bringing me out of my thoughts. “He is silver and his name is Riggs.” “Can I see him” she asks, but Abigale speaks before I can. “Eat your dinner and then we can talk about you meeting Cayden’s wolf. She pouts a little but starts to eat. A few minutes pass and the feeling of dread gets stronger. A growl sounds and I hear my name being yelled outside. I stand walking toward the door. “Cayden wait” Abigale says my name as she shields Sarah from whatever is outside. “Stay here no matter what happens”, I say and I can see she wants to protest, but I don’t give her a chance to. I open the door and step out onto the porch.

I catch their scent before I even see them step out from behind the trees. Franklin’s men smile when they see me. “Look, Franklin was right, the pathetic mutt is hiding here like the coward he is.” I ball my fists at my side as the five men come to stand in front of me. “You can make this easier on yourself and these wolves mutt by coming with us without a fight. We aren’t leaving here without you and if we have

to kill every wolf that gets in our way, we will.” The thought of that innocent pup flashes through my mind. She reminds me of Clara when we were children. I will not go back to that hell, but I also won’t let them hurt these wolves. “Riggs help me use my powers.” “All I can tell you is to focus on what you want to do and pray it happens. I’m just a wolf, you are the warlock.” I open my hands, palms up and picture energy flowing down my arm and settling in my hand. I look at the wolves and for the first time I see fear on their faces. They begin to back up like the cowards they are. My hands are both glowing with white light.

“It seems this mutt isn’t the weak boy that you all took turns abusing. You are all cowards.” I raise my hand and pitch the first energy ball, striking the wolf standing in the middle. He is engulfed in light before his screams fill the air. Once the light is gone, there is nothing left but dirt where he stood. The other four take off and I throw energy ball after energy ball until they are all ash on the ground. I hear a door open and I turn to see Abigale smiling at me. “It seems Calliope didn’t need to worry about you needing to gain your strength.” I smile and for the first time in my life, I feel like the wolf I was meant to be. “You’re more than a wolf and we will never be someones punching bag again” Riggs says. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

A few minutes later, wolves break through the trees and stop in front of me. They shift and Carter walks up to me, extending his hand. He pulls me into a hug. “Thank you for protecting my family.” “I wish I wasn’t the reason they needed protecting. I’m just glad it worked. I’ve only teleported using magic.” I step back and Calliope nods at me. “Don’t blame yourself for the actions of that a**hole. He has always been an evil pr**k and I wish I knew what he was doing to you and your sister because I would have stopped it back then”, Carter says. “Thank you Carter for your kindness. I appreciate all you are doing to help me. I promise you this, I’m not the child I once was and I am going to take great pleasure in making him pay for all he has done to me and my sister.” “We will help you anyway we can to make that happen and I’m sure the Nightfire pack will help too.” Hearing him talk about the Nightfire pack gives me hope that I will soon see Clara.

Evelyn POV

I gather my purse and head to Grant’s office. I knock as I usually do and push the door open. He looks up with his normal smile until he sees my purse. “Why do you have your purse, Evelyn?” I walk over and sit in his lap. I keep repeating in my head you need to do this as he buries his head in my neck. “I feel like getting out and going shopping. After everything the other night and not feeling well, I think I just need to do something for myself.” “Well, I’ll go with you.” “No, you have work to do. I will take one of the patrol guards so you don’t have to worry. I want to just focus on myself for the afternoon.” He smiles “thank you, I would worry if you were out of the pack lands without protection. I think that is an excellent idea.” He pulls my lips to his and attempts to deepen the kiss, but I hop off his lap. “No way, if you start that I’ll never get any shopping done.” He chuckles “then you owe me later tonight, Eve.” I turn making my way out the door and down to the SUV. The guard I summoned is already sitting behind the wheel. I slide into the back seat and he drives to the gate. After he speaks with the guard for several minutes, we pull through. When he makes the right toward the human city, I let go of the breath I didn’t even know I was holding. “Calm down Evelyn, you are doing fine” Sadie says. “Where are we off to first Luna?” I reach into my purse and pull out the piece of paper with the address on it. I hand it to the guard and he looks in the rearview mirror at me. “I want to visit an old friend before we go shopping.” I can see he is hesitant to follow my orders. “Does the Alpha know about this Luna?” “I believe I am the Luna and I gave you an order, now drive.” “Yes Luna, my apologies.”

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