Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 11


“Miss Hayes?" Heather repeats and turns around to look at me with wide eyes. She hurries over and studies me closely. “Wh, in the world is that hazel-eyed hunk and why did he just buy you 50 long-stemmed roses?”

Oh, Lord. How do I even begin to explain Tanner Beckett? I don't want to reveal too much, but at the same time, I think Heather and I could become good friends. Besides, I need someone to confide in and help ease the burden I'm feeling right now. Confusion is pelting me like hail, and I need advice or at least a friendly ear. “He's, um...” I glance toward the door he just strode out of and can't help but smile.

“Yeeees?” she presses.

“My ex”

“You dated that beautiful, mouth-watering man?” She sighs dramatically and begins to fan herself. “Why in the world did yo let him go?" Suddenly, her eyes widen, and she gives me a chagrined look. “'m sorry, this is none of my business, is it?"

“It's okay," I say.

“When we met, I sort of had the idea we'd become friends and now here I am getting all up in your business.”

I chuckle. “I thought the same thing. And after having Owen, I don't really have any friends anymore. Except for my sister Kayla and we're only starting to get closer since I moved back. So, it's nice to have someone to confide in. And, believe me, I have a bit of a soap opera happening right now”

The idea of drama makes Heather's eyes light up. “Ooh, that's exciting! I mean, maybe not so much for you. But I'm dying of curiosity over here.”

“So that was Tanner Beckett,” I say slowly, trying to decide what to tell her exactly. But the need to open up and spill my secret is burning me up inside. “He and I..” My voice trails off.


Dated three months and I loved him desperately?

Broke up after I saw him kissing another woman?

Have a child together who he doesn't even know exists?

I'm a freaking mess,! realize, and press my lips together.

“Used to date,” she supplies for me.

“Right. Two years ago, I thought he was the love of my life”

Heather quickly puts two and two together. Or, in my case, the fact that Owen is nearly two years old. “Is Owen..?"

She lets the sentence drag off and I swallow hard and nod. “He's Tanner's son,” I admit. “But Tanner doesn't even know that he exists."

“Oh, God."

I give her a brief rundown of what happened. Or, at least, that was my original plan. But once I start rehashing the past, I en up spilling everything- how we first saw each other on the subway, and he followed me back to the flower shop where I worked; how easy it was to love him and how very quickly we fell for each other; then finding out I was pregnant and the way his controlling father tried to offer me money to get out of his life. All the way up until the moment I saw Tanner kissing that woman on the sidewalk.

“Okay, wait a minute,” she says and holds up a hand. “Are you telling me you just ran off after that? You never even talked to him?”

“He didn't try to talk to me”

“Did he know you were there? That you saw him kiss her?”

I nod. “He looked right at me. I was so upset that I jumped back in the car. He called out to me, but I told the driver to keep going and take me home."

“So, he clearly wanted to talk to you. But then why didn't he come over after or at least call?"

I shake my head. “I have no idea.’

“That's strange. Maybe something happened?”

“What happened is he had told my sister he wanted to end things with me"

“Oh, shit”

The emotions begin to well up and I do my best to hold them back. But it still hurts. So damn bad. “Sorry,” I mumble and swipe at my eyes. “I knew we should talk, and I held onto the hope that maybe I'd seen wrong or didn't know the whole ston but then Kayla told me that he wanted to break up with me. By that point, I was a mess. I had to get as far away from the city and Tanner as possible, so I took off."

“Oh, no.” Her gaze fills with sympathy.

“Maybe it wasn't my finest moment, but I felt so completely wrecked."

“And he never tried to call you?” she asks gently.

I shrug. “I mean maybe. I don't really know. When I left New York, I left my whole life behind, including my phone. I completely started over in New Jersey.”

“That's heart breaking. I can't believe you left- pregnant and alone- and moved to an entirely new city."

“Stupid probably, but I didn't know what else to do. I had to get out of here.”

“Not stupid! I think you were incredibly brave! How in the world did you manage to do it all on your own? I would've cracked “It wasn't easy and luckily my mom came over to help me. I had a difficult pregnancy, and she was there for me. That's why I came back here.”

“To be with your mom?”

“She just passed away and Kayla called and said her affairs were left in shambles. I had to return and organize everything. Make sure everything is taken care of, you know?”

For a long moment, Heather just [ooks at me. “Do you know how glad I am that I hired you?" she asks. “And, even more than that, I'm really happy to say that I think we're going to be good friends."

A smile tugs at my mouth. “I could really use a good friend right about now, I say.

The next thing I know, we're hugging like we've been best friends for years. And it feels so good.

As the weeks pass, I thank my lucky stars that I walked into Heather's flower shop first and that she hired me on the spot. We've become new besties and started hanging out together after work hours. She adores Owen and brings him little presents all the time. She also helped me find a small apartment near work. It's not much, but it's mine, and that makes it perfect.

Kayla and I decide to put mom's house up for sale. Since she has her own place now in the city, and we certainly don't want Randy showing back up and living there, we believe that it's the best decision. Plus, it makes her babysitting Owen that muc easier. Besides, having that extra money will help me pay off some bills my mom still had and give my sister and I some nice money to set aside for our savings.

Everything is starting to come together. But I think the thing that has me most excited is the fact that Tanner comes into the flower shop every day to visit me. He promptly arrives at 2pm when it's my lunch break and takes me out to eat. Then he buys me more flowers and always tucks a little card inside. I have a stack of cards piling up and I keep them on my nightstand and flip through and re-read them every night before bed. They all say something short and sweet like “I missed you” or “You look beautiful today” or “What're you doing Saturday night?”

In my favorite one, he wrote, “A.LH." which are my initials. Then beneath it it says, “A...Lovely..Heart. It's what I've always loved most about you.”


I know that he doesn't love me like that anymore. But maybe he could again? Am I being pathetic? Or just hopeful? I don't know, but it's a damn slippery slope. Heather thinks I should tell him about Owen sooner than later, but I'm still not quite sure how to break that piece of life-altering news yet. I suppose a part of me is scared he'll jet after he finds out he has a kic Another part of me is scared he'll be furious at me for keeping Owen a secret for this long.

It's such a twisted situation. Especially since I can feel myself falling for him all over again. And that's such a scary and vulnerable spot to be in. I must be a glutton for punishment.

Every day while we're at lunch, he asks me to go on a date on the weekend. And every day I tell him no and that it's probably not a good idea to get more deeply involved. In all honesty, I'm terrified. I could never survive another heartbreak if Tanner decided to break up with me again. Once was hard enough. Twice would be beyond devastating.

50,I play it cool for as long as possible and keep him at arm's length, firmly planted in the friend zone. But it's getting harde and harder to do. Then, four weeks after he first walked into Heather's Flowers, I'm sitting across from him, studying his perfect, strong-looking hands for a moment too long. Memories of what they used to feel like moving over my naked body make me start overheating. I want his hands on me again. Badly. So, I do the only thing I can- I cave.

When he asks me if 'm busy Saturday night, I throw caution and my heart to the wind, and I say no.

My answer catches him by surprise- me, too, actually- and his head jerks up from the salad he's eating. “Are you serious?” His reaction is kind of adorable and I try to suppress the smile threatening to grow wider. “Do you want me to change my mind?"

“Not I'm just-" He clears his throat. “I'm just happy."

And there it goes- my smile develops a will of its own and I grin from ear to ear. I'm happy, too, I realize. I'm also scared and hope to God that I didn't just set myself up for the heartbreak of the century.

Tanner walks me back to the flower shop after lunch and before he leaves, he buys a big Ficus in the corner. It's huge and heavy and I have no way to get it home.

“Tanner,” I say, “I don't have any more room in my apartment with all the flowers.”

With a charming smile, he hands me a single pink rose. “This is for you. The plant's for me.”

“Oh, good, I say, feeling a wave of relief. With all the vases and arrangements, it's getting crowded. I never thought I'd be happy to see flowers die. Not that I want his flowers to die, but it clears up some space for all the new ones he keeps buying me daily.

After paying, he lugs the big plant to the door then turns around, walks back over and hands me a card. I feel bad that he's using up all the complimentary cards, but as a paying customer, I suppose it's his right.

I accept the card and our hands linger, fingers touching for longer than necessary. It feels like a thousand butterflies take flight in my stomach and I look up into his golden-green gaze, unable to say a word.

“See you tomorrow evening,” he says in a low voice. Then he walks away, and Heather holds the door open for him as he drags the big, potted Ficus out. I can't help but chuckle as I picture him hauling it down the busy city sidewalk.

The moment the door closes, Heather pounces. “See you tomorrow?" She squeals. “You finally agreed to go out on a real date with him?"

“After 20 lunch dates and thousands of dollars’ worth of flowers, I suppose he earned it.”

She bursts out laughing. “'m so happy for you, Addie. I really think it's going to work between the two of you.”Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

“I'm trying not to have any expectations, but yeah, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested to see where we could go." I flip my ponytail over a shoulder and lean back against the worktable. “'m so freaking nervous, though."

“Because of Owen?”

“Because of everything. Mostly, though, because today all during lunch, all I could think about was jumping his bones.”

“Do you need a babysitter tomorrow night?”

“You wouldn't mind?"

“Hell, no. If I can help contribute to you getting laid, then I'm all in!"

I laugh. “Thanks, Heather.”

“I mean, it's not like you haven't already slept with him. So, you know exactly what you're getting. No surprises there.”

My mind fills with heated memories and my face flushes. Tanner and I were always electric together when it came to the 5*. Of course, that makes me nervous because I'm not sure I'm ready to open that can of worms. That's my brain talking. My body is already picturing him undressed and imagining those long, talented fingers of his touching and stroking every inch ¢ me.

“No, I definitely know what I'm getting when it comes to that and... I release a shaky breath. “Being with Tanner was always amazing”

Heather hoots with approval. “'m so happy for you, Addie. It's like a second-chance romance. Why don't these things ever happen to me?”

I can’t help but smile. “Trust me. You don't want my drama.”

“Oh, I do, though! Especially if he looks anything like Tanner “Hottie” Beckett.”

We both laugh and, once again, I'm so grateful that Heather and I met.

Since it's already Friday, the next night arrives so fast. I take extra time getting ready for our date and when Tanner rings my bell, I plan to go downstairs to meet him.

When I hear the buzz, I squeal, and my nerves shoot straight up to outer space. “That's him! How do I look?”

I do a quick spin in front of Heather and Owen who are playing on the floor. “Absolutely gorgeous,” Heather says and Owen babbles in agreement. “Have a wonderful time and stay out as long as you like. Just so you know, I plan on sleeping over.’ “I'm not making you stay the night,” I say.

“Trust me. I don't mind. Owen and I will hang out until bedtime and then I'm crawling into your bed. So, I hope you have somewhere to spend the night tonight” She tosses me a wink and I give her a quick hug.

“Thank you," I say with a heartfelt smile. “But I will be back at a decent hour”

She waves me off and lifts her brows suggestively. “Just have lots and lots of yummy fun!”

Ilaugh, give Owen a quick kiss, grab my purse and head down the stairs. Tanner waits outside the main door looking so handsome in a simple button-down shirt and jeans. My heart beats double-time when he gives me a devastating smile.

“I would've brought you flowers, but since you mentioned you were running out of room..."

I chuckle. “As much as I love them, please no more. At least for a little while."

He guides me over to his black car parked at the curb, opens the door and I slip inside. It's a nice Mercedes SUV, fairly understated considering he could afford to be driving something flashy like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari. But that was never Tanner. He's not a show-off and I always liked that about him.

As he starts the car, I glance over. “So where are we going?” I ask. “You said to dress casual" I look down at my light sundress and sandals. It's been a long time since I actually got ready to go out. I spent far too long getting ready for tonight's date, bu it felt good.

Being here with Tanner feels good. It feels right.

“It's a surprise,” he says mysteriously.

“Oh! You know I hate surprises,” I exclaim and drop my head against the back of the seat.

“You'll like this surprise” he assures me.

On the way to wherever we're going, we keep the conversation light and chat about inconsequential things like the weather, movies and books. In the back of my head, I feel guilty about not telling him about Owen, but the time isn't right. Not yet anyway. Technically, this is our first real date in two years, and I have no idea how the evening will go. I don't need to throw bombshell at him five minutes into the evening.

I watch for signs, and it suddenly occurs to me where we're going and my heart constricts. “We're going to the 200, aren't we?" I ask, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over me.

He nods. “Surprise,” he says. We get off the exit and turn onto the road that will take us to where I had the best date of my life with this man.

This is why I loved Tanner so much. He's thoughtful and he knows exactly what makes me happy.

As he parks the car, I pull in a deep breath and remember when we came here for the light exhibit. I think that night was when I knew I loved him.

“I hope it's okay that I brought you here,” he says in a low voice.

I nod, trying not to get emotional. “It's perfect.”

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