Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 232

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 232

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 232 It’s Not Your Fault

“I mean, I would have preferred that you told me before I was Queen. Would you not have explained if I was just your Luna?” Ann frowned.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Adam said shaking his head, “I just meant that the chances of us having to engage with the Dubois again were slim to none and I doubt that it would have cropped up in conversation.”

“You don’t think Allen would have mentioned he had a dead sister? Ever?” Ann snorted, “Seriously Adam…”

“He may have talked about her, but in a calmer fashion is what I meant. Without the tension of being in close proximity to one of the Dubois family.” Adam explained. “At least if we were just the plain old Alpha and Luna of the Dark Moon Pack… there wouldn’t be as much at stake if something went wrong.” He sighed bitterly.

Ann saw the look of regret that crossed his face and felt a pang of pain in her heart at seeing him so uncomfortable, but she chose not to respond, instead, she waited for him to continue.

“We weren’t that old when it happened Ann. I had just turned 15, and Allen was only a few months behind me. My acting Beta, Alien’s father was away in another county, visiting a pack to iron out a few issues with an alliance treaty that we were working on.” He began as a faraway look seemed to consume his gaze, almost as if he was reliving the memories of that day.

“The tournament was supposed to showcase the talents of our up-and-coming fighters, and the success of the new training regimes that had been implemented in a few packs for the younger wolves.

As Alpha, I wasn’t allowed to participate as it could have unfairly impacted the scores of those from the visiting packs for the event, but the Dubois’s Eldest son, Jasper, insisted on joining the ranks, and as royalty of a visiting kingdom, we could not refuse his request. I stayed in touch with Allen’s father frequently throughout the tournament and he was able to offer advice… he kept me grounded when my temper threatened to spill over.”

Adam paused briefly as he rubbed his neck and a pained expression crossed his face.

“I should have done something about Jasper from the start though, and I honestly tried, but… I was too young for the visiting King to consider my concerns seriously… Baldur was pretty much silent from the moment I sensed his presence. I know now that was because of the damn curse, as did Allen’s father, but he was adamant that we never talked of it in public and only a select few people knew. He was terrified that the pack we had fought so hard to protect would be annihilated by opportunists and internal conflicts if the secret ever got out.”

“The ranked matches began and I watched helplessly as Jasper annihilated everyone of our wolves in their matches against him, but he didn’t just spar with them, he took it further and made sure that he inflicted serious injuries on most, if not all of his opponents.” He explained and paused as a dark look crossed his face, “It infuriated me. The needless cruelty and aggression, especially against the younger, weaker wolves so I tried to speak to Jasper’s father about my concerns.”

Adam snorted ironically.

“Fat lot of good that did though. He didn’t give a s**t. He thought the whole thing was justified, crowing repeatedly, Tn the middle of a real fight your enemies aren’t going to stop in their attacks! Jasper is just bringing a dose of realism to the matches!” Adam spat, mimicking Jasper and Felix’s father’s voice disdainfully.

“I felt helpless. What kind of Alpha was I if I couldn’t get him to stop? So, despite Alien’s father’s warnings and against his advice, I issued a challenge to Jasper directly. This was one of the few times that I had felt Baldur’s anger and his strength inside of me, and I was determined to make a stand, even if I got beaten mercilessly for it.”

“He didn’t go easy on me at all. His viciousness shocked me actually, but having watched him fight, I knew how he moved and had a good idea of his favorite ways to take a wolf down.” Adam smirked as he caught Ann’s eye for the first time since he had started telling the story and a sense of pride shone in his eyes as he spoke.

“I made sure that I repaid him well for every act of cruelty and broken wolf that he sent off the field with a smug grin on his face. It didn’t take me long to take him down, and he was furious that I played with him for so long. I had no idea that he would go so far as he did though.” He finished as his voice caught in his throat at the end.

Ann reached for his hand and squeezed it gently.

“I don’t think any of you could have known how far he would go, Adam.”

“But I should have. That was my job, my only job. Protect the pack and keep them safe… and I couldn’t even protect my future Beta and his little sister… a little girl who deserved the world.” He whispered as his face hardened and his eyes shone with unshed tears.

As quick as the emotion broke through, Adam pushed it away again and cleared his throat.

“You know what happened next, Ann. Jasper cheated horrifically and took his revenge on me, by almost taking Allen out… but he had a hard time doing that. I know, and Allen knows too, that if it wasn’t for the fact Jasper had used wolfsbane on Allen, he would have floored him as well. After Jasper had won…” Adam faltered slightly as he continued,

“The sinister grin and the malice in his eyes as he stared at me whilst they dragged him away… I knew… that it was all my fault. Jasper knew how close we were before the match and he had done that to Allen purely to teach me a lesson, because he knew… if he had done that to an Alpha, it would have been treated as an act of war.” Adam’s jaw clenched tightly as he exhaled heavily, his frustration obvious.

“It didn’t matter what we said, or what objections we raised with his father, he said that it was fair game.” Adam seethed, “Even the missive Allen’s father sent to your father went unanswered, instead an Elder relayed the message that because Allen hadn’t died, whilst it was un-sportsman like, there was no crime.”

Ann’s face hardened at that. Had her father even bothered to read the missive? Probably not, he was already fully under Narcissa’s spell at that point.

“It wasn’t until the alarm was raised that Alien’s sister was missing, and her body was found that the horrifying pieces began to come together. Her little body Ann… it was horrific.” Adam’s voice broke as he hung his head. “You saw her?” Ann asked quietly, horrified at the thought as Adam nodded.

“I had to… as the Alpha I was required to bear witness to… the unspeakable horror that she had faced in her last moments. The image of her in her last moments… it… the way she clung to my hand and managed to force his name out as she fought for breath… it haunts me to this day, Ann.” He whispered as a lone tear slid down his cheek. “As does having to call my beta at the time, Allen’s father, and tell him. I never want to have to do something like that again.”

They sat in silence for a while as Adam brooded silently, and when he didn’t speak again, Ann spoke. “So what happened with Jasper?” She asked gently.

Adam laughed humorlessly and held her gaze steadily.

“Nothing.” He spat, “The r’*e and murder of a child… that demands the Alpha King’s justice as you know.”

“Wait… my father didn’t act?!” Ann exclaimed in outrage.

“Of course he didn’t. He said that visiting dignitaries and their families are immune from repercussions and he wouldn’t be acting against any of the members of the Dubois’s family for deaths that occurred during the ranked tournament.” He sneered.

“For the fighters, yes! Because accidents happen… not a little helpless girl who has no wolf!!” Ann exclaimed furiously, slamming the bed with her fists in frustration.

“Yes, well, we tried to argue that, believe me, we tried, but there is your reason that Allen’s father was exiled.” Adam snorted in disgust.

Ann stared at him in horror.

“So what you’re saying is, it’s my father that’s ultimately responsible for all of this?!” Adam said nothing, not wanting to hurt Ann’s feelings, but the thin line that his mouth was set in, told her everything that she needed to know.

“So let me get this straight… my father refused to punish Jasper because of some bullshit interpretation of the laws around ranked tournaments, and then exiled Allen’s father? Are you serious?”

Adam nodded curtly.

“Oh for f**k sake.” Ann roared furiously, “Is there no end to this man’s f**k ups!?” This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

“It’s not your fault, Ann,” Adam said as he reached for her arm and rubbed it soothingly. “Maybe not directly, but you’ve shouldered the blame for doing nothing all these years!” Adam shook his head and

smiled reassuringly at her.

“No. Allen knows that there was f’*k all either of us could do at the time, I don’t think he blames me anymore.” He said before pausing as a cunning smirk crossed his face, “But, what he doesn’t know, is that I intend to use this time with Felix to find out as much as I can about his brother Jasper and his movements.”

“Adam…” Ann murmured as her face fell and her heart seemed to drop into her stomach. “I’ll be careful, Ann, don’t worry. You’re absolutely right, this can’t be the only incident of his cruelty that has ended so tragically and I fully intend to find a way to seek justice for what he did to Alora all those years ago.”

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