Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man



Finally, the day had arrived. The day of the party.

I was at Lauren’s house to get ready for the party.

Just for once, I thought Xavier would ask me to be his date. But he didn’t pick up the topic. I wasn’t upset at all because why would he? I knew no one would ever ask me for it, no one ever did before and no one will do it in the coming future. I didn’t know whether Xavier will come alone or will bring any date with him, but one thing I was sure of- he’ll not look at me…even for once. And thinking about Xavier bringing someone and not noticing me caused my heart to constrict in mysterious pain.

In the morning, I silently slipped the gift I bought in their offices, I also placed a note with the box. Bracelets weren’t expensive like the things they used to wear, I didn’t know if they’d like them or not but I just wanted them to keep the bracelets with them as a memory… because this was the first gift I had ever given to anyone. No one was ever this close to me. All the people I had met before were just selfish and rude.

“Sit here, let me do my magic on you,” Lauren said, pulling me out of my train of thoughts. She was enthusiastic to doll me up and I was scared of her enthusiasm. She made me sit on a table stool in her room, she didn’t even let me sit in front of the mirror.

“Lauren, please, don’t cake me up. I just want a little makeup. Okay?” I said, looking at her with hopeful eyes.

“Ariana, I know what to do with your face. I won’t cake you up, stay assured. You are a natural beauty, I won’t hide your natural beauty with artificial beautifiers. Trust me, okay?” She said assuring. I nodded my head.

She started doing her magic and I didn’t know for how long I sat there being her canvas but when she was done with her art, she chirped happily,

“Perfect, Now wear your dress and then I’ll decide what to do with your hair.”

“Umm.. my hair? A bun won’t do?” I asked nervously. I had never experimented with my hair.

“Nope. Not gonna happen. Now change,” She said determinedly.

“Can you go out while I change?”

“Oh come on, as if you have something I don’t have. We both are female remember?” She raised an eyebrow at me.

“Umm…yeah but…please I need some privacy.”

“Oh Ariana, sometimes I don’t get it why are you so shy? Okay fine I’ll go out, call me when you’re done.” Saying that she left her room.

I locked the door and took the only decent dress I found in the shop out of the bag. I hastily removed my jumpsuit I was wearing and put on the dress. It was a zipper dress but I didn’t need any assistance with that because my hands easily reached for the zipper. I unlocked the door and called her inside.

She entered the room and when she saw me her jaw almost hit the floor and her eyes went wide.

“Freaking hell, Ariana! You-wait I’ll complete my sentence after I am done with your hair. Come sit. Hurry.” She ran to me and again made me sit on the table stool. She let my hair free from the tight bun. I closed my eyes. She’ll also comment that my hair is unattractive. Scarlet and her friends used to say that.

“Goodness Ariana, your hair is so soft and silky. It’s beautiful. Why do you always hide your hair in a bun?” She asked.

Beautiful? No, my hair is not beautiful. She is just saying to make me feel good.

“Lauren, please don’t lie. You can give your honest opinion, I won’t mind.” I mumbled.

“Lie? Why would I even do that? Your hair is beautiful and I am not lying about that.” She said, looking at me.

“Are you sure?” I asked in surprise. No one ever said that.

“Yes. Why do you feel otherwise?” She asked.

“Uh.. some…people used to say that my hair looks… unattractive.”

“Whoever those people are, they were lying. Do you get that? Now, let me show you how beautiful hair you have.” She said, picking up a comb and a hair straightener. She straightened my hair and let it free. I wasn’t sure about keeping my hair open. But I think I can do it for one day. I can’t make Lauren unhappy. She was so excited about everything.

When she was done with my hair, I wore four inches heels which Lauren forcefully made me buy. I wore earrings and my watch.

“All done,” I said, looking at her. I didn’t know how I was even looking as I didn’t even look myself in the mirror yet.

“Okay, now let me complete what I wanted to say.” Saying that she cleared her throat.

“Freaking hell Ariana, you look so gorgeous. Tonight you’ll make every man drool over you. I know I want you to get the attention of men tonight but I think I have to guard you against any unnecessary attention. Because not just men but women will also be drooling over you because damn girl you look so hot, you look like an angel…hot angel. And you look flawless.” She blabbered without stopping.

“You are exaggerating, Lauren. Anyway, can I look myself in the mirror?” I asked.

“I am not exaggerating! And of course, you may see yourself in the mirror, dear.” She said sweetly and tugged my wrist to make me stand in front of the mirror.

I was surprised when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was amazed, I never knew I could ever look that much pretty in my life. Sticking to her words, Lauren kept the makeup to minimal.

“That’s me?” I whispered moving my fingers on my reflection.

“Without any doubt, it’s you,” Lauren said from behind, looking at my reflection in the mirror with admiration. Tears start welling up in my eyes.

“Hey.. hey don’t you dare cry. You’ll ruin my work.” Lauren turned me towards her and engulfed me in a tight hug.

“Thank you, Lauren. I never knew I could look beautiful.” I whispered, hugging her back.

“You are beautiful. Okay now, enough of emotional drama let me dress up too or you’ll be going there alone without your bodyguard.” She said, removing her hands from around me. I smiled at her which she reciprocated.

I helped Lauren with the things I knew in makeup. I helped curl her hair, she let her hair down. When she got dressed, I watched her in awe, she looked beautiful in a green dress, and the slit of her dress which reached her thigh showed her perfectly shaped leg. She looked so confident while I was a mess of nervousness. I was thinking if I would be able to pull it off or not.

“You look beautiful, Lauren.” I complimented her.

“Thank you, dear. Now let me book an uber otherwise we’ll get late.” She said, picking her phone from the bed.

Uh oh! I think it’s time to tell her that someone is picking us up.

“Uh… Lauren..”

“Yes?” She said not looking up from her phone screen.

“Umm.. there’s no need to book an uber.” Her head shot up and she looked at me questioningly.

“And why is that? Do you have any other options?”

“Actually..” Goodness, how should I tell her?

“Actually what Ariana?”

“Mr. Knightsaidhewillsendhiscartotakeustothevenue” I closed one eye after saying that and looked at her with one eye, furrowing my eyebrows.

“Okayyy, fine. Listen, Ariana, I know you find me weird but let me tell you, I am not that much weird to understand alien language.” She laughed at herself. I took a deep breath and said what I wanted to say,

“Mr. Knight said that he’ll send his car to bring us to the venue.”

“Oh, okay, and here I thought that there is something else. Mr. Knight will send-wait, what? Mr. Knight? Will send? His car?” She shrieked. I bit the corner of my lower lip, trying not to laugh at her reaction.

“Why? And who asked him to do so?” She asked astonished with what she heard.

“No one asked him, he…well, he ordered,” I said, scratching the back of my neck not looking at her.

“He ordered you?” She asked, pointing at me. I nodded my head which made her smile mischievously. Oh no! Not again. I tried to avert my eyes from her. But she was gazing at me intently. She folded her hands at her back and took slow strides towards me.

“Oh, he ordered you. That means you told him that you will get ready at my place…hmm. Means you have started sharing your personal information with him…I get it,” She said, walking in circles around me. I didn’t utter a word.

“He didn’t want you to take a taxi, I am just coming in between..” She stopped in front of me and folded her hands in front of her chest. I shifted in my position.

“It’s not like that..” She cut me off.

“Goodness, Ariana, I thought only you were crushing over our boss. But freaking hell! He has also developed a crush on you. Fire is burning on both sides.” She squealed. Had she gone mad?

“I would be on cloud nine if I see you two start dating.” I blushed at her statement. But from inside I knew that it was never going to happen. He’ll never consider me for anything.

The ringing of my phone made her squealing stop. I looked at the caller ID, it was Finn. I picked up the call, he told me he was waiting for us under Lauren’s apartment building.

“Finn is here,” I said. We picked up our belongings and headed towards the car.

“Don’t tell me we are going in that!” She shrieked. I looked at the shining black Mercedes Benz Sedan. Anybody would be shocked if they’ll get to know they’re going to ride in a luxury car. Why did he send his luxury car?

“He didn’t have to send this much expensive car,” I mumbled.

“As if he has any less luxury. Come on, let’s enjoy the luxury ride.” Saying that she held my hand and walked towards the car. Finn opened the door for us. We thanked Finn for that. When we settled down, Finn started the car and drove towards the venue.

As the place came near, my heartbeat started picking up its pace. Fear started creeping inside me. Fear of being in the crowd, fear of being judged by the piercing gaze of people. I was not a social or outspoken person. I couldn’t stand between people let alone make conversation with them. I didn’t want to create any awkward scene there.

I was pulled out of my reverie when the car came to halt. I saw the paparazzi crowding the place. The fear which was creeping inside me elevated. I asked Finn to take the car to the second entrance of the party hall which was deserted from any people. Lauren didn’t protest when she saw my worried face.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

We entered inside the hall, my gaze lingered around the hall, guests started arriving, women present in the party wore extravagant dresses and jewelry, and men wore suits. But I couldn’t see those three people who were the host of the party. Haven’t they arrived yet? They were the host, they should be here by now and I didn’t receive get any message from any of them for being late. We spotted Mrs. Miller, Scott, and Kevin standing in a corner talking and laughing. We approached them.

“Oh goodness, Ariana you look…different and gorgeous.” Mrs. Miller chirped happily the moment we reached there.

“Thank you, Mrs. Miller. And you look gorgeous too.” I complimented her with a smile. She then complimented Lauren. I looked at Kevin, who stood there with wide eyes, looking at me.

“Kevin?” I waved my hand in front of his face.

“Ariana, is that you? You look.. amazing, gorgeous…beautiful. Wow, this dress has transformed you into an angel, Not that you are less angel but you look…hot.” Kevin rambled making me blush at his words. Hot? No way.

“Thank you, Kevin. And you look handsome too.” I smiled at him, he wore a black suit.

“Thank you, milady. It feels good to hear a compliment from you,” He bowed down making all of us laugh. Scott also complimented me and Lauren. We all started talking and laughing at Scott and Kevin’s jokes when I felt someone’s piercing gaze on me. I looked in the direction from where I felt the gaze on me.

The moment I looked there, my breath hitched. At the entrance of the party hall, stood Xavier with Sean and Daniel. But my eyes stopped on him. He looked devilishly handsome in a blue three-piece suit with a white shirt beneath whose top two buttons were open. The stubble on his chiseled face made him look more charming. My eyes met his, without leaving my eyes he started walking towards me and at that moment I felt like time stopped.

Xavier Knight

I looked myself in the mirror, brushing my hair back with my fingers. I was ready in my blue three-piece suit. I wore my watch when my eyes landed on a black velvet box which I found in my office. I picked it up and opened the lid, a smile tugged my lips looking at the silver chain bracelet with my name engraved on it. A gift from her. I opened the note which I kept inside the box and read it again.

Congratulations on your success. I don’t know what more to say, you already are on top of the world. You own the crown. But still, I wish you achieve more and more success so that the crown you own never leaves you. Stay happy, stay healthy, and achieve more success.


My smile broadened, she surely has a way with her words. I wore the bracelet, fixed my collar, and gave a last look at my reflection before heading out of my penthouse. I sat on the driver seat of my white Lamborghini and drove to the venue, a car of bodyguards trailing behind me. I wouldn’t have taken other bodyguards if Finn was with me, he is my most trusted security person, but I had sent him on Ariana’s duty. I wasn’t bringing any date with me because I don’t ever do that and when Daniel told me about Ariana’s views on a date I was stunned because she shares the same thoughts as mine. But for the first time in life, I wanted to bring someone as my date. I wanted to bring her as my date but wasn’t able to voice out my thoughts.

I was looking forward to seeing her in a dress. What would she be wearing? Short dress? Long dress, backless, slit dress? I was going insane, imagining her in all kinds of dresses. I called her but she didn’t pick up her phone so I called Finn to ask whether they had arrived or not.

With her thoughts in my mind, I reached in front of the venue. I saw two cars in the rearview mirror. Sean and Daniel had also arrived. I got out of my car and gave my keys to the valet when Daniel and Sean approached me. Paparazzi surrounded us, not even letting us reach the photo booth especially designed for paparazzi to have photos. Our bodyguards blocked the paparazzi from reaching us. We reached the photo booth to give photos to the paparazzi. Media persons started asking questions too.

“Who would you give the credit of your success, Mr. Knight?” Someone asked from the crowd.

“Without any doubt, my employees,” I replied proudly.

“What this achievement of yours made you feel?” Someone asked making me think how can people ask such a stupid question?

“Obviously we are happy. Who wouldn’t be?” Sean replied.

“Why didn’t you three bring a date with you?”

“Because we didn’t want to,” Daniel replied making me and Sean laugh at his blunt reply.

“When are the three most eligible bachelors are getting hooked?” Only if they knew.

“You’ll hear that from one of us…very soon,” Daniel replied with a mischievous smirk on his face, giving me a side glance. I wanted to smack his head for making this controversial statement. Whatever he said, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. The crowd started hooting. Now the paparazzi will not leave us alone.

“Can we know who out of you three getting hooked soon?”

“You’ll know when the time is right,” Sean said, making me look at him. How could he act like Daniel? Why did he say that?

After giving answers to questions of media and complying with their request for photos, we headed inside. As soon as we entered inside, I roamed my eyes to look for the person I was almost dying to see. After roaming my eyes in the hall, I found her.

There she was, standing in the corner with her colleagues, talking and smiling.

My breath got caught in my throat when I saw her. She looked stunning in her off-shoulder mermaid style, navy blue dress. The dress hugged her curves in the right places. She was bare of any extravagant jewelry, she just wore earrings and a watch. She looked classy, sophisticated, beautiful, alluring, and tempting, all in one. And Damn she looked so hot. She was wearing very little makeup that didn’t hide her natural beauty. Her silky, smooth hair that cascaded down her back was like a cherry on the cake. It was the first time she let her hair down. She totally stood out from others.

The moment my eyes met the most beautiful and mesmerizing black eyes ever, I was spellbound.

Her eyes can stop the time. Spellbound, captivated, and not leaving her gaze, I walked towards the beauty.

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