Be My Wifey Or Lose Your Job

Chapter 46 Take her away

“I thought you said you aren’t interested in Italy?”George asked Janelle on their way back to their room.

“Oh, am I?”

“Of course. You were literally enjoying their company and even asking about their country and stuffs like that.”

“I was?”

George kept mute.

They got to the room and Janelle fell back on the bed.

“Ah, I’m really tired.”she sprawled her legs and hands.

George went to sit on the chair and brought out his phone.

He started browsing on it.

Moments later, he started hearing soft whimpers.


He turned his gaze to where Janelle was and saw her turning on the bed, clutching her stomach.

He placed his phone down on the table and went to the bed.

“Janelle?. What’s… wrong?”he asked, sitting beside her.

“I’m…. my… stomach. I…”she stuttered and winced.

“What’s today’s date?”

“Today’s date?. Uhm.. seventeenth of June.”

“Oh, damn it!. It’s my fucking period!!”she shouted but she regretted it immediately as she let’s out a loud wince.

“George, help me, I think I’m gonna die”she breathed out.

His heart started breathing faster.

What’s really happening?.

She said it’s her period, what’s period?.

“I… what should I do? I don’t know what to do”he says.

“Ugh. Just tell the girls what I told you”she winced.

“The girls?, oh, the girls.. I will be back…”he said and ran out of the room and to the kitchen.

Guilia and Luce was taken aback by his sudden outburst.

“Janelle is… is suddenly in pains and she told me it’s her period.. she said… she said.. I should tell you guys that you will know what she is talking about. But, what’s period?”he said, trying to catch his breath.

“Where’s the room?”Luce asked.

“Oh, just follow me”

He took them to the room and they rushed to her.

“Ma’am?. You okay?.”Luce asked.

“No. It’s my period. I wonder why it had to come now!. I just hate it.”

“Don’t say that, has it always been like this?, the pain?”


Guilia rushed out but came back later with a hot water and a pad.

She dips the pad in the water and placed the heating pad on her belly.

“Oww!!!”Janelle cried out.

“I know it hurts but try to take in the pains. This will make it go away quickly.”Guilia says.

George stood, watching them.

He doesn’t know what to do.

He couldn’t even help her.

He felt bad.

He looked out at Janelle in worry.

“Can you manage to go to the bathroom?. Taking a hot bath will really help also”Luce said.

“No, I can’t”she shook her head.

Guilia turned to George.

“Do you have any pain reliever drug?”

“No”he shook his head.


“I will go prepare some soup for you. That should help too”Luce said and exit.

“I will go help her so it will be faster. We will be back. And, try to take some rest.”

She left also.

George walked up to Janelle and sat down on the bed.

“I’m sorry. I was of no help.”

Janelle nodded.

Janelle moved closer to him and rested her head on his thighs.

“Stay still for a while”she mutters.

He nodded, breathing out.

“You are fine now, right?”


He stared at her face and brought out his hand to moved the disturbing hairs away from her face.

“You’ve went through a lot, Janelle.”he sighed.

“Yeah, right?. So, you should avoid giving me heartbreaks cause I’ve really went alot and that being said, I really need to take a sleep.”

“You should, I will call the doctor to being some pain reliever drug when he is coming.”

Janelle was slowly drifting off to sleep.


After watching over her for some minutes and seeing she was fast asleep, George slowly placed her head on the bed.

He went out downstairs and went to the room.

He opened the door and met Tristan in.

He’d called him earlier to head to the room.

“Boss”he bowed.

“Yeah. Is she the one?”

“Yes, boss”

“Are you sure?”

“Very well, sir”


He walked to the lady whose mouth has been gagged.

She was tied to the bed and her legs were cuffed to the bed also.

“So…. you’re…. the one”George says.

George went on a squat and turned to Tristan.

“Have she told you anything?”

“I haven’t question her, sir. I was waiting for you”

George nodded and turned back to the lady.

“So.. who sent you?”he asked, standing up.

The lady slowly raised up her head.

“Mr… George?”

“Who sent you?. I asked you a question.”

“I… I think you’ve got the wrong person.. I’m just a mere waitress… I….”

“Hand me the knife, Tristan”George says.

The lady’s eyes widened.

Kni.. knife??

Tristan nodded and gave him a table knife.

George went back on a squat and placed the knife under her chin.

“If you don’t start talking, your throat will be split by this knife in no second”he threatened.

The lady cowered in fear.

Her entire body vibrated.

She looked into his deadly eyes and knew he meant those words.

Oh. She has finally got herself in trouble.

“I will ask you for the last time. Who sent you to poison my wife?”

The lady blinked her eyes and looked down.

“I didn’t….. I don’t understand. Po.. poison your wife??”she stuttered.

George moved the knife and cut her flesh.

The lady let’s out a scream.

“Now that I’m still being gentle, you don’t really wanna pull me to tell edge. It will be good for you if you start talking now. If you don’t, you will leave me with no option than to hurt you which I don’t really want to.”

The lady cried out at some blood came dripping down on her cloth.

“I… I don’t know the man. He just came to me and offer me some dollars then gave me some contents to drop in her wine. I.. I really don’t know the man”

“How many dollar did he offered?”

“Fifty dollars”

“So, you poisoned someone, you attempted to take someone’s life because of some peanuts???”

“I… I didn’t know it was poison!!!. I just didn’t know!!!. I…”

George gave her a hard slap across her face.

“Who is the man?”he asked.

“I don’t know”she whimpered.

“Don’t give me that shit!”

“I swear I really don’t know. I only saw him for once and…”

George pressed the knife on her skin.

“Alright!. I have his number!!. He gave me his number to ..”

“Where’s your phone?”

“It’s… it’s… it should be in… in… yes, my bag… my bag”

“Your bag??”he scoffed.

“Yes. My bag. Where is it?. It’s inside my bag”

“Here is it”Tristan moved to George with a bag.

George collected it and emptied the whole contents on the floor.

He picked up the phone and pressed the power button.

He moved the phone to her for her to unlock it.

“My… my hands…”the lady said.

George grunted released her right hand.

She took the phone from him and inserted her password.

She slowly gave the phone back to George.

A message popped in.

He went to check it.

*Hope you aren’t trying anything funny?*it reads.

George scoffed.

“Is he the one?”he turned the phone to her.

She nodded vigorously.

George stood up and handed the phone to Tristan.

“Track him down and take her back”

She turned to her.

“If anything word about what happened today go out, you’re ad dead as fuck.”

“I won’t say anything.”she quickly replied.

George went out.

He went back to the room and saw Janelle still sleeping.

He went to the bathroom and opened the tap.

He placed his hand under the water and rubbed it against each other, washing it.

He returned back to the room and went to peep at Janelle.

He pulled the duvet properly on her body and kissed her forehead.

A knock sounded on the door.


“It’s Guilia and Luce”

“Oh. Come in.”

The door went ajar and they both stepped in.

Luce was holding a tray.

“She’s asleep. That’s good. I brought some soup. I just hope he doesn’t get cold before she wakes. No, she should take ample rest and if the soup get cold, we can always warm it.”Luce said while placing the tray on the table.

The soup was steaming hot.

“Thanks. I appreciate.”he gave a nod.

“You don’t have to.”Luce smiled then bowed and they both went out.


The twilight sun found its way through the curtain and landed on Janelle’s eyes.

She let’s out a sound as she covered her face with her palm and turned.

She heard sounds beside her and immediately, her eyes flutter opened.

She caught sight of George. He was backing her, shirtless.

She stared at his bare chest and a smile touched her lips.

It’s so smooth and tempting..

She felt like rubbing her hand against it.

She sat up and only watched him.

What’s he looking for by the way?.

She moved to the edge of the bed and slides her legs in her flip flops and stood up, heading to the bathroom.

George turned.

“You’re awake?”

“It seems so”she replied and he chuckled.

“Where are you going?”

“To the bathroom”

“Want me to help me you out?”

“With what?”she turned to look at him and seeing him give her that look, she immediately shook her head.


George let’s out a chortle.

“How are you feeling now?”

“Peachy”she replied him in the bathroom.

She came back later and walked to the exit door.

“Where are you going again?”

“To get some food. I’m hungry.”she replied.

“Oh. Luce brought some soup.”George informed pointing at the tray.

“Really?. That’s nice of them.”she went to take the tray.

“But it’s already cold”she walked out of the room.

“Hi, girls!!!!”she announced while entering the kitchen.

“Ma’am!.”they both called excitedly.

“Are you feeling fine now?”

“Yes, I am. And, thanks for the soup but it’s already cold, so.. and also, I use to hate this soup. It taste is usually bitter.”

“Yeah?. But it is the best option during a time like this.”Luce smiled.

“So.. what are you guys preparing?. I’m curious”Janelle asked after dropping the tray.

“Hmm… spaghetti and meatballs??”

“Make it spicy. I love spicy food”

“But, you can’t eat spicy food now, it will….”

“I know, but, I can’t just help it”Janelle grinned.


“How minutes will it take for it to he ready?”

“Well, five minutes. It’s almost done so…”

“Okay!. Also, I’m sorry, I won’t be able to help out. I couldn’t fulfill my promise.”

“You’re funny, ma’am.”Guilia says while going over to the cupboard.

“I’m I?. Certainly not. I will be in the dinning room, waiting for your delicious meal”she grinned and walked out.

She went to sit down in the dinning table and smiled as the aroma of the food being cooked traveled across her nostrils.

After eight minutes, the kitchen door opened and Luce came out, holding a platter.

“Food is ready?”Janelle’s face beamed.

She couldn’t wait to have a taste.

Luce nodded and placed the platter down in front of her.

She uncovered the plate and Janelle salivated.

“Enjoy your meal, ma’am.”Luce bowed and left.

“Thanks”she grabbed the fork and digged it inside the food.

She took a forkful in her mouth and her eyes shone.

This is damn tasty.

She took another forkful of it.

“You know eating spicy food isn’t a good idea while on your monthly flow?”George said behind her.

“And, that’s why I’m not eating it.”she replied while serious enjoying her meal.

George came into view and drew the plate away from her.

She sprang up from the chair in protest.

“Give it back”she breathed out while licking her lips.

Her both cheeks has a touch of red.

“No”he shook his head.

“Please…. you really have to give me that. I’m really hungry”she whined.

“I will get them prepare another food for you. You can’t really…”

He paused when a call came in on his phone.

He raised the phone up to his face and when he saw the caller, he didn’t hesitate in picking it up.

“Doc”he called.

“You’re outside?”

“Oh, come in”


He ended the call.

“Is that the doctor?”Janelle asked and he nodded.

“George, please give me back my food”she made a pout of her pink lips.

He rolled his eyes and gave the food back to her.

“Only for today, I’m only letting it slide only for today.”

“Thanks”she sat down back and continued eating her food.

“And why are you rushing the food?.”he scoffed.

“Non of your business”she rolled her eyeballs.

George went out to the living room and the door opened simultaneously, with the doctor coming in.

“Mr George!”the doctor called as he adjusted his glasses.

“Hello. Take your seat, please.”

The doctor nodded and sat down.

“I will go get her. Also, did you bring the drugs I asked you to bring earlier?”

“Yeah. How can I forget that.”

“Okay. Thanks.”George turned back and moved to the dinning room.

He was surprised when he didn’t find Janelle there.


Where did she go just now?

He went to the kitchen but no sign.

He took the stairs up to their room. No sign also.

Then, where is she?.

He searched the whole rooms and still couldn’t find her.

He went back to the kitchen.

“So, did you know where my wife went to?’

“Isn’t she in the dinning area?. I left her there some while ago”Luce said.

“She isn’t there. I wonder where she suddenly disappeared to”George said and walked back to where the doctor was.

“What’s the matter?”he asked.

“Okay, so, I can’t find my wife and it’s quite frustrating.”

“Do you think she is hiding?. Probably when she heard I was here?”

“That isn’t….”George paused and scoffed.

“I’m coming.”he turned and went back to their room.

He head to the bathroom and opened the door only to see Janelle there, behind the door, hiding.

She had her face buried in her laps.

George went down in front of her.

“What do you think you’re doing?”he asked.

She flinched and raised up her head.

“How did you find me?”she questioned.

“Did you run away because of the injections?”

She began crying.

“I don’t want to take any injections. The one I took yesterday is still hurting as hell.”her voice cracked.

And, here she goes again acting dramatic.

He pulled her up with him and sighed.

“Alright, after today, no more injections, i promise.”

She nodded.

“So, let’s go meet the doctor. We don’t wanna keep him waiting, do we?”

She hugged him tightly.

He rubbed her back soothingly.

“Let’s go”he mouthed.

They both went out to meet the doctor.

“I told you.”the doctor smiled at George.

“Yeah”George smiled back.

Janelle sat down.

“So, are you ready?”doc asked her.

She nodded.


The next day.


“Wake up!. It’s a brand new day!”Janelle shouted in George’s ear on the bed.

He groaned and covered his ear angrily.

“The hell?. Can I at least get some sleep?. It’s not as if I’m going to work or something!!”

“Really?”Janelle frowned.

He sat up suddenly.

“You’re really a pain in the ass.”

“I am not. Here, coffee for you.”she handed him a cup of tea.

He collected it begrudgingly and took a sip.

“Tell me, how does it taste?”

“Well, nice enough. You prepared it?”

“Of course.”she smiled.

“So, I’ve finally found out what we will do while at home to kill boredom. I went through many games and thankfully, I managed to pick five out of it. Good, right?”

“Bad?”he scoffed, standing up.

He went to stand by the window.

“Why bad?. I promise, it will be fun”

“I’m not into games, wifey. Besides, that sounds way too ridiculous. I will rather drink coffee all day than doing that.”

Janelle scoffed.

“You’re a bore”

“Thank you”he chuckled.

She smirked and put her cup down on the table.

“I will call my colleague then. I’m sure he will love the idea also”she took her phone.

George spun around.


“Yes, he. He is really nice, unlike you”

“Alright, alright. I will play the game with you, so, don’t call him”

“Huh?. Why the sudden change of heart?”

“I changed it, that’s all that matters”

“Okay. You will really enjoy it and you can always thank me later”

A knock was heard on the door and she turned to the direction.


“Breakfast is ready”

“Oh, thanks.”

“I will just go brush my teeth”

“And, I will just go eat. Benefit for waking up earlier.”

George rolled his eyes and drop the cup of coffee in his hand and walked sluggishly to the restroom.

Janelle went down for breakfast.

She drew one of the chairs surrounding the table back and sat down.

She opened the plates.


A loaf of bread and fried eggs plus tea. Certainly the best combination.

She took some pieces of the bread and lavished some eggs with and then took a hefty bite.

“Hmmmmm…. this is really good”she commented.

After some minutes, George came down to join her.

She carried her cup of tea and drank from it slowly.

He took a piece of bread and stuffed it in his mouth.

“You can take the eggs. I don’t have interest in it.”he says as he carried the tea and took some sips.

“Woah. Thanks.”she smiled and drew the plate of eggs to herself.

“Now, you’re nice”she grinned.

George scoffed.


“Awn, I pray they meet again”Janelle commented on the film they were watching after having their breakfast.

George’s phone began ringing and he took a peek at the screen of the phone on the center table.

It’s Tristan.

He picked it up.

“He is here, boss.”

“Good. I will be there.”he hang up and stood up.

“Where are you going?”Janelle questioned.

“I will be back in no time.”he kissed her cheek and left.


She continued watching her film and after some minutes, the film ended with Janelle grinning from ear to ear.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

By the way, what’s taking George so long?.

He said he would be back but he’s not here yet?.

She stood up from the sofa, deciding to go look for him.

She went to the direction he took and called his name but she didn’t get a reply from him.

She called him again.


Is he playing hide and seek with her?.

Well, that’s certainly going to be fun.

She walked along the several rooms but stopped beside a room when she heard voices coming out from it.

Who could it be?.

Could it be George?.

She tilted her head.

Well, he is definitely busted if he is the one.

With delight, she ran to the door and opened it.

Her eyes widened when she saw what was going on.

The…. fuck???!!!.

“Ma’am?, wh…. what are you doing here?… ma’am?”

Janelle remained transfixed on the spot.

George was backing her and he was holding a knife to a guy’s neck??.

She was taken aback in horror.

What’s really happening?.

Is this a nightmare?.

George turned to look at her.

And then, she saw the guy’s face and saw it was Lewis!.

She covered her mouth with her palm.

Holy moly!!.

What’s…. what’s Lewis doing here???

What’s he doing with him??.

This is bad.

“Take her away”George said to Tristan and turned back.

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