Babes Stripping For Love

73. Sindy

The moment Burke told him that she took the job he couldn’t focus on his work. Seamus wanted to yank her off the stage and lock her in her room until her dad could take her back.

And when she fights him on the idea he finally relented and thought that he let her do it. She wouldn’t probably last a day at the place, not with her gentle nature. Seamus had known from her file that she had been sheltered all her life by her parents. She was an only child, and her parents loved her dearly.

But then weeks later, she was still dancing at the club and seemed to make friends there making Seamus more frustrated. He put her at arm’s length and let her do what she wanted to with her life while he carried on with his. Seamus was working and bringing different women home on the weekends, just to make sure that she saw them thinking it’ll put the necessary distance between them.

“I heard you’re settling in, in the club?” He heard so much more actually, he also heard that she was getting extra friendly with one of the guards at the club. That made Seamus threading on the edge, he was too emotionally invested in Charlotte when he needed to let her be. His brain told him to do so, but in the heat of the moment, he had Burke stage an attack to scare the man. He was punched in the face, which then made Charlotte furious at him. She knew it was his doing, didn’t know how, but she knows.

“Look, I said I’m sorry, I didn’t know that he’s your boyfriend.” He said the B word in spite, but he needed to apologize. Seemed that she does like the man. And according to Burke he handled the attack quite well, he was competent and didn’t even try runaway. Seamus hated the fact, he hated that the staged brawl was making Charlotte even closer to her boyfriend.

“He’s not my boyfriend, we’re… new, he’s nice and it was just a kiss,”

“And you let nice people kiss you? What the hell Charlotte?”

“What do you mean?” Charlotte talked back at him. “And don’t act all gentlemen with me, you brought home different women on weekends!” She shouted, her face was scarlet, she was mad, oh boy, she was really mad.

“I am me and you’re you!”

“What the hell does that supposed to mean?!” Seamus yelled back. “Argh… I can’t deal with this right now. I’m going to work.” He said again in frustration.

“Go! I’ll be going to work also!!”

He gave her the coldest stare before he left his breakfast untouched and headed straight to his bedroom to get ready for work, then left the house half an hour later.

That was the most intense argument they ever had, Seamus didn’t mean to lose his temper but he couldn’t help himself whenever he was around her. Even Marjorie who accidentally heard them was shocked by Seamus’s rage.

Two days later when Seamus had calmed down he decided to visit her at work, he thought he’d see for himself and find out why Charlotte likes it so much there.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” The bartender who then introduced himself as Rocco poured him a shot of the top-shelf whiskey when Seamus asked for his best whiskey, neat.

Rocco left him to enjoy the surrounding when he saw Seamus direct his gaze onto the stage. The man didn’t move to sit closer to the stage, he was too mesmerized by the woman’s performance.

Charlotte was exquisitely breathtaking, she was pale and dressed scantily in pretty lace covering her privates. The music was slow and seductive, her body moves to beat perfectly. Seamus couldn’t take his eyes off her when Charlotte’s slender leg wrapped around the pole and her hands pulled her body upwards, taking her body weight effortlessly. The twirl of her body around the pole was eye fuckingly erotic, he was feeling his dick giving appreciation to the performance.

It wasn’t the first time he saw her dance, he had privately watched several of her ballet performances that were posted on YouTube. But this, this… was the kind of dance that was equally beautiful. She was taking stripping on stage to another level and he had to remind himself to pick his jaw off the floor when Rocco offered to refill his drink.

“Um yeah, same, please, so… the dancer, is she available for a private performance?”

Rocco laughed and told Seamus that he had to wait in line since Sindy never takes private requests. “She tried on her first day, but back out when she realized that she couldn’t do it.”


“Yeah, the newbie onstage, she used to be a ballerina that’s why she moves like a fairy, you see?  those men are throwing bills still hoping to get to see her naked.”

Seamus twitched, and anger bubbled inside him. Maybe going into the club was not a good idea he thought, but he took another gulp of his drink and let the smoothness of the whiskey wash his anger away.

Sindy… well, she did move sinfully delicious, Seamus thought to himself with a smirk on his face. The man settled his bill and decided to go home, thinking that it was better if she didn’t see him there. But when her dance routine ended and the stage lightning died, she gazed out at the audience with a smile as she was coming down from the stage. That was when she saw Seamus and tripped on her stripper heels before letting out a painful scream.

Seamus was quick to run to the stage, though he was held off by a big guy with a bruise on his face who he recognized immediately as the nice guy who was not Sindy’s boyfriend.

“Sir, please go back to your seat.” The man gave him a stern warning while he had his hands on Charlotte’s sides trying to help her up. But her eyes were on Seamus as she watched him with a surprised expression.

“I’m here for her. Charlotte, you’re done for tonight, I’m taking you to a hospital.”

“Do you know this guy?” Rockford asked her with a gentle tone, too gentle that Seamus didn’t like it. Not at all.

“Yeah, he’s… he’s my housemate, I’m staying at his place. Rockford, this is Seamus Braddock.”

Rockford nodded, he still try to help her but Seamus was faster. He took off his suit jacket and put it on her while telling Rockford to get her clothes and shoes so they can go to the ER. Rockford glanced at Sindy who he now knew as Charlotte, silently asking if she was okay with Seamus’s plan for her.

“Please Rockford, if you don’t mind getting my stuff? Or I can go back for it tomorrow. It’s a sprained ankle I’ve had this before. I’m a dancer, I’ve had worse.”

Rockford nodded and quickly went to the changing room. While he was gone, Charlotte glared at Seamus and demanded why he was stalking her.

“I’m not stalking you, I want to see you at work, and this is not a safe environment for you. You should stop working here.” He pulled her to sit on his lap the second he was seated on the top of the stairs, right where she fell minutes ago. Charlotte never sits on anyone’s lap before, but he makes it feel comfortable and safe, and strangely she was liking the attention that he was giving her.

As if he truly cared about her.

Charlotte didn’t say anything about his comment, she was busy trying to suppress her pain and she was relieved when they finally arrived at the hospital. She thanked Seamus when he helped cover her half-naked body with her clothes, and once again when he carried her bridal style though she insisted that he should get her a wheelchair instead. But then he argued that carrying her was faster, and she finally agreed when her foot was suddenly throbbing with pain.

She didn’t know what strings he pulled at the ER but they were out of the hospital an hour later. Her ankle was wrapped with an elastic bandage and she was happily drugged with high dosage pain killers.

“I told you to forget about the x-ray, but nooo you just have to make me endure more waiting time. I’m a pro at sprained ankles, I know my body.”

Seamus winced at the thought of her hurting in the past, then suddenly angry when his mind started asking who was the guy taking care of her back then.

“You should rest, it’s late and Marjorie is off the clock but I’ll get her to help you in the morning. Come on,” he lifts her easily out of the car when Charlotte is getting sleepy from the meds.

“You can get my car tomorrow, Burke, it’s late,” Seamus told the driver as they got out of the car, but the man insisted on getting his boss’s car from Babes since he drove himself there that night. “Okay then, and be here in the morning just in case Ms. Sullivan needs you, though I highly doubt it,” Seamus said after he glanced at the woman who was fast asleep in his arms.

Burke helped him with the front door before he went back to park the car in the garage and go back to Babes for Seamus’s car.

Minutes later, Seamus had tucked Charlotte under the cover, still in her clothes since Charlotte was asleep and he didn’t want to get her to change only to wake her up and caused her more pain than necessary.

He went back to his room, showered, and got changed into his pajamas. He was about to go to bed when he remembered to check on Charlotte. He stopped to get her a glass of water before heading to her room, thinking she would want to take another dose of pain medicine if she woke up later in the night.

The lights were still off and Seamus did not expect her to be awake and crying. She didn’t even make a sound, as if she didn’t want anyone to know.

“Hey, are you in pain? have you taken your pain meds?” He put the glass on her side table, while she wiped her tears away.

“I’m okay, bad day,”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you sure?” He kneels beside her bed, tucking a strand of hair to the back of her ear, and wiped a rouge tear trailing down her cheek with his thumb.

“I’m sure,” Charlotte insisted.

Seamus was not convinced. He sensed that her tears were from another kind of sadness. But he decided to let her go, she needed her privacy and he was not going to push. So he got up, cupped her cheek, and kissed her forehead, gently telling her to have a good rest.

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