Bargain Bride: The Billionaire’s Forced Wife


CHIARA HAS BEEN LOCKING HERSELF in her bedroom for almost a week now. Even during times where she’s supposed to eat, she never went out. Ezio or any maid will just deliver her foods in her room.

“Cara,” Ezio spoke while putting down the tray that contains her food on the bedside table. “It’s already one in the afternoon. You have to eat you lunch.”

He sat down beside her and combed her hair gently. Just like the past days, Chiara won’t even speak and just continued on staring at nothing.

Ezio took a deep breath before getting a spoonful of chickpea soup, one of Chiara’s favorite.

“Open up, cara,” he said while placing the spoon near her mouth.

Ezio smiled when she opened her mouth a little bit. It was just a small action, but it made him happy. For the past days, Chiara wouldn’t even move her lips to accommodate the food.

He was happy at the thought that his beloved is now getting better. She’s slowly rising up from the heartbreak she fell down to. And he will be there to help her in every step of the way.

Ezio wiped the food that was left on Chiara’s lips using his thumb. “Do you want to go outside for some fresh air later?”

Chiara was silent for a moment, but she slowly looked up on her husband before speaking. “The party, it’s today. Right?”

Ezio was caught off guard because of her question. For the past days, he was so busy on looking after his wife that he forgot his other duties.

“Yes, the party’s today,” he answered before scooping again. “But we don’t have to attend. Not when you’re not feeling well.”This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

Chiara shook her head before eating the food. She swallowed first and looked at him again with tired eyes.

“It’s your investor’s party. You need to be there,” she said. “It will give him a bad impression if you cancelled on the last minute.”

“But you’re not feeling well,” he responded while caressing her arm. It is the first time that his wife let him touch her body this long, and he wants to cherish every second of it.

“I won’t go without you. I won’t leave you here,” he added.

“I’ll come with you,” Chiara said. “I’m feeling well now. No need to worry about me. I’ll accompany you in the party.”

Ezio was in cloud nine hearing that. Because of his wife’s words and simple actions, he’s starting to think that she’s opening up to him.

“If that’s what you say, cara,” he responded. “We’ll leave before six. I’ll ready your things by then.”

Hours later, Chiara found herself getting ready for the party. Although her heart is still aching by the fact their her greatest love is getting married to another woman, she can’t let her life or other’s life be ruined by it.

This event is important for her husband. Even though they have a loveless marriage, she has to support him in any way possible. And this is one of those.

“Signora, this will suit you and your dress,” one of the maids, Althea, said while showing her a pearl necklace.

“This one looks good when partnered to your silver necklace,” she added as she put it on her neck.

And she didn’t disappoint. It indeed looks good. It adds a touch of elegance to her whole look.

It took them a few minutes before going down to the living room where Ezio was waiting. When he heard the sound of heels hitting the wooden floor, he couldn’t help but to turn his head towards the staircase.

Ezio was in awe while staring at his beloved. There she is – the light of his life – walking towards him with sweetness and elegance. Her emerald dress shows the shape of her body and it moves in every step she makes.

He was staring at her so hard that he didn’t realize that she was already infront of him. Ezio just went back to his senses when she spoke.

“Do I look bad?” she asked because Ezio’s silence is making her uncomfortable.

Ezio slowly shook his head and looked at her from head to toe, and vice versa.

“You look gorgeous,” he said under his breath. “You look perfect, cara.”

Chiara felt flattered when she noticed the hint of admiration in Ezio’s voice. She smiled a little bit before inviting him towards the car.

On their way to the party, Ezio couldn’t stop himself from looking at his beloved from time to time. And it didn’t escape Chiara’s senses.

“Eyes on the road, Ezio. Not on me,” she said, making Ezio turn his head back to the road.

“I can’t stop staring at you, cara. I’m sure that a lot of heads will turn to you tonight.”

And Ezio wasn’t wrong. As soon as the door was opened for the both of them, all of the guests turned their head and was stunned on how gorgeous the woman Ezio with is.

“She’s beautiful.”

“She looks like an angel.”

“Is she Signor Ezio’s wife? She’s very elegant.”

More whispers of compliments can be heard inside the whole venue. One of those is the statement from the birthday man itself, Marco Leon.

“Signor! Signora!” Marco exclaimed when he saw the couple. “Welcome!”

Ezio and Chiara smiled at him. “Happiest birthday, signor,” Chiara greeted him and bowed a little bit.

“Thank you,” Marco responded. “You look fabulous tonight, signora. Very fitting for Signor Ezio. Look, both of you are wearing emerald suits.”

Chiara made her smile wider. “Thank you. My husband really loves to pair our clothes when going outside. It makes him happy.”

Ezio, who was starting to blush on what his wife said, interrupted their conversation. “Happy birthday, Marco. Please accept my humble gift.”

Ezio gave a small but classy paper bag to him. Marco opened it and his eyes widened when he saw the gift.

“Oh, goodness! This is such as wonderful gift, signor!” he excitedly said before revealing the gift.

It was a watch, but not an ordinary one. It was the Jacob & Co. Billionaire Timeless Treasure. Marco Leon, who was known for collecting watches from different parts of the world, is on cloud nine having this gift.

“You made my day, signor!” he said and gave Ezio a man-hug. “This is such a good part of my collection! Thank you!”

“No worries. I heard that you collect watches, so I thought of giving one of mine,” Ezio responded with a calculated smile. “A special person deserves a special gift.”

“I’ll add this to my greatest collection!” Marco spoke and pointed his hand to an area. “Please enjoy the party, signor, signora.”

When the couple was left alone by the host, Ezio guided his wife towards their table. He pulled a chair for her and made her comfortable.

“What dish do you want to eat, cara?” Ezio asked while calling one of the servants.

Chiara looked at the food table and pointed at something. “I want that one, and just a lemon juice. I’m not in the mood for wine today.”

Ezio gave their orders to the servant who will deliver their food from the other table. While waiting, he couldn’t help but notice that Chiara looks tired.

“Cara,” he called her. “Are you okay? You look tired.”

Chiara smiled a little bit before nodding. “I’m fine. I’m just a little bit hungry.”

She is really hungry, but she made it an excuse to hide that she still doesn’t feel fine after knowing that Simone is getting married to another woman. She wants to go home and lock herself in her room, but she doesn’t want to ruin this day.

After they have finished eating, Chiara thought that Ezio will go to his business partners and other investors who are also in the party. But the opposite happened.

Ezio stayed with her the whole time, his hands placed on her waist like he was telling everyone that she’s his.

“Aren’t you gonna talk to them?” Chiara asked while looking at his partners in business.

Ezio shook his head. “They will come here if they want to talk.”

And he was right. After some moments, his business partners and investors came to them one by one.

While watching them talk, Chiara realized that even though they are business partners, those people hold a lot of respect in Ezio. It looks like they look up to him.

“Luminosa’s stock market price rose to 30% this year, signor. That’s a huge accomplishment! Congratulations!” one of the investors exclaimed.

“It’s thanks to my employees. They’ve been doing a good job in making the customers’ needs met,” Ezio responded before turning to Marco, who was also in their circle.

“Marco, your net worth increased a lot this year. I must say that I’m impressed,” he added.

Marco smiled widely like a proud man. “Indeed, signor. Even I can’t believe I reached this far. But of course, your net worth can’t be compared to mine. You’re one of the richest people in Italy.”

Ezio was about to answer when someone interrupted their discussion.

“Of course, you can have anything you want if you can make people do your bidding. Right, Ezio?”

A man as tall as Ezio walked to their direction. He has a jet black hair and brown eyes. His has a tanned skin and a small dragon tattoo in his neck.

This man turned at Chiara’s direction, looked at her from head to toe, before giving a pervert smile. It didn’t escaped Ezio’s sight. That action alone made him feel furious.

“Take your eyes off my wife, Giovanni,” Ezio commanded him with his cold and firm voice. “I won’t hesitate to gauge them out if you keep on doing that.”

“My apologies,” Giovanni said with a playful smile as if he was playing with Ezio. “You have such a beautiful woman beside you.”

Giovanni turned his head to the birthday man. “Happy birthday, Marco. I’m sure you received my present earlier. Apologies for being late.”

“Oh, there’s no need to apologize,” Marco said. “You’re gift is extraordinary. I haven’t seen such antique ring before.”

Giovanni, who thought that his gift pushed an important button in Marco’s heart, smiled proudly. “I’m glad that you liked it. It’s from Armano Darte, an shop of antique collections. That shop only has their branches on my malls. I hope you could visit someday.”

It didn’t escaped Chiara’s eyed when Giovanni subtly looked at Ezio while saying the word “malls”. That’s when she realized that this man is the business rival of her husband.

“Of course! I would love to. I’d like to see the stores you have with my wife,” Marco responded. “She’s a fan of antique collections, too.”

Giovanni’s face brightened, but it was fake. “Really? My wife’s an antique collector. I’m sure they will click.”

“Wife? I thought you two are already divorced.”

Ezio’s statement made Marco and the other investors snapped their heads towards him. They all look surprised.

“I just heard from a lawyer friend of mine that your wife is undergoing a divorce procedure,” he added and looked apologetic. “It must have been hard knowing that you two are already in almost a decade of marriage.”

When Ezio saw how Marco’s face became disgusted on Giovanni, he has to stop himself from smiling.

He knew that Giovanni is trying to make Marco invest in his mall. Giovanni wants to steal Marco’s investment from Ezio, but Ezio wouldn’t let him.

Throwing the fact the Giovanni’s undergoing a divorce will give a bad impression on Marco. Marco’s a very traditional and conservative when it comes to marriage after all.

“Your lawyer friend must have sharp ears to hear that,” Giovanni said, irritation is evident on his face as he knew that he lost another investor. “Well, I’ll excuse myself. Thanks for the small talk, by the way.”

As Giovanni left the group, everyone has their eyes on him.

Giovanni stopped beside Ezio and leaned a little bit to his ear.

“Your wife looked so precious to you. Take good care of her. You might lose her one day,” Giovanni whispered. He grinned maniacally before leaving.

The people around them didn’t hear what Giovanni said, but Chiara’s eyes saw how Ezio’s fist clenched hard. She knew that Giovanni said something that made him furious.

On Ezio’s mind, his rival’s sentences are not empty words. They are real threats.

He already tried to kill his wife once, and Ezio’s sure that he can do it again.

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