Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man


Xavier Knight

A smile made its home on my lips with the intention of not leaving anytime soon.

I had been smiling like a fool since I kissed her. Finally, I got the chance to taste her lips which I wanted to do for so long. Her soft, delicate, feather-like lips tasted so sweet like honey was dripping from them.

I had never gotten so lost in a kiss before. I tasted her lips as I had never tasted before. That kiss was total bliss and surely the best one.

And when she told me I was her first kiss my heart almost stopped.

Her expressions, her reactions, her face, her innocent eyes, her smile everything about her is so cute and adorable. And I like to see the blush on her face.

She was even blushing when she saw me in the morning. I remember her tiptoeing out of her room. I bet she must be hiding from me. She tiptoed to the kitchen wearing work clothes. It was seven-thirty in the morning, I hadn’t left for work by then. I had decided to drive her with me to work. Today was off for all other employees because of the party last night except three of the PA they had to come to work as we had some contracts to work on.

Dressed in work clothes, I too tiptoed behind her and made my way to the kitchen. I stopped and saw her searching for something or rather someone. A ghostly smile tugged my lips and I decided to surprise her because I knew she was searching if I was here or had already left for work.

“Looking for me?” I whispered in her ear, making her jump. She turned around with her hand on her heart.

“You are still here?” She asked in shock, blush started crawling on her face.

“Where would I be?” I arched an eyebrow and asked although I knew what she meant. She averted her eyes and took a step back which made me take a step forward. I stood a hand distance from her. I wanted to close the distance between us but I stopped myself.

“Um.. you generally le.. leave at seven,” She stuttered. I like the effect I have on her.

“I woke up late,” I lied.

“Oh!” She replied, still not looking at me.

“Did you sleep well?” I asked because I didn’t, I was just thinking about her.

“Uh.. yes, I slept well.” I heard the hesitation in her voice. She doesn’t know how to lie. Well, I won’t press it more because I knew she didn’t sleep, must be thinking of the kiss.

“Good. Now let’s eat breakfast. Mrs. Molly already prepared it and left.” I said.

“You haven’t eaten yet?” She asked in surprise.

“I told you I woke up late.” Although I woke up early and was in the kitchen when Mrs. Molly was making breakfast. I just wanted to eat with her.

“Oh.. okay” She nodded her head.

“Umm.. so, you sit, I’ll serve the breakfast.” She added.

“I’ll serve it, you prepare coffee,” I said as I rounded the counter to pick up the plate for serving. Drinking coffee made by her is the best way to start my day. I plated breakfast for both of us and placed them on the table, I placed her plate beside me. She came with my coffee in one hand and a glass of juice in another. A cute frown formed on her face when she saw her plate set beside mine. She gave me coffee and hesitantly sat beside me.

After eating breakfast and placing the empty plates in the sink she turned to face me.

“I think I should leave, Finn must be waiting for me.” She said.

“Finn is on leave today,” I said.

“Oh okay, then I’ll take the bus then.” She said and rushed out of the kitchen but I stopped her by pulling her by her waist making her gasp.

“You’ll come with me today,” I said. Her eyes went wide.


“Because I want to,” I said coolly.

“But.. mmmm” I smashed my lips on her. She’s so stubborn. She can’t listen in once. Her lips are more delicious than her coffee. I think I should drink her lips every morning instead of coffee.

I pulled her more closer, she gripped my suit collars with her hands. I kissed her slowly and passionately. I could feel myself turning on. Damn!! But she didn’t respond. I let go of her lips when we were out of breath. It was the last time I had let her go without her responding to my kiss. I’d teach her how to kiss and I bet that would be fun.

“Next time you act stubborn I’ll kiss you senseless and won’t let go. Get that?” I said breathing hard. She didn’t respond, just looked at me with wide eyes, a blush covering her cheeks.

“Should I kiss you once more or you understood?”I asked playfully. She immediately placed her hand on her mouth and nodded vehemently with wide eyes.

“You’re nodding your head, you want one more kiss?” I said playfully, inching my face closer to her.

“No, I understood.” She mumbled, her hand still clamping her mouth. Why is she so cute?

“Good. And one more thing.” I brought my lips near her ear “This is the last time I am leaving you without you kissing me back, next time I won’t.” I whispered and nibbled her earlobe. I looked at her face, she was red as a beetroot.

“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you, no need to worry. I’ll be a good teacher if you promise me to be a good student” I said playfully, kissing the corner of her mouth.

“X.. Xavier.. let go.” She whispered wiggling in my arms.

“It took you so long to say my name. And why should I let go, you haven’t promised me yet.” I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

“Xavier, we’ll get late.” She whispered, wiggling again.

“I am the boss Ariana and you are my P. A so it doesn’t matter if we’ll get late. And you wiggle so much, I think I should tie you up to teach to stay steady.” I said and regretted it because she stopped wiggling and something flashed in her eyes, something like …fear?

“D.. don’t t.. tie me,” She said worriedly. I think I took the joke a little far so, I embraced her in a hug.

“Hey, I was just joking, okay?” I said, patting her back. She nodded her head on my shoulder.

“Now, go get your bag, we’re leaving. And put your hair down. I told you not to tie your hair. If you don’t want to open, at least put them in a ponytail but not in a bun.” I said pulling away.

“I’ll do it tomorrow.” She said softly.

“You better.” She nodded and turned around to leave but stopped and faced me.

“Xavier,” She said politely. Goodness, why my name sound so different coming out of her mouth?


“Thank you for wearing the bracelet” Saying that she ran into her room. I glanced at my wrist and smiled.

But one thing was bugging me. Why she reacted that way after hearing that she’ll be tied. It’s not that I was going to do that. I was just joking. But the fear I saw in her eyes bothered me. Did something happen to her in the past? What was she hiding?

She came down with her laptop bag. I wanted to ask her about that but ignored it for now and decided to ask talk about it later. Then we went to work together.

“Why are you smiling like a fool?” Someone asked, pulling me out of my trance. I looked at that someone to see Daniel’s face which was just inches away from mine.

“What the fuck Daniel? What’re you doing?” I pushed him away. He started laughing and I heard another person’s laugh too. Sean.

“When did you entered my office? And what’re you two doing here?” I asked annoyingly, sitting straight in my chair.

“We arrived when you were busy dreaming of someone,” Sean remarked mockingly.

“I wasn’t dreaming.” I shut them.

“Then why were you smiling?” Daniel asked sitting on the chair on another side of the desk.

“Is smiling banned?” I asked.

“No. But the way you were smiling says something happened. Tell me, Ariana and you did the deeds last night?” Daniel asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I picked up the pen and threw it at him. He and Sean started laughing.

“Nothing happened.” I glared at both of them.

“Oh come on, don’t lie, your smile and you being in dreamland says otherwise.” Sean chirped. Since when he started talking rubbish?

“There’s nothing.”

“Why don’t I believe it?” Daniel said

“Oh come on, you can share it with us. Remember We don’t keep secrets from each other.”Daniel said grinning. I just glared at him.

“Nothing happened and if something would happen I won’t tell you.”

“We’ll never want to know the details of what you do with our sister. But right now we are just eager.” Sean said smiling. I huffed they’ll not let go until I tell them what they want to know.

“Okay fine. I kissed her that’s it.” I said, averting my eyes from them.

“Just kiss. Man you’re are so slow, I thought the way you dragged her out of party you must have formed a baby?” Daniel said & they both starting laughing hard.

“Fuck off.” I threw a pen at both of them but they didn’t stop, instead, they laughed hard, clutching their stomach making me smile at their foolishness. I shook my head. Where’ll be fun in my life without them?

“Xavier, hope by now you have learned that she is not like Scarlet. She is way better than her, in fact, there is no comparison.” Sean said seriously.

“Xavier, she’s the right choice for you. I’m not saying because I consider her my sister but because she really is the right choice. A woman like Ariana is hard to find these days.” Daniel too became serious. He indeed was serious because he didn’t call her Princess, instead, took her name which I guess was the first time since he met her.

By now I had learned that I was completely wrong about Ariana. I had been too judgemental. But I still was hesitant about something. I hadn’t been vocal to her about my feelings, but I didn’t mean I didn’t feel anything for her.

“Forget that, tell me why are you guys here?” I waved off the topic since I didn’t want to discuss it at the moment.

“Sean and I thought that we should take a day off and spend it together like a family. It’s been like years we went on a holiday together.” Daniel said.

“Daniel is right Xavier, it’s been long we went out together,” Sean said.

“I have work. I’m busy.” I said and starting checking the file in front of me.

“Come on, Xavier, a day off won’t hurt anyone, besides, it is the weekend. And I’m not saying that we’re taking off for two to three days. It’s just one day, man.” Daniel whined.

“I’m busy, end of the discussion,” I said sternly. There were a lot of contracts to renew and they wanted a holiday?

“Is this your final decision?” Daniel asked. I didn’t look up from the file and said ‘yes’.

“You won’t change it?” Sean’s voice rang in my ears.

“Not a chance.”

“As you wish,” They both said in unison then there was a silence of a few seconds. Good that they didn’t force me to agree. But it was strange, they never settle down that easily. There must be something coming up, I knew.

“Hey Princess,” My head snapped up to Daniel. He was on the phone. Why is he calling her?

“Could you please come to Xavier’s office? Yeah, okay.. come fast.” He cut the call.

“Why did you call her?” I asked.

“You remember I said we’ll go out as a family, yeah? So do you think I’d leave her out of that? I consider her family now. What did you think, I was talking about just three of us? No. I included her in we. As you said No, so, Princess, I and Sean will spend a day out.” Daniel smirked.

“Why would she go with you?” I frowned.

“Because we would ask her.” Sean snapped.

“She is my wif-ahem- my Personal Assistant, she works for me and I’m not giving her day off.” Was I about say, wife? Well, she is. Thinking of calling her my wife gave me a strange feeling.

“Wif-P. A or not, she’ll go. And tomorrow is off for everybody.” Daniel smirked. Guts of this man. Before I could say anything there was a knock on the door.

“Good morning, Daniel. Good morning, Sean. Any work for me?” She smiled at them. Daniel stood up from his chair and approached her.

“You’re glowing today. Did something good happen last night? Or… in the morning today?” Daniel teased her. Her eyes went wide and a blush crept on her face.

“Daniel” I snapped. What was he up to?

“N.. no, nothing happened. Why wo.. would you think that?” She asked, blushing hard, not looking at anyone of us. Goodness, she’s so transparent, anyone can read her inside out. I’ll kill Daniel if he said anything else to her.

“Daniel, don’t tease her. Good morning Ariana. I must say you look cute when you blush.” Sean said, approaching her and laughed making Daniel laugh too. I groaned. What were they playing at?

“Enough you two. Ariana, go back to work they don’t have anything to talk to you about.” I said to her. She looked at me and nodded.

“Hey, wait we have something to talk to you,” Daniel said.

“Will you spend a day out with Sean and me tomorrow?” Daniel asked her.


My mind was hazy from last night’s kiss and he kissed me again in the morning. And drove me to the office too. Stupid blush wasn’t going away from my face. I could feel it because my cheeks were warm.

“Why is your face red?” I was snapped out of my trance by Lauren’s voice. I looked at her and found her standing in front of my desk with arms crossed in front of her chest. Uh oh!

“Good morning, Lauren. And my face is red due to the cold weather outside.” I said, rubbing my cheeks with my palms.

“Oh, okay. Where did you go leaving me there at the party?” She asked sitting on the chair on the other side of the desk. Goodness, I forgot that.

“Sorry, Lauren. I.. I had to go home urgently.”

“With Mr. Knight?” My eyes went wide. How did she know?

“I tried calling you but you didn’t answer. I asked others but no one knew about you. I became worried about you. So I searched for you outside. There, Finn told me that Mr. Knight took you home.” She raised an eyebrow.

Goodness, Finn what have you done?

“I’m so sorry, Lauren. I made you worried. But I had to leave. Mr. Knight just offered me a ride back home.” I said. Why is it hard to explain? Now she’ll ask me tons of questions.

“You could have at least informed me. I wouldn’t have stopped you from leaving. But I’m happy Mr. Knight dropped you home. He dropped you home when he knew that he had guests to attend.” She smiled.

“So tell me, Ariana, did something happen between you two?” She grinned. I blushed.

Yes, he kissed me. Not just once but twice.

“N.. Nothing happened, Lauren.” I said.

“Really? But your blush is saying otherwise.” She smirked.

“I’m not blushing.” I didn’t look at her.

“Lying doesn’t suit you, Ariana.”

“Nothing happened,” I said again.

“Oh come on, you can share it with me. Tell me, did he kiss you?” She asked excitedly, making me blush more. I lowered my head to hide my face.

“Oh my God, Ariana, he really kissed you?” She came running to me and held my face in her hands. I nodded.

“Oh, Ariana, I’m so happy for you. Your crush finally kissed you.” She hugged me. Only If she knew he’s my husband.

“So tell me how was the kiss? How it feels to be kissed by The Xavier Knight. Did he leave you breathless?” Lauren asked excitedly.

“Lauren, you’re teasing me.” I hid my face with my hands.

“Oh come on..” Before she could say anything my phone buzzed. Thank heaven. I’m saved.

It was Daniel’s call. He asked me to come to Xavier’s office.

“Lauren, Daniel sir is calling me. I have to go.” I said standing up from the chair.

“Go. But don’t think I’ll leave you. I want all the juicy details.” She smirked and left my cabin. I went to Xavier’s office.

When Daniel said I was glowing. I blushed. Goodness, did he know? Did Xavier tell him? Then Sean teased me. I couldn’t control my face from turning red. When Xavier told me to leave, I was about to leave but Daniel stopped me.

“Hey, wait, we have something to talk to you about,” Daniel said.

“Will you spend a day out with Sean and me tomorrow?” Daniel asked her.

I looked at him in surprise. Did he just say a day out? Like a picnic? I hadn’t spent a day out with anyone after my father. I wasn’t allowed to. My gaze automatically traveled to Xavier.

“Don’t look at him, he isn’t going. You tell me, will you?” Sean asked.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“she..” Before Xavier could say anything Sean snapped looking at him from his shoulder.

“No one asked you!”

What’s going on here? And why wasn’t Xavier going? But I desperately wanted to go and if Xavier wasn’t going that means there will be no awkwardness. I would be away from him. I was still not confident to face him after what happened last night and this morning.

“Where are you planning to go?” I asked both of them.

“Leave it on us. We have planned a lot for tomorrow. You just say yes or no.” Daniel said.

“Well, then I would love to,” I said without hesitation. Daniel immediately engulfed me in a bear hug.

“Thank you, Princess. We three will have fun tomorrow. The good thing is…there’ll be no disturbing element with us.” Daniel grinned. I looked at him confusedly.

“Enough now. If your planning is over then get back to work.” Xavier snapped.

“Always grumpy,” Daniel mumbled making me smile.

“We’ll leave, but first, let us finish the talk,” Sean said.

“So, Ariana, be ready at five in the morning tomorrow. We’ll pick you up.” Sean said.

“Isn’t that too early?” Xavier asked, annoyingly.

“You’re not coming with us so stay out of it.” Daniel gave him a mocking smile. I heard Xavier huff in annoyance. I still couldn’t see him Daniel & Sean are still standing in front of me.

“Umm.. okay,” I said.

“And Princess make sure to pack one extra outfit with you,” Daniel said making me confused. What have they planned?

“Why does she need an extra outfit?” Xavier asked from behind. Daniel turned to him.

“Because Xavier, things might get dirty tomorrow. So, she might need to change.” Daniel said, looking at him. I heard playfulness in his voice.

“What have you two planned for tomorrow?” I asked Sean, who was standing facing me with a mischievous grin on his face.

“Nothing but fun. So make sure to pack one extra outfit. And be ready sharp at five. We have planned many things for tomorrow. So to enjoy to the fullest we’ll leave early. Okay?” Sean said.

“Okay,” I said. Now I was excited. No Xavier and No work. I think it’ll be fun tomorrow.

“Okay, Princess, you can go now,” Daniel said turning to me. He didn’t let me see Xavier and ushered me out of the cabin.

Tomorrow would be the day out with my favorite people on the Earth. And I guess it would be fun. I didn’t know what this one-day trip would be like but I was sure that it would be a new experience for me.

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