After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 185

#184 “Damn you, Alexander.”

When Ben finally stirred awake from the haze of anesthesia, the first thing he noticed was the absence of Sophia by his side. Confusion clouded his mind as he glanced around the hospital room, searching for any sign of her presence. Instead, he found himself face to face with a stranger-a caregiver hired by Alexander to tend to his needs.

“Where’s Sophia?” Ben’s voice came out hoarse, his throat dry from the effects of the anesthesia.

The caregiver, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, approached him with a sympathetic smile. “She had to step out for a bit, but don’t worry, dear. I’m here to take care of you,” she reassured him, her voice gentle and soothing.

Ben’s brows furrowed in frustration and resentment. He couldn’t understand why Sophia would leave him alone in his time of need. Anger bubbled up inside him as he struggled to make sense of the situation. He remembered seeing Alexander with her the night he was shot and decided that he was behind Sophia’s absence.

As Benjamin’s frustration grew, he decided to take matters into his own hands. With his phone in hand, he dialed Alexander’s number, his fingers trembling with anger as he waited for him to pick up.

“Alexander,” Benjamin’s voice was sharp and accusatory as soon as the call connected. “What the hell did you do?”

Alexander, caught off guard by the sudden confrontation, took a moment to compose himself before responding. “Benjamin, what are you talking about? “he replied, feigning innocence.

“Don’t play dumb with me,” Benjamin snapped, his anger boiling over. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You kept Sophia from coming to see me at the hospital. Why would you do that?

Alexander feigned innocence, his tone dripping with faux concern. “Sophia? Last I heard, she was taking a much- needed break,” he replied casually, though there was a smug undertone in his voice that grated on Benjamin’s nerves.

“You know damn well that you’re behind this,” Benjamin snapped, his patience wearing thin. “You’re trying to keep her away from me.”

A knowing chuckle escaped Alexander’s lips, confirming Benjamin’s suspicions. “Oh, Ben, always jumping to conclusions,” he retorted, his voice oozing with condescension. “I’m just looking out for her well-being, unlike some people.”

Benjamin’s blood boiled at Alexander’s arrogant demeanor. “You’re just doing this out of spite,” he accused, his voice trembling with anger. “You can’t stand the thought of her being with anyone else.”

There was a moment of silence on the line before Alexander spoke again, his tone dripping with smug satisfaction. ” Believe what you want, Ben,” he replied dismissively. “But Sophia’s well-being is my priority, not your selfish desires.”

With that, he ended the call, leaving Benjamin seething with frustration and resentment.

As Alexander ended the call with Benjamin, Sophia’s curious gaze fell upon him, her brow furrowed with concern. “Who was that, Alexander?” she inquired.

“It was Benjamin,” he admitted.

Sophia’s eyes widened in surprise, her concern deepening at the mention of Benjamin’s name. “Benjamin? How is he?” she asked, her voice laced with worry.

“He’s awake,” Alexander replied, his tone solemn as he met Sophia’s gaze. ” But I’m not sure if he’s in the best state to receive visitors.”

Sophia’s brow furrowed. “We should go see him, Alexander,” she insisted, her voice firm with determination. “He needs us.”

Alexander hesitated for a moment, weighing Sophia’s request against his own reservations. Despite his lingering resentment towards Benjamin, he couldn’t deny Sophia’s concern for her friend. With a resigned sigh, he nodded in agreement. “Alright, Sophia. Let’s go see him,” he relented, his voice tinged with reluctant acquiescence. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

As they arrived at the hospital, Alexander held Sophia’s hand possessively, his protective instinct kicking in as they made their way to Benjamin’s room. Sophia glanced up at him, her expression softened by his touch, but she couldn’t shake off the unease brewing within her.

Upon entering the room, Sophia’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of Benjamin lying in the hospital bed, his expression tense and guarded. She approached him tentatively, her concern evident in her eyes as she asked him how he was feeling.

Benjamin forced a weak smile, trying to mask his frustration and discomfort. ” I’m fine, Sophia. Just glad to be awake, “he replied, his voice strained with the effort.

Sophia lingered beside Benjamin’s bed, her heart heavy with worry as she gazed at him, searching his eyes for any sign of comfort. “Benjamin, I want you to know that I’m here for you,” she said softly, her voice filled with genuine concern. “If you need anything, anything at all, just let me know.”

Benjamin managed a weak smile, though his eyes betrayed the turmoil within. “Thanks, Sophia. I appreciate it, “he replied, his tone tinged with gratitude despite the bitterness festering in his heart.

Before their conversation could deepen, Alexander’s voice cut through the tension like a sharp blade, his suggestion piercing the air.

“I think it’s best if we let Benjamin rest for now. He needs time to recover,” he said, his tone firm yet tinged with understanding.

Sophia hesitated, her gaze torn between her concern for Benjamin and Alexander’s insistence on giving him space.

“But I don’t want to leave him alone. What if he needs something?” she countered, her voice laced with worry.

Alexander’s touch was reassuring as he placed a hand on her shoulder, his gaze steady.

“I’ve arranged for a caregiver to look after him. He’ll be in good hands,”

Reluctantly, Sophia nodded, her eyes flickering with uncertainty as she cast one last worried glance at Benjamin lying in the hospital bed. With a heavy sigh, she followed Alexander out of the room, the weight of guilt settling in her chest like a stone.

As they made their way down the hospital corridor, Sophia’s mind buzzed with thoughts of Benjamin’s well-being, her heart heavy with the burden of responsibility.

“I hope he’ll be okay,” she murmured to herself, her words lost in the quiet hum of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Benjamin’s anger smoldered just beneath the surface as he watched Sophia leave with Alexander, his resentment burning bright in the dim hospital room.

“Damn you, Alexander,” he muttered under his breath. “You won’t keep her from me.”

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