Alpha Kael

Chapter 30


I didn’t have time to question my dreams the next day.

A Silent whose name I don’t know knocked on my door and demanded I get up and met everyone on the front field. I barely had time to get myself together, throw my hair into a ponytail before I grabbed my things and left. Once I closed the door to my room, I realise this is the last time I’ll be here. The last time I’ll know what is coming next.

I didn’t see Ace on my way there, which is a small mercy. Now I’m assuming he’s going to try stay far away from me after I tried to find out more about his past. I’m going to take a step back now.

He’s not the important one.

As I walk down the hallway, Kael lingering on my mind, I can almost feel myself being watched. Not in person though, but something beyond, watching my every move and waiting for me to make a mistake. It was no coincidence that Sinful haunted my dreams last night.

All the Silent’s stood in a group when I made it to the field. They all turned to look at me for a moment, but after that, they continued to ignore me.

I’m not sure what they expect me to do to fit in.

Kael stood in front of the group, looking completely untouched by the early morning. I’m envious of that, considering how dark the shadows under my eyes are, and how drowsy I feel. At least none of the other Silent’s look any better. Even Ace, who stands on the other side of the group to me has his head low, shielding his eyes from the morning sunlight.

“Morning everyone,” Kael greets. “As you know, we are leaving this premises today. Where we are headed is not near any other civilization for miles. So I suggest getting your worries about that out now.”

I don’t say anything, although the idea being shipped of to an isolated place with no hope of leaving unless it’s on a mission or until I retire, doesn’t sound so great.

But at least I’ll be able to travel… Right?

“It will take quite a trek to get into where we will be staying. We will have at least two nights camping in between walking. This will be the first Silent’s new year,” Kael explains. A few mumble in annoyance, surely having done this exact walk multiple times.

Swallowing anxiously, I glance at Ace. He doesn’t seem mortified by this idea. He doesn’t even come across bothered. I’m hoping the walk won’t go so terribly, and I won’t be kicked out immediately. At least there is a chance I’ll be fitter than Ace. He always wears heavy clothing and doesn’t have much body mass to him. Maybe I stand a chance in the eyes of Kael.

We depart in a bus where I’m forced to sit right up the front beside Ace. He doesn’t say a word to me for the first part of the trip, as if he doesn’t know me.

It was only when I predicted we were getting close, the road lining up with the dark looming forest that borders the Discipline back, that Ace leant over to whisper something in my ear. “It was nice to see you last night.”

I startle at his suddenly proximity as he whispers in my ear. Pulling my hair behind my ear, I try not to let my nerves leave me frigid. Ace doesn’t make me nervous. At least, he shouldn’t. Not when I know he’s trying to get in my head.

He must have forgotten his last night ended…

“I forgot to tell you, but I’m glad we both one. This was the outcome I was hoping for. You know, to be able to work beside you,” Ace says softly in my ear, nudging me.

I swallow uncomfortably, glancing over my shoulder. Kael sits on the other front seat with another Silent he has been talking to this entire time. Now, all of a sudden, he is focused on the fact Ace is whispering in my ear. He must be wondering what we are talking about. Silent’s aren’t allowed to keep secrets from the Alpha. Either way, he doesn’t look so happy.

“I’m glad we won too,” I say quickly, trying to stop him from talking. I don’t want to get him into trouble he isn’t allowed to be in. “Let’s just hope we can make it to the next stage.”

Nothing more eventful happened after that. We made it to our destination with little to carry along the way. We were promised everything we would need aside from the first few nights necessities could be provided once we made it to this isolated facility.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

A few older Silent’s took the front. Kael to the back.

Luckily for me, with Kael walking right behind Ace and I, Ace didn’t whisper any more in my ear or say any other strange words. I’m trying to dismiss it, but it’s strange enough to where it sticks in my mind. It doesn’t help that Kael seems distracted. I wonder if he’s thinking about what Ace said.

The walk wasn’t fun. No one spoke, just concentrating on walking through the dense bush that luckily is concealed from the sun under a forest canopy. Even when it started to become too much to deal with, Kael right behind me was incentive to keep going.

Sometimes, noticing I would be struggling, I would hear him murmur positive reinforcement. Keep going. Almost there. You’re doing so well.

And honestly, it helped.

We made it to an open campsite just as the sun was setting. Kael disappeared somewhere else, while the rest of the Silent’s pitched tents and made the fire. It was only when we were all finished making dinner and were sitting around the campfire, that everyone started to talk again. And finally, it seemed as though I was apart of it.

“Where did Kael go?” Ace decides to ask, tapping his spoon against the rim of his tin bowl.

“To his own tent. He tries to stay away. Doesn’t want to get attached to none of us,” one of the Silent’s says. She speaks with a rather irritating lisp due to a missing front tooth. Rumour has it, she smashed it out herself to look tougher for Kael. I don’t know how much I believe that.

Jess, I think her name is.

Another Silent snorts from the other side of the fire. “As if we believe that. He just wants to get away from all your gossip. Can’t blame him.”

I can’t quite remember this man’s name. He’s always been the calmest and most reasonable. So much so, I’ve even assumed he’s been the only one to like me. He’s the oldest too, it seems.

“Well look at the new girl. We all know why Kael picked her,” Jess says, getting my attention. “I’m sure she would like to hear some trade secrets.”

I freeze, as everyone’s attention turns on me. It’s the last thing I want. For people to assume Kael chose me for any other reason than the one that is true. Is that why everyone dislikes me? At Jess’s mention, everyone’s faces seems to go sour. I would like someone either if they were selected for another reason. I’m sure they are wrong, though.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I say, unsure.

“Don’t play coy,” Jess says, a grin widening upon her face. The campfire light glinting across her features turns her sinister. Suddenly I want to go to bed. “We know he picked you because he favoured you. All the instructors knew.”

I look around for Ace to help, as if he would be willing to supply me any. “That’s not true. I might not know why he picked me, but that isn’t it.”

“So you’re telling us you didn’t meet with him late at night?” Jess says, tone accusatory.

I’m lost for words for a moment. How am I going to explain myself? The entire group of Silent’s stare at me, including Ace, who thus far hasn’t shown an interest in the conversation. My mind stutters for an excuse, but comes up blank. Naturally, Jess sees me going quiet, and pounces in for the attack.

“See, we all knew it. You can’t hide things from a Silent. It was so obvious. This is the first time in the four years that Kael has been the leader of this, has he selected someone because he’s lonely,” Jess says, her voice turning teasing.

My jaw clenches. They must be just messing with me, initiated me into the group with bullying. When is it Ace’s turn?

“Lonely?” One unfamiliar Silent stutters. “Yeah, one part of his body is lonely.”

My cheeks flush red as the rest add in their dirty taunts and thoughts. Do they really think of me like this? Of their Alpha like this? How angry would Kael be if he knew they were speaking of him like this?

Jess sits forward, prodding the fire with a stick, still looking me dead in the eye. “You may not know it yet, but Kael wants you. It’s easy to see.”

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