Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 250

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 250

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 250 Something Terrible is Going to Happen

Lexi focused intently on the screen of her phone as she picked idly at the snacks that Aoife had left for her.

Honestly, if it wasn’t for her and Allen keeping her sanity intact after this had happened to Ann, she didn’t know what she would have done. She had already been forced to ask her father for help in the few hours that had followed Ann’s poisoning when, for the first time since she was a child, her abilities had threatened to overwhelm her as both souls erupted in a helpless, yet furious, rage.

If it hadn’t been for Aoife’s hasty dampening spellwork that had mitigated most of her magickal energy in the area around her, then the destruction could have been astronomical.

As it was, the waiting room they had been ushered to had suddenly been in dire need of renovations, and Lexi had promised that she would foot the cost personally

Title of the document

As much as she hated to admit it, she needed Greyson at her side as well as Allen. She was still angry with him for being so pigheaded but she also acknowledged how strikingly similar they were in some aspects of their personalities.

She was positive now that Allen was mated to her Daemonic soul, as her abilities had flared and calmed fairly quickly with him present, it was the magickal soul that needed taming. She was certain that Greyson’s commanding and firm personality when under pressure was sure to pull its rebellious nature into line.

She looked up at the machines and watched the steady pulsating of the line on Ann’s heart monitor, reassuring herself that everything was still fine with her before her gaze moved to the machine that kept round-the-clock monitoring on the babies that were growing well inside of Ann’s belly.

She smiled to herself in satisfaction as the door to Ann’s room opened, startling her as it banged against the wall heavily.

She whirled to face the doorway and was greeted with the sight of Allen breezing through it with his arms full of various items, with only his head peeking above the pile with his chin holding the precariously stacked pyramid together in his arms.

“Need a hand with that big boy?” She sniggered as he carefully deposited everything on the table and glowered at her.

“Not now I don’t.” He grumbled as he began arranging things into distinct piles, and Lexi frowned as she watched him curiously.

“What the f**k are you doing? Are you having some sort of breakdown?”

“Living with you it really wouldn’t be so surprising would it?” He smirked as Lexi gasped in mock horror.

“Rude! Are you aiming to switch careers and become a comedian?”

“And leave you to destroy the world all on your own without even meaning to?” He snorted, “Highly unlikely.”

“Hey! That was below-the-belt furball! You know I can’t help that…” Lexi grumbled as she picked up a few of the CD’s that he had deposited on the table before laughing out loud at the titles.

Allen rolled his eyes as he found a plug socket that wasn’t in use and plugged the portable stereo in that he had brought.

“Allen… this really isn’t Ann’s thing you know. I mean, what century do you think we’re from? Bach, Beethoven, Chopin… Mozart?!” She snorted as she looked up at him and c****d her head, smiling sweetly, “Shall I break out the corsets and rouge right now? I can even get you a pair of tights to squeeze your junk into if you want.”

Allen turned and scowled over his shoulder at her before stalking over to her and snatching the CD’s out of her hands.

“Actually, if you must know, classical music has been shown to improve brain function and intelligence in Babies who listen regularly, so I figured we should start early.” Allen retorted imperiously as Lexi bit her lip, trying not to grin, “There is very little stimulation in here for those pups, and right now, as Beta to the Dark Moon and technically in charge until Adam returns, I am making decisions that will benefit the pack’s future.”

Allen turned on his heel and stalked back across to the mini stereo, mumbling under his breath as he selected a CD and put it into the player.

Without warning Lexi’s arms were suddenly around his waist as she laid her cheek against his back.

“That’s really quite sweet actually Allen, I’m sorry. I was only teasing,” she murmured as she felt Allen’s fingers interlock with her own.

They stood in silence like that for a few moments as the melancholy chords of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata played softly in the background.

“Can we skip this song, Allen? It’s a little ominous and it’s making me anxious… almost as if something terrible is going to happen.”

“You want me to skip Beethoven?” Allen chuckled as he lifted her hands from around his waist, and turned to face her with a serious look on his face.

“I mean… I don’t think the guy would mind honestly Allen.” Lexi shrugged, “It’s not like the dead can be offended is it?”

Allen tutted and rolled his eyes as he moved to change the track, earning a smile of relief from Lexi as it landed on his 7th Symphony.

“MUCH better, although still terrible in my opinion. Classical music is really not my thing. Honestly, I appreciate that he’s a talented guy, but some of his compositions are just so damn .. .eerie.” Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Says the daughter of the Daemon Lord,” Allen commented dryly.

“I’m not sure I appreciate what you’re implying there,” Lexi warned as she narrowed her eyes at him and he chuckled, holding his hands up in front of him defensively.

“Your mate can’t tease you as well?

Listen don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, my love.”

“Jesus, I wish Adam was back already, having you around all the time is starting to get on my nerves.” she snapped as she moved to Ann’s bedside again and looked down at her, checking for any sign of movement, “Maybe hearing his voice will give her something to stay awake for.”

It tore Allen apart seeing Lexi so conflicted like this. She needed to be here at her friend’s side but she also needed to be out hunting for her would-be-assassin. The fact that she couldn’t do anything that was yielding results she could see with her own eyes was eating her up inside and Allen couldn’t bear to see it.

Nobody knew who the man that served them was, and nobody had seen him since. The guards couldn’t even answer how he had gotten away which pointed to him having inside help from somewhere and that in itself was troubling enough.

They knew they would encounter resistance but they had thought that the assassination attempts wouldn’t appear for at least another few years. None of them had been prepared for this.

Lexi was right though. The sooner that Adam was back, the better. He would be ruthless in his efficiency when it came to his mate and children, and this time, he had the royal status to make sure that everything would be punished as it should be.

There would be no loose ends or people being allowed to get away with murder when it came to the current ruling monarch.

Allen moved to Lexi and wrapped his arms around her, letting her head lean back onto his chest as he inhaled her intoxicating scent. The one thing that kept him grounded no matter what was thrown at him.

“He’ll be home soon. He and Felix aren’t too far from arriving. It should be a little less than an hour but knowing how Adam drives when he’s stressed, I would put their ETA at a much sooner time. Maybe thirty minutes, maybe forty…”

“Good,” Lexi sighed, “because the longer she’s like this, the longer I’ll have to listen to that insufferable classical whining..”

Allen chuckled and dropped his arms, taking hold of her hand and pulling her across to the chair.

“Come on, I brought you some food.”

“There’s no need, Aoife took care of my nutritional needs. Honestly, she’s like an infuriating, overprotective, clucking mother hen sometimes,” she said rolling her eyes, before sighing slightly, “but I love her for it. She’s been an absolute blessing, seriously.”

“She has… but I bet she didn’t bring you cake…” Allen grinned mischievously as Lexi’s eyes lit up with interest.

“What kinda cake are we talking about here?” she pressed as her eyes scanned the table again and landed on a couple of Tupperware boxes that he had brought with him.

“Well… I know you’re notorious for being indecisive, and I wanted to do something nice for you. So I went to the bakery that you and Ann used to go for coffee at…”

“It wasn’t a bakery…” Lexi objected with a pout.

“Well whatever it was, they had baked goods so in my eyes that makes it at least in part a bakery,” Allen countered before sighing lightly,” Look, we’re getting offtrack. I went there and the lady with the accent behind the counter pointed out some of your favorites so I just bought them all.”

Lexi seemed to soften at his words. She really was lucky to have him taking care of her whilst she struggled with being so helpless in all of this.

If it wasn’t for both him and Aoife, she was certain that she wouldn’t have been the same Lexi when Ann finally did recover.

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