My pussy clenches again and my face flushes red. It should sound egotistical. He’s suggesting I would be on my knees-submissive to him. But the matter-of-fact way he presents it, makes me believe it’s true. I would be on my knees, begging for more. And I’d probably love every minute of it.

“I-I don’t think you have consent for that.” I’m getting flustered, a trait I normally judge myself into oblivion for, but when Caleb’s lips quirk up, my insecurities fall away.

“We’ll see.” He returns to shoveling.

I grab the snow from the wall beside me and form a snowball to lob at him. It strikes square in his back.

He doesn’t turn around. I’m not sure he even felt it. Smothering a giggle, I ball up another one, tossing this one at the back of his head. It hits his neck.

I wince, imagining how awful it must feel to have snow fall down the back of his collar, but he only twitches a shoulder. “You must really want that spanking,” he rumbles without turning or pausing in his shoveling.

Now I giggle out loud. I ball up a snowball and pitch it at his head again. I miss, but Bear chases and tries to catch it in his mouth, coming back with snowflakes falling from his lolling tongue.

“Come on, Bear, let’s see what it takes to get the mountain man to turn around,” I tease, forming another snowball.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Caleb turns, amusement dancing on his face. “Baby, you throw another snowball, I’m gonna toss you in that snowdrift.”

I run, launching myself at his body in an attempt to tackle him into the snow. The fact that I’m not worried about hurting him, or him freaking out about having a rather big-bodied woman fly through the air at him is a testament to just how manly I think he is.

The fact that my full weight hitting him from two feet away doesn’t barrel him over is a testament to how bad-ass he truly is.

He catches me, a full laugh rumbling out of his chest as I wrap my legs around his waist and squeeze for all I’m worth. It feels amazing to be held this way. Like I weigh nothing. Like my size isn’t too big, too hefty to lift. Like he’s enjoying the close contact.

Bear jumps at Caleb’s feet, as if this is a game he wants to play, too.

“Now you’re gonna get it.” His dark eyes are intent on my lips.

“Oh yeah?” I breathe.

His smile has a trace of wickedness to it. “Definitely.” He starts trudging back to the cabin, carrying me like I’m as light as a kitten. “We weren’t going to get out of here today, anyway. I just didn’t want to break it to you yet.”

Well, that’s sweet.

“Thanks for trying.”

“Don’t thank me yet. You don’t know what punishment I have in store for you.”

Flutters of excitement zoom through me. I’m getting more sex than a newlywed here and it’s like my whole body’s coming alive. I feel sexy for the first time in my life. I want sex. I want to strut my stuff. I’m willing to open myself to a man.

And it doesn’t feel scary.

Maybe I feel safe because it’s short term. This little adventure is encapsulated by the time I’m snowed in here. And if it extends beyond that, it would only be the few more days I’m up in Pecos. After that, I go back to Albuquerque and he stays here. End of story.

Don’t think about that part.

Caleb carries me to his bed and drops me in the middle. Bear follows, prancing around Caleb’s heels until Caleb sternly tells him to leave the room and my dog immediately obeys.

“Get naked,” he orders me like he ordered my dog. He shucks his jacket, shirt and boots so I have that very fine view of his tattooed chest, ripped abs and the V of muscles heading southward into his jeans.

“Excuse me?” I have to take exception to his bossiness.

“Ten seconds, sweetheart. Or there will be consequences.”

Flutters in my tummy. Okay, that sounds exciting.

“What kind of consequences?”

He grins. “The spanking kind.”

The flutters burst into a shower of sparks and heat cascades through my limbs. Before I even make the rational decision to obey him, I’m stripping off my clothes.

Caleb opens his dresser and pulls out a long, green sock.

I lift a brow, covering my breasts-or at least my nipples-with my forearm.

He climbs over me, with no ceremony-all business-and grasps my wrists. A tug and a few quick movements and he’s tied me to his headboard with the sock.

Who knew socks had such creative uses?

I tug. I can probably slip out of it, but I don’t want to. I love all the responsibility for this interlude lying squarely on his shoulders. Like the other times-he’s showing me something. I don’t have to perform, compete or do. My insecurities don’t crop up or creep in. In fact, they all slip away because he makes me feel beautiful and desirable.

“Too bad,” Caleb mutters.

“Too bad, what?”

“I was looking forward to spanking that luscious ass of yours. Guess I’ll just have to settle for fucking it.”

My anus contracts in response. “Um… wait. I’m not sure-”

“You’re not, but I am.” He uses his brusque, no-nonsense voice, but I’m almost certain if I really didn’t want this, he’d stop in a heartbeat. Caleb is a gentleman at heart. I’m sure of that.


I AM A HORNY MOTHERFUCKER. All I can think about is all the variety of ways I want to pound into this beautiful human. She’s lying on her back, her arms drawn up and bound, which makes her big, delicious tits part and lift. Her silky red hair is spread like a fan around her head. Her pussy is untrimmed, which is sexy as hell to me, because I want to be the guy who shaves it. I have this fantasy of putting her in the bath and scraping her clean of hair everywhere below her chin.

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