Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 126

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 126

126. Under a Full Moon


It’s been a week since we returned from the Blood Moon pack. It had been pretty cool to step into Azura’s life and see how it was before she had come to my pack, although finding her stash of d*ldos was pretty epic. Not that she was embarrassed, but it was still pretty fun to tease her about them before I ended up using a couple on her.

I push the explicit thoughts away, not wanting to have a f*cking h*rd-on right now. This lot will never let me f*cking live it down, especially since they caught us f*cking in the car last week. Not that either

of us cared, nothing to be embarrassed about. If I want to f*ck my woman in the car or in the f*cking pool, that’s my f*cking

choice. 2

It’s evening and the french doors that lead to the garden are open. Corrado is playing

out there with Dan. All the boys and their families are here, and even Kareena came with Shane Jr. She’s been getting better,

she’s working, and even dresses a little

better although she’s always in Shane’s


Their pup is a big kid. He may be a little younger than Phoenix, but he has caught up in size, although she drinks far more. Shane Jr. may not have his father around, but I

won’t let him ever feel Shane’s absence. Not

only me but none of us will because he’s

ours. He will always have five father figures

in his life, and we will make sure he never misses out on anything. 6

“Ok, the kids are asleep.” Kareena says as she and Azura enter the room, holding


“I’m a big boy now, Uncle Dan. I’m not a kid

anymore.” Corrado states.

It’s the holidays and the reason that he’s allowed to be out there for a short while

longer. “Twenty minutes Cherub, then you’ve got to go to bed too, ok?” Azura says, placing the drinks on the table. She looks. f*cking fine… She got a tattoo a couple days ago, the biggest one she has so far. It’s about three inches by three inches long on her left thigh. It’s a little family of voodoo dolls.

There are two little voodoo dolls with the names Leo and Azura above them. They’re holding the hands of two mini voodoo dolls. One is a little larger and one is a tiny baby. With Corrado and Phoenix written on their

chests. It’s cute-as-f*ck in its own way. 2

She looks f*cking fine when she struts over to me. She’s wearing a fitted black top with a pleated leather mini skirt, that is just about covering her a*s. Her over-the-knee boots only make her look even more tantalising. I reach over yanking her into my lap, my hand slips around her throat, and I kiss her

ear softly, sucking on her ear lobe teasingly.

“You know we’re all here, right?” Jax smirks.

“I don’t think they mind putting on a

show.” Ace adds.

Jin smirks slightly. “At least give us a few minutes before you end up leaving for the bedroom. There’s something I want to tell

you guys.”

“I mean, I still can’t get the steamed-up car windows out of my head.” Jax teases. I ignore him, kissing her neck slowly. 3

“Oh yeah, there was something you wanted to share, right?” Dan asks Jin as he and Corrado step inside. Corrado yawns, rubbing his eyes, and Azura slips off my lap


“I’m sleepy.” He says, yawning again.

“Awe, come on, I’ll get you to bed.” Azura says, crouching in front of him. My eyes are on her thighs, thinking I can’t wait to f*ck her tonight…

“Alright, we’ll wait for you.” Mishiko says with a smile as Azura nods, giving her a

curious look.

“I cannot wait. I’ll be back soon.” She says, taking Corrado’s hand and leaving the room.

“A full moon tonight. It’s gorgeous.” Kareena says from where she’s leaning

against the open door to the garden, looking

up at the sky.

“Nice night for a run.” Jax says.

“That’s something Azura and I haven’t

actually done yet… We might go tonight.’

Li Sheng smiles slightly. “I didn’t think you

had any plans to go out.”

“Oh, I agree. One would think he had plans

with his Luna in the bedroom.” Sera


chuckles as Ace pulls her close and kisses her.

Who says I don’t?

“You shouldn’t laugh when I have the same plans for you.” He smirks, kissing her neck.

“Behave.” She mutters, blushing lightly, making the others chuckle.

“Oh, how the reaction is so different when it comes to oneself.” Mishiko teases. “So do you have plans, Leo?”

I smirk as I drink my whiskey. I ain’t denying I have plans with her, but I’m sure we can make time for a run. I want to see her in wolf form, my own wolf’s excitement at the thought is strong too. I hear the sound of her heels before she steps into the room, running her fingers through her hair.

She’s as beautiful as that first day I saw her… every time I look at her, I feel like time f*cking stands still. She comes over and my gaze dips to her thighs, and I slip my hand under her skirt, squeezing her a*s before I tug her into my lap.

‘Someone likes this outfit.’ She murmurs, cupping my face before she kisses me

slowly. I deepen the kiss, threading my hand into her hair before I yank her down. Only breaking away when she gasps for air.

“So, what did you want to share?” Dan asks, raising his eyebrows curiously.

“Oh yes, so Mishiko?” Jin says as Kareena

comes over, a small smile on her face as she looks at Mishiko suspiciously.

She’s about to walk past Jax, but he moves up, making space between himself and Li Sheng. Motioning with his head at her to

take a seat between them. She hesitates

before she murmurs a thanks and sits down.

There’s tension between them… It’s like they are walking on eggshells around one another. I hoped with time that would change. 3

“Well… we wanted to share that we… are expecting a baby.” Mishiko says, as Jin

places a hand on her stomach and kisses her softly. 1

The boys whistle and I smirk slightly, happy for them.

“That’s excellent news.” I say as Jin hugs her tightly.

“Oh, my goddess, that’s great news!” Azura

says turning, and I almost groan when she

accidentally rubs against my c*otch before she jumps off my lap, and goes over to the couple to give them hugs.


“Congratulations to the both of you.” I say.

“The brood is growing.” Jax says, high- fiving Jin as Ace grins, hugging Mishiko, who is sitting next to him.

“I can’t wait.” Sera says.

“To the good news and to our next generation!” Li Sheng says, raising his

glass. We all raise ours before we down it

and I place my glass down.

The children of the Six… 2

That is a legacy I want to see… I look around

at my friends, my brothers who have always been there for me, from the start and until

the end, we will always have one another’s back. 2

Even if one of us is no longer around, their family is ours. Always.

Lighting a cigarette, I place my hand on Azura’s thigh when she sits back down in my lap, and I know that no matter what, Azura would have their support, too.

However, I am not planning to go anywhere, or let anything happen to myself. Call me f*cking selfish, but for them, I’ll survive.

We continue talking about the future and the past. Just chilling as we plan a trip abroad for the winter holidays, and the hours pass by. Only when they all take their leave do I turn to Azura, kissing her collarbone tantalisingly.

“Let’s go for a run.” I whisper huskily.

Her eyes widen, sparkling with excitement

before she nods.

“Let’s.” She whispers.

“Great,” I say before I stand up and lead her

from the house.

We walk hand in hand past the pack buildings, before we enter the trees and strip. If I don’t look away, forcing myself to not think about f*cking her right then, I will lose control. Seeing her shift… it is

incredible. She’s f*cking gorgeous. Her wolf has silk soft fur that is pure black with a blue sheen to it. She has the type of fur you want to continuously run your hand through. Her eyes are a vibrant silver, and she oozes

power as I walk over to her, running my fingers through her fur.

‘Shift.’ She says through the link as I stroke her fur, standing in front of her.

‘I will.’ I say, she’s seen my wolf before, but it will be different this time. This time, it’s NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

just the two of us. I remove my jeans, which are the last piece of clothing left, smirking under her gaze before I shift.

Her heart’s racing, and she nuzzles against me. I can hear her thoughts, her admiration

of my light brown with the blue undertone


‘You’re gorgeous.’ She says through the link as I nudge her neck with my nose.

‘That’s my line, beautiful.’ I reply, as I

glance at the water in the lake in front of us.’

We look good together.’

‘In either form, I agree.’ She responds, licking my nose.

‘Or in any position.’ I growl, pushing her onto her back. She laughs through the link, her wolf whimpering softly, as we roll across the ground, licking, nudging, and simply teasing one another.

I feel free, this is as much part of who we are as our human forms. Only our wolves’

emotions are stronger, and more intense in this form. We continue playing and chasing one another before we break into a run.

‘Race you down the river, Baby Girl.’ I say, nudging her a*s before running past her.

‘I’m so winning!’ She growls competitively, as she runs to keep up. I slow down slightly, letting her get a few steps ahead as we race down the river bend. She’s fast, her small form giving her the boost she needs, and soon I don’t even need to slow down to let her get ahead. I have definitely

underestimated her. Plus she plays dirty, trying to push me or throw something in my way to slow me down.

The wind rushes through our fur, the dirt beneath our paws feels great and just when she lets out a victorious howl, I pounce, knocking her over.

She gasps as I roll her over, nuzzling her. The sparks between us are intense, sending sizzling pleasure through me.

Our eyes meet, dark steel blue against beautiful silver, and she licks my nose, making me smirk internally.

‘Shift.’ I command.

She obeys, and I shift too, straddling her naked body. She grabs the back of my neck and yanks me closer.

“You’re one s*xy Alpha, Schurke Wolf.” She says seductively, her nose brushing mine. Our hearts are pounding, and her other hand grabs my a*s. Her eyes are full of hunger, and they keep flickering from blue to silver.

I c*ck a brow. “I’m yours. Just don’t look at me like that. I’m not sure if you want me, or if you want to eat me, you’re not hungry, are you Little She-Wolf?” I tease, making her bite her lip at the old nickname I used to call her.

“You shouldn’t trust a wolf in the woods. Who knows what I might do.” She says deviously, her fingers getting a little too

close for comfort as she slips them between my a*s cheeks. I reach down, grab her wrist and pin it to the ground beside her head, making her gasp and pout. 2

“Ouch, you’re such a rock.” She frowns

before she locks her legs around my waist

and yanks me down on top of her.

“Rock or not, I think you’re the one who

should be worried about the wolf in the

woods because I plan to lick you, eat you, and f*ck you like a ravenous beast.” I whisper huskily, running my tongue along her neck. She shivers, and a soft moan leaves her lips.

“Then do your worst.” She challenges me with a soft moan, pressing her p*ssy against my stomach. She’s already wet, and the

scent of her arousal is already getting the better of me.

And what better way to f*ck My Little S*xy P*ycho than under a full moon?

Tonight’s our night.

A/N: My laptop totally gave up on me today, so I’ve just been a little all over trying to make sure I can salvage most of my data. One last chapter of Alpha Leo coming tomorrow. Then my schedule will take a little change, but I will fill you all in tomorrow. Thank you.

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