Be Careful When You Bite Me

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

I was lying in the same bed I had stayed in the last time I was here. The alarm clock beside me read

2:10 am.

Sleep was completely out of the picture and I wondered if where Damon was right now. Although I was

shocked that Asia and Xavier wouldn't help Damon, I could only understand. I couldn't imagine fighting

to be with the one that you love and having to fight all over again just as they were finally happy.

Was anybody ever really happy anymore? It's all temporary relief until the next wave of madness

comes crashing down.

I shoved my face into the pillow but I didn't cry. I had no more tears in me and I was past wondering

why I felt the way I did. It was pointless to try to pretend that I had no feelings for Damon. It was just

clear as day that I was utterly and hopelessly in love with him as it was that he was going to die.

I heard the doorknob to my room turn and the door was slightly opened to reveal a small amount of

light from the living-room. I could make out the tiny figure that was Asia.

"Holly, are you awake?" She whispered. I sat up and replied," what's going on?

"Get up," she said," we're going to go find Damon."

The nights' cold winds whipped past me, tossing my hair around and sending shivers down my skin. I

looked around, trying to catch sight of Asia but she was nowhere to be found. I watched the large clock

above the church strike three am. It was too dark to see anything, and I didn't know anything expect the

fact that Asia said the Council has only one prison in New York and this was it.

It didn't look like a prison, it was merely a church, that looked like most, with a nice yard and a wooden

cross that hung up at the top of the building. I waited at the steps and wondered if Asia was going to

come back. I breathed in and out and watched as the smoke from the cold disappeared. I looked back

up and around. The church was in the middle of nowhere, we had driven through miles of trees before

finally parking the car and walking around ten minutes on foot.

I was growing more anxious as more time went by. I would have imagined that if this were the prison, it

would have at least a couple of guards or maybe even a fence.

I heard the slight sound of footsteps and watched in anticipation as Asia turned the corner.

"Did you find it?" I whispered.

She shook her head," no, I can't find it."

"How could they have a church with no entrance?" I followed her this time, doing another walk around

the building.

"When you don't want anyone to go inside," Asia replied.

We circled the stone building in hopes of finding a door or a window or any way that could lead us to

the inside but it was as if there was no way to enter.

Maybe that's why they don't need guards because there isn't anything in there.

"What if they don't use this prison anymore, that's why there's no entrance or guards-"

"Shh," Asia placed her hand up to halt me," listen."

She placed her ear against the pavement and I mirrored her actions. At first, I could hear anything, and

then I heard it. It was the sound of a constant buzz or the sound of something being electrocuted.

"What is that?" I asked.

"That's the Volati barrier, it's like an electrical cell that they keep around prisoners to keep them from

trying to escape, the Volati, it makes them weak so they can't use their powers anymore." "Do you think

Damon is in there?"

"I don't know," Asia pursed her lips," but someone is."

"We need to get inside," I said, taking my ear off the wall. The sound was becoming irritating and I was

beginning to picture something that was too torturous for my liking.

Asia nodded," if I could just find a way in, a window, anything."

She stomped her feet against the floors. I thudded my palms against the walls but we both came out


I searched between pricks and stones and pressed on nearly every single one that I could reach. Asia

kicked at the floor and the walls as well.

"Maybe we have to climb up, using a ladder or something, what if it's at the roof?"

"It could be," she said," but where would we get a ladder?"

"We don't, you can hop on my shoulders."

"I don't think the two of us combined can reach the roof," she gazed up at the ceiling," it's gotta be at

least twelve feet."

"It's worth a try, I could try to toss you up or you can try jumping, if you could see the top it could at

least give us an idea of what's up there."

Asia nodded," alright, are you sure you can lift me?"

I nodded, feeling unsure of the entirety of the situation but knowing it's our only shot," yes, of course."

I began to kneel down to give Asia easier access to step on my shoulders when I heard the sudden low

sound of a menacing snarl. I looked up to meet Asia's eyes but they were looking past me. They were

wide open and held a look of horror that send chills to my bones. I sat up slowly and was almost too

afraid to ask.

I turned around to face whatever it was they had stopped her dead in her tracks and gasped out loud.

I opened my mouth wide open getting ready to let out the loudest hurl of my life but Asia's panicked yet

leveled voice intervened," don't make a sound...they smell fear."

"Are those...wolves?"

"They're werewolves, watchdogs for the Council."

"Do they see us?"

"I don't think so, they can't see color, try to not move, just stay still."

There were two of them, larger than any animal I have ever seen in my life. The first on the left had jet

black fur and the second, which was a slightly smaller wolf was a claret shade.

They took long slow strides, coming from the clearing of trees towards the far left of the church.

Their eyes moved around the place in search of something that didn't look ordinary. Their gaze grazed

right past us, looking beyond us towards the other side of the building.

"They can't see us?" I whispered to a still Asia.

"No, but they'll be able to smell us soon, we have to get out of here-"

"We can't leave-"

"We either leave now and come back when they're gone, or we're supper-"

"But-" I began to interject but she quickly shushed me.

"When I say so, start walking towards the left-back the way that we came, just as soon as they turn the

corner, and walk slow, not fast, slow."

I swallowed and nodded," alright."

My heart was thudding against my chest now and I wondered if they would be able to hear it soon. The

wolves were turning the corner now as Asia had said and I began to take a step to my left.

"Now," she said just as soon as they were out of sight.

We slowly stepped off of the deck and when I felt my feet hit the hard soil, I couldn't help but look back

to see if they had heard. The wolves were still out of sight and the way towards the clearing from which

we came was about thirty meters out.

"When I say it's safe to do so, you're going to run, straight towards the way we came okay?" Asia said.

"Okay," I was more nervous now than before because if we were running that meant we were making


We continued to walk without a look back for a couple more minutes now. Asia peeked back towards

the church that was now around twenty meters out. There was a short distance left towards the path

and she looked at me and said," Go."

We both began to sprint for the trees, the night's cold winds were almost piercing and it made it ten This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

times more difficult. The soil beneath my feet was still soft and was sinking below me, making it hard to

keep my stride.

I could see the outline of the path getting closer as we neared. I wanted so badly to look back at the

church and so I did. I didn't stop when I noticed that the two wolves had now turned the corner and

were now staring off towards us.

"They see us!" I screamed out at Asia.

"Keep running, get to the car!" She screamed out, darting in front of me. I tried to keep up but it was

way too much for me. Had it not been for the fear and adrenaline that fuelled my legs to keep going I

would have collapsed.

I heard the sudden crashing of something in front of me and halted immediately when a tree that was

beside the clearing of the path tumbled down, blocking my entry.

Asia had halted too, now that the path was closed off. The two wolves had gotten to us in almost no

time. They let out a blood-curdling growl that made me want to scream out in fear but I stood


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