Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Ryan I found myself drawing near to him, the proximity prompting a fleeting thought. Upon reflection, I determined that confronting him was unnecessary, as there truly wasn’t a valid reason for such a confrontation. I was not inclined to lower myself to the level of engaging in a public standoff with him. My reasoning was fortified by the awareness that there could be individuals present, armed with smartphones, ready to capture any potential altercation on video, Choosing to err on the side of caution, I retraced my steps, deliberately walking back to my car. As I drove away, my security detail followed closely behind, ensuring my safety. Upon re–entering the penthouse, I couldn’t help but notice the unusual silence and calmness that pervaded the space. “Stephanie?!” I called the silence, but my voice echoed unanswered in the stillness. out into With a furrowed brow, I directed my gaze towards Angelo, our head of security, expecting him to have the answers. “Where is she?” I inquired sharply, fully aware that all security matters funneled through him before reaching me. “Where’s Stephanie!” I pressed further, striding purposefully towards the bar to pour myself a drink. “She’s gone to the airport, Angelo replied, causing me to abruptly stop in my tracks, I lifted my head, blinking in disbelief, silently demanding clarification. “I received the message while we were still at the hospital’s parking lot, he explained, as if the timing was of any relevance to me. Disregarding the timing of his message, I pressed on, my tone firm. “But why is she at the airport? Is she there to pick someone up?” I demanded, hoping for a reasonable explanation. The thought of her abandoning her responsibilities after my concerted efforts to seek solutions left a bitter taste in my mouth. It had better be a legitimate reason, for I wouldn’t tolerate leaving my business in limbo only for her to up and leave without a valid explanation, Angelo, visibly uneasy under my scrutiny, shifted his gaze away. “She’s leaving, sir,” he admitted reluctantly. 1 scoffed at the revelation. “When did she book a ticket? I queried. This means that she had her ticket earlier this morning before our heated argument. “And why wasn’t I informed?” I demanded, feeling a pang of frustration at the lack of transparency. Unable to provide a satisfactory response, Angelo remained fixated on his shoes. “I apologize, sir,” he murmured softly. Exhaling heavily, I redirected my focus to the drink before me. “When is her flight?” I inquired, resigned to the reality of her departure. Glancing at his watch, Angelo replied, “It’s scheduled to depart in the next hour. He paused briefly before offering a

solution. “I could intercept her before she boards, or I could contact Tim to bring her back if you prefer. Contemplating my options, I made a decisive choice. “Let her go, 1 declared. I am not going to stop her or go after her. Nodding in acknowledgment, Angelo briskly departed the living room, perhaps seeking refuge from what he perceived as my anger and frustration. Whether he accurately gauged my emotions was inconsequential at the moment. In all honesty, I harbored a certain indifference to whether she chose to depart or remain. The only reservation I held pertained to the desire for a known acquaintance, rather than a stranger, to be the mother of my child. Were it not for that consideration, I might have sought a willing individual to bear a child, regardless of gender. Settling onto a bar stool, I contemplatively cradled the glass of whiskey in my hand. The amber liquid swirled within as I pondered the situation. “I want you to investigate someone for me, I mused aloud, turning around with the intention of addressing Angelo–only to realize he had withdrawn earlier. My jaw clenched in frustration, and I resorted to calling out his name. Swifily, he raced back into the living room. “Do no not stray too far from my sight,” I snapped, my tone reflecting my irritation. That is precisely what I generously compensate you for. “I understand, sir,” Angelo replied, his demeanor contrite as he inclined his head slightly in a gesture of apology. Rubbing my temples, I felt the weight of frustration settling over me, dampening my mood. “Look into Jake Joshua for me, I instructed, the determination evident in my voice. I need to uncover his flaws or weaknesses to dismantle their relationship. “Find something substantial I can leverage against him, something that will place him at a disadvantage.” “Consider it done, sir, Angelo affirmed, his tone resolute in its commitment to the task. I took another swig of whiskey, “Have Tim send “I paused mid–sentence, recalling Stephanie’s departure alongside my security detail, a detail she wasn’t even footing the bill for. “Have any available security personnel send flowers to Lily,” I amended, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of my lips. She’ll be thrown off when she realizes the flowers are from me. Chuckling softly, I retrieved my phone from the countertop and swiftly forwarded Lily’s address to Angelo. “You won’t be granted access past the gate, so ensure that whoever delivers the flowers understands they must be received, even if it’s only by the gatekeepers. Impress upon them the importance of ensuring Lily receives them promptly “Understood, boss, Angelo acknowledged. 0 11:33 AM Chapter 21 I gestured for Angelo to leave, waving him away with a dismissive flick of my

hand. Leaning further against the bar counter, I rested my elbow on its surface, propping my cheek up with my hand, Lost in thought, I eventually sensed a presence behind me. Turning, I discovered Angelo still lingering there, his presence an unwelcome intrusion. “What are you still doing here?” I demanded sharply, irritation creeping into my voice. He blinked rapidly, taken aback by my abruptness. “You instructed me to remain within your sight, he reminded me tentatively. I’ve already arranged for Verdo to deliver the flowers to Lily” I shot him a withering glare. “What time is it, Angelo?” I snapped, my patience wearing thin. Glancing down at his wristwatch, he answered promptly. “It’s past eleven in the morning, sir.” I rubbed my temples in frustration. And where do you suppose se she is at this moment?” I pressed, my irritation mounting “At the hospital, he replied without hesitation. “Then why in the world would you have the flowers delivered to her house?” I exclaimed, incredulous at his oversight. Another apology escaped from Angelo’s lips, his contrition palpable in the air. “I apologize, sir. I’ll ensure he delivers it to her office,” he offered, his voice tinged with sincerity A faint realization dawned on me delivering the flowers to her office was a far more sensible solution. If they arrived there, she would undoubtedly receive them. With a weary sigh. I pushed myself off the stool and made my way over to the living area, collapsing onto the nearest surface. “I’m upset, Angelo, I confessed, the weight of my emotions heavy upon me. I was a familiar routine between us. Whenever I found myself in a state of discontent, I would vocalize my feelings to Angelo, who, in turn, would attempt to decipher the root cause of my distress and propose potential solutions. Sometimes, I heeded his advice; other times, I remained obstinate in my resolve, “What’s troubling you, sir?” Angelo inquired gently. Gazing up at the chandelier, I struggled to the thoughts brewing within me. “I haven’t truly been happy for many years, Angelo, I reflected, the words escaping in a hushed tone. “But I can’t recall a time when I’ve felt this profoundly upset and frustrated in just as many years.” He listened intently. “When did you start feeling this way?” he inquired, his voice soft with concern. “The moment I laid eyes on her, I admitted, the memory of Lily treating me like a stranger at the hospital still fresh in my mind. A brief silence followed, during which I could sense Angelo grappling with the identity of the person in question. When he couldn’t deduce it, he pressed for clarification. “Who is this she, sir?” he ventured cautiously. I couldn’t help but scoff at his uncertainty. I almost thought you’d figure it out, I remarked dryly, my frustrationTêxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

seeping into my tone. Downing the remaining contents of my glass, I carefully set it down on the marble surface with a decisive clink “Lily. It’s Lily, I clarified, the bitterness evident in my voice. “She’s your ex–wife, sir,” Angelo pointed out, stating the obvious. “Surely you didn’t expect her to greet you with open warmly n arms, ready to embrace you Having granted Angelo the liberty to speak truthfully during our discussions, he was free to voice his thoughts without fear of my reaction. “Can’t people go through divorce and still be friends?” I mused aloud, though the notion of merely being friends with Lily unsettled me deeply, “If that were the root of your frustration, you wouldn’t have me investigating her boyfriend,” Angelo observed, cutting to the heart of the “Are you upset that she moved on?” matter The judgment laced in his tone caught me off guard, prompting me to sit up and fix him with a glare. “Why do you sound like that?” I hissed, challenging the implication behind his words, He blinked at me,

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