Always Been You


Katherine smiled and kissed his neck.

“And maybe you can see for yourself that Shay is just a business partner and nothing more. In case you still have doubts” Jensen thought.

“She doesn’t matter anymore” Katherine said as she let her hands roam his chest. “I won’t worry about her anymore because I believe you and I trust you. I’m just glad that you are going to be back home. Spending time with us again. It’s all I want. We all miss you”

“It’s okay,” Jensen said. “I’m all yours after the projects are finalized.”

Katherine fell asleep with a smile on her face. Maybe the party was just what she needed to help her put this thing about Shay aside once and for all.


“Hey grumpy” Tim said as he slid into the seat beside Chloe Gilbert. They were in the library. He had come to borrow a book when he saw her sitting alone and decided to say hi. Despite the fact that she was never nice to him, he didn’t mind. And for some reason he just enjoyed getting on her nerves.

Chloe took one look at him and then looked away, rolling her eyes like he was the last person she wanted to see that minute.

“Oh it’s you again,” she said. “Looks like today is going to be a really bad day then” She returned her attention to her book, hoping he would take the hint and go away. But he didn’t. He took a seat beside her instead.

“I see you are grumpy as usual” Tim said, grinning, “Are you this way towards everyone or is it just me? Because I see you smiling at other people. What would it take for you to smile at me once in a while?”

Chloe turned to him and rolled her eyes again. “You disappearing from my life” she said.

“And you wonder why you don’t have any friends,” Tim said, rubbing his jaw as if In deep thought. “Maybe your attitude is the problem. Maybe that is the reason why you are sitting alone in the library reading God knows what. Probably a boring book I suppose”

Chloe turned her attention to him fully. “I have friends, dummy,” she said. “And of course you wouldn’t notice them because you are so wrapped up in your perfect world with your annoying friends acting like you own the school. And why are you in the library anyways? Were you on your way to go make out with some cheerleader and maybe got lost?” she asked.

“Wow. Careful there” Tim said. “You sound jealous. Would you prefer I make out with you instead?” he whispered in her ear. “Because that can be arranged”

“Ewww. You wish” Chloe said and Tim laughed. She stared at him for a while, then she asked. “Why are you here Tim? What do you want from me? What do I have to do to get you to stay as far away from me as possible?”

Tim grinned. “Well, unfortunately for you, I don’t want to be far away from you. I actually think that if you are nicer, you would look cuter”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Chloe hissed and began to pack her books into her bag. She seemed in a hurry.

“Where are you going to?” Tim asked, watching her with a glint in his eyes

“Class” She said simply. “We have chemistry”

Tim nodded. “Yeah” he said. “But that’s in like twenty minutes. What are you going to do? Just sit there and wait for the class to begin?”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “Better than sitting here with you,” she said. “At least there I can read in peace”

She began to walk away and after a few seconds, Tim got up and followed her. “Fine” he said, and smiled when he saw her roll her eyes again. “Then maybe I will wait with you”

Chloe didn’t reply but she began to walk faster, but before they got to class they ran into their Math teacher, Mrs Sabrina Andrews.

“Hi Miss Andrews” they both greeted.

“Hello,” she replied. “Packard, can you see you for a minute?”

Tim frowned slightly, wondering what this was about, and then he turned to Chloe, “See you later” he said.

Chloe nodded, while Tim followed Mrs Andrews into the nearest classroom.

“I wanted to talk to you about your grades, Tim,” Mrs Andrews began. “It doesn’t look good. You missed a lot of assignments and you didn’t do well in the last test. What exactly is the problem, son?”

Tim shrugged. “I don’t know, ” he said. “I guess math is not really my thing”

Mrs Andrews frowned at him. “This isn’t a joke Tim.” she said strictly. “in fact I have decided to talk to your coach. If you don’t pick things up and do well in the next test, you won’t be allowed to play in the next football match”

“What?” Tim exclaimed. “You can’t do that, Mrs Andrews. I’m already trying to keep up. I’m doing the assignments I missed. Please don’t talk to Coach Baker. I promise I will do better” he said.

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