

Chapter 32

I walk through the airport with my beta and g**a by my side. Some of my warriors were accompanying us. It’s always wise to be careful. You may never know when trouble will arise.

It took us almost two hours to get here, and we still had a long way to go.

To say I’m irritable would be an understatement. We were going to an unknown territory to meet an Alpha no one had ever set their eyes on. You can see why I would be on edge. This could go horribly wrong, given that we weren’t able to inform them ahead of time.

“I’m still f**g p**d at you,” I snarled at Jason, who simply showed his neck in submission.

“I already said I’m sorry,” he said, barely above a whisper.

Micah groaned beside me in frustration. “That’s not going to do s**t. How could you forget to call ahead?”

Jason glared at Micah, his eyes flashing. “Don’t act like you’ve never gotten so f**g busy that your forgot to do something.”

“Sure, I have, but I’ve never forgotten something as important as calling to inform the Alpha of another pack that we would be visiting.” Micah said with a snort.

“Don’t take that **n*his was all Jason’s f**g fault. He was supposed to call and inform them of our arriv*al. The idiot apparently forgot, and by the time we discovered his idiocy and called, we couldn’t get through.

We couldn’t postpone, so we just continued with our plans. It would be like an ambush, but I hope that the Alpha won’t see it that way, or we will have a problem.

The two started growling at each other, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Will the two of you just f**g cut it out?” I commanded, pinching the bridge of my nose.

It’s like sometimes they forget that they are adults and revert to bickering like kids. It gets on my d**n nerves when they start behaving like two-year-olds.

They were about to start to argue again when one of my warriors interrupted them.

08:45 Thu, 11 Jul &ww.

Chapter 32

“Our rides are here, Alpha,” he said respectfully.

I nod just as several SUVS pull up in front of us. Without a word, I got into one of them, and the warriors followed suit. If the two didn’t stop, I was going to leave their a** here.


Luckily, they stopped glaring daggers at each other long enough to get into the car. The moment they do, we are off.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Micah asked after a while.

I loosened my tie. F**k! This place was hot as hell, unlike how cool the north was.

“Yes… why do you ask?”

He fidgets a little. Something that is so unlike Micah.

mbarked on

“I don’t know why, but I get this feeling that something big is about to happen. We have this journey, and my gut tells me that nothing will ever be the same after this,” he replied, looking outside, his gaze distant.

Knox, who

His words sent chills down my back. was quiet the whole time, lifted his head and nodded in agreement. Ignoring his words, I turned to face outside.

There was nothing but boulders and shrubs. It’s a very dry and scorching place. It makes me wonder how a pack can even survive here, let alone grow to become a feared pack.

My thoughts are interrupted when my phone rings. Fishing it out, I checked the caller’s ID, smiling for the first time since Elder Martin made that discovery about my mate.

“Hello, Buttercup,” I greeted her with a lighter tone.

Piper hasn’t been back to the pack since she left three years ago, I miss my little sister like crazy, but I know she needed this. She’s been traveling, visiting different places. We’ve kept in touch and have met up whenever I travel for business and the city I’m going to coincides with the one she’s currently


“Hi, Big Brother… How are you? How are you holding up?” she asked excitedly.

Seeing her and hearing how happy she is puts my heart at ease. She left the pack heartbroken because of the death of that c**t, and that was just another thing I held against Sadie, even though she was already dead.

Chapter 32

I chuckle, pushing those bitter thoughts away. “I’m okay, Pip… You don’t have to worry about me.”

I know she’s concerned because of what happened with Lola, but I wish she wasn’t. She’s always pushing me to find a chosen to fill the void Lola left. I kept promising I would, even though I knew I wouldn’t.

She doesn’t know what’s been going on, so she has no idea that Lola wasn’t my fated.

“I’ll always worry, Alec. You’re my brother and the only family I have.” Her voice takes a sad tone, and 1

hate it.

“Piper, I’m okay… I promise,” I assured her. “Not that I don’t love hearing from you, but is there a particular reason you’re calling?”

I wanted to distract her, but it was also weird. She calls at night, given that she knows I’m usually busy

during the day.

“Are you going somewhere?” she asked instead of answering my question.

I hate it when people answer a question with a question.

“Yeah, I have some business to discuss with The Hope pack’s Alpha. I’m headed there right now.”

thear her squeal loudly, and I’m forced to pull the handset away from my ear so that I don’t damage

my ears.

“Piper, you’re going to make me deaf.” Bringing my phone back to my ears, l’tell her irritably.

“I’m just so excited. You being here is perfect because I have some good news.”

Sitting up right, I perk up at her words. She sounded ecstatic, which piques my curiosity.

“You’re here?”

“Yes, not in the Hope pack, but in another pack on the east side of it. I was planning to come home, but since you’re here, it’ll be easier. Gosh, I’m so excited about you meeting him.”

Deep down, I know who she probably wants me to meet, but I ask anyway.

“Meet who, Piper?”

“My mate!” she shouted and both Knox and I groaned. “You’re going to love him, I swear.”

Chapter 32

“I doubt that,” I said with a sneer.

This is my sister, whom we are talking about. Unless he is anything short of a d**n angel, I doubt I’m going to like the f**r.

“You will,” she gushed, completely ignoring my words. “Anyway, I have to go, but let me know when you get to the pack, that way we can arrange dinner so you can meet him.”

Before I could even take a breath or reply, she hung up. It was so like her. When she gets happy or excited about something, she becomes super hyper.

“She found her mate?” Jason asked, but it was more of a statement than a question.


“I honestly feel sorry for the f**r for having you as a brother-in-law,” Micah chimes in, and I just glare at him.

Choosing to remain silent, I check and answer some emails while Micah and Jason talk about what they imagine Hope pack will be like.

I know some might think that it was idiotic to bring both my Beta and G**a with me, but for some reason, there was this nagging feeling that I should bring both of them with me. Micah was supposed. to stay behind, but my gut wouldn’t allow me to make that decision, so here we are.

I left the elders in charge, along with three of my best warriors. We were a bit weakened, but we still had the numbers, and they could put up a fight in case of an attack.

“We are here.” At Jason’s voice, I looked


I’d been so lost in thought and answering pending emails that I didn’t notice that the car had stopped.

The door opens, and I step outside, with Micah and Jason following behind me.

It looked like we were in the middle of nowhere, but that’s not what stopped me.

“It looks like a f**g impenetrable fortress,” Micah whispered.

My thoughts exactly. The wall was so f**g high, and it surrounded the place. You couldn’t see a thing inside. I started walking towards the front gate as the others followed behind me.

“State your business,” a man, whom I assume is a warrior, said.

1875 THU, 11 Su

Chapter 32


After allowing my senses to guide me, I realized that he was a vampire. This whole pack puzzled me. Sure, my company hires all species, but it’s one thing to work with them and to have a pack with all species included.

“This is my Alpha, and we are here on business. I’m sorry we weren’t able to call ahead, but it was an urgent matter,” Micah explained when I remained silent.

He stares at the rest before his eyes swing back to me. I hated it when people stared at me directly in the air. It was a sign of a challenge.

Releasing a bit of my aura, I made him submit.

“I’ll let the Alpha know,” he bowed his head, and showed me his neck in surrender.

Ignore the gasps of my warriors. My father, Jason, and Micah are the only ones who know that vampires can submit to me.

He opens the gates, and the last thing I see before walking away is him holding a phone to his ear.

“Remember what I said in the car earlier? Well, that feeling has intensified. I want nothing more than to turn back and leave,” Micah murmured.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

I had to grit my teeth against the same feeling. It’s like something inside me was begging me to turn back and leave. It was warning me that I wouldn’t like what I found.

Not paying attention to anything except the path ahead of me, I push myself to move. I wanted to get this over and done with.

Finally, we get to what I assume is the pack house. The door opens, and three people step out.

My soul feels like it’s encased in ice when one of the person’s faces registers. I’m rooted to the ground in shock while feeling like my wounds have been ripped open.

“Sadie?” Micah whispered, shocked.

Her hair had grown, and she looked a bit different, but it was definitely her. It was definitely Sadie f** Evans, and she was definitely not dead.

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