After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

#98 “You Two are A Handful.”

The air in Benjamin’s living room, thick with the residue of a strategic discussion, began to lighten as the trio -Sophia, Benjamin, and Alexander- shifted gears from the weighty matters at hand. The intricate web of corporate intrigue had momentarily given way to a more lighthearted atmosphere.

Sophia broke the brief silence. “Well, all this plotting and planning has left me famished. How about we grab something to eat?”

As her suggestion hung in the air, Sophia didn’t know she started a childish competitive spark between Benjamin and Alexander.

Benjamin, his composed demeanor momentarily disrupted, exclaimed, ” Absolutely! I know the perfect place. They have the best seafood in town.”

Alexander, not one to be outdone, countered with a sly smile. “Seafood is good, but have you tried the Italian place downtown? Their pasta is out of this world.”

Sophia, caught in the middle of this culinary rivalry, couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, gentlemen, let’s settle this. How about we compromise and go for a place that offers both seafood and pasta? I’m sure such a utopia exists in London.” Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Benjamin and Alexander, though still competitive, reluctantly agreed to the compromise. The prospect of a shared meal seemed to momentarily alleviate the tension, and they headed out in search of the elusive restaurant that would satisfy both preferences.

As they strolled through the vibrant streets of London, the trio engaged in casual banter, the earlier gravity of their conversation replaced by light- hearted exchanges. Sophia, adept at navigating the dynamics between Benjamin and Alexander, subtly teased them about their culinary preferences.

“So, Benjamin, are you a seafood enthusiast, or are you just trying to impress me with your restaurant choices?”

Benjamin replied with a charming smile. “A bit of both, perhaps. But I genuinely believe you’ll love the flavors at this place.”

Alexander, not one to let an opportunity pass, interjected, “Well, Sophia, if you prefer pasta, I can guarantee you an Italian experience that will leave you craving for more.”

Sophia, reveling in the banter, played along. “I see we are doing this again. Looks like I have quite the connoisseurs competing for my appetite. Let’s see who wins.”

The trio finally settled on a restaurant that boasted a diverse menu, ensuring everyone could find something to their liking. As they took their seats, the rivalry between Benjamin and Alexander continued.

“I must say, Sophia,” Benjamin began, “their seafood platter is renowned. You’ll thank me later.”

Alexander, undeterred, added, “But don’t underestimate the allure of a perfectly crafted pasta dish. It’s an art, really.”

As they perused the menu, the waiter approached, ready to take their orders. Sophia, sensing an opportunity to playfully fuel the competition, turned to the two men. “I’ll let you both decide. Surprise me.”

The challenge was accepted with a nod from both Benjamin and Alexander. Each determined to win not just Sophia’s appetite but also her attention.

Sophia wasn’t really sure what was happening between Alexander and Benjamin but she found it hilarious. And she decides to play along as long as they act like children.

As the meal progressed, they discussed travel and shared anecdotes, and favorite books and movies. However, underneath the veneer of camaraderie, the unspoken tension between Benjamin and Alexander simmered.

At one point, Sophia, noticing a hint of frustration on Benjamin’s face, asked, ” Is something bothering you, Benjamin?

Benjamin caught off guard, hesitated before responding. “No, no, just lost in thought. Enjoying the meal.”

Alexander, ever observant, chimed in. ” Perhaps he’s disappointed that his seafood strategy didn’t win you over.”

Benjamin, attempting to mask his true feelings with a casual smile, replied, ” Not at all. I’m just appreciating the company and the good food.”

“Until I eat it all, I can’t judge which one tastes better,” says Sophia.

She covers her face with a napkin because she’s going to burst out laughing at any moment. These were two grown men who had gained important positions in business and dealt with complex situations every day, but now they were competing over food.

Sophia just didn’t understand where their desire to compete constantly came from, but she wasn’t going to stop them. There was something about the situation that just amused her.

The subtle dynamics of their interactions revealed the complexity of emotions at play. Benjamin, harboring a crush on Sophia, was caught between the desire to express his feelings and the fear of jeopardizing their friendship. He envied Alexander’s unabashed affection for Sophia, despite her previous rejection of him.

“So, Alexander,” Sophia began, her tone filled with genuine concern, ” how’s that arm holding up? You took quite a hit back there.”

Alexander, playing along with a mischievous glint in his eyes, winced theatrically. “Ah, the perils of being a knight in shining armor. I’ll survive, though. A small sacrifice for the damsel in distress.”

Sophia chuckled, appreciating the theatrical display. “Well, I appreciate the chivalry, even if it comes with a touch of drama. But seriously, are you okay?”

Benjamin observed the exchange with frustration. He couldn’t deny the pang of jealousy that tugged at him, seeing Sophia’s genuine concern for Alexander. It wasn’t that he doubted Alexander’s injury; rather, it was the subtle realization that Sophia’s attention had shifted, and he found himself on the outskirts of her focus.

“Oh, you know,” Alexander replied, just a little cut. Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t cure.”

Sophia nodded, a caring smile on her face. “Well, make sure to take it easy, okay? I wouldn’t want you to suffer for my sake.”

Benjamin, unable to contain his thoughts, interjected, “Sophia, I’m sure Alexander is exaggerating. Probably trying to win some sympathy points.”

Sophia, glancing back at Benjamin, laughed. “You think so? Well, I’d rather be overly concerned than indifferent. It’s part of my charm.”

Benjamin, his tone light but with a hint of playful competition, remarked, “If you say so. But I bet I can spot a real injury from a fake one. Let me take a look.”

Alexander obliged with a dramatic flair. “By all means, Dr. Benjamin, inspect away.”

Benjamin examined Alexander’s arm, much to Sophia’s amusement. The scenario, though born out of a lighthearted moment, underscored the subtle shift in dynamics.

Sophia, perhaps unintentionally, had become more attuned to Alexander’s well-being. She lingered near him, her concern evident, while Benjamin played the role of the good-natured skeptic.

After the impromptu medical inspection, Sophia turned to Benjamin with a teasing smile. “Well, Dr. Benjamin, what’s your diagnosis?”

Benjamin, attempting to maintain a composed exterior despite the twinge of jealousy, replied, “No serious injuries here. Just a case of dramatic flair, as I suspected.”

Sophia laughed. “You two are a handful, you know that?”

Benjamin couldn’t shake off the lingering sense of unease. He realized that Sophia, unaware of his feelings, remained oblivious to the emotional turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

For Sophia, it was a terribly funny situation. Benjamin and Alexander took it too personally. They were aware of the absurdity of their actions but still did their best to keep Sophia’s attention.

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