Alpha’s Tormented Seductress


In the dark alley, jeers and taunts rang out. Multiple men surrounded a young lady who was bawling her eyes out.

“Do you think by crying, you will be left alone? Give us back the money you stole!” One of the men barked menacingly.

He seemed to be the leader seeing as he had the strongest aura out of all the men present.

They also seemed to acknowledge that fact as they cowered before him once he spoke.

“Please! I.. I di… didn’t steal anything. Those men are trying to frame me because I didn’t agree to sleep with them” the lady pleaded.

He raised his brow at her accusation.

He was aware that there was a possibility of that happening seeing as his men were perverts but he refused to admit nor acknowledge it because that would make him look like a fool.

So, in order to maintain face, he continuously argued that she was at fault.

It wasn’t like he was a saint either ad he had ruined the lives if so  many other women.

“I trust my men! Give me back the money! If you can’t, you could possibly end up serving men in brothels for the words you just spoke.” He threatened inching closer to her.

She whimpered at his height and domineering presence.

She backed away till she was almost one with the wall at the end of the alley.

“What is going on here?” A soft yet firm voice echoed from behind the men.

Everyone froze before turning to look at the speaker. At first they were expecting a strong and valiant knight but they were surprised to see that it was just a young lady.

The men broke out in chuckles.

The leader’s gaze roamed Alyssa’s body ad his lips upturned into a devious smirk.

“My! My! My! You seem lost girl so why don’t I help you find your way.” He jeered at her tauntingly.

Goosebumps ravaged her skin because of the way the leader kept staring at her. She really wanted to turn and flee as she was reminded of her perverse step brother but once she looked towards the lady at their mercy, she gave up that idea.

She had to stand firmly!

“I’m a maid from the palace so I’m well versed with where I’m to go and whatnot. Besides, the guards are waiting for me at the central square so they can escort me back. Its just that I lost sight if my partner that’s why I’m in such a scummy alleyway.” Alyssa explained while emitting an standoffish aura that said ‘if you touch me, you’re dead meat!’

The leader’s brows flew up in surprise as he backtracked.

He was aware of who he could offend as well as who he couldn’t.

He knew that although Alyssa could be nothing more than a kitchen maid, he would be penalized should anything happen to her. The palace simply didn’t allow room for any of their people, be it small or big to be toyed with.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist at the fact that he had to admit defeat to a simple servant.

“Alright then! You better be on your jolly way because you have no business being here.” He barked harshly before turning back to face his men.

Alyssa knew she couldn’t take any rash steps as she had to act smartly so she turned and began to walk back.

She hoped the girl was tactful enough to say something so she could use that chance to butt in.

“Hi! I’m here! These men won’t let me go! I’m to go back to the palace soon! Hel….” The lady screamed but her words became muffled for some reason.


Alyssa turned back and noticed that the lady’s mouth had been covered and she had been hidden behind the bulk of men.

“You needn’t worry yourself about the nonsense that she is spouting. She is delui…..” The leader began but was but off by Alyssa.

“Wait! Isn’t that my partner who was assigned to accompany me to run errands? Why the fuck is she with you guys and why are you manhandling her like so?” Alyssa questioned with fake fury showing in her face.

“Its not like that! She is deluded so you shouldn’t believe what she is saying” The leader rebutted trying to pin the lady as crazy.

He knew that if this lady was saved, it would spell trouble for him and his little gang because they had touched someone from the palace.

He continuously cursed his men for not knowing who to mess with and who not to.

“Let her go! I have a way to check if she is my partner or not so let her go!” Alyssa ordered glaring fiercely at them.

“Miss I suggest you backtrack and go your jolly way” an henchman finally spoke up as he intimidatingly tried to approach Alyssa.

“I also suggest you watch your words because I’m a distance from you so you wouldn’t be able to catch me should I run back to alert the guards. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that to happen now, would you?” She threatened making sure to show no weakness.

“What the hell are you doing?” The leader barked at his subordinate as he smacked his head hard.

“Sorry miss, we’ll let her go under the condition that if she isn’t a palace servant, she’ll have come with us because she was accused of stealing my money. Should the event arise though, that she is a palace maid, her theft would be wavered with the condition that not a word of what transpired here should be spoken to the guards. Do you agree?” He said courteously.

Alyssa was surprised they believed her crap actually.

She just realized that she was a stellar actress as she was able to pull the wool over the eyes of these wolves.

Still, with the way he was able to deduce a quick way out, she knew that he was not simple so she had to tread carefully.

“I agree!” She replied.

“Also, do note that if the latter situation ends up being the case and you still tattle to the guards, I’ll hunt you down and make you pay before I am penalized.” He threatened viciously.

Alyssa felt a chill run down her spine at his malicious gaze and almost shivered but caught herself at the last moment.

“Yeah, sure!” She affirmed with faux nonchalance.

The leader nodded to his men and soon, the lady was pushed out and towards Alyssa. A bulky man followed her though lest she escaped.

“Show me the identity that is given to every servant once they go run an errand.” Alyssa ordered the lady.

She looked flustered at first, maybe due to the fact that she was aware that she wasn’t the partner Alyssa was looking for but as she looked into Alyssa’s reassuring eyes, she calmed herself down.

She proceeded to dig through her pocket and bring out a gold plate that had the insignia of the kingdom carved on it. A red rope dangled from the end that had a seal stamped on it.

“This is it!” The lady said pushing it into Alyssa’s palm.

She ran her hand over it with a calm face but inside, she was very much surprised.

She never knew that her quest to save this girl would lead her to an actual palace maid. She felt joy bubbling within her because she knew that with this, her worries on how to enter the palace had been solved.

“This is in fact the identification! You people can see that she is someone from the palace so do follow up with your agreement and let her go. In return, we’ll keep the end of the agreement.” Alyssa stated as she raised the plate to show them.

The leader’s brow furrowed but he knew to end it here so he let them go.

Once she received the affirmation to leave, Alyssa held on to the lady’s hand and walked out of the alley ad briskly as she could.

Sounds of curses and punches could be heard in the alleyway by people who happened to pass there. If they peeked on what was going in there, they would see that a certain leader was taking out his anger on his subordinates for making him lose face and concede to a mere servant.

Alyssa and the lady stopped walking when they were sure that they had reached a far enough distance from them. They both heaved a sigh of relief out loud then looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

After laughing for a while, Alyssa smiled, stretched her hand to the lady before she spoke.

“I’m Alyssa. Nice to meet you” she introduced herself.

The lady took Alyssa’s hand in hers with a mirrored smile.

“I’m Tiffany. Nice to meet you to.”

“So, are you really a servant from the palace because I’m sure the guards wouldn’t actually follow a mere servant out even if it is an official palace errand?” Tiffany inquired with a knowing smirk.

Alyssa gave a sheepish smile as she scratched the back of her ear awkwardly.

“That was the only way I could think to save you from those scumbags.” She replied.

“Did you consider what would have happened if they were smart enough to ask for your identification first? What would you have done?” Tiffany asked.

“I didn’t think of that when I rushed in to save to save you”

“Fine! I’m grateful for the save but do be careful next time lest you fall into the hands of cunning bastards.” Tiffany advised.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

She felt very warm and grateful for the girl who rushed in to save her without thinking things through.

“I will!” Alyssa answered

“So, how can i repay this favour you’ve dine me today? I have no abundance of riches nor stack of gold, mind you because I’m nothing more than a simple palace maid.”

Alyssa looked like she was pondering her options but she had already settled on what to ask.

“I don’t want silver nor gold. All I want is for you to get me a job as a maid in the palace.” Alyssa replied.

“Sorry, what now?” Tiffany asked shocked as she never expected Alyssa to have such a request.

” Yeah, you heard me! I want a job in the palace.”

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