Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 72

Chapter 72


Becoming conscious in the unknown world, bound and blindfolded, I strained to make sense of the hushed voices around me. There was no need to tell me that I had been kidnapped before I knew I was. My primal senses spelt that clear to me. The kidnappers spoke in low tones, their words a distant murmur that I tried to comprehend and put in place. It felt like an eternity as I tried to put together their conversation, yearning for any clues about their intentions.

Why was I there in the first place? If at all anything, I knew Carlyle wouldn’t treat me this way. Something was amiss obviously. Thinking about it now, I got the wrong letter probably or I was a victim of a planned attempt. Either way, I knew I needed to find my way out of there, I tried my best to use my strength to leave but I couldn’t no matter how I tried. The material I was bound with. was no ordinary one. They must have been well prepared too.

One voice, gruff and demanding, seemed to take charge. “Make sure she doesn’t get a glimpse of where we’re going. We need to keep this operation discreet.”

Another voice, smoother but tinged with malice, responded, “And what about the Alpha? Should we inform him of our demands?”

A pause hung in the air, pregnant with uncertainty. “Not yet. We’ll contact him when the time is right. For now, our focus is on her.”

My heart raced, anxiety settling like a heavy weight in the pit of my stomach. I strained to catch more fragments of their discussion, hoping to glean any information that might hint at their motives or plans.

“But what if the Alpha refuses to comply?” a third voice chimed in, softer but laden with ominous.


The gruff voice chuckled, sending shivers down my spine. “Let’s just say we have our ways of making him see reason. The boss will handle that,”

As the conversation continued, I grappled with a mix of fear and determination. The unknown loomed before me, and I clung to the hope that somehow, I would find a way to navigate this perilous situation and return to my pack and family.

Hours passed in a blur of darkness and uncertainty. Bound and blindfolded, I could only rely on my senses to navigate the suffocating confines of my captivity. Hunger gnawed at my stomach, thirst parched my throat, and the relentless teasing and taunts of my captors echoed in the emptiness around me.

At first, they brought me food and water sporadically, just enough to keep me alive but never enough to satisfy the gnawing hunger or quench the burning thirst. Each morsel of food felt like a cruel tease, a reminder of my helplessness and their control over my basic needs. The water they provided was stale and tepid, barely enough to wet my cracked lips before they whisked it away again. Heaven knows how Jong I was there.

Their voices haunted my dreams, their laughter a cruel symphony that echoed in the darkness of my mind. They reveled in their power over me, taunting me with cryptic hints about their plans.

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Chapter 72


and the fate that awaited me. Fear became my constant companion, a shadow that lurked in every corner, feeding off my uncertainty and despair..

“Did you see the look on her face when we teased her earlier?” chuckled the gruff voice, a hint of sadistic pleasure in his tone.

“Yeah, she’s terrified,” added the smoother voice, a sinister edge to his words. “I love it. It’s like she’s a puppet on strings, dancing to our tune.”

“If only boss would allow deal with her and fuck that pussy of hers

Their laughter filled the room, sending a chill down my spine as I listened from my bound and blindfolded position. Their words confirmed my worst fears – they held all the power, and I was nothing more than a pawn in their twisted game.

As they continued to discuss their plans, their voices melded together into a sinister symphony, each word a dagger that pierced through the darkness of my mind. Fear wrapped its icy fingers around my heart, squeezing tighter with each passing moment, until it felt like I could barely breathe. In that moment, I knew that escape would be a distant dream, and the nightmare that awaited me was far from over.

But amidst the torment, a spark of defiance flickered within me. I refused to surrender to their cruelty, clinging to the hope that Carlyle would come for me, that he would defy their demands and rescue me from this nightmare.

“If only I had a means of communicating with him or sending him signals to let him know here I was,” I heaved a sigh. With each passing moment, I clung to that hope like a lifeline, willing myself to endure whatever trials they threw my way.

And then, hours later which I couldn’t be precise about how long, the door creaked open, flooding the room with blinding light. For a moment, I dared to hope that my ordeal was finally over, that rescue was at hand.

In the depths of despair, bound and blindfolded, I felt a sudden shift in the air. The tension among my captors escalated, their voices hushing to a concerned murmur. Uncertainty danced in their tones, and I strained to grasp any hint of what was unfolding around me.

Abruptly, the atmosphere changed. The sounds of a scuffle reached my ears, accompanied by grunts and thuds. The abrupt chaos brought a spark of hope, a glimmer in the darkness of my captivity. The tables were turning, but I couldn’t discern the details through my blindfold.

Suddenly, the binds that restrained me loosened, and the blindfold was whisked away. Blinking against the sudden light, I found myself in a place I couldn’t tell or figure out. And there he was, Carlyle, my mate! Though, I was/crossed at him, I appreciated his appearance, still. We talked for a while and it occurred to me then that I missed this man so much, however, I made sure not to show it. We talked plainly and he arranged my return home without him.

As I stepped close to the threshold of my own home, a flood of emotions washed over me,

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Chapter 72


overwhelming in its intensity. Relief coursed through my veins like a soothing balm, washing away the lingering fear and despair that had plagued me during my captivity. The familiar sights and sounds of my surroundings enveloped me like a warm embrace, grounding me in the comforting embrace of

familiarity. But alongside the relief was a profound sense of unease, a nagging fear that lingered at the edges of my consciousness.

Opening the door, there she was–Athena, my godmother, a familiar face wrapped in a glow of wisdom and grace. Time had really passed since our last meeting, but the embrace we shared dissolved the years in an instant.

“Athena, it’s been far too long, I exclaimed, feeling a surge of emotion as she pulled me into a hug. A long hug which I very much needed by then.

“Indeed, my dear. Life’s journey can be winding, but the bonds we forge endure, she replied..

As we parted from our embrace, Athena’s eyes held a mixture of concern and warmth.

“My dear, I’m so relieved to see you safe,” she said, her voice soft but filled with sincerity. I didn’t bother to ask her how she knew the details. Since she was here before my arrival, then, she must know exactly what happened already.

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat as the memories of my ordeal threatened to resurface. “It was… a nightmare, I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “They… they kept me bound and blindfolded for days. I didn’t know if I would ever make it out alive.”

Athena’s expression darkened with empathy, her hand reaching out to gently squeeze mine. “I can’t even begin to imagine what you went through,” she murmured, her voice filled with sympathy. “But you’re here now, and that’s all that matters. You’re safe.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I recounted the terrifying moments of my captivity, each word a painful reminder of the fear and helplessness I had endured. But with Athena by my side, listening with unwavering support, the burden felt a little lighter, the wounds a little less raw.

As we sat together, sipping tea and sharing stories, I found solace in Athena’s wisdom and guidance. She listened intently as I poured out my heart, offering words of comfort and encouragement that lifted my spirits.

“So, tell me, Athena,” I began, trying to push aside the memories of my recent ordeal, “what brings you to Moon Shade?”

Athena’s gaze softened, a knowing smile gracing her lips. I came to check up on Mason,” she replied gently, her tone tinged with concern while my bows furrowed in confusion.

“Mason?” I asked.

“Yes, of course. You might not know, but he fell ill quite suddenly, and I had to make sure he’s doing alright. It was a bit serious.”

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Mason’s illness, a surge of fear coursing through me. “Is he… is he okay?” I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

Athena reached out to grasp my hand reassuringly.

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Chapter 72 NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.


“He’s fine now,” she reassured me, her voice calm and reassuring. “It was just a passing illness, nothing to worry about. He’s resting comfortably now, and he’ll be back to his old self in no time. In fact, he should be awake by now.”

Relief washed over me like a wave, the tension in my shoulders melting away at Athena’s words. “Thank goodness,” I breathed, a grateful smile spreading across my face. “I was so worried.”

Athena squeezed my hand affectionately. “I understand, dear,” she said softly. “But you don’t need to worry anymore. Mason is in good hands, and he’ll be back on his feet before you know it.”

And as we sat together, bathed in the warmth of home and reassurance, I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me. With Athena by my side, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, supporting each other every step of the way, just like we did in the past.

All of a sudden, Mason, my little one, wandered into the room.

“Mama,” he dashed into my arms, almost crying.

As Mason rushed into my arms, his little frame trembling with emotion, my heart swelled with love and concern. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I murmured, cradling him close as I stroked his hair soothingly.

Mason sniffled, his voice choked with tears. “You promised you’d sleep with me the night before you dissappeared, Mama,” he whispered, his words heavy with disappointment. “But you didn’t


A pang of guilt shot through me as I realized I had broken my promise to my little one. “Oh, Mason, I’m so sorry,” I said, my voice tinged with remorse. “I didn’t mean to let you down. Mamal got caught up with something important, but I’m here now, and I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

Mason looked up at me with big, tear–filled eyes, his bottom lip quivering. “But you said we’d have at sacred sleepover,” he said, his voice trembling with hurt. “I waited and waited, but you never came.”

My heart ached at the sight of his distress, knowing that I had let him down when he needed me most. “I know, sweetheart, I replied, my voice gentle but firm. “And I’m truly sorry. But you are always sacred to me, Mason, no matter what. And I promise to make our next sleepover extra special, just like we planned.”

Mason’s tears began to subside as he nestled closer to me, seeking comfort in my embrace. “Do you really mean it, Mama?” he asked, his voice hopeful.

“Of course, my love,” I replied, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. ‘T’ll never break a promise to you again. You mean the world to me, Mason, and I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”

“Mama,” he hugged me again and I patted his back assuringly.

When he finally calmed down, his eyes widened at the sight of Athena.

“Granny, Ena.” He jumped down to hug her sitting figure.

Athena chuckled, her eyes twinkling. “Indeed, Mason. You’ve grown since our last meeting! How have you been my little boy?”

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Mason, smiling happily, told her exciting stories about his adventures–fun tales made up from his imagination. Athena listened carefully, laughing along with us, making our home feel event happier.

As the evening breeze carried the echoes of our shared stories, Athena’s gaze turned to me with a knowing expression.

“Tell me, dear, how has life been with Carlyle?” she inquired gently, her eyes probing beneath the surface of my composed demeanor.

I sighed, narrating the recent events to her. “…It’s been a tumultuous journey. Athena. I tried to

mend the fractures, but recent happenings have left me hurt and uncertain.”

Athena nodded solemnly. “Hurt has a way of reshaping our perspectives. Take time to reflect, my dear. The path ahead may reveal itself in moments of contemplation.”

Staring in the distance, I said, “I’ve considered my options, but the heart’s turmoil clouds the clarity: I seek.”

Athena leaned forward; her eyes unwavering.

“When it comes to love, rushing can lead to trouble. Take your time, think about what you’ve learned, consider your feelings, and when you’re ready, you’ll know the right way to go.” Her words resonated.

In the quietude that followed, I found solace in Athena’s advice–an anchor amidst the storm of emotions.


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