Awake At Dawn (Wildflower Series Book 2)

Awake At Dawn: Chapter 32

JULIAN AND I flanked Gemma as she led the way to Silas Taylor’s office.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

She walked confidently, but I didn’t miss how she pushed her hands into her pockets to keep them from trembling. The thing was, it was hard to tell if she was shaking because of nerves or because of anger.

Gemma had things to say. I could tell. She’d wanted to have this meeting in person on purpose, and a part of me couldn’t wait to watch her put this man in his place. He deserved every little thing about to come his way—tenfold.

Silas’ expression was priceless as Gemma waltzed into his office, me and Julian right behind her. Outrage flickered over his face before it was replaced by indignation. And something else. Panic. Fear.

And that was all before he realized Julian and I stood at her sides, looming over him at his ridiculously large desk. His eyes widened as he fumbled for something to say, especially when his gaze caught on my face, recognition flaring.

“Hello, Silas,” Gemma drawled, reeling his attention back in. Her voice wavered, but it was slight and masked by the sarcasm her tone dripped in. “Hope you don’t mind that we dropped in unannounced, but we need to chat.”

His mouth gaped like a fish until he pulled himself together. “When I said I wanted to chat, this was the exact thing I wanted to avoid. You can’t simply show up⁠—”

Gemma cut him off, nodding toward Julian. “As you might be able to guess, this is my brother. Julian Briggs, attorney at law.”

Silas’ jaw tightened, and it only worsened when Gemma gestured toward me.

“And this is Noah London.”

No title, no nothing, just Noah London.


I didn’t like the idea of being Gemma’s friend, but I hated being her nothing a hell of a lot more.

It hadn’t been the same between us, and it was the worst form of torture. I knew she expected me to say something, do something, fix everything. But then a part of me couldn’t get over the way she told Julian she never expected anything from me.

I didn’t let that stop me from trying, though. I still didn’t know what the hell I was doing, but I figured picking up a few books and learning whatever I could about being a parent was a good way to start if I wanted to be with someone who was about to become one. I figured researching cribs and playpens and high chairs might help if I wanted Gemma to believe me when I said Baby had a home in my apartment. That she did. They both did.

I didn’t really know what I was doing. But I was trying to figure it out so that maybe when we broached the conversation of our relationship again, she’d realize that she could expect things from me.

And in the meantime, I was here. Because I wouldn’t let anything take away the satisfaction of the sight before me. All the blood drained from Silas’ face as he turned into a ghost. He pushed to his feet, fully intending to spew something, but Gemma cut him off.

“There are a few things we need to discuss,” she continued. “So I suggest you sit down.” When Silas remained poised, seeming to debate his best course of action, Gemma cleared her throat. “If you don’t, I’m sure Julian and Noah would love to make you. Considering they played college football together for several years, they’re remarkably well versed in teamwork. They’re also very well-connected in collegiate sports, to people I’m sure would be interested to learn about our little story.”

God, this girl. My lips twitched, her comment about me forgotten. She could say whatever she wanted as long as she took this asshole out in the process.

Silas sat his ass back in his chair, looking like he would rather throw it than sit in it. He lowered robotically, as though he had to consider every movement and control it. Keep it in check. His slowness gave me a chance to look him over.

I’d assumed that Silas Taylor was older than Gemma, based solely on his position as a collegiate athletic director. But I wasn’t prepared for this man to be old enough to have salt-and-pepper streaks in his dark hair. The picture I found online must have been old because he’d looked a lot younger then.

I frowned, looking over the rest of him, my fists balling at the thought of him touching her. He had the look of a retired athlete, broad shoulders with height on his side—that is, I assumed he’d be tall if Gemma allowed him to stand—but he also looked like his desk job had made him into a lazy version of himself.

“Did you at least make sure no one saw you come in?” he hissed, bushy black brows drawing together.

Gemma shrugged. “That’s not really my problem.”

Something flared in Silas’ eye, and Julian and I instinctively moved closer to Gemma. It did the trick. Silas’ expression turned stony as he glared at us. It was tame compared to the flash of anger I saw a second ago, and my stomach turned as I wondered what could have happened had Gemma shown up here alone.

“Fine.” Silas leaned forward on his desk, his too-small suit straining with the position. “What the hell do you want?”

This guy had a lot of audacity to talk to Gemma like that after what he did to her. It took everything in me not to step in on her behalf and remind him how to fucking behave. I could tell Julian was itching, too. But Gemma had the floor, and I couldn’t take it from her. Not yet. She told me I had to wait, so I was waiting.

I hated that I was waiting a step behind her, though. I hated that I wasn’t next to her, holding her hand. I really fucking hated that. I wanted Silas Taylor to understand that if he wanted to get to Gemma or that baby, he’d be going through me. Not just today but for a long time.

“Firstly, medical records,” Gemma snapped, drawing me out of the place my mind had just gone. I shook my head, needing to focus. “I need your complete medical history for my baby’s records.”

My—not our. For some reason, that satisfied the hell out of me. To hear her exclude him.

Silas nodded slowly, and I didn’t miss the slight relief that made his shoulders snag. As though he thought that Gemma had been about to drop something worse on him.

I knew, though, that the conversation wasn’t over.

“I can do that,” Silas agreed. “I’ll have a copy of any family medical history sent over to you.”

“I need it by Friday,” Gemma said flatly. “I have an appointment next week.”

Silas only paused a second before nodding. “I’ll make it happen.”

Gemma nodded back, and I noticed her relax a little. That had been the most important reason for her coming here, and he’d agreed without issue.

“If you don’t, I’ll be back,” Gemma promised. “And I’ll make sure people see me.”

Silas glared. “What else do you want? Is it money?”

“I don’t need your money,” Gemma said softly.

No, she didn’t. She could have all of mine. I’d ensure that child had anything they could ever need or want.

“I know you probably thought that just because I quit and disappeared, you wouldn’t have to worry about me. But while I don’t want your money or your involvement or to even look at your face more than I have to, I do want you to know that there are consequences for your actions.”

Rage filtered over Silas’ face. “It’s not my fault you spread your⁠—”

“If you say one bad thing about her, I will fucking end you,” I stepped in, refusing to let this man spew any of his goddamn bullshit. Gemma might be calm, but I was anything but as I slammed my hands down on his desk and pinned Silas with a glare. I didn’t realize it was possible to hate someone this badly, but God, did I want to destroy him. “I’d watch your fucking mouth if you want to keep all your teeth.”

Silas seethed but ultimately remained silent. He stared at me with a look of betrayal, and I found it somewhat rewarding. Meanwhile, Gemma took a shaky breath behind me, and I refocused, pushing off Silas’ desk and returning to her side, all while red-hot rage burned through my veins.

“You’re right,” Gemma said, looking straight at Silas. “It’s not entirely your fault that I spread my legs. But the fact remains that you, my boss, bought me one too many drinks. And you, my boss, brought me back to your apartment. And you, my boss, slept with me even though I wasn’t fully sober. And you, my boss, got me pregnant.”

Hearing her say the words aloud made me regret not punching his lights out a moment ago. Fuck this guy.

But I focused my attention on Gemma instead. She ran a hand over her stomach, emphasizing the small bump. She wore a tight dress today. It was black with long sleeves to combat the fall air, and it showed off every curve of Gemma’s body, including the most important one.

I physically ached with the need to touch her. The possessive urge to wrap my arms around her and splay my hands over her stomach terrified me. It terrified me, but it also overwhelmed me. Consumed me. But all I could do right now was just stare at Gemma as I stood beside her. She was beyond beautiful, and I hated that Silas even got to look at her.

I had a feeling Julian agreed. He crossed his arms over his chest, clenching them tightly to keep his anger in check. I could practically see the steam rising out of his ears. I was equally pissed, but at least I’d had months to come to terms with what had happened to Gemma. He’d only known for a matter of days.

Silas’ mind was whirring, his wheels backpedaling. “Look, Gemma⁠—”

“So now two things are going to happen,” she continued, glossing over his attempt to make a point she didn’t care to hear. “One, I want it in writing that I will maintain sole custody of my child.”

“I already told you I have no interest⁠—”

“In writing,” Gemma ground out before continuing. “Two, you might hear that I’ve resubmitted my letter of resignation to include the true reason for my sudden departure from St. Maverick’s. I thought the university might be interested to hear how you’re sleeping with the young, drunk coaches on your staff. You know, in case they wanted to keep an eye on that kind of behavior. I would hate for it to become a pattern, Silas. Make sure that it doesn’t.”

“You—” Silas choked on the rest of his words as he jumped to his feet. He’d been standing for less than a second when Julian stepped forward to reach out and clap a hand on his shoulder, roughly pushing him into his chair again.

Silas seethed, trying to shake Julian’s grip off. Julian didn’t let go, squeezing his shoulder hard enough that Silas made a strangled noise. I took a step forward, ready to back Julian up if Silas made a move. I’d be more than happy to lend a hand.

But then Gemma cleared her throat, and we both backed down. Julian looked disappointed as he released his hold on Silas, and he continued to hover near the athletic director’s desk, keeping a keen eye on him.

Meanwhile, I inched closer to Gemma. I didn’t care if things were weird between us; I needed to be near her right now. I needed her to know I was there.

For that reason, when Gemma turned to walk out of the office, leaving Silas to sputter to her back, I turned and walked out with her. I heard Julian’s low voice as he hurled both legal and physical threats at Silas, and I thought I even heard a yelp of pain, but I left the intimidation to him, even if it slightly pained me to do so. I’d hear if he needed help, and it didn’t sound like he did.

I stayed at Gemma’s side. Where I belonged.

She shook her hands as she walked, releasing the pent-up energy and nerves. When we rounded the corner, she paused, slumping against the wall. Deep, unsteady breaths racked her body, and she squeezed her eyes shut for a long moment.

“Thank you,” she whispered. She opened her eyes but kept them trained on her feet. “For coming. You didn’t need to.”

“Yes,” I said lowly, wishing she would look at me. “I did, angel.”

I very much needed to come. I needed this today almost as much as she did. Needed to see her walk all over him. Needed to make sure he didn’t lay a goddamn finger on her. Needed to make my presence known so Taylor didn’t get any ideas.

I felt my throat tighten, and my hands balled into fists. She shouldn’t have to thank me like that—like I was doing her a favor. She should know that I would always be there, and I wouldn’t ever ask for anything in return.

Gemma’s breath hitched, and then she held on to it. I knew enough about this girl to know she was trying not to cry, but I wanted her to know I would be here to catch her tears if she did. Instinctively, I started to reach out, unable to battle the innate need to comfort her. But Gemma stiffened, and I wasn’t sure if it was because I moved to touch her or because Julian’s footsteps echoed in the hallway behind us.

Either way, I dropped my hand, gritting my teeth until the physical pain eclipsed the stabbing sensation in my chest. Gemma took a slow step away before refocusing on the path ahead. With a sad glance, she took off, leaving me behind.

I sighed just as Julian rounded the corner. He practically barreled into me as he huffed through the hallway, stopping short as his eyes shifted from me to Gemma. Curiosity replaced the anger in his eyes.

“Come on,” I muttered before following his sister.

I didn’t want to answer any of his questions right now.

Even as we were leaving, Gemma walked with purpose across campus, her boots clicking on the cobblestone. Her copper locks flew in the breeze as she led the way, her pace quickening as though she wanted a little space. I gave it to her, even though it pained me.

And it opened me up to questioning from fucking Julian once Gemma was out of earshot. The questioning I’d been hoping to avoid.

“How many times?”

“What?” I glanced over at him, disbelief in my voice. Was he really asking what I thought he was asking?

“How many times,” Julian repeated, overenunciating the words. “How many times did you sleep with my sister?”

I shook my head. We weren’t having this conversation. “Don’t you have other things to worry about with a wedding coming up in a week?”

“Just answer the question.”

“You really don’t want me to do that.”

“You’re right,” Julian grunted grumpily. “But I just want to confirm that it was more than once.”

More than once was one way to put it.

“And why would you want to do that?”

“Because you never hook up with a girl more than once,” Julian said, and the suddenly light tone of his voice both confused and pissed me off.

“Shut up,” I snapped, stopping short to glare at him. “Gemma wasn’t a fucking hookup.

But Julian just smirked as he rocked to a halt next to me. “When you’re ready to talk through some shit, let me know.”

I scowled, growing more irritated by the second. “You want to know all the ways I slept with your sister? Because that could be a long conversation.”

A muscle in Julian’s jaw jumped, but he didn’t take the bait.

“Quit the act, London.” His tone was suddenly severe, but there was also a hint of understanding. Of support. That was the thing about Julian. Sometimes he came out brash, but he loved hard. And he felt it was his responsibility to ensure everyone was cared for. I knew that, but I wasn’t used to him talking to me this way. “You can tell everyone you’re a player, and yeah, you have a history of sleeping around sometimes, but you have never in your life played a goddamn soul. I know you, man. Do you know you?”


Words escaped me as I tried to figure out what he was asking.

Julian’s expression softened, and then the corner of his mouth tipped up again. This was the last look I’d expected to see on him after everything he’d uncovered recently, but maybe the timing of his wedding next week had worked in my favor.

“Let me know if you need help figuring it out,” he said before leveling his blue gaze with mine. “I’m sorry about how I reacted at the rink. I didn’t realize at first.”

“Didn’t realize?” I repeated even though my stomach somersaulted.

Julian clapped a hand on my shoulder, looking mighty pleased with himself. “That you’re in love with her.”

A second later, he shoved his hands in his pockets and strolled after his sister.

His sister that I was absolutely in love with.

Oh, fuck.

I hated to admit when Julian was right about something, but he was undeniably right about this.

I’d fallen in love with his sister.

And I’d fallen hard.

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