Alpha Kael

Chapter 43


I feel guilty seeming so relieved.

Sinful lets me go, and I fall into Kael’s arms. When I look up at him, he smiles down at me, as if he isn’t regretful, however, I know It can’t have been easy to completely disregard ever being able to commit to finding his mother again. I’m going to have to make it up to him, however, I doubt anything will come close to that.

“Noble of you, Kael,” Sinful says, and for a moment, when I turn back around to glance at him, I see a hint of sadness. Maybe it’s because he knows his mate would never do the same for him. As much as I despise him, that even makes me feel somewhat sad.

“Not noble, but it was an easy decision,” Kael comments, not removing his arm from around me, which I’m grateful for.

Sinful watches us pointedly.

“Considering your mother doesn’t want anything to do with you, I would say that was the best decision,” Sinful mutters, walking to stand behind us. He puts his hands on both of our shoulders, ready to transport us both back to the mortal world. I hope Sinful can feel the hatred seeping from Kael.

In less a second, we were back within the mortal world, right outside the border of Kael’s compound. The one that is meant to be kept a secret from the world. I suppose nothing goes by an Immortal like Sinful.

“I hope you two have fun,” Sinful murmurs, before he disappears, again leaving behind those cruel, twisting shadows. I stare at them for a few moments.

I truly hate that man. That creature.

Kael visibly looks relieved that Sinful is gone, however, it’s not as if he isn’t affected by the fact that he just agreed to never pursue his mother again. I can only imagine the heart attack he has felt from this. I know a small amount of it, considering my own family were murdered many years ago. It is not a kind feeling.

I go to reach out to him, to comfort him and to thank him for choosing me, and proving I mean the most to him, however, he turns away, walking to the main gates of the compound. I follow after him. When he notices, he turns around.

“May I speak to you later? I need rest right now,” Kael says gently, before turning around to walk away before I even have a chance to speak.Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

I stand there, unsure of how to react.

Part of me feels selfish for feeling hurt. He has made a difficult decision, and I don’t doubt he needs time to preside over it. Still, I have to admit myself it doesn’t feel nice knowing my mate needs space from me. His mate. He should be talking to me about it, rather than running away to think on his own.

Of course, I should understand, he has been independant his own life. He doesn’t need me. He simply picked me because his mother doesn’t want him. He needed to come out of that with something. I was surely his second choice…

I pause, realising I’ve been pacing. The grass underneath my feet has been kicked up by my erratic footsteps. It’s evident this is bothering me.

A lot.

Despite my feelings, I head back to the suite, hoping Kael wouldn’t be there. When I walk in, his bedroom door is closed, no light coming out from underneath it. I stand there, staring at his door for a moment, jaw clenches. It takes me a few moments to roll the stress out of my shoulders before I return to my room.

I’ve decided I need to wash the forest off of me. The shower is a welcome relief, however, it doesn’t steal my thoughts away. Even as I wash through my hair, my mind remains on Kael, and what he must be thinking.

Stepping out, I briefly dry myself down before I leave the bathroom into my room, hoping to find fresh clothes in my dresser.

Instead, I see Kael, sitting on the foot of my bed.

He jumps up, eyes immediately finding I’m not in the most presentable position, simply standing in a towel, hair dripping water down my neck. He turns away in an instant, shielding his eyes in order to be polite. I pause, ensure of what to do, or how to react. I simply stand there, completely indecent in an Alpha’s presence.”

“I’m sorry, Jada. I didn’t mean to burst in here and interrupt you while you’re… like this,” he says quickly. He doesn’t turn around. I have to remind myself he is my mate, and I can trust him. Especially when I didn’t expect him to come in and speak to me. He changed his mind.

“It’s okay, Kael. I’m covered, for the most part,” I assure him. He turns around, although slowly, looking at me almost meekly.

I quickly sit on the edge of the bed, holding my towel against me.

“I didn’t mean to come in like this, I just thought you wouldn’t mind,” Kael says. I glance at him, watching his face suddenly screw up and fall into his hands. “Okay, what I really meant is that I need to talk to you. I’ve always relied on myself to make me feel better, but in reality all I need is you. And that is the truth.”

“I’m glad you came to speak to me. I was worried you didn’t want anything to do with me since it’s my fault you won’t see your mother again,” I say, all in one breath. It feels good to get that off my chest since my thoughts plagued me in the shower.

Kael’s eyes widen. “No, don’t think that. Sinful is a dirty man. He would never have given me my mother. That doesn’t matter, because you’re my mate, and I’ll always chose you.”

I fully, truly believe him.

“I don’t know yet if I will truly give up on my mother, but for right now, I just want to concentrate on you,” Kael murmurs, leaning forward to brush my face with the tips of his fingers. I shiver. Finally, we are truly alone, with no one to listen in. I don’t care who knows we are mates anymore. I couldn’t care less.

Kael continues touching my face, looking at me longingly. In that moment, I’ve never felt more attracted to someone. I reach forward and kiss him, unable to keep myself from jumping at him any longer. However, he pulls away.

“You believe me, right? That I care only for you now. All I want is you,” he tells me firmly. I nod, impatiently.

“Yes, I believe you.”

I was going to kiss him again, when Kael glances down again. I then realise I’m still just sitting here in my towel. Standing, I move toward the dresser, rifling through until I pick out an outfit. Kael turns around to let me change, however, when I drop the towel and step into my shorts, I start to think, and for a moment my mind wanders.

“Everything okay?” Kael asks, noticing my hesitation and silence. I’m not sure what compelled me to do it, but I kneeled on the bed, grabbing his shoulders. I haven’t worried about putting my clothes back on. I want him to feel me.

Kael turns around, first an expression of confusion on his face, wondering why I was taking so long, before he sees my missing towel, everything melting off his face for a moment.

“Oh Jada…”

“A lot has come clear to me in the past few days. Feelings I’ve felt since I first met you have come to the surface and everything makes sense now. I know how much I want you now, in every way possible. I was to be your mate, and I also want to be the Luna of your Pack,” I murmur.

Kael sits up, turning around to kneel in front of me, coming to my level. I feel beyond comfortable being this naked in front of him, as he holds my face, looking deep into my eyes. He kisses me briefly again.

“You will be the perfect Luna. I promise I’ll care for you forever, no matter what. Nothing bad will happen to you ever again,” Kael murmurs gently.

I can see the truth in his eyes, and it comforts me.

Laying back on the bed, I let Kael’s eyes devour me for a moment. He does so slowly, before his gaze reaches my eyes, and he smiles gently. “You truly are beautiful. Every inch of you. However, it’s your brain that truly draws me into you, Jada. You are truly, and utterly my mate.”

He comes to lay beside me on his side. The way he’s making me feel so good about myself, it makes me want to jump on him completely, although I keep a hold on myself.

“Is it too early to tell you I love you?” Kael asks, running his fingertips gently along on my stomach.

I glance at him. “Not if you mean it.”

He reaches up and kisses me again. It’s long, and slow. When he pulls away, he bites his lip. “I mean.”

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