Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man


Xavier Knight

I liked the feeling I received when our fingers intertwined with each other. It felt like there was a strong connection between us. I didn’t want to let go of her hand, I didn’t want her to leave my side even for a second.

Those two stupids had planned a day out to roam in public. What were they even thinking? Did they forget that if anyone recognizes us, it’d be a mess? And above all, she was with us, if the media got the hold of this news it would be in the newspaper and magazines the very next day. I didn’t want the media to disturb her peace.

I tried my best not to make her do that extreme sport, I didn’t want her to be in any kind of danger but DAMN those eyes. Her bewitching and innocent eyes cast a spell on me. I wasn’t able to deny her but I couldn’t make myself not become a little selfish. That wasn’t my plan to ask something from her but I did that to tease her, I thought she would stop whining but she agreed then I took her to paraglide. Obviously, I couldn’t let anyone else touch her, so being a trained paraglider, I took her in the sky.

She took me by surprise when she hugged me tightly and thanked me for making her dream come true. That was the moment when I felt like all of that was worth it. I felt very special, I felt like I was the luckiest person in the world who made her dream come true. I felt calm, composed, peaceful, and satisfied. Her scent had a tranquilizing effect on me. And at that moment I swore to myself that I would make her every dream come true.

When Daniel told me Trent was here I immediately dragged her away so he couldn’t see her. He didn’t have a good image amongst women. I left her in the car to catch-up with an old friend of mine. In the middle of our talk, I felt the urge to check on her, if she was okay or not. So I excused myself by making an excuse.

On my way back, I bought some chicken nuggets for her. She wanted those as well but didn’t order. I just wanted her smile back.

When I reached the car I didn’t find her there, I became restless. I immediately dialed her number but her phone rang in the car.

“Fuck why can’t she keep her phone with her?” I mumbled. I placed the box of nuggets in the car and looked around to search for her.

While searching I found her sitting beside an old man on the street. What was she doing there? I crossed the road and began approaching but stopped a few meters away when I saw her talking with an old man who was eating his food with a satisfactory smile on his face. She gave him food to eat.

I wasn’t able to hear what they were talking about but I saw what was happening there. I saw her sitting on the street beside that homeless man talking to him, giving him company to take away his loneliness. Not bothering about the dirt, not bothering about her clothes getting dirty, not bothering about people strangely looking at her, she engaged the old man in a conversation. The smile on the old man’s face was proof that he liked her company. He patted her head like giving her a blessing which made her smile.

She surely knows how to give respect to others. She’s different, she doesn’t think twice before helping others. Like she was doing it now. Many people ignore homeless people like they’re some shit. They don’t even give a single glance to them like they’re not humans. They don’t feel anything for homeless people, they don’t know how lonely these people feel. People don’t even want to understand the reason why these people live on the streets.

This moment and this kind gesture of hers was enough to melt my heart. This kind act of her hit directly at my soft spot, my chest puffed and I felt proud of her. No one ever gave me that feeling. I felt like I was the lucky one to have this kind of woman in my life. I wanted to submerge in this feeling for the rest of my life. Yes, I confessed to myself that I never felt like this before, I never had the urge to want anyone this badly in my life. And I won’t lie that I had started liking her.

I like her smile, her laughter. I like holding her in my arms, I like kissing her for no reason, I like her cute expressions, I like every little thing about her. I care for her, I can’t see her in any pain. I’m hell possessive for her. I even have started feeling jealous when I find her with another man. These things are enough to make me understand that I do like her.

I saw her when she got up and started searching for something in her pockets. She then said something to the old man and turned around… that is when our eyes met.

She started walking towards me. She came and stood in front of me. Her sunglasses were in her hand.

“I’m sorry I got out of the car.” She spoke softly.

“It’s okay but you should have at least informed me. And why do you have the habit of leaving your phone in the car.” I asked. Her safety was most important to me.

“Sorry, I forgot.” She mumbled.

“What were you doing out?” I asked. I saw her but I wanted to hear it from her. I also wanted to know what was she searching for.

“Umm.. I was…Uh.. can you tell me where is Sean or Daniel?” She asked, dismissing my question.

“Why?” I asked, frowning.

“I wanted… something.” She said, averting her eyes from mine. What the hell is that something that they could give but I couldn’t? And in the first place why she has to ask them? Why can’t she come directly to me?

“What?” I asked again.

“I.. I w.. wanted to a.. ask for money.” She stuttered. Money? She could have asked me for it.

Why would she ask you? You called her gold digger… Remember? A strange voice in my head mocked me.

“For what?” I asked.

“I wanted to help the homeless man sitting across the street.” She whispered, lowering her head.

“Why didn’t you come to me to ask for that?”

“Y.. you already paid for my.. clothes.” She said. Did she think I’ll deny her request?

I wanted her to come to me if needed any kind of help. I wanted her to trust me. I took a hold of her wrist and dragged her towards the car.

I made her sit in the back seat of the car and slipping inside beside her I shut the door. I grabbed her arm and brought her body closer to mine.

“Listen to me Ariana and listen carefully because I won’t repeat this ever again. If you want anything…like anything, come directly to me. I’ll give you everything you want. Never think of going to others to ask for anything. You’re my wife. It makes me the first person for you to ask for anything. Get that?”

Wait…Did I just call her my wife?

Her eyes went wide, her face showed shock. That was bound to happen because I called her my wife which I always denied even accept.

“Get that?” I asked again, dismissing the thought. She nodded her head meekly but I didn’t let go of her arm. There was more wanted her to understand.

“Why you always deny my money, Huh? That’s my money and what’s mine is yours since you are my wife. I want you to use it. Next time don’t think twice to ask for money, you can ask for any amount you want. I won’t deny it. Just never ask it from anyone else. Okay?” I said softly. She hesitantly nodded her head. I wanted her to know that she wasn’t a gold digger as I accused her. She’s a pure soul.

“Ariana I really appreciate your kindness towards that homeless man. I think we should do something for him. We can bring him to shelters for homeless people.” I said. She looked at me with sad eyes.

“I asked him but he denied. I tried to convince him but he said no. That’s why I thought I could help him with some money but I didn’t have my wallet with me.” She said sadly. She felt she won’t be able to help him. But I won’t let that happen.

I immediately took out $1000 from my wallet and handed it over to her.

“Go, help him,” I said. She took the money with hesitation.

“Don’t you think it’s too much?”

“Believe me when I say that this amount is not even close to digging a hole in my bank account,” I assured her.

She nodded her head and stepped out of the car. She sat down on her knees and handed him the money. I saw him denying the money but Ariana pointed her index finger in front of him. I laughed, she was threatening him to take the money. He took the money and patted her head. She then stood up from there.

She smiled in satisfaction which made me smile in gratification. This is what I needed, her smile. That was enough for my heart to dance in happiness. She came and sat inside the car.

“Thank you.” She smiled at me.

“No need to say thanks,” I replied.

“Here, this is for you,” I said, passing the box of chicken nuggets to her. She looked at the box and gasped as she saw what was written on the box.

“Chicken nuggets?” She asked in shock.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“Yes,” I smiled.

“For me?”

“Yes.” She squealed in surprise and excitedly opened the box and started eating.

“Mmmm…this is soooo good.” She moaned.

“Thank you so much. I was craving for them.” She said happily.

“You’re welcome,” I replied, smiling and ruffled her hair which she didn’t pay attention to as she was busy eating.

Living with her for two months had made me realize that she didn’t need anything extravagant to be happy. She finds happiness in small things. Like food, her face lit up when she sees food.

I was surprised that in just two months she had managed to change my views about her that too in a positive way. And she made me feel something for her that I never felt before for anyone.

“Xavier.” She looked at me with her stunning black eyes, studying me intently.


“Your smile is beautiful. Never stop smiling.”

Damn!!!! She making me like her even more.

“Nope…yours is more beautiful.” I found myself replying which made her eyes go wide. Her face covered with a blush. She tried to look away but I didn’t let her. I pulled her face closer to me by putting my hand behind her neck.

“X… Xavier.” She whispered.

I glanced at her lips, I was dying to taste them since morning but I was not going to kiss her because I promised myself that in our next kiss I’d make her kiss me back. And that was not the right moment to do that. I wanted to take my time to teach her. I wanted to make her pro in that and I’d do it for sure.

So I moved forward and kissed the corner of her mouth.

“Woah! Are we disturbing you two?”

I groaned when I heard the voice of two disturbing elements. Ariana immediately pulled away and hid her face by lowering her head. I glared at two fuckers who were now sitting on the front seat, grinning while looking in our direction.

“No, you’re not. Now drive to the next spot.” I gave them a tight-lipped, sarcastic smile.

“You really want that? If you want, Sean and I can go out of the car so you can continue…”

I smacked his head harshly making him groan.

“What the fuuu…. unky man you are” Daniel changed his words when he saw Ariana’s head shot up and when she narrowed her eyes at him. Sean and I laughed out hard. That was so funny.

“Now drive,” I said when my laugh died down.

Then they took us to other places they had planned for the day-out. After roaming here and there for some time, we stopped to have dinner in a fancy restaurant.

After dinner, we were about to leave but stopped when we saw Paparazzi crowding the entrance of the restaurant.

“Shit. How will we go out?” I mumbled. Ariana tightened her grip on my arm. I looked at her to find her looking outside in uneasiness. I knew she was afraid of the crowd. And these Paparazzi are like animals, they’ll jump on us the moment we step out.

“How did they got the news that we are here?” Sean said frustratingly.

“They are Paparazzi, they can smell any celebrity from even a mile distance,” Daniel replied.

“This was bound to happen. How could you even think that you’ll plan the day out and they won’t follow us? We don’t even have bodyguards with us.” I said annoyingly.

“How will we hide Ariana from them?” I asked. “I don’t want them to crowd around her.”

“I’ll just talk to the manager to ask for guards.” Saying that Sean went to talk to the manager. After a few minutes, Sean came with the manager.

“Mr. Knight pleasure to meet you. I have ordered hotel security to make way for you.” Manager said.

I asked Ariana to wear her glasses. I circled my left arm around her shoulder and pressed her face in my chest with my right hand.

“Stay like this,” I said and walked outside. My hand was on her face so that Paparazzi couldn’t get a glimpse of her face.

The moment we went outside Paparazzi started clicking photos and threw questions towards us.

“Who is this girl with you?”

“Why are you hiding her face?”

“Is she your girlfriend?”

We simply walked, ignoring their questions. Security didn’t let them reach us. Daniel and Sean were also trying their best to hide Ariana from them. Ariana tightened her grip on my shirt, she was frightened. I didn’t let go of my hand from her face.

Anyhow, we reached our car. Sean opened the door and I helped her sit in the car covering her face. Then after thanking the security, we drove away.

“That was scary,” Ariana mumbled. I pulled her closer to me and rubbed her shoulder. It was her first experience with the camera.

“These people don’t know how to give personal space,” Sean said angrily.

“Sorry princess, you had to go through that.” Dean apologized, looking in the rearview mirror, he was driving the car.

“It’s okay, that wasn’t your fault.” She gave him a tiring smile. I rested her head on my shoulder and she didn’t protest. She must be really tired. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.

Daniel stopped the car in the private parking of my penthouse building.

“Hey, Ariana, wake up. We have arrived.” I said, softly shaking her. She pulled her head away from my shoulder and rubbed her eyes. She nodded her head and stepped out of the car.

“Good night princess, I hope you enjoyed your day.” Daniel smiled at her. She moved towards him and embraced him in a hug.

“Thank you so much. Today was the best day of my life. I enjoyed a lot.” She said. Daniel kissed the side of her head. She then hugged Sean.

“Thank you so much for giving me the best experience of my life.” Sean smiled and kissed her forehead.

I didn’t stop her from doing so, she likes her brothers very much. But sometimes those two stupids become too close and touchy. I didn’t like that, but of course, I couldn’t say anything as they did that to tease me. And I know what they felt for her. They adore her as their sister, they too wanted to give her happiness, they too wanted to keep her safe.

“Good night, man.” Daniel and Sean came hugged me together.

“Good night and thank you,” I said.

“Thank you for what?” They asked pulling away.

“You won’t understand.” I shook my head. They won’t understand that they helped me in realizing my feelings towards her by planning the day out.

“Seriously? We won’t understand?” Sean smirked. I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Xavier, this wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t understood.” Daniel mocked, pointing between Ariana and me.

“So.. never say that we won’t understand because we do, more than you,” Sean patted my shoulder, making me smile secretly. Nothing can be hidden from these two.

They then left.

“Let’s go,” I said to Ariana. I asked the security guard to bring shopping bags to the penthouse. When we reached the penthouse I accompanied her to her room.

“You must be tired, go get some sleep. Good night.” I kissed her forehead. I can’t stop myself from kissing her forehead. She nodded her head and opened the door of her room. I turned around to leave but she stopped me by calling my name.


“Yes?” I looked at her. She came near me and without hesitation embraced me in a hug.

“Thank you so much. Without you, the day wouldn’t have been fun.” She mumbled against my chest. I circled my arms around her. I felt really special. I smiled satisfactorily. I thought she would be upset that I gatecrashed their trip. But no, I was wrong, she liked my presence beside her.

She pulled away and smiled.

“Good night.”

“Good night.”

Saying that I went into my room. After changing my clothes, I slept, wishing to meet her in my dreams.

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