Arranged love

Chapter 72


A woman by the name of GiGi measured every inch of me and Jasmine. Then a doctor came and hooked us up with the Depo shot. He also took our weight and height and wrote it down. I’m guessing the clients like to know what size of woman they are paying for. We were then tested for every STD known to man and informed we would get our results within the hour. I wasn’t concerned in any way. I was tested last year and was clean. The only person I’ve slept with since then was George, and he used a condom both times.

Then we were sent to the Kingdom spa where we had facials, got a mani and pedi, followed by our entire bodies waxed. And after that, we visited the Kingdom salon where they did our hair and makeup. The works.

Five hours after entering Kingdom, we walk out to her car parked out back.

“Have a great day, ladies.” Nigel nods to us.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You too,” Jasmine calls out. “Man, I feel like a new woman,” she says, falling into the car.


She looks over at me and winks. “So, I see you got your phone back.”



“And I worked hard for that damn thing,” I admit.

She laughs at me. “The Kings don’t go easy on anyone.”

Ain’t that the truth. “Where are we headed?” I change the subject. I’d prefer not to discuss Titan. I can still taste him. Still remember the look on his face as I pleased him. The sad part is I didn’t feel any shame. And I should have. How is what he did any different from George? Is it because I wanted him before? I’ve always been attracted to Titan, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a prick.

“Here.” She hands me her cell and the business card that GiGi had given us. “Put that into GPS. Might as well figure out what the hell it is.”

I look down at it. It’s a flat black card with nothing written on it besides an address. I type it in. “It says it’s ten miles from here.”

“Okay.” She reaches over and turns up the volume. “Like Lovers Do,” by Hey Violet fills the small car.


“You sure this is it?” she asks as we pull up to an abandoned warehouse.

“Yeah,” I say, double-checking what I put in her phone matches what the card says.

She parks in the front row, and we get out. Going up to the double doors, I push one open, and we step inside.

“No fucking way,” she says in awe, looking over the massive space.

“Hello, ladies.” A woman comes up to us dressed in a black business suit with a white button-down. Her dark hair is up in a tight bun, and she has a smile on her face. Her dark brown eyes do a quick sweep over us as if assessing us. “Do you have your card?” she asks.

Jasmine and I exchange a what-the-fuck-card looks. I dig into my back pocket and pull out the only one I have. The one GiGi handed us with this address on it. I hold it up. “Is this what you want?”

“Yes, ma’am.” She hands it back to me. “Now let me show you around.” She turns and walks off as we follow close behind. “We dress all the Queens. The client will notify Titan what the occasion is, and he will inform me and yourself on the app.”

“No way.” Jasmine smiles. “We get to keep what we wear?”

“Well, yes and no.” She goes on. “You’ll have an account; the item you wear will be scanned. It will withdraw that amount from your account. When you return said item, you’ll scan it again and it deposits the amount. If you don’t return it … well, you get the idea.”

“This is amazing,” Jasmine squeals.

“We have everything from bathing suits, to lingerie, to assless chaps,” she continues. “To high heels, sandals, and skis. If you have something in mind that we don’t keep in stock, we can have it made as long as we have a couple of weeks’ notice. You’d be surprised by how many of the clients plan vacations as far as a year in advance with a Queen.”

We walk past a couple of women going through what looks to be like an evening gown section.

“Do we have to wear something from here if we get a job?” I ask. Not like I have anything I could wear. Most of my things are still in Chicago.

“No,” she answers, continuing to walk toward the back of the warehouse. “You may wear whatever you like. As long as it goes with what the client desires.”

“Why wouldn’t you want to wear something from here?” Jasmine whispers.

The lady comes to a stop and turns to face us. “I’ll let you two look around.” She nods over to the back right-hand corner of the store. “There are the fitting rooms. Try a few things on and let me know when you’re ready.”

“Ready for what?” I ask.

“Your photos.”

“What photos?” Jasmine asks what I’m thinking.

“We have a studio here where we take professional photos for Titan to use when clients request a specific look, blond, brunette. Blue eyes or brown eyes, etc. Once you decide on what you want to wear, we will do the shoot and then upload the pictures to the Queens app for the clients.”

Ah, now the three pounds of makeup the lady put on me at the salon makes sense. I nod. “Can we wear anything?” I ask.

“I suggest business attire, an evening dress, and a bathing suit. We will upload one picture of each to the app and to Titan as well.” With that, she leaves us.

I turn to face Jasmine. She has a smile on her face, and her green eyes are huge. “This is so awesome.” She grabs my hands and starts to jump up and down. “I feel like Pretty Woman. But the best part is that I don’t have to fuck one guy for the rest of my life.”

I laugh. “Come on, Julia Roberts. Let’s go find you something to wear.”

We pick out a bathing suit and then make our way over to the evening gowns. The two women are still digging through the racks.

“Hi.” Of course, Jasmine must talk to them. She’s never met a stranger. That is why being a Queen is going to be perfect for her.

“Hello,” the brunette says to us.

“So how long have you been a Queen?” Jasmine asks, being nosy.

“Three months,” the blonde answers.

“A little over a year,” the other one chimes in.

Jasmine takes a step toward them and lowers her voice. “Have you guys ever been in The Palace?”

They exchange a look. “It’s a myth,” the blonde finally responds after a long moment of silence.

“Urban legend,” the brunette adds.

“What’s The Palace?” I ask.

Jasmine is the one who answers me. “It’s a sex dungeon that clients use.”

I shake my head. “Count me out.” Is that why the application asked questions regarding safe words and hard limits? That’s one thing I hate about the situation I have found myself in-Titan knows what I prefer when it comes to doing this job. I didn’t say I’d fuck any guy, but I filled in the box that I’d be open-minded.

“Really? I think it sounds like fun.” Jasmine smiles.

“You would.” I chuckle.

“When you’ve been fed vanilla all your life, rocky road sounds pretty damn delicious.” She wiggles her dark eyebrows.

I roll my eyes. I know damn well that that woman prefers the kinkier kind of sex rather than vanilla.

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