After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 222

#222 “If You Came to Gloat, Leave.”

In the morning, Alexander sat in his office, nursing a cup of coffee as he sifted through his emails, trying to focus on the tasks at hand. However, his concentration was shattered when Michael barged into his office without so much as a knock.

“Well, brother, our father has put on a terrible show for you,” Michael declared bluntly.

“If you came to gloat, leave, I have work to do,” Alexander retorted, his tone terse as he tried to keep his emotions in check.

“Exactly the opposite. I came to get involved,” Michael countered, his voice carrying a hint of urgency.

“What does that mean?” Alexander asked, turning his chair to face his brother fully, curiosity piqued by Michael’s unexpected offer of assistance.

Michael took the liberty of sitting down in the chair opposite Alexander, crossing his legs casually as he leaned back. “That son of a bitch has caused enough trouble since we were kids. I’m sick of watching him wreck. And even if I’m not your biggest fan, Alexander, I’m ready to help in whatever way I can, if only to send him back into the hole he crawled out of,” he explained, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Alexander raised an eyebrow, surprised by Michael’s uncharacteristic display of solidarity. “You know, Michael, on principle I would tell you to fuck yourself, but I think we both deserve revenge,” he admitted, a reluctant respect creeping into his tone.

“That’s my boy. Do you have an idea?” Michael leaned forward eagerly, his interest piqued by the prospect of taking down their father.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I was hoping that when you came to me, you would come with a proposal,” Alexander sighed, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on him.

“What are you doing to control the situation?” Michael asked, his tone edged with impatience.

“I’m scouring through documents, reports, anything that can prove he’s lying. Sophia is currently in London, chasing leads on her grandfather’s trail, piecing together parts of the puzzle,” Alexander responded, his voice tinged with determination.

“That’s not enough, Alexander. What if you don’t find anything?” Michael pressed, his frustration evident.

“We will find out,” Alexander declared boldly, refusing to entertain the possibility of failure.

“Yeah, it’s a good thing I showed up,” Michael chuckled, his tone laced with sarcasm. “You’ve never been one for revenge or plotting evil. You’re all full of nobility.”

“And what’s wrong with nobility?”

Alexander shot back, his pride stung by Michael’s insinuation.

“The problem is that you’re only interested in clearing your name. I want to destroy him so thoroughly that he never dares to show his face again,” Michael retorted, his determination palpable.

“Alright, then what do you suggest? Are you finished criticizing?” Alexander countered, his patience wearing thin.

“Our father is a man who likes to brag excessively, his ego is a great weakness. I say hit it right there,” Michael proposed, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

“You still offer nothing,” Alexander countered, his skepticism evident.

“I suggest we play a trick on him, Alexander. Let him reveal himself,” Michael elaborated, leaning forward in his seat, his expression serious.

“You have my full attention now,” Alexander replied, his interest piqued by Michael’s suggestion.

Sophia had been sitting in her grandfather’s apartment, her fingers tracing the weathered pages of the second diary, while Benjamin’s admonishments filled the room like a heavy cloud. She listened to his tirade, his words a constant barrage of disapproval and concern.

“It was irresponsible, stupid, and childish, Sophia,” Benjamin scolded, his voice laced with frustration. “Do you realize that if you had been caught…

“But they didn’t catch me,” Sophia interjected, her voice tinged with defiance. She was tired of defending her actions, tired of being treated like a child.

“How did you even think of jumping the fences? What if they had nothing?” Benjamin pressed on, his brow furrowed in exasperation.

“At least I would be sure, and that’s not the important thing,” Sophia retorted, her tone growing more assertive. “Now I have the second diary.”

Benjamin’s frustration only seemed to escalate as Sophia continued to push back against his admonishments. ”

Back when we were in our old homes, I told you it was dangerous to dig around…”

“Enough, Benjamin,” Sophia cut him off, her patience wearing thin. “I must make amends, and my only hope lies in these diaries.”

Benjamin growled angrily, clearly at his wit’s end with Sophia’s stubbornness.

“Maybe you should go for a walk,” Becky suggested, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the room.

“Yes, great idea,” said Sophia, seizing upon the opportunity to be alone with the diary once more. “You two go.”

Benjamin sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. ” Fine,” he relented begrudgingly. “But promise me you won’t do anything reckless while we’re gone.”

Sophia rolled her eyes, her patience wearing thin. “I promise, Benjamin. I’ll just sit here and twiddle my thumbs until you get back.”

As Benjamin and Becky left the apartment, Sophia let out a frustrated sigh. She knew Benjamin meant well, but his constant nagging was starting to wear on her nerves. She had a mission to accomplish, and she couldn’t afford to let anything-or anyone-stand in her way.

Sophia opened the first page of the diary and her attention was immediately captivated by the first lines.

“Dear Sophia,” the diary began, each word etched onto the yellowed paper with a sense of urgency and purpose, maybe it’s time to tell you about my life when things weren’t so easy. The moment when I had to commit crimes…”

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