Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 40

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 40

40. Something I’ve Never Shared LEO.

I agreed... I don’t know why I fucking did... I just knew that she wouldn‘t betray my trust or mention it to others. She might be crazy, but she‘s my type of crazy, and the one I know who wouldn‘t do anything to hurt anyone on purpose, in serious matters anyway. I mean I wouldn‘t put it past her to try to slit my throat in my sleep if I pissed her off but at the same time, I knew the type of things she‘d keep quiet... 5 I knew if she knew about the fact I‘m dying, she would try to do shit even if it meant breaking a promise. But something like Corrado‘s truth... she wouldn‘t tell anyone. 2

Even Marcel didn‘t know and regardless of that truth, it changed nothing. I cleared the table off, taking a bottle of whiskey and two glasses to the lounge area. As a werewolf, I know drinking did nothing to a pregnant woman, so a glass or two won‘t fucking hurt.

Why did this feel too intimate? 3

I sighed remembering the vague memory from long ago, ‘Thank you, Weo‘ back at Alejandro‘s wedding... Her shoe had slipped off, and I remember slipping it on for her. I remember thinking she was cute… Who would have thought, the confused little she–wolf would turn out to be mine. 7

I looked at the bottle in my hand, considering putting it away, only for the sound of a door shutting to reach my ears, followed by the sound of her heels on the floor, making me look up. She came into view, stretching her arms, only to make her top ride up slightly, showing off a little more skin.

Damn, she looked so fucking good...

Her eyes met mine and she seemed to become more serious, as she lowered them slowly. I was fucking forgetting my own rules... All I could see was her... 4 I was right, we should never be in a room alone together. “Whiskey? Hmm maybe Corrado was right; it wasn‘t just him who wanted to spend time with me.” She smirked as she came over before sitting on the sofa and crossing those sexy legs of

hers. I poured two glasses, giving her an emotionless look “Don‘t kid yourself. I just need a drink if I’m going to spend another couple of hours with you. “I mocked arrogantly. She raised an eyebrow challengingly. “And here I was under the impression that you were super smart. I never knew whiskey could help take the edge off anything for a werewolf. If this was absinthe, I‘d get it.” She countered.

Was I fucking losing my brain cells? 2

She wasn‘t fucking wrong... But I blame her... She was the one who fucked with my head.

“It‘ll keep me occupied.” I replied sitting down, leaving a gap between us and trying not to stare at her legs.

She reached for the whiskey glass, and my gaze fell to the tattoo on her wrist —–the word‘ Strength‘.

It was as sexy as the rest of her. What I liked best was that she didn‘t need to try attention… Just like at the club, even with the strippers swinging on those poles, it was her who had caught my attention... Before I even knew who the fuck she was.

“Occupied by what? You aren‘t scared to be around me all alone, right?” She looked at me with those big eyes of hers, and I knew that she fucking knew the effect she had on me… just the way I had an effect on her.

“Careful there, Little She–Wolf, you don‘t want to play with fire.” I warned, picking up my own glass and sitting back.

I knew she fucking loved to play with fire… 1

I looked away, downing half my glass as she sipped on hers slowly.

“So, tell me about Corrado‘s Mama.” She said softly, turning so she was facing me, one of her legs now hooked behind the other.

Corrado‘s mother... It was obvious what she was thinking.

“There isn‘t really much to tell... it doesn‘t change anything.” She didn‘t respond, and I frowned deeply, remembering the past...

“I was in Germany, making allies and building relationships regarding work when I tracked down and found my mother’s pack, or at least what remained of it. She had actually come to England to study, ended up meeting Dad and her family never heard from her again… She was an Alpha‘s daughter... They had come to look for her, but they assumed she was dead feeling the pack link break. Her parents and brother were killed years ago when their pack was destroyed. Her nephew, Stefan Herrmann, a cousin of mine, he was the one I ended up finding but they were living like humans. There was only a handful of them left, his father had made an enemy with a neighbouring pack, and unlike here, where Alejandro does keep the rest of the packs under control, it was a fucking mess over there. This enemy of theirs had murdered the rest of the pack, and he told me he wouldn‘t stop until they were all dead.” 2

I downed the rest of the glass, remembering that time. Once again, I failed... 3

“I told him I‘d help deal with the bastard and they were welcome to come to England and join our pack or at least reside here until they were safe. He agreed as his mate was pregnant too.” . I looked at her and it was obvious she wasn‘t expecting this. What did she think, that I had gotten some random woman pregnant? I was fucking careful, well I was until it came to her... NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

My gaze dipped to her stomach. It still felt fucking surreal that she was pregnant.

“I was getting the necessary preparations made for their travel. The men and I would track down Karl. But then Stefan rang and told me that Adele had gone into labour. The phone was suddenly cut off, and I knew something was wrong. I got back there just in time to witness that bastard killing them all... he

didn’t even spare the children.” . I still remember the dead bodies... But it was nothing new... I was used to seeing the dead...

I‘m glad she was silent because now tliat I had fucking started this... I wanted to just say it at once.

“I got there just in time to see him kill Stefan, Adele was curled on the floor losing so much blood. I still remember the numerous stab wounds they supported... It wasn‘t just any blade, but a Jagdkommando tri–dagger, a weapon that‘s fucking difficult to heal from due to its fucking shape. I killed him, but I was too late to save them. I was about to leave that scene: the fire was spreading, but then I heard a heartbeat...” “Corrado...” She whispered. 2 I nodded, remembering how I had run to Adele, rolling her onto her back, to see the bundle in her arms, still connected to her by the umbilical cord.

“She had just given birth to their son, and he killed them. She had been covering his mouth to keep him silent, but I‘m sure if I hadn‘t killed Karl he would have killed the baby too. So I brought him back, named him, and told everyone he was mine. He is mine, and that‘s how it will always be, I don‘t want him to ever think otherwise because, as far as I‘m concerned, he was always meant to be mine.” 7

My eyes flashed dangerously as our eyes met, I knew she wouldn‘t tell anyone, but I could see that she wasn‘t expecting that.

Her shock and sadness were clear through the bond.

“He is yours.” She said, placing her hand on my thigh and giving it a squeeze, sending a wave of calmness and pleasure through me.“and I think your decision is perfect... Maybe when he‘s an adult, and if you ever wanted to tell him that‘s ok, but I don‘t think he needs to know as a child... Sometimes I wish I had never known about Indigo and Fred... I don‘t get my parents‘ love for her... I know it‘s nasty of me, and Corrado‘s situation is different, but all Corrado needs is you and he loves you. You are an amazing father, and I‘m sure you‘ll be an amazing father to this one too...” 2

I looked at her, my own emotions a storm and saw the sadness in her eyes. I never expected her to say that.

Sure her dad was a fucking idiot, but what about her biological mom?

“I don‘t want anyone to know, I trust you will keep it a secret.” I said quietly. “One hundred percent. You don‘t need to worry about that. There‘s more of a chance for me to rip your dick off than spill your secrets. I mean, I didn‘t even tell anyone about your dick piercings...” She pulled a face and shut up. “Got it.” I smirked, and silence settled between us. I swallowed, pouring another glass of whiskey for myself and downing it at once. “So... you got some issues with your past too huh, and I don‘t mean your fucking ex.” She sighed heavily and stared at her hands, removing it from my thigh. Wish she hadn‘t. •

“Yeah... I guess so. Maybe it‘s selfish of me, but I always felt like everyone loved her. Sure, maybe they did, but to me... I feel like she only cared for Fred, not me, like she didn‘t really care if I died as long as she had him.” The pain and bitterness were clear in her voice. “Mama and Dad love her; they always try to talk about her and incorporate her into things. I hate that. I don‘t like her. I wish I could tell them that. They are my parents, not her. She was far more

worried about her mate. I‘m glad Alejandro sent him away to his death. I bet if he was alive. I‘d be dead too...”

I frowned slightly, I could tell she hadn‘t told anyone about this. “You need to tell your parents that, otherwise it‘s just going to keep on eating you up inside,” I said, placing my glass down. She raised an eyebrow.

“You‘re pretty good at giving advice. Do you ever take it yourself?” 2

“I‘m too smart to take advice, I know when I‘m being an ass or stubborn. But I‘m a hypocrite like that, and I don‘t really fucking care.” I replied arrogantly. 3

I saw her bite her lip and I almost smirked.

She sure loved a dickhead. 2

“Still.” She said, resting her elbow on the back of the sofa as she looked at me.

Did she realise that her top was just about covering her boobs? Any higher and I‘d be able to see those underboobs. Not that I‘d mind...

“Talk to them. It‘s the only way they will get it, and I‘m fucking certain they will respect your wishes. Elijah and Scarlett are not unreasonable people.”

“Yet you dislike them.” 1

I frowned.

“I dislike all packs who grew up differently than mine.”

“Yet did you know that Mama went through a lot of abuse at the hands of her father? She was so young, and he realised she healed fast, so she became his punch bag or should I say target for torture … I don‘t know the extent, but she suffered a lot... You know Leo... look around. There are many people who could probably relate to you.” “Yeah probably... I just.” 1

I just what?

Why did letting it go suddenly feel like it would be easier? 2

I was tired of the bitterness, the hatred… the distrust... 3

I know what my issue was, and I didn‘t want to risk it... She moved closer, running her fingers through her hair. “Leo... I understand that what happened was wrong... but Rayhan regrets what happened... I

know it‘s not ok, and that the damage done will never be reversed, but holding onto that hatred... is it helping?” She asked, her leg brushing mine. I tilted my head, looking at her for a second, before staring ahead refusing to answer. “What are you afraid of?” She whispered, making me tense. A wave of coldness rushed through me, and I frowned, reality hit me hard. I had opened up too much.

“Nothing. I‘m afraid of nothing.” I growled coldly, only for her to place her hand on my shoulder, refusing to allow me to move away.

“You just proved that you are by denying it.”

I turned my glare on her. “Don‘t push it.” I warned, standing up and turning my back on her.

I had gotten too relaxed... what the fuck was I doing? 4

I walked to the window, staring out at the glittering lights of the pack below. Her scent was fucking intoxicating, clouding my judgement and I was beginning to regret even telling her about Corrado. That was a secret I should have taken to my fucking grave...

But it was too late, I had already told her. 3

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