

A sweet fragrance wafted into my nostrils as soon as I stepped into what seemed like a dungeon of some sort.

Warmth enveloped me and I let out a sigh as I stepped further in.

My eyes wandered around the quiet hallway and I noticed some inscriptions on the wall, which was illuminated by the torch placed at the top of the wall.

My brows creased, and my hands stretched out to touch each inscription. I didn’t know what it meant, but I felt drawn to it.

“I never thought I’d see someone like you here.”

Swirling, my eyes landed on Adrina. Her eyes stayed on mine and a smirk formed on her face.

I snorted, “Fancy seeing you too. If I knew you’d be here, I would not have come.”

“It means nothing to me.” Adrina shrugged. She stepped toward me and her hand moved to touch my hair.

I swatted it before she could do so.

“The only thing I like about you is your hair. It’s beautiful and just like fire.”

“I hate yours.” I scowled.

Adrina chuckled, shrugging. “Be appreciative for once…”


I turned to see Mila. She smiled, waving at me, and I returned it.

“Birds of the same feathers.” Adrina hissed. She nudged me with her shoulders, stepping away.

“I’m glad you came,” Mila murmured.

“I’m confused about why I am here.”

“I know,” Mila said, holding my hand. “This way.”

She led me down to the dungeon, and we stopped at a door. Tapping on it three times, it went ajar, and I stepped in.

The feeling as soon as I was in the room felt out of the world.

All positive emotions flooded into me, and I wondered if it was being controlled.

Sin had said Laurent could make someone feel what they didn’t want, but he wasn’t even here. He was a pure werewolf, and this was the coven for witches, I presumed.

Moreover, the emotions Laurent mostly controls were negative and sensuous ones.

Since I saw Adrina and Mila, I guessed it was what the coven was about. Also, the weird inscriptions I couldn’t read on the wall added to the mystery.

My eyes observed everything I could see. It wasn’t much, but it was something I wouldn’t like to forget as well.

Candles surrounded a few people, and they formed a circle. Each had a wreath in their hair and their fingers intertwined.

They placed an enormous book in the middle and I glimpsed what seemed like a pentagram.

I could be wrong, but it looked like it.

As soon as Mila and I got closer, she released my hand and sat in the vacant spot next to a blond. She locked fingers with them as well.

For a few seconds, I stood observing what was going on. Their eyes closed, and their mouth began moving.

They were chanting in a tongue that, in a normal sense, was unknown to me.

But, I realized I understood each word they said.

The candle brightened as they went on muttering, and the flame burned brighter.

“Give us your blessing, oh mother. Never let us be on our own. We need you more than ever, and your presence is what we plead and seek.”

I realized they were talking about the goddess. I had seen her image next to another goddess and hadn’t thought it meant anything.

In Greek mythology, Artemis wasn’t the goddess of witchcraft and I wonder the reason they were praying to her.

But I reckoned it was because of the moon. They were interceding on behalf of the werewolves.

And a powerful being like Artemis, I believe the witches coming together, was what was needed.

Yet, I doubt she’d appear even if they spent eternity in the dungeon, offering her fragranced sacrifices.

The last time I saw her, she wasn’t her usual self, and I remembered each word she had said.


I flinched as Mila gripped my hand.

I didn’t know when she appeared in front of me.


I followed her, and she nudged me to the middle.

Ten pairs of eyes with different hues gazed at me, and I stared back at each.

I noticed the coven didn’t have only females. There were males, and I hadn’t noticed them until now.

“So, as you all know.” Mila began, “The Luna of the Blue Moon pack is a witch. I confirmed it in one of my visions.”

“What vision?” I mumbled, ignoring the stunned look on Adrina’s face.

“I have the ability to predict the future. And I get flashes most of the time. Although sometimes it’s wrong, I am always right most of the time.”

“Who cares?” Adrina muttered.

Mila ignored her and continued, “She is here just to introduce herself. Her powers surfaced recently during the attack, and anyone doubting this should wait during the initiation to know if she is part or not.”

“Why wait during initiation? How about she shows us what she has now? Most of us before joining here showed our skills, and it was like a pass for our entry. Why give her special treatment?”

“Adrina…” Mila gritted.

“It’s fine,” I mumbled. “I’ll just go.”

“I’m the leader here, and I get to decide whatever happens or not. The lady is part of us and developing her skills should be our utmost priority, as she has a prophecy to fulfil.” Mila stated firmly.

“Oh! It’s a prophecy now?” Adrina tutted. Her lips twisted, and she grimaced.

“Anyway, initiation is coming up soon and all the newest recruits, be sure not to miss it or else you’ll have to wait to be officially sworn into this coven.”

“Yes, ma’am.” A chorus answer rang through the hall.

Mila gave more instruction, and the meeting ended.

“I’m sorry about Adrina.”

“You don’t need to be. I’m used to her snide remarks. It means nothing to me.”

“It should,” Adrina said as she came towards us. “You know I am right, Mila. It might be too late for you to realize.”

She gave me the stink eyes and stepped away.

“What did she tell you about me?” I tilted my brows, staring at Mila.

“Nothing important. She believes you are not fit to be part of us because I informed all of them that I will be bringing in someone. And she asked if I could reverse the vision I saw.”

“Can you?”

Mila smiled, shaking her head. “Even if I can, I won’t do it. I felt your powers when I touched your hands. I’d admit you are the one the prophecy truly wants, as I had been seeing it for a while until I got closer to you.”

Letting out a sigh, I nudged the hair that fell over my face to my ear. “This is confusing for me. Being a witch and all. I don’t understand.”

“You will with time,” Mila assured.

I nodded and followed her out. Perhaps, if I slept over it, I’d be less confused than I was.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

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