
Alec’s CHAPTER 71

Chapter 71


I barely slept a wink last night, and you could tell by the eye bags under my eyes. I haven’t had a moment of rest or peace since Alec walked back into my life.

If I’d known all the s**t that would come with him walking back into my life, I would have moved to a different continent. Hell, a different planet if that were possible.

I want my life to go back to how simple it was a few weeks ago. Sure, I had my scars, both physically, emotionally and **y, but I was at peace. I didn’t have all these mysteries surrounding. I didn’t have a constant migraine from thinking too much. I didn’t carry the weight of lifting a f**g curse on my shoulders.

Sometimes I wonder if things would have been better if I hadn’t fallen in love with Alec. I’ve gone over what I would have done differently more times than I could count. The end results are always the same. Despite the pain and heartache, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Changing things and wishing they were different would mean Aspen never existed…. and I would never regret her.

There is also the matter of Beth, Raven, King and my pack. If things hadn’t happened the way they did, I wouldn’t have met any of them.

“Will, you pay attention?” Nyx’s irritated voice pulls me from my thoughts.

“Sorry,” I reply sheepishly.

Nyx hadn’t been joking when she said we would start training. The moment we were done with breakfast, she had demanded we leave so that we could start training.

Since I had a hard time sleeping, I woke up pretty early. After debating whether or not to go downstairs for breakfast, I took a shower and headed for the kitchen. You have no idea the relief I felt when I didn’t find anyone inside.

Sure, things have changed, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to face my previous pack. It would be overwhelming for me. I still had a hard time being around their alpha, seeing them would be too much.

After eating some cereal, I’d gone and called Martha. After she’d settled in my room with a still sleeping Aspen, I’d gone into Raven’s room to let her know of my whereabouts so she isn’t worried. After that, I’d silently left the pack house.

“So, first of all, I want you to clear your head,” she says after she calms down.


“No, you have too many thoughts running around your head. For this to work, you need to completely focus on our powers. You can’t serve two masters at the same time. You can’t focus on both your thoughts and powers.”

We were in a meadow that used to be my favorite place in the pack. Piper and I played here countless of times when we were little kids. I loved the flowers and just how green and bright the whole area was. When I wanted to be alone or to just think, this is where I used to come.

Settling cross legged on the grass, I get comfortable and close my eyes.

“Don’t try to chase away your thoughts, just let them wander, but don’t focus on them. Don’t hold onto them. Your brain will eventually clear out.”

It’s so f**g hard. I’m the kind of person that overthinks things. I tend to overanalyze and overthink things until they

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Chapter 71

drive me to the point of insanity..

Trying not to dwell on my thoughts is similar to trying to squeeze water from a rock. It is hard.



I struggle with that for what seems to be forever until finally, I just stop. I stop trying to dwell on them, and just let my mind


Everything floods my mind. Alec. His pack. My pack. The mysterious woman. The hybrids. My powers. The other alpha female. The curse. On and on they go in. rattling inside my head like caged wild animals.This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

I don’t dwell on them, and just let them go in whichever direction they desire. Soon enough, my body starts swaying and I feel like I am in a trance. I’ve never meditated before, but I think this might be it.

I’m not sure how much time has passed when I realized that my mind is quiet. Empty.

There isn’t a single thought in my head. Opening my eyes, I’m impressed. The entire thing is amazing because my head has never been this free. It has never been empty. As long as I can remember, there has always been a thought I’m dwelling on.

I felt liberated.

“Finally,” Nyx drawls. “I almost fell asleep waiting for you to clear that head of yours.”

“It’s our head, in case you haven’t noticed

“Please, I meant you mind, which by the way is messier than a teenager’s room.”

“Can we just start training?”

The goddess was just trying me when she gave me a sassy wolf. One who is a complete opposite of who I am.

“Fine.” She mumbles. “Today we are going to start off with something easy.”

“Which is?”


I still, and just stare into space. Teleportation? Of all things. I would ask if she was crazy, but then again, she is crazy, so there is no need to ask.

“Are you crazy? Teleportation? That looks harder than diamonds. Can’t we start with something easier? Like controlling my powers.”

I didn’t even know I could teleport. Truth be told, I don’t really know what my powers entail. With everything that has been going on, I meant to ask Nyx, but it kept slipping my mind.

She rolls her eyes at me, “In order for you to control your powers, you need to understand them, and for you to understand them, you need to use them.”

That made absolutely no f**g sense… And I do tell her that.

“Trust me, teleportation is the easy part. You need to learn how to use your powers on your own. When they first awakened, I was partly in control, that’s why we were even able to fly. The few times you were in control, you lost control. We can’t have


“In my defense, unlike you, they’re new to me.”


Chapter 71

“They are not new to you. You’ve just forgotten how to use them anyway, teleportation is easy as compared to the rest. You’ll need to learn how to fly, Summon our scepters. Control the elements. Create energy balls…. and many more.”

I understand what she is saying, but one thing caught my attention.

They are not new to you. You’ve just forgotten how to use them.


What the hell did she mean? Of these powers are new to me… And I doubt I would have forgotten how to use these kinds of powers if I had them. Why would she say that? It takes a second to realize it must have been a slip of the tongue.

“Okay, let’s begin” she commands before I can ask her to elaborate on what she meant. “Close your eyes, and imagine yourself somewhere else.”

I do as she says, but my mind keeps wandering and I simply can’t decide on a place to focus on.

“Stop, just start with something simple. Think of a place not far from here and then focus your entire being on that place. Don’t think of how you’ll get there… Or how it will happen. Just focus on the place. Nothing else.”

I think of all the places on this pack that I used to love. For some reason my mind latches on the image of the training grounds. I try thinking of anywhere else, but the image stays put.

If I’m honest with myself, I know why my mind thought of the training grounds. It used to be one of my favorite places because I got to see Alec training. He was a beast when he was in training mode, and sometimes he would train without a shirt on. I’d stay on the bleachers and just dreamily watch his muscles and abs contract while I imagined licking my way down his chest.

Ishake those memories away and focus. Since my brain refuses to focus on any other place. The training arena is it.

“Good, now push all your energy into that image. Want it, until that want vibrates through every cell of your body.”

I do as she says and just focus on that image. Slowly by slowly, I feel my body start vibrating. The power is there, so close I could almost taste it.

“Now, release it along with the image.” Nyx’s voice guides me.

I release the power and open my eyes. I frown when the image of the meadow greets me. I close my eyes again and follow the instructions until I feel power coating every cell of my body.

“This isn’t working,” I grumble when for the third time when nothing happens.

“Just keep trying until it does.”

Heaving a frustrated breath, I try again. This time I make sure that the image in my head, is all I see, feel and breathe.

A weird sensation goes through my body. For a moment I feel light. Like I am floating on air. It feels like cells are vibrating on a different level. For a moment I feel like I am space. Like I’m no longer on earth.

The feeling fades and slowly I feel myself or rather my cells reattaching themselves to the physical. When I open my eyes, I’m no longer in the meadow, instead, I’m in the training arena with eyes on me.

“Oh, my Goddess” someone screams. “A ghost!”

F**k me. I didn’t think there would be anyone here… and it looks like they don’t know I’m alive.

There are some screaming, while others watch me with shock plastered over their faces. They are pale, and I can imagine why. They thought I was dead, and then I seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

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Chapter 71



I turn around in circles, a smile playing on my face while I watch as they scream and scramble. If they don’t chill, they’ll end up causing a stampede.

“You are enjoying this entirely too much,” Nyx states.

“Sue me!”

For a moment, I even forget that I’d just teleported from the meadow. The feeling of tormenting them even a little, is breathtaking.

“What the hell is going on here?” Alec’s booming and commanding voice cuts across the space, causing everyone to freeze in their spots.

“G-ghost” one of his members stutters. “S-Sadie has come back to haunt us.”

This time I couldn’t help, I burst out laughing. This makes Alec’s head swing in my direction. On seeing this, he just shakes his head, before pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Meeting in thirty minutes, there are things I need to explain,” he says, his eyes never leaving me.

And that was my cue to leave. I close my eyes and focus on the meadow. This time I knew what to do and how to tap into my powers. My body starts feeling light again.

The last thing I hear before disappearing are their horrified screams. Any torment I can give them for what they put me through is well worth it.

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